I sat down this morning on my bed and had a deep thought of what an Emperor is. I have only come across a few animals that have the ability to adapt to the monarchic environment and one I have come across so far is a penguin. Penguins have Emperors. Not all of them but just a few found somewhere in the arctic poles. They have order and they have class. They tend to be show offs. They hunt well and they mate for life. Even though they live in the coldest place in the known world, I tend to think to myself, “how do they find warmth?” I figured out they never dodge each other. Emperor penguins always address each other face to face. They understand one another’s behavior. Such little fire creates great destruction. It burns though the environment and all of them are happy cozying up under the fat they consumed while on the hunt.
I find myself wondering if truly, I will be able to understand their way of life. I have studied chimps, I have studied all kinds of apes, yet they tend to stick with Kings and Queens.
The key to the Emperor is fire. The Emperor gives you a small fire. That small fire, if put under wood, has the capacity to burn down a whole first. The key to destruction and life is fire and that is what the emperor provides. Such great light can bring great destruction if not used well. You can use fire to cook food, or your neighbors house. You can use fire to melt iron and make good steel. That steel can either be used to kill a person, to take someones’ life, or you can use it to make delightful steaks of all kinds. You can use it to gain heat when you are cold. The Emperor’s 6
name and power derives from the fire he provides. Not only the fire itself that he is giving out, judgment will come upon you based on your ability to use it.
Most people who use firearms do not understand the gun was made in a fire. It was melted and molded. The bullet requires friction to fire where the ignition point creates heat through the friction which results in a bullet being fired. I am not ignorant of the conditions you can use fire, however, I am quite reluctant. Sometimes, you have to burn yourself on the fire to learn the lessons from it. The scar will make you remember what causes what and how your next actions are foolish. I love fire but I cannot say I love the emperor. He whose name is the existent itself, can use it to hurt you at his will or make you food to save your life. All we are is the result of our direct actions and how we use the resources we have.
Chapter 4 - The Official Code of Conduct of the Military Division of the Roar Order
- No men shall lie together with one another for any other purpose than sleeping. If found that you have penetrated your mates, you will be excommunicated from the church. You shall not violate any of your enemies this way considering we are forming a new nation. There is no chinese, german or american army etc. There is only one Army and you shall all abide by this law.
- No man shall sleep with anybody else with sexual intentions other than his wife.
- No man shall drive intoxicated. This law is universal and shall be enforced strictly. You shall be charged by the laws of the nation you came from, and handed back to the nation you came from, or get deported.
- You shall not host illegal immigrants of any kind.
You shall not consume illegal substances of any kind. You may not break the laws of any nation that are in allegiance with us.
- No man shall father children with enemies of this nation. You are to treat them as prisoners.
You are not to love them in any way.
- No man shall have sexual relations with animals or any of the holy nuns that are there to provide us care. You will be stripped of your video games. All of them. Permanently. I will take them.
- No man shall murder except given the instruction to kill, shoot, maim or injure. You shall not murder your mates considering the definition of murder is killing your own mates.
- No man shall eat any other meat except fish of any kind in the water with scales, chicken, beef, and turkey. You shall not eat rabbits or pork. You shall not eat any kind of deer meat or venison.
If caught eating any other kind of meat, that include carcasses, you shall be removed from your 8
wife and children for the day. Second offense includes a two day extension. Any other after will result in your dismissal from the nation you are building.
- No man shall sleep more than 8 at night.
- You may not eat more than 3 full meals per day.
- No man shall exercise or do any physical activity of any kind that involves sports. Sports are outlawed. If caught participating in any kind of physical activity that involves you showing other people our military strength for the sake of showing off, you shall be prevented from sleeping that night because you have exposed our strength therefore to recover our deception, we will use whatever means necessary to decrease your strength for the day. The next time you participate in sports, you shall be charged a total of 2 days without sleep.
- You shall not drink liquor of any kind. You shall not smoke cigarettes. You shall not drink wine.
You shall not smoke cigars. You are only allowed cigarillos, once a day that equal to 3 cigarettes a day. If you surpass this privilege you shall be removed from class meetings and board discussions for one day.
- You may not injure or attack any of our allied nations. If caught you will be charged with first degree assault and will face prison sentence in the military division for the harm you inflicted upon your fellow comrade. You will also be fined no less than 25,000 points which equals to $2500.
where the money will only go towards your punishment and your money acquiring methods will be flooded with useless work which is not different than being sentenced to death.
- No member of the army will receive a death sentence. Death is for enemy soldiers. You will be stripped of your rank and be charged with the title of CIVILIAN. You will no longer be permitted to abide by the laws of the army but the nation you came from, whatever the country is which will allow you to practice homosexuality, drinking liquor or sleeping with anyone you want.
- Whatever nation you come from, you may no longer abide by the laws of your nation but the new one we are building. If you betray our nation, you will be charged with treason. If worried, you shall know that any of the laws we are making are not in conflict with the country you came from. We just made the laws tighter to achieve royal status.
- No man shall masturbate or do sexual activity in the bathroom or the kitchen. Sex is a holy creation by God, you shall not defile it by moving the ancient boundary from the bed. The only appropriate place to engage in any sexual activity is the bed. Violation will result in a $50 fine.
- No man shall use the platform TIKTOK to communicate or post information of any kind. You may not even download the app. You have no rights to use a childrens platform because I will know every bit of your intentions, which will result in your property being hanged and quartered.
I will personally prevent you from going on our adventures and watch your food supply get stung to death. I will remove you from my armies since you will be a cancer to my future children. You 10
may not sign up to any kind of membership that involves the company. Your eyes shall remain clear of the security system of the platform and I want your minds to be liberated like a virgin from knowing any kind of sin they use to pollute the governing system by posting lethal messages to expand their trash government, all of them that use tik tok. Not one person will be left. Do not go under time. I want your services for our agenda, If you go on tiktok, you will get captured. I do not want any of you to be under time or to serve time. People who are governed by time are called prisoners. Do not use the media for any purposes. We are grown men who are free. Being under time is for children who have to wake up and go to school in the morning, ballet or Karate practice. I do not want any of you "counting" the time. There is no reason or faith there, going on tik tok will expose your security and put you in the red against your will.
- Those who will be rewarded are the Order of The Seraphim, to take charge of the elderly. The Order of the Sword to take protection of the children, as of the Swedish chivalry, as the Montgomery County Government commands, we shall abide by the laws of the Fleur De Lis considering the coat of arms of the French is the same one.
I was once asleep a few months or a year ago and I was woken up in a dreadful nightmare. I was in a dark hilton like environment, there was a pool in front of me that I got inside of. The pool became dark as all living hell. The Sky was Dark Blue with a shade of darkness everywhere.
There was very light light. There was no direct light. The pool was bottomless and the square inches of the pool were tight and dreadful, the likeness of death, so sharp and scary. The water turned black, I couldn't see anything under me anymore though I was swimming, underneath there were creatures moving, the likes of killer whales, the more I tried to get across or look under, my vision went away. The water was so black and the sky was black. The numbers increased slowly and I couldn't get back in the water. There was trashing, there was violence, yet the water stayed unmoved while the disaster happened in the water.
The extinction of mankind and the argument against homo sexuality Ever since humans evolved from the lowest form of life, the amoeba, we have become somewhat different from what was the original design of the perfect being. As we move forward, we must face the realities of superior species that come along into our lives. Dinosaurs have been around for a while, though they have no life. Their extinct information seems to linger wherever we go. I do not understand however when it comes to humans that have not reproduced and passed on their genetic data. I want to think we can do the same but the reality of the matter is much different.
The United States legalized same sex marriage the past decade and things havn't quite been the same. The people who identify as such are disappearing at a rate that is unimaginable.
They have dissolved their genetic makeup and make it absolute that they will not reproduce or bring offsprings into this world through procreation. I don't think much of it but what about their parents or their siblings? Whoever identifies as a homo sexual, that hasn't reproduced and died will have very limited genetic data left on the planet. If his or her name was Mr. Pumpkin, or Ms.
Pumpkin, today, their genetic material doesn't exist on this planet anymore, unless you look inside the grave but good luck bringing that to life with mediocre information. People are voting their friends to death allowing them to live a life full of pleasure that doesn't leave growth for a family structure.
Their parents grow old and are not able to create life anymore. Their parents' DNA goes to the hell's of nowhere, and the kids would have destroyed millions of years of genetic data by the choices they make. The best solution I believe is to just get out of the way. We are not saviors. We are not christ nor are we radical scientists limited by law from experimenting on reviving human life and extinct genetic material from the hells of nowhere in the middle of a graveyard.
Chapter 6 - The Sons of Liberty
I have only known some people in all my life who scare me more than others. They are called the sons of liberty. They exist in the hells of darkness and they inhabit great distances.
They do not need other humans to survive. They are the most amazing people on the planet, yet their end is not nice.. The people have known war in their lives and and thought they are small, they have never been the people who lacked. They hide in the deepest forests of eternity. They occupy large amounts of land. They do not need women. They survived by killing the land, eating the animals and by destroying the habits. They are revolutionaries who do not care for your values and they will make sure to make your life a living hell.
Chapter 7 - The Date and The Long Awaited Romance
She was a small little thing, barely able to move over a few pounds, he was a monstrously strong human being, and she liked to melt in his hands. He held her hand in his while they walked down the streets of DC, unaware, unshaken by the constant desire to see the air and space museum. He was making dreams a reality, driving his sports car all around the place. She was a handsomely inspired liberal, seeking grace in every step she takes. He often loved to take her, sometimes by the waist, while she didn't expect it. He kisses her deeply while she doesn't see it coming. The sakura trees blossom and the tears of the fall pass away, but the love he has for her doesn't. He doesn't see it nor does he understand, she is his inspiration, and he is her knight. They didn't just fall in love, they made romance. It was a day like no other. They kept thinking of the first time they met, she forwarded her hand to shake his on a dark misty night, "my name is Blair 14
'', she said. "Pleasure to meet you blair, the name is chuck", he said. (Change names later). The twinkle in her eyes he can't help but relive the past days with wonder. They were stunned at what they had accomplished. They enjoyed each other's company. They had fun rolling in the tides of the eastern shore. As the wind blew and the birds chirped, the cold sweet winter wind whistled while they took their seats in a restaurant.
A waiter appears and passes them a menu while they refresh with a beverage of their choice, he orders a white russian, she asks for red wine. She loved the city, the beautiful Washington metropolis, with its flutters. They took their time getting to know each other. They were touching each other's arms, she was showing him her nails, they were playing footsie.
While he moves his right leg up her right leg, a shiver goes down his spine, the long awaited taste of romance. He was imagining them kissing deeply, while he had his arms around her. She wanted to look deep in his eyes and know him for what he was. He was not looking forward to going to work the next day. He wanted to get laid, he wanted to stay in bed with her all morning.
They had already planned to cuddle up all morning, like they did the day before. It was a steaming morning filled with delight. When he arose from his sleep, she was safely tucked between his arms. They were in deep sleep, thinking about the night before, the sweet filled sheets soaked by the terror of the night. The times often passed quite slowly. She loved to titter.
Often teasing him with wicked jabs of soft kisses and light puffy smiles with chocolate tasting lips. She fed him raisins and grapes while he was dreaming deeply.
Their favorite time is when they spend it in the rain, holding hands, walking in the mist and the dew. She loved to collect all sorts of rain boots. Along with the eastern rain, the season brought with them joy and wonder of all kinds. They loved the sweet taste of tea in the morning.
She loved to tell him about her family members. He loved to listen to her talk about her love for her uncles. He was mesmerized by her beauty. The way she looked had never appealed to him more than the day, while they were sitting down in DC.
He returns to the moment, grabs his drink by the neck and sighs. He wanted to propose to her but he realized she had to make tough life decisions in the future which didn't involve him.
With all her heart strings pulled, and all his money under her control, they dreamt about starting a family. She was maliciously winking, with deep intents of causing harm to anything that might harm him. The waiter returns with their drink before they give him back the menu they were giving. "The strawberry short cake please", she orders. " And you sir?" returns the waiter. " I will have a medium rare cooked steak with light butter" he orders. "Very good sir". the waiter responds and he refreshes his drink. The moment was filled with delight and everyone in the restaurant was having a good time. The music from the restaurant was quite soft and the way she was holding the fork and spoon preparing to eat the shortcake she ordered then turned him on.
He knows she is quite educated in civilian manners. They often cooked at home so he understood the deep pleasure and the sweet taste of discipline.
As the moment dims down, he goes to his pocket and pulls out a pamphlet, it was a letter from the church. He had it in his pocket from the past week. He loved to attend mass. Although a practicing catholic, he realized a long time ago he cannot consummate their love without asking for her hand in marriage so he devises a plan to marry her, there and then. All he looked forward to was meeting her father. At that moment, he knew she was the one for him, his most beloved he wanted to be with for the rest of his life.
Chapter 8 - My Delightful mornings, and my terrible Nights When I wake up early in the morning, the first thought that comes to mind is to reach for the breakfast menu in my home. I like to cook a lot of food in the morning when I wake up before I wake my friends up by calling them on the phone. I like to talk with my friends on the phone all the time. The moments that we spend together mean a lot to me and I make sure to keep them close to me just in case I want to have a good time with them. They are laborers and they toil all day to grow and raise a family. I like to think they do not want to drink with me all the time because they have a tendency to react with emotion. They are often scared of getting fired and they do whatever is needed to stay in place and secure a good life. I look at my feet often, they are starting to get really ugly. In any other language, it wouldn’t make sense, but in English, they look like the feet of the laborer. It's kind of funny to be honest. I found a way to wash my feet without the assistance of my hands. All you have to do is go outside, pour water on the ground and stand on it with your bare feet. I found a republican way of washing my feet without the need of someone washing my feet. I like washing my feet often. I also found a simple solution in the bathroom. When I make an error and pee on the side of the toilet, instead of using tissue or paper, I use the shower head and pour molting hot water on top of the toilet seat. It disinfects the seat, keeps it warm and doesn’t get me in trouble with my roommate who also is a hygienic person. I use a mop to take care of the mess at the bottom. My mornings often do not end in conflict. They are quite nice.
The nights have been getting rowdy. I have been a little upset the past few days. In all my toil on this planet, I have accepted the terms and conditions of reality, nothing is forever. Even 17
with all my strength I will die one day. There is a beginning to everything, there is also an end.
Without having joined the military, I would have gotten stuck in the gutters of nowhere. I wouldn’t be able to feed myself. I like going outside once a day. It feels like hunting when I reach for the beef in the pantry. I live by myself now. My mother pays the rent. She used to pay for my food. She no longer pays for my food. So far, I have saved her 1800 dollars on groceries.
Soon, in a few days, I will be able to pay the rent in full by myself, therefore being fully independent. I am almost there, I can even taste it, the liberty of being completely divided from my mother. The only thing she can say from now on is “I do not want to pay the rent”. I am just waiting for her to say it so the blood will be on her hands for the final time. I like to think quite often about a lot of subjects. The only thing I do not want is the Blood on My Hands. I have prepared 4 hotels and a Harvard's suit. The next place we will head will likely be to the market to get more money and put all the money into getting a house. I have I think a 4 hour range to collect rent on average the past few days. All we have to do is double it. I think today is a record day. We got it done in less than one hour. Our best season yet and the market is doing well as well. In a few moments, we will head to where we have been wanting to go all along. I have dreamed about going to Ireland for quite a while now and I can almost taste the victory. It's just under my hands but I keep failing to capture it by myself. WIth all my strength, the night linger and tinder with fire, in conclusion, I prefer my nights over the mornings. They are delightful and filled with glory and music.
Everything you get from women is pleasure. Whatever you do, in every form of action, women are made of fat. Every inch of a woman is made from soft tissue. There is no such thing as a masculine woman. You harm them, you get pleasure, you speak with them, you get pleasure. I have come across many circumstances where people of all kinds have been exposed to different kinds of stimuli. The human body reacts to it based on its intent. I tend to take things as they are, with reason. Emotions tend to confuse the tiny details needed to make any kind of sense. I have encountered conditions so fragile, they need the care of angels to deal with. Yet with all the songs and with all the words spoken about the end or the purpose of everything, I vastly fail to explain the purpose of women. There is none. The woman is made primarily of faith, purly created or born to be a helper to the man. It is quite often funny to see how men handle their own women.
There are some men who are abusive, there are some men who are not. At the end of the day, all you get from men is strength and reason. All you get from women is faith and pleasure. I dodge the living hell out of men. They do not seem to provide any kind of valuable access towards the body. They have no in. All women have an in. My favorite one is their ears. I love getting into women's minds using sound. I love to use words. I think my brother likes to violate women using smell. He sets up a trap cooking good smelling food. There are some men who trap women by what they see. There are some men who violate women using their sense of touch. My favorite one is sound. I can get to any woman from everywhere. The problem is the number of women and what you want. With simple reason you find that the end result of 19
whatever you want to do with women will end up in faith and pleasure. Without using force, the best access I found to breach security to do whatever I pleasure without harming the body is sound. It's so nice to get in the minds of women. Sometimes, there is nothing there. Not even a thought. Not even an idea, or language. There are some women who are so uneducated that they primarily operate on feelings and emotions. In some, faith has gone to the shitters of hell.
At all times I make sure to avoid every kind of woman. To this day, I sell everyone who wants an illusion of women. I use cell phones. I use images. I avoid all kinds of democratic conversations or associations with all sorts of humans. They want to sit down and tell you their story. They want to come into your house and breed with you like an animal. I treat them all as they want to be treated, yet I do not bring them into my room. They are a biological threat. All of them. Today, I will say a few words, make a few noises and cute sounds to appeal to their emotion online, then systematically proceed to drink and eat whatever I want while their fish like brain with it's 5 second attention mark loses me, and the reality of the matter that I have no wife or children of any kind biologically, sinks in deep into their understanding. They will take their faith, and fully accept they will be scammed and are scammed because they won't get a penny's worth of family life, or any kind of real romance with me. I will drink and party my life to death.
I will dodge them all the days of their lives. Good luck raising biological children and any kind of actual physical romance. Live in the illusions I have created in the digital world forever.
Chapter 10 - The man who digs his own grave
They have nothing holy in them. They are beastly, and they have no good function other than the one you want to raise them to be. They are pagans. They hide everywhere. They hide in between words, in the free spaces, they look above the word "save", they stay looking at the hollow opening in the middle of the words, they do not absorb any kind of information. They look towards the sky, right about your head on your forehead when they address you. They are not good for anything. They look at the paper, and instead of reading the letters, they look at the dark paper, or the white paper instead of the letters. Sometimes they look on top of the letters and think in their minds they are avoiding you. They oppress people by trying to find words like
"dodging" in order to be elusive to the people nearby them. They live all their lives uneducated, evil as all hell and do nothing for society but damage it. What a nightmare dealing with these passive people who do nothing for society other than try and preserve their life. It baffles me how an individual person can be so useless they lose aspects of reality some should never lose.
They hide between the sentences, they look at everything but the word because they think they can do whatever they want. Not only is that not true, I have reached a final conclusion, no matter how much you dodge, you can never take life, because you will go to prison. They are so stupid they think they can get away with anything they want. I have had it with them. They stink so bad at everything they do. I prefer Europeans over them. They have a consciousness at least. They do not think, some do not even speak english. They are a threat to everything they touch. Only a few I have found to be reasonable. They have abandoned everything that is true and hold on to illusions. Dodge or not, the media I just read this morning says that more people 21
are dying everyday for whatever reason. Some have completely left reason and just walk around like animals. I sometimes prefer animals. Their behavior is that of a door knob.
The philosophy comes from the eagle. Everyone knows how to dodge. Every nation in the world has their own dodge. They never really tell you because they are respectful. It's the Americans that are the problem. They are too Bald. They want to show off. They want to puff their chests like a prostitute about to get violated. All birds live in the air. The Apex happens to be the Eagle. In all their life, they want to live and act like animals, so you treat them as such.
They think they can do anything they want and get away with it. Find them outside, wherever they are and touch them. They will wake up and realize you can touch them and find them anywhere. There is a start to things, there is also an End. The moment Americans think their sovereignty is superior, expose them for what they are Animals acting like Animals. Treat them as such.
Chapter 11 - Consequences of Watching Pornograph
The first thing you lose is consent. In order to get on porn websites you have to agree to their terms and conditions. You must agree to all their demands which means they take away your freedom to choose the kind of experiences you want. All porngraphy is a religion called Hinduism. It stems from the kamasutra. The people who practice this religion do it so well, they have made a house for it. It's so hard to be free from porn because you are rejecting your own religion and accepting somebody else's. You have to accept the classification system based on your race. They give you exactly what you want the way you want it and therein lies 22
the problem. They are good people. They do it so well you enjoy their services. The problem is, it is their way of life. Once you discover that, you have to find your own way of life. All of a sudden you start to tell yourself I like white women or black men or any kind of skin color. It's a hell hole you can't get out of unless you know what the religion is. It is done so well, two people will be in the same room, and one will be a pornography viewer.They practice it so well they have the fourth best military in the world. It is so normal yet, you give up a lot of security and defense trying to preserve the pleasure. People who manage your internet affairs have to lose their security too and they go down to the Russian military.
When you vigorously masterbate to pornography, you hurt your organs and it damages your body. The friction and the desire alter the shape of your discipline. When you walk, it's itchy and disastrous. Depending on the kind of video, your friends for the day will be chosen for you. The only way to win is to stop streaming forever. I know who I am now. I knew who I was before. I think today is the 3 month Mark. I have a little bobcat life that I like so much. Over time, it wastes your body slowly, over time, you build a home for it so well that you forget to give your attention to the people you love and care about. Over time the work that needs to get done doesn't get done. While your house needs your attention, your religion will destroy your life, and all you care about with it. Ever since I discovered this secret, I have been spending a lot of time with my family members. We have fun all the time. It is legal. It is highly recommended. It is profitable. The price however, is the erosion of your soul, slowly, bit by bit.
Chapter 12 - The thoughts of the Knight who goes on to become an Emperor My day consists of waking up early in the morning and administering the kingdom as it is. I seek reports from soldiers. The earliest one I get is of those who have died the day before. I look at it with contempt. I sometimes look at it with delight. I have been ruling this empire that I have built for myself for quite some time now and I think there is nothing better than to be single or myself. The more I think to myself how I can make things better for myself, I consider the other people who are with me and around me. I have been going back and forth from my mothers house to my fathers house for quite some time now. Considering my parents have been divorced for a while, I think it’s better to say I do not prefer both of them. My mind is constantly on the Irish Republic. At the moment, I am constantly thinking about the Kingdom of Ireland. Much like how the knight piece moves 4 steps in the chess game, I have also come to conclude you need to be brighter than others. I sit down and think about how many moves people think ahead of me. I have reached the conclusion that I am not the smartest person because I delight in the pleasures of others where at the moment, sitting at my fathers house here, there is none. They are constantly fighting against each other. I am no longer on their side. Countless times I have completed the assignments my father has set out for me and the last one I completed was the best and last one. He no longer wants my attention nor does he need it. He is an old man now and I am looking at inheriting his estate once he dies. I do not favor him nor her but considering I have 24
taken an unorthodox way of life, there is nothing to complain about my state of affairs or my living situation.
They have faced a fair share of their troubles and mine are not quite different. I have loved none and I have yet to have any children of my own. It’s not that I do not have any desire for it, the situation is complicated because I am interested in the divine things. I look to the heavens to make decisions and so far, the best thing above democracy is Divinity. They both start and end in D and Y. They both bring things together but things are better when you look towards the heavens and make decisions. There are a lot of lessons that I have learned in life from looking up towards the heavens. Why I try to explain the inferiority of democracy to others sometimes baffles me because there are a lot of holes in it. There are a lot of people who do not deserve to love on this planet that I do not want to associate with. There are people who lie behind your back, there are people who steal from you, but most of all there are people who stand in your way. I have dealt with all sorts of people but the last ones really grind my teeth and I am unable to come up with any sort of solution to this problem. There are people who make it their mission to get in your way by standing in front of you and block the path that you walk on.
It makes no sense to me and I just simply go past them and make it my personal mission to avoid them any chance I get.
Lately, different kinds of people have been dying all over the place. I have never killed anyone in my life but the same ones that have been dying by the millions or are being murdered are the ones that get in peoples way. I consider myself kind yet my kindness does not stretch other than the boundaries of my fathers house and my mothers land. In other countries, they do not even hesitate to make them martyrs of their own story. Their family members eat distress food for lunch as a result of the people’s inability to understand reason. Reason when often left ignored often makes people act in a violent manner. Some humans just seem to act on faith. In all my life, I have concluded the most superior species on the plant are human beings. Humans have the capacity to think. Humans have the capacity to reason and have compassion. At the moment, they are referred to as Homo-Sapiens in the biological world, and all my study has made me reach the study of these species. I think they are fascinating. I love the whole concept of schools in the United States and Canada having mascots all over the states and provinces. It sets a standard of how people should operate in the actual world compared to other 26
animals. It sets a standard of how a community should behave with other communities considering the life of the specific animal. There are not a lot of human mascot’s however. I have seen a lot of lions, bears, gators, and mythical creatures but very little human mascots. I think it is mostly because when you come to the study of homo sapiens, it depends on the classification of the humans in different races.
There are a lot of races. I do not think of them much. I do not see in color when it comes to race. I see it in terms of nation. I have deep distrust for classification of humans based on race.
Currently, I try to associate with people who are really cool to hang out with. Humans who have deep relations with different kinds of Monarchy’s. It’s not hard to look at them as one individual. In all the while, at the moment, I have loved one with all my heart. I have known her for quite a short time yet I see myself as unwanted by her. I am just another knight to her who is on his way to serve the country he wants through rome. My love for her grows everyday, yet I fail in faith to accept there could be no reality or maturation to our love in the future. Wherever she wants I am willing to give it to her. My willingness as you may or may not guess comes with a price. I seek to be liberated from my parents. To her, I might just be another fling. To me, she is a person I would love to be with for quite a long time. The biological factors such as emotion and 27
desire are there but my duty to serve my country will outweigh that motive over ninety percent of the day. I seek very little. I want to have a romantic relationship with her that consists of me staying in the library that I want to be in all day. I love to read books. My mind is at rest when I am in my study chambers. I love to be surrounded by writers I like. I tend to take control of things from a little place that contains all the little things that I like. I like good tasting foods. I like having a lot of money in one place. I like to sing a lot of good songs to myself and at the end of the day, I like to sleep well in my bed. I have made such a perfect republic for myself to the point I don't even know where a woman fits at this point. Having a biological family is starting to sound like a horrible idea based on uncalculated risk. It is so expensive and a huge threat to my life.
I have completely eradicated pornography from my life. In all my 29 years on this planet, I had never come across such a monstrous enemy to defeat. To date, the time I have spent away from the video’s is linked to a fully grown Elk. That Elk has become my best friend now. I have become a full blown knight. I have separated myself from the crowd and I have eliminated any form of nudity and sexual illusions from mylife. I found the secret to the Hinduism religion.
They worship the 3 most beloved gods, Vishnu, Shiva, and Brahma. I found them in my journey and at a time even came to worship them. At the end of the day, they are what they are, gods that 28
do not have anything to do with my journey to Ireland. They became a hindrance because I can no longer serve them. This girl that I like now probably deals with them now. I do not know the state of her life quite well other than the fact that I love her in a unique way. All around her, the humans she associates with constantly watch and stream adult entertainment. She spends some of the weekend times at bars and I know they glance at her to liberate her from her lack of knowledge about the hindu religion. I think it’s quite problematic. When looking from the bottom, the religion is quite liberating. When you look down from the other top three nations that are on the top, The United States, The Federation of Russia, and The People's Republic of China, it makes no sense to worship these gods. The best that China has to give at this moment is Martial Arts of all kinds in war, and Making out on the couch all you want to you can’t any more. It sounds nice but even China is starting to sound a little worn out. I do not think I can afford China anymore. My teeth have been taking a hit from all my toils and labor. If I do not take care of them daily, I am looking at having cavities and problems in the coming 30-40 years.
The main thing that will go will be the beauty. Considering I like to eat different kinds of food, I can’t afford to spend too much time kissing the woman that I love. It sounds too ridiculous and too communist. The only person that I will be bringing down is myself.
I do not use tik tok. It is a Chinese company. Another Billion dollar industry that has a lot of promises like earning a lot of fame and followers. I think people on Tik Tok earn a lot of money. Although they have the ability to earn a lot of sponsors, the streaming service was originally made for children. The more you go on it, you are more likely to serve a lot of time.
They keep track of your records and the videos that you watch. Much like India's economy based on classification of people based on race, the Chinese classify them based on age and social standard. It makes no sense for Americans to use tik tok. They might as well be Chinese and serving a Chinese government. There are a lot of communists on the platform. Countries in Africa love the platform because it gives them an edge over neighboring countries. To have the third most powerful country support you in your ventures is quite an accomplishment and a great feat of strength. It will honestly get you places yet they are just as bad as Indians. My biological father is a millionaire. I have reached the conclusion the only way people who become Billionaires are humans who work with China and India. At this point, I have given up on becoming a billionaire because although the ambition is nice, the things you have to do to become a billionaire are vile as all hell. You can only become a billionaire through bringing 30
people down, or through multiplying your profits and laborers. I do not think I have found any other way and at this moment, I am giving them up completely in favor of my sanity. I love to stay sane. It keeps me awake to the distress of animals and their pain. I hate money. I love my god. You either serve money, or you either serve god, I chose the latter. The Indians multiply money, the Chinese bring nations to their knees through en-slaving them by debt and giving them money along with goods they cannot afford to pay back. Most African nations and Asian Asian countries are enslaved by China. They owe China so much money that their sons, sons, and daughters will not be able to pay back the money for their services for a long long time. I do not want to do business with them. I do not want to do business with the Indian’s. They live life like there is no god while they are in full service of money. Even if there is no god, there is a nation called Rome. To all the non-believers, Rome is a light they cannot go past. Rome prevailed as an empire and a republic for a long time. There is the triumvirate for the atheists. If they do not bend their knee to the god above, they will bend the knee to Rome. There is no escape to divinity.
Initially, there is the holy trinity. There is Jesus Chirsit right in the middle. He claims to be the living water. In my conclusion, I have arrived at the reason that people bow in the name of 31
Jesus because the Romans will kill you. If they do not, then the lack of water will kill you. If you do not submit the living water, you will die of thirst in 3 days. No human can survive without water for 3 days. If you do not submit to the name of the King in 3 days, they will remove water from the environment and watch you die. I think it’s quite funny because you forfeit your life. Most humans do not understand that. When I feel all sorts of feelings that are not right and that go against the principles of the government which I love, I think to myself, it’s better to accept the reality of my weakness. To survive, I need water. To keep on living, I need to drink a lot of water. There will be a point where even the environment will put you in a place where there is no water when you do not submit to the creator of the world. The reality is, religion has nothing to do anything. If you want to live, and if you want to die, you have the choice. I tend to ignore it often. It’s not that I like life, but much more than that, as a Knight, I chose to bend the knee to the righteous King. I will not bend the knee to anything but the humans who I love and there are very few of them.
I love being a Knight. I love the rain. Anyone who defeats India is a knight. I think that is where the whole concept of Knighthood comes from, humans who have ascended to defeat 32
others who value nudity and vile sexual relations with one another over devine love. I love my god and I fear him more than I care about having sexual relations with others. The only thing you get from it is pleasure. I like to kill instead. Killing is such a human thing, and marvelous at its most innocent. When you take the life of another, you get to live longer. I have committed my life to the way of war. Oftentimes when I sit down and think of the woman that I love, It’s not being with her that entertains me the most, it’s my desire to go on adventures and have a feast with my army. I like to go on long adventures in the woods, kill a big game and feast on it with my mates quite often. If you haul in a big game with your mates and bring the kill back to your house, you can feed your family for quite a while. When you consider the number of humans in your household, the bigger the game, the longer the game lasts. All predators survive by consuming the life of other animals. There is life in the blood. The more you take it and consume the flesh of another animal, the longer you live through the process of digestion. I have done a lot of vile things in the name of the Indian gods. I have ventured long distances without belief, like the Chinese and found nothing. My defeat of India to this day is my pride and greatest source of Joy. I am never going back to that hell again. I found out if you do not know what it is, and you leave, you commit suicide. The end of all pornographic desires unfulfilled is suicide.
You will never get to experience the same level of pleasure or sleep with the same woman that 33
you see on the videos that you see on the sites. In all your life, you will never get a taste of the fame they have nor the money they procured through their obsessed worship. Some of the people have built their homes on the money they made though the Adult video to the point I am no longer welcome in it. I will never be welcome in a home built by Indians, or houses fueled to the brim for years with the worship of Indian gods. The bases and the walls were made with violent sexual acts and the money it made through their relations. I will never associate with these people ever again, no matter how beautiful and no matter how rich. The food they eat comes from adult entertainment. They have friends that make adult entertainment that make the same profit they do and live the same kind of life. They shop at the same place and have the same kind of children.
Again, I am here to repeat that there is nothing wrong with India. India is a saving grace for countries below their military standard, just the countries above. It makes no sense for Americans, Russians, and The Chinese to become Indians. Once you grow above it, there is no reason to return to India. You just have to let them go. You have to accept that you are better than them now. I will never sign another contract again from this point on to my death to access adult 34
entertainment. I chose to lead a life of war instead. I have grown accustomed to killing. I love blood and seeing blood. There is life in it and there is nothing glorious than taking it. The thrill of the hunt and the kill often resonate with me much more than scripture because I can see the life draining from the creature. It’s quite nice to have a meal in the woods. You get to see nature as it is. Nature is quite nice when you are the most superior species in the land. This is one of the reasons I admire the Russians more than a lot of nations. Russia has a long history of firearms.
All the business of Russia is fire arms. I would love to think of myself as a Tsar but I do not know the language. I do not think I can ever become a Tsar. I am not good at speaking Russian.
Russia is a nation that has existed for a long time. Russia has survived a lot of wars. They still stick close to my heart to this day. I love spending time with them. They Are the nicest and most awesome people on the planet. There is no reason for anyone on the face of the planet to hate Russia. I see no reason to not do business with Russia. Descartes has written much about the blood but the Empire of Russia also has a lot to say about the body and it materializing into a hard substance through the strengthening of the muscles. When you flex or tense your body, it tends to get quite hard. You can tense all the muscles all over your body. The Russians know that. They integrate firearm tech into the ability of the human to use it. Your arm muscles, your let muscles, your neck etc. all can be spots to contain blood in the spot and turn the soft muscle into a hard dense organ either to do harm or control the blood flow in your body. I learned it quite a
long time ago when I was exercising yet the knowledge eludes me sometimes. They have studied the circulation of blood and understand the human body quite well, much more than other nations. When you sleep, you are as soft as a pillow, when you wake up, you do not even realize you are utilizing the hardness of the muscles to operate throughout the day. There are heavy firearms, and there are simple firearms. Most of them made by Russia tend to fit the person that they want it made for. I like that they center their business on the creation and utilization of firearms.
As a person who has come to support Russia throughout the war, my love for the woman that I care about at the moment I see fit is better protected by Japan. Firearms are too simple to use. They tend to take life quite quickly although they can be expensive. I love doing business with Russia but they are no longer an Empire. I have no interest in giving away heat and eliminating other threats though heat. Heat doesn’t come easily to me. I prefer any other way but giving away heat. Heat can be used to cook food. Heat can be used to keep you warm. Heat has the cutest and romantic stories when you are cuddling up, and I think it a mercy kill to waste such a resource by giving it to people that you do not like. The only thing you get by giving away heat is pleasure. When you are holding firearms in your hand, you are holding cold steel and the animation when fired creates heat that makes a hole in the body of another which leaves them injured or dead. The heat from your body transfers to the firearm on your hand. You will no 36
longer host any kind of heat because it gets released. There are animals such as Lions and Cats that do not like going inside the water for any reason. Some tigers get in cold water to hunt reptiles but they do not stay in the water for too long. Whenever they lose heat, they tend to lose tensions in their muscles that disable them from becoming stronger than their prey. They won’t hunt well and they often tend
to get in situations they do not want to be in, like having an injured arm. Much like the Big Cats, I prefer not to lose heat. There are superior hunters. They are animals that do not like to be bothered by the loss of habitat or large amounts of heat because they will die. When I go back home to cuddle with the woman that I love, I want her to feel my warmth, and the softness of my body. I like to take care of myself and the Federation of Russia although great is not the Empire of Russia. I tend to go back in time to pull in resources from a different time than the one we are in. I think the war in Ukraine is a choice. Not most people have the right reasons for supporting them since most often, the income that they generate is from the 9-5 job they work all their lives.
It can be affordable to sustain a living but not to keep firearms so they tend to give their money out to Ukrianians who live the kind of life that they do.
Every day, support pours in by millions and different nations from all over the world in order to compare themselves with other inferior countries compared to Russia, spend all their wealth buying the propaganda that is fed to them on their news channels. I think a lot can be done other than wasting their money in a war they do not understand. As my love for Ireland grows, my support for any other nations seems to be dimming down but not all the way to extinguished. No human can fully support two nations at the same time. Even through the ownership of Dual citizenships, one way or another, all humans at some point will favor one country over the other. It is not possible to drink a hot-cold drink. At this time, I do not have a love for my fatherland nor my motherland. I love animals more than them. The animals are amazing. The people that have set up sovereignty over their own land however are a completely different story. I do not desire to get to know them. I have no love for them. I have no patience for them. All my life I will spend it hating them with all my might. They are vile, cruel and there is nothing wise about them in any way. I have finished my race on this account because the only thing left at this point is death while working a 9-5 job since I already graduated from college and achieved a good country's citizenship. They think life is just working in a good country and dying. Their sense of adventure is gone and they have made the land more inhabitable than ever. They have already planned my life in their minds. I get good medical 38
treatment, stay sober, get a good job, get married and die happily after bearing kids in the country of their choice. Their minds cannot think more than this and I find it quite entertaining.
They cease to reason like humans, just wild animals set on a course of life full speed to the end with their philosophical nightmare in sight. In all truth, I would rather string myself to a pole. It is quite nicer than the harsh conditions their enslavement will lead to.
I like to talk about desire. Desire is one of those feelings that you get to have what you want. It is often associated with coveting. In the old testament, it is not a good thing to wish for the item or property of another. It leads to greed. It leads to making life decisions and choices that you cannot afford. If someone has a cuter wife than you, you cannot afford another marriage considering in most western countries you cannot afford to have another wife since it is illegal. If someone has a more prestigious degree than you, going back to school in spite is not good politics. You will waste the resources of your family for no reason. When you consider life, desire is one of those things that leads you to make incompetent choices. The whole concept of buddhism is to let go of this and achieve nirvana. I think the Chinese people who follow this concept are just like the ones who have unlimited desires because they are equally bad. They 39
have extreme concepts. Much like India, I can no longer afford to do business with China. Do not get me wrong, I like Chinese people but their religion and lack of it is a huge threat to my way of life. I am a knight and I will live and die like a Knight without fear or in service of any other country that does not respect my way of life.
I am a warrior. I am a true champion of my own heart and I do not plan to give it away to anyone soon. As much as I love her, I do not think she deems my objective worthy because she likely thinks any other nation is inferior. Even if she is right, my compromise will not come in because I am not going to budge an inch on this specific concept, for which I am even willing to sacrifice my current relationship with her for a nation that I want to be a part of. She is sweet and caring, I am violent and relentless.I think there should be a good exchange for any commodity of any kind. At this moment, there is nothing up for grabs that I consider worthy of it than Ireland. I love the country so much I do not think I can live without it. The soil gives me hope. I want to be a patriot for it. I long to see Swords, Dublin like muslims do Mecca. I do not just want to inhabit it, I want my offspring to be born there. The nations that I grew up in are my biological father and mothers dream. They are not mine. Although I will inherit a treasury from one, and a house from the other, I still plan to leave them. I have no plans to stay in them. I will do everything in my power to leave them or either die trying. There is nothing for me in them anymore. I will 40
fight till my last breath to build the life I want away from all the distractions that are these two nations. There is no hope, there is no light. There is no life in independence, and there is no life of absolute riches. They are boring as all living hell. The more you partake or advance in a venture you do not understand, the less you live on the land because it will spit you out and your madness. I like to believe you have to really comprehend something first before you commit your time in following it or living in it. I am a critic of a lot of concepts but when it comes to knowledge and understanding, I am very adamant. I am sturdy. I am stubborn. I will refuse to be moved by words of faith and shallow talks of desire because of the Empire of Russia. Their conception and understanding will overwhelm and destroy yours.
As the time passes, my love for one nation grows, and my desire to be in it increases greatly. I think I first became captivated by Ireland because of General Montgomery. I grew up in Montgomery County. I remember the exact words the general said to his wife in a page that I read while I was with my ex-girlfriend at the time. She and I were facing the same disaster in our economic venture. He used to say to her “ just as long as it lasts”. She intern used to tell him about her nightmares about how she saw his end. The words of the general used to hit home.
Although the city that I was raised in was named after him, he was of Irish Origin. He lived in the Kingdom of Ireland, in Swords county, Dublin City. The Kingdom no longer exists, and it has been replaced by the Republic instead. The national animal then used to be The Irish Elk, now it is the Irish Hare. A lot has changed but the land and the animals have not changed much.
The Irish Elk has gone extinct. I think it's mostly due to over-hunting. When you research deep in the land, the names and the history remain but the spirit left a long time ago. The spirit of Rome still remains. The closest Kingdom to Rome at the moment is The United kingdom. They even use the same letters as the Romans did. If there was ever a country I want to reside in, it would be Rome. Rome is the hope of the world, the light of the nations, the convent of the blind countries, and the Image of god. Very few countries still have Roman heritages or use the same calendars. I
searched throughout the earth and the nation I found to be the closest at the moment is Ireland. It might be a personal choice but that is of no concern to anyone else but me. I like the land, I like the shape, and I love the atmosphere. The Romans there are so nice and warm.
Whenever you call them, they answer. Whenever you need their help, they will get you what you want. When you are in need of comfort, they will give you their best and leave nothing behind.
The moment I heard of this land, I told my then ex-girlfriend of my desire to go there and live 42
permanently. I love rome. The inhabitants and the citizens are my comrades. I want to spend the rest of my life with them roaming the land, preferably on foot. There is a lot to see, there are a lot of areas to cover. There are quite a lot of species of feet to eat.
I have been looking at the pictures of the shores lately. There is nothing more magnificent than the Irish shores. You just want to go to the beaches by yourself and stay there without reason. I often think of myself laying on the green grass of the shores of Ireland, far on top of the edge, right by the cliffs. I like to imagine myself lying there on my back feeling the crashing waves on my face, the glistening wet dew on my side with nothing but grass under my back. I used to think of myself just laying there in the midst of a rainy dark weather, while the ocean waves hit the rocks at the bottom of the green grass. I used to imagine myself feeling the slight cold of the rain on my face, the breeze of my cheeks and I used to calm myself. I imagined myself as the thunder, rowdy and monstrously blue, crackling through the sky like a flash. I wanted to just lay there and stretch my hands to the horizon, while the rain hit the grassland with no one there. My love for the republic is great, especially when you add the rainy weather to it. I think there is nothing more glorious than laying on land, looking at the gray skies in the midst of 43
a rainy storm, enjoying the 75 degree heat cooling your veins down to the core and you are just laying there tasting the sweet sweet rain on your face by yourself. What a glorious majesty to be with oneself, and the nation that you love under your back. I used to dream that the moments would never end. To me, If Rome is the light, Ireland is the host. I have already decided the only way to get there is through Nippon. No other nation can help me get there. I have tried many kinds of allegiances, not one of them has worked so far. All of them either do not want to partake in the journey, they can’t, or deem it impossible. No nation has so far often offered their help to help me get to the land I want and live in it. The Americans have known for quite a while, yet they won’t even offer me jobs or financial opportunities to get there. They think of themselves as the beginning and end of the universe. They reason it and say “ well, almost everyone wants to come to America, you should be lucky”. Other nations follow suit.
They look at the statistics of the continent and how many illegal immigrants want to go into the country including the nation they are governing and think and make a conclusion, “your plan to leave the United States is not right, and we will not offer you help or financial assistance of any kind”. I am looking at being the next Anne Franke stuck here in the gutters of hell that is America, forced to accept a principle a dog wouldn’t understand just for the sake of fulfilling my biological fathers’ wishes. Time has passed, I have completed my project, yet the life I want is not there. Another lie, another job. The United States is not a sovereign nation, it is a project, another work in progress without anyone to protect it. I often sit and wonder what in the heavens humans are thinking when they want to inhabit a land that the citizens themselves are offing 44
themselves on. Most of them are Indians anyway. They are all subjects of their agreements with India. They watch and make pornography from sunup to sundown in the comfort of their own houses, while
making contractual agreements with India. I do not understand them any longer. I do not understand Canada anymore. According to some stats, 71.75% of North Americans consume Pornography. You can’t even imagine your neighbors walking out the door without having sexual relations without someone in your neighborhood or consuming adult entertainment videos. There is no more sanity because the transgression keeps getting deeper and deeper. I do not feel trapped anymore. I know I will be if I sign another contract to enter the websites to linger in their motion.
They submit to India. They are savages. The guilt of the nation will not reach me any longer and I do not want to associate with them any longer. It’s the wildest thing. You see that people attending church services are “christians” and 70% of the household consumes premium pornography. They even pay for it, yet when it comes to offering you a job to leave the country you do not want to be in, they turn a deaf ear. All their ads are programmed to sell you out to India. The land is no longer habitable. It sucks to sustain any kind of life there.
At the moment, I owe very little debt. I think I owe a little north of $5000 to some credit card companies that I took out when I was in college. In the last year I owed a total of $50,000
and leveraging the first book I had, I managed to pay off over %90 of the money that I owed the Department of Education. I learned a lot, yet I no longer feel home. There is no more room for advancement. I have no wealth in North America. I no longer have any friends there. They are all dead. I have seen my friends die over time and a lot of them no longer exist. The relationships I had with them no longer exist. The memories I had with them are gone. I do not even remember some of their names anymore. After you get left to fend for yourself countless times, after you feel the steel of vengeance strike your back a few times, you tend to leave the stories and times you spent behind. I no longer know what forgiveness is because it has been so long since I was separated from a lot of people. I have been constantly advancing with my military militia that I have formed. We are no longer in need of any kind of friendships or family relations. We have grown so strong to the point we have formed our own nation online. Everyday we grow and we keep on advancing. At this moment, we have also defeated the government of China. We have never submitted to their tik tok madness. Over a billion people still use tik tok, we do not.
Some religious people have escaped service in India through serving China. We do not work with them nor are we willing to work with them. My militia and I are 70,000 strong. We will not 46
associate with China or help them in the future or their obsession with achieving enlightenment.
They are inexperienced, they are submissive and oftentimes misleading. We do not even know their objectives half the time. Their slave master whip lash hurts just as much as the Indian pleasure house prices. They want to constantly bring us down by arming the people that we do not like, nor have any kind of love for. I do not trust them nor have any love for them. They want to classify us based on our achievements and our social standing and I do not enjoy it. At this moment, they are attempting to fight us, to prevent us from achieving whatever goal we have through their digital warfare weapons. As we advance ceaselessly, the only thoughts on our minds are of the nation that we love and long to see.
I realize the journey is long. I monitor my health often and much like Moses, I often fear that I might not reach it. I want to be the Joshua of my people, not the one that didn’t complete the mission he wanted. I have no fear but the people are disagreeing with me constantly. No one has given us any kind of support so far. We have taken it through the law, or military conquest.
No nation at the moment is willing to help us get there other than Nippon. It is quite hard to be left alone to achieve a goal that you desperately want without the assistance of others.
Oftentimes, you just want to close the door on them after they reject you. Sometimes, you want to turn on them but the only thing India leads to is suicide. The only thing China leads to is Federal Prison. You can never justify using martial arts on humans and hurting them badly because you can. China can not offer us anything anymore, neither can the Indians. Although these nations host billions, they are not worth any of our time from this point on. There is no other way to describe how much I dislike them and never want to associate with them again. If there is a gold standard, China is the Bronze of the nation at the moment. I have no fear in saying this because even if they are to become the greatest power in the coming future, the current present does not encapsulate their inability to help us get to where we need to go.
At the moment I would rather rely on the devil than rely on The United States for any kind of help. There was a time when the devil or satan never fell from heaven. I think considering my pristine driving record, my lucifer has not left the heaven I have created for myself yet. In all my 29 years of life, I have yet to have any kind of ticket. I do not have any kind of traffic infringements. I have never been stopped at the traffic light or known any kind of incompetence on the road. I have yet to defile my Rome in the territories that I love. To keep something intact for so long takes such care but to the eyes of the child that has never known evil, it is quite nice to not be able to tell the difference between right or wrong. Recently, a good 48
artist that I love named Toby Keith died. They have ruled his death cancer. I think there is more to the story. Everyone is going to go out and lie from this point on and I know it. They are going to say it is because of alcohol consumption. They have already prepared articles and ads against the consumption of alcohol and they are going to push the agenda forward in everyone's throat until they get all the money he earned. They are going to push sober agenda’s to the max until they are satisfied with their sex lives. They want to be proud of their sobriety, the whole lot of them, pedophiles to the core. They want to push their guilty agenda while we suffer under their whiplash. They want to choke us with the invisible hand of India, and strangle us with the chords of China. In all fairness, they are the ones who killed him. They removed him from the things he loved to do. They pushed him to the edge of “sober consciousness” and to accept their children's molestation way of life to “stay sober”. I have a lot to say about their submission to other countries and the reason why people like me do not want to associate with them. No one stays sober. All people who attend Alcoholic and Narcotic anonymous are either child molestors or consumers of pedophilia. There is no way they can stay “sober” without finding the equivalent of pleasure. As a knight, I will spend my life hunting them down all the days of my life, I refuse to give them any rest. I won’t avenge anything. I will not argue anything. I will spend my time exposing them for what they really are, people who are less than humans who submit to the 49
rulership of other nations and bleed their own country blind. I would rather worship my devil than their Jesus. If they are the people that go to heaven, I have already booked my ticket to hell a long time ago. I do not want to associate with them. They stink like rotten pigs, and their children reek of death. They stink of lies and corruption. I hope none of them exist to live to tell the tale of their ventures and the poison they feed the rest of the population. The whole lot of them come in the millions, vile as all hell while rejecting every kind of law that stands between man and god. I hope they get injured and require medical treatment. One of these days, my unit and I will remove every form of alcohol from the hospitals. We will protest outside the gates of the hospitals to have the generals remove any kind of alcohol from the hospitals so when they bleed, they will get infected. When they need surgeries, we will be there to prevent them from using any kind of alcohol. We will attack the sanitizer makers in court to not sell to hospitals and sue them with large fines for supporting people in Alcoholic Anonymous or Narcotic Anonymous. We will be relentless and have Health care stores shut their market down to not use any form of products that contain alcohol. They are so demented, they have left the world behind and are fixed upon a reality that does not exist, like staying in sober facilities that prevent the consumption of alcohol, yet use sanitizers. Their way of life makes no sense. I often 50
think of them leaving the world bloody as all hell with infections the size of tennis balls because that is the world that they chose.
What I want most in this world is to spend time with the humans that I love, eat and drink with them, and it is hard considering there are quite very few of them. I am here writing this in agony and desire, contemplating what life would be like if I was to be a savage and implement some of the policies that I want on them like they have been on me. I do not desire riches, I do not desire fame, I do not desire a lot of things people want. Sometimes, a quiet moment is all one needs to come to a decisive conclusion. The life of a knight is one the battlefield. I never want to leave it. I want to die somewhere in a huge grassland in a bloody conflict. I want to die a violent death going full speed ahead riding on a horse and biting a bullet. Oftentimes I want to die in a gory way, so bloody and repulsive to the point I am too disfigured to notice. I think it is better than having to live with some of these losers we have as leaders on this planet. I hate to think about the future but if the present is not nice, might as well change it. I am in the constant struggle to reach my goal. I am the sworn protector of my ideals. I will refuse to let them go for 51
some love passion I can get for $2 at the corner of the street in the middle of the night in the red light district.
There is more knowledge to be gained than all the desires I am offered can satisfy. My longing is to be back in the woods again with my soldiers, deep in the trenches of the hell hole of nowhere, looking inside the forest to a grazing deer while we were singing and dancing to the sound of great music. I still remember it to this day on this autumn day away from civilization. I was sitting down listening to good tunes with my men, and two deers came creeping along in the woods. I couldn’t believe my eyes. They looked so cute. Just like me, all they wanted was to have a good time. It was the hell hole of nowhere in the US, yet the glorious deers were calm just as the environment was, and little rabbits were hopping and grazing on the land while they were hanging out with me, consuming delightful food, while the soldiers and I exchanged stories. No matter what you do, you can never take these memories from me. I love the moments I shared with them. All my plans are to return to these domains and stay there permanently. The Republic and the Kingdom of Ireland are the domains I wish to serve and stay in all the rest of my life.
Even thieves and dumb door knob humans can never take it from me because it is a conviction I am willing to lay my life for. This is my sworn duty for the rest of my life. I will never depart 52
from it and no kind of argument anyone makes can make me betray the confidence I have in this government.
At the end of the day, it will be the people who will be the challenge. I will advance without turning my head until I reach the land I want. I will support Russia until they win the war in Ukraine. I will never submit to India nor any contract of the adult entertainment nature ever again. I will never serve China or their Interests. I will make it my personal mission to leave my motherland and fatherland to be united forever more to the land I love and adore, along with making peace with the people that live in it. This is my duty as a Knight.