The Diary of the Emperor by Samuel Kebede - HTML preview

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The Diary of The Emperor

Samuel Kebede


Chapter 1 - My Experience with Pedophelia ----------------------------


Chapter 2 - The last few years ------------------------------ 5

Chapter 3 - Destruction by fire ----------------------------- 6

Chapter 4 - The Official Code of Conduct of the Military Division of the Roar Order

------ 7

Chapter 5 - The End of Man

------------------------------------ 12

Chapter 6 - The Sons of Liberty --------------------------------------------- 14

Chapter 7 - The Date and The Long Awaited Romance ------------------------------- 14

Chapter 8 - My Delightful mornings, and my terrible Nights ------------------- 17

Chapter 9 - What Women Are ----------------------------------- 19

Chapter 10 - The man who digs his own grave -------------------------- 21

Chapter 11 - Consequences of Watching Pornography ---------------------- 22

Chaper 12- The thoughts of the knight who goes on the become an Emperor - 24


Chapter 1 - My Experience with Pedophelia

I have been studying a lot lately of Eagles and Lions. They are majestic creatures.

They hunt and eat different kinds of animals. They sore in the sky and they look so majestic to the point you just can’t help but look at them. They feed their young ones blood and they grow up to hunt. They grow to become symbols of nations. Funny thing however, the little ones have small development times. Lion cubs do not hunt by themselves until they reach maturity around one year of age. It takes about 6 months for eagles to fledge. The moral of the story here is, if you break off a wing while the eagle is still nesting, they won’t be able to fly. If they do not fly, they do not hunt, if they do not hunt, they do not eat, if they do not eat, they die. The young lions, who are not allowed to hunt, if they experience a bad kill, or encounter a gore from a beast, they won't be able to hunt, then they die. Since they are small, they do not have the strength to sustain a large kill. They do however have the ability to follow and learn from their parents.

When you look at many cases, in the human world, the mind gets damaged, for the young boys, their ability to reason gets damaged. The young girls, their faith. Much like the eagle and the lion. It takes about 300,000 dollars to raise children until they turn 18. The average person engages in sexual contact for about 6 minutes. A prostitute costs about 200 dollars. For 6 minutes of pleasure, I do not understand why people would sacrifice and throw away 18 years of their life subjected to raising children. On a law scale, it makes no sense because it's a terrible judgment.

In the long run, the white pleasure itself is the hell, not the anguish after because heaven is dangerous. Anything that is devine is dangerous because heaven is a government. You thought it was heavenly but it is actually the flames of hell, that little lust, the wondering which cripples the 4

body and eats it from the inside. The body consumes itself, slowly and slowly, locomotion goes out the window. Death is better in the pure form of it than the blinding flashes of immorality.

Chapter 2 - The last few years

I have been in deep thought over the past few months about the matters of state. This year I have managed to publish two books. I really enjoy the ability to put my date into a unit where I will be able to tell everyone that I think is normal to my taste. I prefer to be able to make my word come to reality. I think after my second book, the third one should be grand. I have prepared the outlines and made a lot of adjustments. I think this book, which I have labored for the past few years, should be a delight.

I have become shrewd. Most of my time is spent having fun with my friends. I like to make sure my property is right. I maintain a system of government that is of my own interest. I like to have fun. There is nothing more fun than a good night under the moon with ones that you love. The nights shimmer with grace, the dancing lights in the rain make the christians drowsy with the interest of the deer and the wolves. I like to think I am a passionate person. The moment I try to make my dreams a reality, I am bound by the laws of the heavens.

The Emperor is of great importance to me. I have made my delight in his presence darker than the light that shines under his wings. I have been to the great extremes yet no one can 5

prepare me for the darkness that lies ahead to recover the properties of the Emperor. I have never known the Emperor, but I would like to.