Ten Marks of The Beast by Marie Seltenrych - HTML preview

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In a world still reeling from the pandemic, God remains in control.

This edition was written over ten years ago and will be eternally relevant for those who seek after truth.

During this past year and more, 2020 - 2021,  we have been rocked to our bones because of the unforeseen pandemic that has and is threatening our very existence as a human species.

Every human being is precious to God, no matter where or how you are born. You are created in God’s image and should be respected absolutely. You know this in your heart.

In Scripture there is a good deal of information about the “Last Days” and for some right now is their personal “Last Days” on earth. However, we know that this means the last days of the world in which we know it, round and blue from outer space, black and sparkling from earth’s surface (looking up at night).

As the world struggles with what the scientists say about “climate change” we rush onwards trying to fathom what will remain for our offspring, the generations to come?

From the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70 to today, we tremble to think that we are even alive in 2021. 2000 years has passed since the words of the Bible were concluded, yet we have not concluded our earthly pilgrimages. Every person that has walked on this earth is eternal and each one must bring an account to God at the Judgement. “It is appointed unto men (humans) once to die and after this, the judgement.”{1}

The question still remains, “who is the Beast of Revelation?”

This study addresses this issue and is based on Biblical and historical events.

I hope you may have peace in finding out a little more about the events to come and the cause. Also, remember our “God is a consuming fire”{2} yet he is “Love”{3} at its finest point.