D.P. Prior Profile

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"Back in the days when I belonged to the legendary Wargaming Society sequestered away at the back of the Archery recreation ground’s public toilets, I was in the unsavoury habit of playing Dungeons and Dragons with a crabby bunch of ne’er-do-wells. We had the back room of the club (the front was for serious gamers in the Napoleonics tradition). We painted the walls and ceiling black, let the cobwebs grow, and gathered around an enormous (black) table with six-packs of Jacob’s Club biscuits for endless campaigns that took us all the way to the Abyss and back."

D.P. Prior was born in Eastbourne in the south of England, spent a few years in Australia, and now lives in Florida, USA. A former actor, musician, psychiatric nurse, personal trainer, and fiction editor, he now writes full-time.

Prior is a student of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Muay Thai (Renato Tavares Association), as well as a member of the US All-Round Weight Lifting Association. He has a Bachelor's Degree in Drama, and has studied medieval history (focusing on the Crusades, the Knights Templar, and the Cistercians in England & Wales). He also studied for a masters degree in Theological Studies in Western Australia.

Influences include: David Gemmell, Stephen R. Donaldson, Michael Moorcock, R.E. Howard, Lin Carter, L. Sprague du Camp, Mary Doria Russell, G.K. Chesterton, Joe Abercrombie, and Bernard Cornwell.

D.P. Prior is represented by Laurie McLean (www.fuseliterary.com)

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Please feel free to reach out to D.P. Prior at: derekpprior[at]gmail.com

Books I've written

  • Dead or Alive
    Dead or Alive Sci-fi Fantasy by D.P. Prior
    Dead or Alive
    Dead or Alive



    Mar 2017

    Shadrak the Unseen should have known better. Stealing from one wizard on behalf of another was the sort of job he’d sworn never to take. But times were tough ...

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