Religion Books
Die Kantaten Johann Sebastian Bachs zum Sonntag Jubilate
Im Vergleich der drei Kantaten Johann Sebastian Bachs zum selben Thema treten grundlegende Wesensmerkmale Bachscher Musiksprache deutlich hervor: Hermeneutik, Figuren, Affekte, und eine überraschende Zahlensymbolik.
TAFSIIRKA QURAANKA KARIIMKA AH, Jiska 30aad. 1: Al-Faatixah. 114: An-Naas. 113: Al-Falaq. 112: Al-Ikhlaas. 111: Al-Masad. 110: An-Nasr. 109: Al-Kaafiruun. 108: Al-Kawthar. 107: Al-Maacuun. 106: Quraysh. 105: Al-Fiil. 104: Al-Humazah. 103: Al-Casr. 102: At-Takaathur. 101: Al-Qaaricah. 100...
The Blood Sacrifice
Ever wanted to understand what the most consistent ritual in all the man is all about? Dive deep into revelation and knowledge and finally understand the true meaning behind blood sacrifices and discover its relationship with your salvation.
Aleph and Gimel Workbook
This workbook is a companion to the Aleph and Gimel short story. The workbook has questions about the short story as well as, a practice page, for writing the Aleph-Bets. The workbook not only helps you to review the story, but it also helps you to remember the letters of the Hebrew Aleph-Bet...
Hebrew Training Manual & Workbook
This Hebrew Training Manual is for anyone that wants to learn or study the Hebrew language. What makes this manual unique, is the short story about all the Hebrew Aleph-Bets, included in this version of the manual. The story is fun and entertaining, with a touch of drama. And the amazing part is...
فَيضٌ مِنض الحُب-أولُ الندى
It's a spiritual book, my first attempt.All it's articles are as a spiritual reflection for life experiences. I was trying to express mine, and others life experiences in a way of meditation or prayer to give some hope and peace.
Forty Spiritual Cures (Including Medical Treatments)
This book is about forty (40) spiritual cures. An Important and beneficial Book for you which will increase your knowledge and good deeds ان شاء اللہ عزوجل. Kindly share this book with others to spread authentic knowledge of Islam.
Eschatology 101
Among all of the opinions on the end times, and what is to soon come to pass, is there a cohesive understanding that can be reached? In this, I lay out the most basic foundational information from Genesis through Revelation concerning the end times. This is my best attempt at writing an exhaustive...
The Other Side Of The Holy Cover
Hundreds of Bible based articles on many subjects ranging from timelines to come as you are but do not stay as you are. It includes a non political view of 'A History Of The World.' My prime objective is for the reader to gain insight and understanding, a righteous perspective, of the world we...
Blessings Everytime
Blessings Everytime akan mengajak siapa saja yang membacanya untuk menyelami peristiwa-peristiwa dan pengalaman-pengalaman ‘biasa’ dalam hidup dan menemukan makna luar biasa yang terkandung dari setiap pengalaman tersebut. Buku ini diharapkan dapat ...