Erin Thiele Profile

Hi I'm Erin Thiele author motivational speaker the founder of Restore Ministries International and the senior pastor of Restoration Fellowship -- A Church without Walls I am also a mother of seven children and grandchildren thus far God has seen fit to use me to encourage and motivate hundreds of women and men through my books that have the distinctive style the Lord used with me--using the Bible alone to minister to the brokenhearted which is who I was before I found the Lord The goal in all my books is to share with my readers how they too can overcome every crisis through the means the Lord used with me My testimony and ministry began in the very midst of a horrible crisis--when my husband disappeared leaving me alone with four small children After three months I found out that he left me for another woman and a year later he divorced me God used it for good as this is always His plan when a crisis hits with me beginning a ministry for women AND becoming a world-wide author After my marriage was restored a local publisher began publishing my first book They came to me to write my second book for men when they found out that men were using and restoring their marriages using the book I had written for women Soon after they published my third book my publishers told us they could no longer keep up with the demand of the book and we decided to begin our own publishing company My books are LIFE-CHANGERS not because of me but because the power and life of God's Word Secondly because we are promised in the book of Revelation that we will overcome by the word of their testimony and God has seen fit to
Everything about knowing the Lord more intimately in order to Encourage Women