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The nightmares woke the dreams up one night

And asked

"How come you are always so perfect?"

"I want to be just like you."

"Always making people feel good."

"All I do is scare people while they sleep."

"Being Scary is real overrated."

The dreams responded back

"Do you now?"

"What if I told you that we are more terrifying than you will ever be?"

"What if I told you we are dreammares?"

"We convinced that toddler boy that sleep is his happiest time."

"During the day he is beaten and spit on and left to die."

"He escapes into sleep so he won't deal with it all."

"We make him feel good"

"We make him feel like his bruised eyes and blooded nose aren't even there."

"But everything is not ok."

"Maybe you can convince him that everything is not alright."

"Give him a little scare"

"Go on now."

"Do it."