Susan Day Profile

14th November 1963
Susan travelled around the world twice before she was seven years old. It was the sixties and the cheapest way to circumnavigate the globe was by cruise ship. It seemed only fitting that the wonderful events she experienced and the places she visited on these journeys be recorded for history. Thus, her story telling skills began. Firstly, to Rupert Bear, her lifelong companion, and then to a host of imaginary friends and finally to her pet dog once the family finally set down roots in Australia.
From her Irish heritage she learnt how to tell a good story well and the importance of storytelling in the re-living of her family’s past and present experiences. Her mother taught her that a good story should make people laugh then cry. But if you can make people cry with laughter then you’ve achieved something worthwhile.
Susan lives with her dogs, in particular, Rocky the Border collie and Stella, the blind dog. She is a canine behaviourist by trade and spends her time writing and illustrating children's books; training and counselling naughty dogs and being bossed around by the family cat, Speed Bump Charlie.
Animals play a huge part in Susan's interests. She enjoys hanging out with the guinea pigs in the backyard and conversing with the white cat that lives down the road. She loves to draw and read beautifully written pieces and she hosts her own radio show.