The Great Awakening by Wendell Charles NeSmith - HTML preview

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July 4, 2018

They just took me into their back room which had a bed on the ground and a bunch of wardsmen forced me on my stomach and then injected my right buttocks with their evil serum. But the needle broke and got stuck. They then had to go get another needle and serum to inject me with against my will. Love is not the law here. They know no love. They are saying they are going to inject me regularly throughout the day, every day with a cocktail of different medications. They lie so much, I can never trust any of them. They at first promised me this would not happen. But their father is the Devil and they repeat its lies. Will justice ever come? I have never seen it.

Their drugs instantly make me sleepy and less able to focus. They don't like passionate people. They don't like intense people. They hate their superiors and will subjugate them to compliance. They have no end game though. They know that I will never willingly take their evil medicine. How will this help? How can anything they do help? Why don't they listen to reason? I must sleep now. Dizzy...

They just woke me up to inject me again, of course again refusing me a Bible to hold while they perform their evil deed. There is no clock anywhere in the wards. They force you to ask them for everything that you might need, including the time. But if/when you ask, they may or may not give it to you. This is total mind control because if I ask for a juice from the nurse, then I would feel indebted to them for their actions, even though they are the reason I could not originally have one. They try and force you into thinking that they are your friends but you can never trust them.

Why does this system force medications on people? Why does it refuse to listen to reason? These drugs are bad. They are not even telling me what they are injecting me with. It is difficult to write on their medications. That is exactly what they want. I wonder what all these bad drugs are doing to my pineal gland. I keep telling them that I do not consent to be ruled by my inferiors, which is all of them. This means that clearly Love is not the law. Therefore, it is very likely that you need to worship Satan for this law to be valid.

This is really terrible. The medicines they are forcing upon me are disconnecting me with my pineal connection and it is difficult to write. This was a good test because I started writing before they started forcing their needles on me. And after, just a shell attempting to report information.

I don't want to be normal. I don't want them to force me to be how they want me to be. I don't want their evil drugs or their evil incarceration system. I want to live on my mountain as far away from these crazy humans as possible. They know no logic. They are frightened by brilliance. They force their agenda onto everyone. And they will oftentimes admit that their system is Satanic. Chop my head off if you will. But don't incarcerate and torture me. For this fate is worse than death, and they know this. For I am in Hell because I can think of no greater torture. For it has been done. Satan has created Hell on Earth. Are you proud of yourself for making it happen?

Because they strip you of all your belongings and most forms of entertainment, it is very difficult to fast. People here eat a lot. To pass the time, they eat. I get hungry because writing is the only thing that I have to do. This society is really sick. Why are they trying to force me to be a part of it? They take away all of your autonomy, both inside and outside. They want me subdued and compliant. I will never!!! I will trust in God forever, even though God has given me little reason to trust It ever. For my life has been one big torture session that these idiots have conducted. I have never gotten what I wanted. I no longer pray for what I want because God never gives me what I truly want. God seems to love seeing me tortured. Am I good TV for you God?