Dr. Tom McKaskill Profile

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Global serial entrepreneur, educator, author and angel investor, Dr McKaskill is an authority on how entrepreneurs’ start, develop and harvest their ventures. He is the world’s expert on exit strategies for high growth enterprises. His experience includes multiple start-ups in the UK and USA, raising venture capital twice, undertaking two acquisitions and strategic trade sales of three businesses. Recently retired from the Richard Pratt Chair in Entrepreneurship at the Australian Graduate School of Entrepreneurship, Dr. McKaskill is the author of 14 books covering such topics as new venture growth, raising venture capital, selling a business, acquisitions strategy and angel investing.

Books I've written

  • Make Million from Your Business
    Make Million from Your Business Business by Dr. Tom McKaskill
    Make Million from Your Business
    Make Million from Your Business



    Jul 2011

    Your best chance of achieving wealth in the millions is to become part of an early stage entrepreneurial firm. While failure rates for early stage ventures ar...

    Formats: PDF, Epub, Kindle, TXT

  • Invest to Exit
    Invest to Exit Business by Dr. Tom McKaskill
    Invest to Exit
    Invest to Exit



    Oct 2010

    Download this FREE e-Book, and discover why investors in early stage ventures need to focus on strategic exits if they are to achieve a high return on their i...

    Formats: PDF, Epub, Kindle, TXT