Ten Marks of The Beast


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Published: 3 years ago

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Book Description HTML

It's time for the marks of the beast to be revealed. 2,000 years after this man was named, we are still expecting his appearance.Do your studies and see how this beast can be known by his marks. Ten Marks of the Beast shows what to watch out for and how historically he has been depicted, from the Apostle John (Revelation) to Josephus (Jewish Historian) to today. As we surge forward away from the pandemic, we will meet more obstacles. In the spiritual realm the war is always heated and demonic spirits never stop being as horrible as possible. Can we be deceived by this man? We can work out his number through gematria, and his lineage more easily today with the web to help. Read this edition and have peace with Jesus. As soon as the beast is revealed, Jesus will also return shortly after.

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Marie Seltenrych

Hi, I love writing and hope you find this story of value to you. There is no charge for this work of mine. I put my heart and soul and energy (falling away) into everything I do. This story is about a sub culture that does not get much support. My heart breaks for these people. Human beings.

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