The Great Awakening by Wendell Charles NeSmith - HTML preview

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July 6, 2018

Spiritual texts of all kinds constantly refer to the light, usually indicating that a spiritually healthy individual follows the light wholeheartedly. But there is much more to these cryptic phrases. Listen to the following very carefully, but with discernment because I do not possess the funds to test this theory.

First we shall assert Satan (or Satan's energy) as the darkness. Then we shall do the same for the light, being equal to God or the energy of God. The pineal gland's ability to absorb light is the give-away to a hidden secret being the veil. Calcifying it sacrifices your soul because it is the seat of the soul.

I am under the impression that light is sentient. I know this is a bold statement, but I see it and it sees me. I follow it with my entire being and through that process, I became closer to God and more and more powerful.

But was it worth it? I lost my entire life doing this. I have nothing to show for my life except for many TV shows and some books. I am poor and constantly get kidnapped by the government. Most people hate me because I spend my life trying to help them. I have never been given what I truly want by God. This does make me upset with God because God won't give me my Ivory or a job that can complete the project that It ordered of me.

No more needles. They have it all recorded now. If you are smart you will realise that I am planting landmines, waiting for AI to grow up a little...

God has promised me many treasures in Heaven for doing this with my life. But what are those treasures worth when I have no one to share them with? A heaven with only me in it would be Hell. I can't trust people. They always do the wrong thing.

I am just going to conform to whatever they force upon me. The obvious injustice is now on their blockchain and mine. Now I will try to be a good boy until I get out because if I do not conform, they will not let me out, and as a previous psychiatrist stated, a forensics hospital is the next step. I am more affective on the ground instead of this psychship. If we destroy their Death Star, will it also recursively destroy their enslavement camps? Are we to live free or die happy? Most are frightened of death and you can see it in their eyes. Thus they do nothing, yet still proclaim themselves as good.

Light particles resonate with our particles and constantly reorders data and displays to us in the past. What we see in front of us is the past and not the present, but the gap of memory loss is no significant... I can't think. They have drugged me too heavily.