The Life Vision by Robert Garcia - HTML preview

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The clouds begin their rainstorm….

A black canyon is streaking wet raindrops,

Down it.


That girl is the rain.


Night Blur (Her City)


Running somewhere to a horizon

He runs through the night city

His problems drifting away behind him

His problems vanishing in the city’s lights

Store windows illuminated to all his sides

He runs through the glowing streetlamps

He can almost see her in them

He can almost see the distant horizon,

He wants to reach her at

She is running away so fast…

He picks up pace

The lights stream between him

A rainbow of blurred colours

He’s running too fast to see anything

She runs into the city as he exits it

Going into a park,

He runs through the night park

As he sees her in the glowing city,

In his distance

Realizing his mistake-he ran faster than her,

The wind carries his running to the glowing city lights

He is running, floating in the air

She is running in the beautiful city below him

He falls back to ground,

And begins to run after her

The night hiding her from him

Each time she runs past her blurry city lights

He can see her running

Endlessly running, through this maze of night city

The light catching glimpses of her for him

Before she vanishes into the dark

His aimless running to catch her still

Never stops….


In this city, It’s her forever night….

Forever running, after her….

He never stops.



Dry (Death)


He lets her go.

He choking sounds alerted him something was wrong.

“I-I’m sorry if I am hurting you”

He pulls her away from his mouth.

Water flows down out of their mouths.

“I just want to flow myself onto you…”

Her eyes are closed. He eyelashes do not move.


A name he barely remembers.

It seems to fit her.

His water slowly drips out of her mouth.

Her mouth is slack-jawed and lifeless.

“No…no, I killed you.”

Shoving a hand over her jaw, he says:

“Yoko, close your mouth. You don’t look good like that. Please close your mouth. For me.”

He tries to force her mouth closed, but it won’t move.

The muscles around it are dead.

“Did-did I overflow too much of myself into you?”

She can’t respond. She looks so at peace with herself.

Her eyelashes closed gently, her mouth hanging open in sleep.

“I put you to sleep. I’ll lay you down….”

He lays her on the sand.

“You’re not dry anymore. How do you feel?”

He imagines her laughing.

“I did that, for you.”

She can’t stop laughing.

“You’re so happy now. I’m glad I see you that way.”

Water is still flowing out of her dead mouth.

“I really did overflow you.”

The sand is wet.


Dry (Fantasy)


A wet sand.

She entered into her fantasy.

Her dead body twitched.

Yoko. That’s her name.

Her golden skin had sand stuck to it


Her death had barely run away from her.

She felt herself be so tired.

The feeling of an orgasm, before her death.

She fell over. She was so weak. She couldn’t stand.

She was so close to death.


She started her fantasy with him.


On a sunlit beach, very different from the one she had almost died on,

There they were.

They were so happy together.

When he lay her down on the sand, they had sex in her water.

She had felt herself enter death that time, after he was finished with her.

A relaxed feeling, she was so sleepy.


“Uuuuugggghhhhh…. Mmmmmhhhhhh….”


The brutal reality dawned on her.


“W-what did I do to you?!”


He wasn’t breathing. He lay on top of her, on the sand, and didn’t breathe.

“Are-are you dead?”

She was stuck in the water. The waves blended in with her golden skin.

“G-get off-!”

He wouldn’t move.

She looked him in the eyes.

They were closed. His mouth gaped open.

“You’re-you’re dead….”

“Did I-did I kill you?”

She hugged him on her. “I-I’ll still pretend you’re alive. I don’t want to accept you’re dead.”

Her hands wrapped around him. She was still feeling on the edge of death, after what he had done to her.

A soft touch on his still body…she pulled him close to her.

“I’m sorry I killed you. This was my fantasy. We did this in a past, remember? I’m sure you do.”

“I remember you put me on the edge of death before, as well. You made me feel like I was dying.”

Floating on the water in front of her, his memories were just so blank.

“You-you have to remember…”

Looking up at the clear sky, memories floating in the clouds.

They’re nothing. His memories had gone blank-his lifeless body remembered nothing on top of her.

Clouds were blank to her, right now. She couldn’t see their shapes.

Her hug still pulled him close, a lifeless body she had somehow made, heavily lying on top of her.

Her golden body and hair were sinking into the shallow water, his weight crushing her.

She pulled him down with her, until her black hair was so wet in a clear ocean.


“I don’t want to be in a fantasy anymore.”


Dry (Reality)


The feeling of death stayed with Yoko…then, the strange pleasure stopped.

Briefly losing herself, a consciousness came alive to reality.

Dying pleasure was finished.

Another shore. Out of her wrong fantasy.

A wrong reality. She thought about going back to her forgotten fantasy.

But she was too strong to do that.


The man never killed her, even when he knew he did.


“Where is he?”

“I want to know where he lives.”


Her whole body was soaked in the water. Her skin dripped the whole shore.

She stood in her bra, taking off her soaking shirt.

Her shirt drifted away in the sea behind her-turning to look at it, she soon saw it move out of view.




The sun had begun to set.

Time was waiting for her to come back to reality.


She sat down on the beach, completely unsure what to do.


“Where do I go from here?”


Hours later, the sun had almost set.

That woman was kneeling on the shore, playing with seashells.

“I don’t know what I’m doing in reality. He thinks I’m dead.”

The vision on the water appeared before her.

He moved the water under his feet as he looked at her.

A blank expression.

She stared back at him, with no emotion.


She’s had enough of water. It’s sickening her.


She fell into the water, too tired and confused to think.

Yoko choked on the water as she struggled to sleep.

A feeling similar to orgasms he had given her in her fantasy came over her.


“Uuuuugggghhhh….” The slow life-draining helped put her to sleep in the water.


Dead and forgotten, she fell into what she should have been swimming her life in.


The la petite mort helped Yoko finally just end it.


La petite mort was no happy ending for the girl.


Gone because of it.


Went in it.


It’s to blame.


Oh well.





She’s had enough of water. It’s sickening her.



Sunk our dreams.


At the start, one flower shined

A small pond of water, under it

Then you arrived

Tore it out of the ground

To sniff it

You gave its life purpose

You’re beautiful

I hoped that flower would remain with you forever

For the longest time, I believed it would

But look at what happened

You threw the life you gave away

What did you do with me?

A dead flower, in the water

I’m sorry I made you throw it away.

It was your own choice.

Are you ok, drowning yourself in your ocean?

All your dreams and thoughts are in there

You won’t be able to see me again

If you struggle to breathe

Under the waves….

That’s what you always wanted

You float softly in your dreams and thoughts

I want to see you, one more time

I’ll swim in your ocean

To see where you are

When I find you

I’ll drown myself

The flower you forgot

Floats above our water

Dreams and thoughts

We had long buried away from ourselves….

The flower did always hold them, after all this time

So, so long ago….


We sunk our dreams.


Ball of light (Her Sparking)


Looking at the dawn, the sun is a mechanism of hers

Looking at the rising sun, she pushes it up

Running through the forest, the sun is so far in the distance.

How can we reach her?

The shining forest….

Leads to a mountain

The waterfall exploding into the world

The water’s shine blinds us

She falls down the waterfall

Sparkling on the mountains

Sparkling on us

I jump to catch her

I fall

Into her world

Her waterfall spurts over me

I can feel her fly towards me

Her sparks circle out in waves

In her world

Her sparks are going to blind us

The setting sun

We all jump after her

She sparks onto all of us

The clouds open up

Light destroys us

She is welcoming us with her

The world is a waterfall

The world won’t stop shaking from

Her sparkling beauty

We fall with her into her

Waterfall world of shining sunlight….

We fall into her clouds.


Colour Eyes


One foot in a coloured hole

We were all stuck in someone

We can’t identify

The colours push up

Flowing with us naturally

Stars in the sky

That she holds up for us

Stars that twinkle around us

As colour waves splash on us

The clouds form seasons around us

The sky moves slowly with us

Moving colour waves in the sky

I can’t see when she pushes us down

Her black hair spreads over the world

The colour waves flow into her

She is shot backwards by our colours

She wakes up

Big bright eyes open

They soak colours onto us

We are swept away by her coloured river

Splashing against the water

As she laughs and jumps in with us

The colours flow up into the sun

The sun is a coloured shine

She stands on a rock

And watches us swim

She splashes in with us,

Into the water below



Her colour eyes consume us

They evaporate our souls

Our souls float into her big eyes

We are her colours.

Eyes that won’t stop shaking, her colours of life.


He can see her gray

That’s not saying much






The heaven’s curtains blow

She is inside the apartment with him

The red and yellow flowers outside

Blow in the wind

The shining sun beaming down on us

She shows in the sunlight to him

A summer we share together

A summer that never ends

Outside, the suburban homes

Shining sunlight off them

So beautiful in a summer we share together

The life outside our balcony living

People out in the sun

She smiles at me

A glowing white smile in the light

Eyes that sparkle with a connection for me

As she looks deep into my eyes

A wind blows her hair over her face

Her naked golden body glows



She’s still smiling

So much joy in her eyes

The sun reflects off her

The rain puddles off her

The rain puddles on the ground

Far below, on the suburban streets, shine a reflection

Her body glows sunlight off it

I can’t stop breathing

I can’t stop looking at her

I can’t resist her

A vision in time, she and I will never forget.


I’ll kill her if death forgets her

Death will respect her

Death is a part of her life

Her life isn’t alive until I make sure death enjoys her


I wanted to see her again

But I guess I never will

That’s the reason why I failed

I can’t see her anywhere

I’m a failure

I let myself die

I let her die with me

I still don’t want to let her die in my mind….

I still hope she doesn’t….


Pick up a life back on sand….

Black sand pulls us down….

We stand up….

Sand is congealed….




You exist

You’re not us

We don’t know you

But a sun glows your future

A future to be crossed by us

Reaching hands to grab you

We can’t pull you in us if you

Isolate yourself

Take yourself with seagulls in a sky.

You can fly to a destination…

We made for you

Reaching hands…. Sun glows a future.

Our futures are fresh water.

Her future isn’t a future.

It is fresh water.

That’s her future.


A lion…. Lost animal, as him.

Gazelle, as her, made it cry.

What mistake did we make?

Destroyed on earth

Under the sea….

Our true selves breathe

A living pulse…

She gave us.

It stopped under the earth we had…

Under the sea, we breathe

You float with us

Don’t fall asleep

You’ll be lost under a sea

Don’t fall in dark

Stay up in a blue.

With us….

I know she’s there.

So pretty….

Don’t swim too far….


She’s so unsure

What to do about herself

Lost in her life

Empty rings she wears to feel pretty

There’s nothing inside

She wasted a life on ideals

She’s a dead ideal

Empty of water

She can’t drink

She can’t live

Trying to drink

She’s not a human anymore

An earth’s life was removed form existence

When she didn’t accept herself

A falling water

On sand….

She can’t drink.

She can’t live.


Her end is on sand.


As the rainstorm comes,

The tempest approaches

A welcoming tempest

You thought the rain was for you

You’re so wrong

It was meant for the dry earth

You make the earth dry

She… she walks up to you.

Her flowing white dress is so wet with raindrops

Her hair sticks to her face

A perfect shower for both of you

The water drips off of her

Onto you

The tempest won’t stop giving life to her world

Huddling yourself away

She puts her wet hand on your head

Full of gold rings, dripping rain…

The clouds let in a little bit of sunlight

The white light shines through the rain,

Onto you and her

She grasps your life with the wet rainfall

The white light spreads to show

A forest you escape in from her

The gray, stormy clouds are such a contrast to her colours

Her big eyes look at you…

So alert…

They won’t let you leave her…

More light

She grabs the rain

The rainfall becomes her

The rainfall sends you flying into her

The rain joins you as one

Her wet eyes can be seen

They make your soul weak

So alert and beautiful

You can’t resist them

She really is the tempest

Her white dress blows violently in the massacring winds

Hard pelts of raindrops on your bare skin

On her bare skin

And her wild white dress


She lifts you up into her rain….


You vanish into her.


Her tempest covers the forest.


You’re both gone.


Dry (Fantasy)


A wet sand.

She entered into her fantasy.

Her dead body twitched.

Yoko. That’s her name.

Her golden skin had sand stuck to it


Her death had barely run away from her.

She felt herself be so tired.

The feeling of an orgasm, before her death.

She fell over. She was so weak. She couldn’t stand.

She was so close to death.


She started her fantasy with him.


On a sunlit beach, very different from the one she had almost died on,

There they were.

They were so happy together.

When he lay her down on the sand, they had sex in her water.

She had felt herself enter death that time, after he was finished with her.

A relaxed feeling, she was so sleepy.


“Uuuuugggghhhhh…. Mmmmmhhhhhh….”


The brutal reality dawned on her.


“W-what did I do to you?!”


He wasn’t breathing. He lay on top of her, on the sand, and didn’t breathe.

“Are-are you dead?”

She was stuck in the water. The waves blended in with her golden skin.

“G-get off-!”

He wouldn’t move.

She looked him in the eyes.

They were closed. His mouth gaped open.

“You’re-you’re dead….”

“Did I-did I kill you?”

She hugged him on her. “I-I’ll still pretend you’re alive. I don’t want to accept you’re dead.”

Her hands wrapped around him. She was still feeling on the edge of death, after what he had done to her.

A soft touch on his still body…she pulled him close to her.

“I’m sorry I killed you. This was my fantasy. We did this in a past, remember? I’m sure you do.”

“I remember you put me on the edge of death before, as well. You made me feel like I was dying.”

Floating on the water in front of her, his memories were just so blank.

“You-you have to remember…”

Looking up at the clear sky, memories floating in the clouds.

They’re nothing. His memories had gone blank-his lifeless body remembered nothing on top of her.

Clouds were blank to her, right now. She couldn’t see their shapes.

Her hug still pulled him close, a lifeless body she had somehow made, heavily lying on top of her.

Her golden body and hair were sinking into the shallow water, his weight crushing her.

She pulled him down with her, until her black hair was so wet in a clear ocean.


“I don’t want to be in a fantasy anymore.”





Dry (Reality)


The feeling of death stayed with Yoko…then, the strange pleasure stopped.

Briefly losing herself, a consciousness came alive to reality.

Dying pleasure was finished.

Another shore. Out of her wrong fantasy.

A wrong reality. She thought about going back to her forgotten fantasy.

But she was too strong to do that.


The man never killed her, even when he knew he did.


“Where is he?”

“I want to know where he lives.”


Her whole body was soaked in the water. Her skin dripped the whole shore.

She stood in her bra, taking off her soaking shirt.

Her shirt drifted away in the sea behind her-turning to look at it, she soon saw it move out of view.




The sun had begun to set.

Time was waiting for her to come back to reality.


She sat down on the beach, completely unsure what to do.


“Where do I go from here?”


Hours later, the sun had almost set.

That woman was kneeling on the shore, playing with seashells.

“I don’t know what I’m doing in reality. He thinks I’m dead.”

The vision on the water appeared before her.

He moved the water under his feet as he looked at her.

A blank expression.

She stared back at him, with no emotion.


She’s had enough of water. It’s sickening her.


She fell into the water, too tired and confused to think.

Yoko choked on the water as she struggled to sleep.

A feeling similar to orgasms he had given her in her fantasy came over her.


“Uuuuugggghhhh….” The slow life-draining helped put her to sleep in the water.


Dead and forgotten, she fell into what she should have been swimming her life in.


The la petite mort helped Yoko finally just end it.


La petite mort was no happy ending for the girl.


Gone because of it.


Went in it.


It’s to blame.


Oh well.





She’s had enough of water. It’s sickening her.


When I woke up in the ocean,

She was nowhere to be found

She was the one searching for me

I wanted her to find me

So, where does she look?....

I’m so far deep in my waters

The sun spreads to the surface

Of the water and forms the water

Into it, before resting on the sky

The planet is lit up with light

The sea life expands onto the globe


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