Adam Ninnis Profile

Likes: Reading, cooking, scrabble, football, calibri, sausages, travel, compiling lists, pushing slinkies down up escalators, doing a hiccup burp combo, going limp like a rag doll when somebody hugs me, having a duvet pulled up to my chin and a warm laptop on my chest. Waking up, having a shower then getting back into bed, warming my feet with a hairdryer, meat smoothies, using nouns as verbs, the elbow ball bag, rubbing an itchy eye, spreadable pig offal, crumbling up stock cubes and sideboob. Dislikes: Lonely old guys that sit blocking the bar in busy pubs, eating with a wet or greasy knife and fork, women in pornos that groan with fake pleasure when giving blowjobs and tit wanks, automatic flush toilets that go off when you wipe, the sound of people eating, kids pretending to be adults, films that have really quiet quiet bits and really loud loud bits, shirts that have their lowest button above your navel, buttons in general cause they always fall off, littering, people miming playing the drums cross-armed, changing a double duvet cover, online lists in slideshow format, unnecessarily long shoelaces, people that say time's flown by, song writers rhyming friend with again, comedies in which someone in fancy dress forgets they have a tail and knocks stuff over, cliches I spose, people that bang on about how much they love their kids, clothing brands that size up their clothes small, medium and large and online quizzes that give a result but not the answer to the incorrect questions.