Guns In the United States


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Book Description HTML

In 2014 there were 11,008 firearm homicides in the United States. In December 2017 there were 11,800 companies in the United States that manufacture some firearm component. Teens and young adults are more likely than persons of other ages to be murdered with a gun. Most violent gun crime, especially homicide, occurs in cities and urban communities. Intimate partner violence can be fatal when a gun is involved — from 1990 to 2005, two-thirds of spouse and ex-spouse homicide victims were killed by guns. The overall number of firearm homicides among intimates has fallen considerably during the past 30 years, however. This volume examines guns and gun use in the United States.

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Michael Erbschloe

Michael Erbschloe worked for over 30 years performing analysis of the economics of information technology, public policy relating to technology, and utilizing technology in reengineering organization processes. He has authored several books on social and

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