Rainbow Rock by Fractalosopher - HTML preview

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Rainbow Rock Summary

Rainbow Rock is virtues and values for a state of total wellness. Virtues and values are listed in general order of complexity or achievement. The most basic concepts begin as elements that build to a complete foundation of philosophy.

Action to Consider

Discover meaning of virtues including joy, life, truth, love, and peace. Discover who you are, then who we are.

Put on trial your virtues and values. Embrace virtues and values even if those around you oppose them.

Tolerate your self and accept your self, and love your self, and so the same for others. Seek meaning to life.

Challenge your virtues and values to their limits. Face your fears. Seek courage to confess your wrongs to anyone who wishes to know and is ready to offer you resolution and justice, and to forgive others as you are forgiven. Pursue perfection, but accept the good in place of the perfect. Network with others who may support each other in developing our philosophy.

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Rainbow Rock Outline

Philosophic Feeling: Elements to Joy

Philosophic Thinking: Steps to Comic Tragedy Rainbow Civics

Natural Society

Civic Freedoms

Civic Rights

Civic Analysis







Kaizen(Continuous Improvement, Adaptivity) Faith



















Spinning(Increasing Positivity)








Equality(of Authority and Rights)









JOY Joy is a feeling of satisfaction for life. Happiness is getting what you want. Joy is wanting what you have. Joy is appreciation of what was, passionate satisfaction with what is, and hopeful welcome of what will be. Keeping virtue in times of suffering and challenging circumstances lead to joy. To want what you already have, learn what you have and who you are. To discover your self and your place in life, explore your environment, and accept both the kindness and harshness of nature as it reveals itself. And, contemplate who you are, your position in life, and what it is you really want. In doing so, remember that actions speak more loudly than words. After you have contemplated your self, contemplate others the same way. To accept joy, accept your position and accept your self, and finally accept others the same. Then, you may reach your potential, and we may reach our potential. When you share goals with others, you will be one with others. Challenges are better overcome when our personal virtues and values are minded.

Challenges. Handling challenges well brings joy. Success requires overcoming challenges, working hard, and getting dirty. Accept challenge, power through the work, and welcome the dirt for success. To know your self in full, challenge virtues and values to their limits. Simplicity.

Simplifying helps discover joy. We may reduce the complexities of life to reveal the world in a more pure form. To simplify we may develop priorities, organize clutter, and avoid extravagance. Freedom and independence. How spiritually free as independent are those with great accomplishment? Accomplishments begin with freedom and independence. We are born with goals natural to us. But, our environment and its people have goals for you to consider. It is your choice to adapt them. When these goals are right for you, adapt them. When these goals are wrong for you, refuse them. Live your own life, not the lives of others. If it happens to be the same life as your family or community or society or culture or authorities expect, the many of you become one of us, and that is fine.

If not, there can be appreciation for diversity and challenge, and that is fine too. Accomplishment.

Accomplishment, success, and victory lead to joy when well done. To accomplish, both think and feel before you act.

Confidence. Being confident about now and the past leads to making confident choices. Choices define the future. For the future, a more positive and realistic, and less negative spin build hope and may justify optimism.

Possibilities. Nothing is impossible. Everything is possible. Dream what you want to dream, go where you want to go, be who you want to be. To reach your full potential, allow every good want, it's chance for success.

Opportunity. Everyone who wishes to achieve goals will have opportunity. Occasionally you have only one chance for a goal or it may never happen. Those who attune to opportunities discover them, and those who attend to their goals discover joy.

TRUTH Truth may hurt sometimes. Truth may set you free always. Truth leads to accomplishment. Truth invites questioning, because questioning leads to truth and gives us confidence when due. If placing other values above the truth, you may not be able to handle the truth. For knowledge, know your self. Knowledge is half the mission.

Know who you are to begin to accomplish your goals. Then, accept who you are to accomplish your goals. For truth, know those around you. For truth, know your environment, as information is by your perceptions. Ignorance is bliss for moments, knowledge is power for generations. The most important knowledge may be that you know nothing. You know nothing until you know everything because the one thing

left to know may be how you are wrong about everything else. To avoid the pains of truth, be ready to discover wrong in your self, so you may be happy to change for the better and keep right instead of angry and upset about . By learning who you are, you can with less difficulty learn your environment and learn who others are. Learning increases the ability to accomplish goals. Truth may be discovered with exploration, instinct, and logic. All virtues ground in truth for pure joy, so we may then have true life, true love, and true peace.

LIFE Life is opportunity to achieve and experience joy.

Experiencing life is living in the present. To experience the present, just be. To just be, you may want to first notice the many parts of your body, and their connections and senses. Sense and value past experience, so you can then chose a future. Then, joy may be achieved through changing your self. The greatest opportunities of life include the challenge to your virtue and values. Be the change you wish to experience. There is a time to live in the moment. There is a time to remember the past. There is a time to invest in the future. Meaning of Life. The meaning of life is an experience that may be indescribable in words, so its meaning is explored and discovered individually. If there comes a time when you want nothing and have more than that, you may experience the meaning of life. Why live? Life is choices, and you may chose what you want, perhaps chose to not live, and may chose to live other people's lives instead by caring for them more than your self. If you aren't living your life, you're living someone else's life. Lounging around as a fixture makes you into a fixture. Life is like a puzzle. When the puzzle is solved, there may always be another puzzle. The next puzzle may be a completely different challenge. When our solution is done, and our mission is done, our life is done, and a new life may be found. Live free or live not. The carbon rule of life is to live and let live. Our family and friends may be an extension of our life just as as we are an extension of life to our family and friends.

LOVE Agape love, an open caring love. Agape love shares enjoyment of life. Love admires life. Consideration of others as we so consider our selves brings connectedness, so we become one in love. Love for others may be limited to the same amount of love we have for our self, so love can begin with love for your self. Love spreads love. To treat others as you your self would like to be treated is to live by the golden rule. Generosity. Sharing is caring.

Helping others by sharing our ways of life and our resources with no strings attached. It can hurt to love but be unloved in return. It can hurt even more to love

someone without courage to tell them how you feel. So, consider many ways to reveal your feelings. Evil and Suffering. People want choices. When people have choices, bad choices must exist. The better choices are good and the worse choices are bad. Bad choices bring evil and suffering. We can experience more pain than imagined possible or considered fair. At least equally so, we can experience more pleasure than we imagine to be possible or deservable. Regardless of how bad things are, things can get worse. Regardless of how good things are, things can get better. Why do bad things happen to good people? There are no good people. There are no bad people. There are good behaviors and evil behaviors. So then, why do bad things happen to well behaved people? In a world where everyone receives equal unconditional agape love by God, it is just as bad for bad things to happen to badly behaved people as well behaved people, in allowing justice outside of time.

Consider a world where people all receive equal and unconditional love by God. Why do bad things happen? People want choices and chances. When people have choices and chances, bad choices and bad outcomes must exist. Bad things will happen in a world with freedom and also a world with choices and chances. Left must allow right. Up must allow down. Good must allow bad. Love must allow hate. The opportunity for good and love is also a chance for evil and hate. Hate is a misguided love as a mistake of priorities, so we may become that which we hate. We are born sinners as our motives are only altruistic or pure to our ideals.

Helping others may cause you to feel good. So, you are gaining personal benefit by helping others. But if someone does not have such a pleasure in helping others, consider to avoid holding it against them, as they have a right to chose to help only them self, and to chose their own values and goals. Live and let live. A fountain of pure and unconditional love can be tapped within all those who seek it.

PEACE To just be. Peace releases us from guilt, sin, and suffering. We may accept even what we cannot change. We may accept by tolerance even what is only for others to control. Four paths to peace include forgiveness, courage, humility, and acceptance. There are many ways to peace. For peace, find a time to confront and forgive all who have wronged you and your cared. Find a time to apologize to all who you have wronged. Forgiving those who are not sorry will bring peace, but apologizing for those who are not sorry will bring resentment. Find a time to forgive all wrongs by all people. Apologize for all wrongs. After you apologize, do what you can to compensate your victims and right your wrongs. Discover courage to confront those who

have wronged you directly without hesitation, or anger will build. Fighting your feelings is fighting peace. Peace is a refuge from your troubles, but not an escape from them. If trouble comes up and you do not take care of it with time, it will become a burden. Burdens may grow until damaging you. So, take care of trouble as it arises with time.

Accept your limitations and weaknesses. War works more in theory. Peace works more in practice. War may or may not be justified, but peaceful resolution is always justified. The best path to peace is by peace. Meditation. To meditate, just be. Accept your self and accept all others, as God accepts you and God accepts all with mercy and forgiveness.

Confess your sins to all those who you have wronged. Accept others for who they are as you would wish to be accepted for who you are. For peace, be humble, as standards begin as mere words of imperfect people. As you tolerate and accept your self, be tolerant and accepting of others.

Avoid judging others until you are ready to be judged on the same terms for all your wrongs. Disputes. Doing nothing in cowardice is neither peaceful nor a resolution.

For peace, allow people who do wrong against you a chance to make things right without first advertising the issue to the world at large. Advertising a conflict increases the scale of the conflict. So only when complaint fails to cause improvement, consider the most minor step first in expanding the dispute to involve more people. The scale of disputes can be personal, among friends, among community, global, or other levels as you define. When you have an issue with someone, always to take issue directly with the person at issue before increasing the scale or seeking resolution other ways for better resolution. If still unresolved, you may seek a mediator such as a mutually trusted friend. The best mediator is someone who you both trust to help negotiate the resolution. If still unresolved, an arbitrator is a good final chance for peace.

The best arbitrator is someone you all trust to render a final judgment that you will accept without knowing in advance and regardless of the outcome. You may even agree to a mutually trusted person to use force to resolve the issue upon arbitration. Security is a feeling of peace as safety and confidence in life that someone gets with the protections of life that satisfy them. Wealth and defense can provide security, but caring faithful relationships of courage and unity can better provide security. Live by the sword, die by the sword. Live by peace, die in peace.

KAIZEN You can get better, stronger, and faster at many things, if you put your heart and mind to it. If you can't get strong, you can become less weak. If you cant get good, you can become less bad. Few people reach their potential

because they don't know their self, they don't accept their self, and they don't attempt to improve them self constantly. Virtues and values can be strengthened, tuned, and attended to. You may constantly improve your self. Bend rather than break in adaptivity. Attributes without attention may become weaker over time. You can accomplish more than what you are doing now. You can do so by force of will, and you can do so by learning more and training more.

Everyone is capable of great improvement by spending time.

However, if one does not know their self, they may be improving a worthless ability or behavior, or even working against their own goals. To improve your self, first discover your self. Network with others who share your goals. Learn from mistakes by listening to supporters opinions and by continuous evaluation of goal progress.

Mistakes happen, but will you let them happen twice? To improve, seek and make room for improvement. A crisis demands we do something, but preventing the same crisis usually demands we undo that which enabled it. Track your achievements and progress to goals so you can use that information to improve. Every writing can be improved.

Write a new beginning. Write a new middle. Write a new end.

Many people think their actions are uncontrollable. Even coughs and sneezes can be controlled with training. If you were offered an incredible reward for changing your life course, could you do it? For example, if you were offered a solid gold statue to stop eating for one day with good food there for you to eat, could you do it? One hour? One minute? Or, if you were offered an incredible punishment to avoid the behavior, could you do it? If someone were going to kill you with no exceptions for eating, could you stop eating for a day? An hour? A minute? These are two tests of choice. If you wait to be ready for change before you do change, you may be waiting forever. So, don't always wait to change. In Kaizen, don't just survive, but thrive.

FAITH Dreams can lead to hope. Hope can lead to faith.

Faith can lead to confidence to face our fears and press on. Intuition is the instinct that allows animals to succeed in life even without the skill of logical reasoning. So, faith is an intuition that allows people to find joy in life with or without logical reasoning. The less information available about something, the more the belief about it rests on faith. Evidence lowers the need for faith in a belief. Because some beliefs cause harm to our selves and others, we have a responsibility to discover evidence. So, seek and welcome information to strengthen well placed faith and to replace misplaced faith. Our faith is often put to the test, but you may avoid many trials by putting your own faith to the test. Build courage to

welcome information about beliefs that contradict your beliefs. The more different perspectives and opposing views you know of or adapt to, the less wrong or more confident you can feel about your beliefs. Absence of evidence is not evidence, but faith. When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains as improbable, is a faith.

Logic is limited in reach because all lines of reasoning eventually lead to the unknown. So, logic rests on a foundation of faith or instinct. Science and logic often require more time than what is available to reach a confident conclusion, leaving us to our instincts to form a decision or belief. Also, science can sometimes lead a researcher in logical circles, which is invalid logic.

Logic only works in lines of reasoning, not in circles of reasoning. Where we have little evidence, we may have faith, and when we have faith, we have hope.

EVIDENCE Feeling right is good, being right is better.

Evidence enables us to better learn what works and what is correct even when opposing our beliefs. Evidence includes experience, statistics, and logic. Our own experiences or senses are one of many ways of evidence. And, these experiences are incomplete without logic. Often times things work against how we would expect and in ways that seem to make little sense. Those circumstances are when logic, statistics, and other forms of reason may be helpful. Statistics. Statistics are patterns in numbers that give us information. Statistics enable confidence in truth. False statistics give confidence in lies. Statistics require many more resources than other ways of finding truth. Asking an opinion from a friend is easy, while collecting evidence is challenging. Ignorance is easy. The more time and resources spent in discovery of the truth, the more one is likely to know the truth. Ignore people who spend time to seek the truth at the cost of your own ignorance. Logic. Logic is a tool to understand patterns of our universe. Logical reasoning is used to consider cause and effect, to question the consistency of a belief, and whether a fact is correct. Logic leads to predictions such as a hypothesis. Predictions lead to gathering evidence about whether our predictions are right or wrong.

The simplest explanation is the most likely to be true.

However, it is also easy to wrongly assume the reasons for why things happen. If it is true most of the time, then it is true in general. However, it is not necessarily true in specific. When two people disagree, at least one of the two is wrong. For example, Muslims are entirely certain that Christians are wrong while Christians are entirely certain that Muslims are wrong. Some opinions can be wrong. Logic ends traditions that are shown harmful. For example, it is

now known that sharing the same food bowl spreads sickness more easily. Instinct & Science. Instinct did lead to science. Science leads to truth. However, science is neither superior to instinct, nor may it rightfully claim a righteous authority on truth. Science is one tool of many for truth. Critical thinking. Our instinct is to look at other ways of life and notice their flaws and their mistakes. In looking at other ways of life, we see that those wrong beliefs cause harm. Considering other ways of life can be wrong, our ways of life may be wrong. So, explore your own ways of life to discover flaws and mistakes, then take action. Independent thought. Blind faith in such things as popular beliefs, official stories, magic, superstitions, and the supernatural enable crime and tempts wrongs. Learn to sort evidence to your best ability to determine truth. Blind faith is bad faith. Fallacy. It is much easier to be wrong than to be right. There are multitudes of ways to reason wrongly. It is wrong to presume that because someone is admirable they are right, and equally wrong to presume that because someone is of poor character or poor intelligence that they are wrong. It is wrong to presume that because a belief is popular it is right. Learn fallacies and to avoid them as much harm in the world is due to fallacy. Rumormilling. People grinding others down by rumor, dishonor, or ostracism with little to no evidence are them selves as dishonorable and disgraceful as the behavior they are condemning.

Disrespecting someone by act of rumormill is as bad as the alleged wrong itself when, as is often, the opposite of the rumor is often more accurate. Accuse someone of a wrong only at your own risk of dishonor. To do something such as disassociate with someone because of such accusations promotes the evil of false accusations. The court of public opinion is more corruptible than formal court in a culture of rumors and innuendo. Upon hearing such a rumor, one has a civil duty firstly to ensure the accused has been informed of the allegation, and secondly to ensure the accused has been given a public platform to respond to the accusations. Only God knows.

PASSION Follow deep desires to deep joy and pure spirit.

To find joy, discover and own and embrace your passions, and live by your passions. Learn who you are by identifying all your goals. People may believe they want something, but are wrong about their values, leading to dead ends. One who believes they want to learn another language, but go by a long time without expanding knowledge of the language, is wrong about wanting to learn a new language. If one wishes to learn a new language, but is not willing to put the energy into it, there may be dishonesty to passion. Or, one

may not yet be ready to learn the new language. Wanting something you cannot have or are not ready for is a wasted want. If you are not accomplishing what you want in life, it may be because you don't really want what you think you want. If you want something, then you will put the energy into the thing to get it. If you discover you are not putting energy to accomplish what it is you want, then re-evaluate whether you actually want it. Also re-evaluate whether it is worth the energy to get. You are who you think you are when all of your actions match all of your beliefs. For example, if you believe you want to gain strength, and are gaining strength, then you are who you think you are. When you gain that strength and keep it, then you were who you thought you were. But if you don't accomplish what you thought you would accomplish after you have gained the strength, then you didn't really know yourself and didn't really want the strength. You may always start over if something goes wrong. The act of starting fresh may give a boost in confidence that helps you move forward. Set your ventures based on your deepest desires. Seek and keep notice of your innermost desires. If achieving what you want isn't something entirely positive, then re-evaluate your ventures. Discover great satisfaction by immersing yourself in something you find interest in or by learning more about your interests.

UNITY We are all connected. We are all one. The joining of love and peace enable unity of people. Unity is a harmony. Everything is connected. We are individuals. We are one. Move closer with like-minded people in cooperation to pursue goals together. There is strength in unity and strength in numbers, as the whole may be stronger than the separated parts. Belonging with others adds rather than removes personal responsibility. Collectives by force are division and disharmony rather than unity. Power. Unity brings power. With power is responsibility. Following the commands or ideas of others is a choice until the laws of physics take away the choice. Supporting rules or laws of people are a choice until the laws of physics take away the choice. Some goals prove worthless to our joy and those false empty goals may involve idolatry, coveting, jealousy, bullying, selfish manipulation, and vampirism. Independence and freedom enable us to submit to others and adapt their goals as ours while maintaining a healthy relationship.

HEALTH If you value your self, then value your health.

The human body is complex and builds many different compounds. The more different parts you give your body, the more complex parts your body can build for itself. So, give your self variety of foods including vegetables with green leaf, variety of prepared roots, and variety of seeds and

fruits. Carefully seek food variety far and wide and listen carefully to which variety your body wants and which food your body rejects compared to others. Its very difficult to be both healthy and full because the most healthy foods generally have low energy, while the least healthy foods have a high energy level. For example, while the most healthy foods are green leafy vegetables, they have the least energy in them being mostly free of sugars. So eating healthy is difficult, but there are more healthy and less healthy foods. Work towards a healthy diet for your full life and receive the rewards of good health. When your mental health suffers, your physical health suffers. As you tend to your physical health daily, also tend to you mental health daily. Keeping your brain challenged as you keep active with your body increases mental health. Broad participation in, spiritual development, physical innovation, civil discourse, and philosophy increases mental health. Hygiene. To prevent sickness, wash your hands before you eat or cook, preferably with soap and hot water, or rubbing harder with cold water. Avoid smelling badly to some degree you chose, so others know you value health. Avoid sharing partially eaten food to avoid sickness. If you begin to stink, clean your self and clothing. If you are sick or coughing, either don't go out in public or wear a mask covering your mouth and nose, and touch public surfaces only with a cloth. Surfaces touched by multitudes of people have germs, so if you are not healthy don't touch them without a cloth, and if you are healthy in a crowded place its okay to still use a cloth and possibly avoid getting sick at least once.

WEALTH Financial wealth. Money may be traded for time, so, time is money. Wealth enables us to spend our time in more ways. Money cannot solve personal problems but it can solve resource problems. Wealth cannot make someone satisfied with life, but it can take away worries about life. Saved wealth breeds more wealth, so the universal way to wealth is by saving. People's handling of money reveals them self. Money is only most important in a culture of money. A culture of prosperity creates a culture of kindness, not a culture of money. Wealth is best stored widely in the pockets of your most kind and most honorable friends than in the vaults of callous bankers. Never put all your eggs in one basket but instead spread your belongings in many places. For financial freedom, little should be in your name only, and should be in the names of the ones you care for. Money makes barter easier, and barter helps us live well. Trading is win-win if done in a voluntary way. So, one person values what they receive more than what they give. Then, the other person also values

what they receive more than what they give. It is nearly always true that one person will get more value than the other, but concerning one self with being the bigger winner does more harm than good. The only good use for a loan is to create more wealth than the cost of the loan. Loans to pay ongoing expenses are a sign of trouble and are not needed by financially well people. So, if you want something expensive then save your resources or go to friends for help, or both. If you wish to become financially wealthy then work hard to invest a lot of your resources early and often. Practically unlimited new wealth is created by spending time on natural resources. Assuming that wealth must be stolen or taken is the wrongful domain of envy. As people become financially wealthy, resources will work for us, as our investments will return more resources. Choose who to trust wisely enough and your resources will all return when invested in others. Wise investment is to wisely choose who can manage resources well. Investment is a balance of risk and return. A low risk means a safe and definite return, while a high risk means a possible great return or great loss. If you lose your investment and are much worse off, you likely took to much risk. A wealthy culture is one that uses wealth to build investments that create more wealth rather than to simply transfer resources from one person to another. We must pick and choose which goals to achieve first, so allocate your time wisely. Trying to make more time than nature allows leads to problems. Rushing often leads to mistakes. Doing something in a rush uses more energy than doing the same thing more slowly, so notice your energy before rushing. Sacrifice of sleep leads to foolish mistakes. Working smart is more important than working hard. Staying up late will add hours to one day while taking them away from the next and also causing disharmony with nature. The price of staying up one hour late is often more than one hour of time in the future. The early bird gets the worm.

SENSITIVITY Sensitivity is to balance attention and focus internally to your body and your mind and also externally to your environment, in a rhythm. To accomplish this, attune yourself to the rhythms of nature, diet, and resting. You are what you eat. You are what you breathe.

Attune yourself to your mind, its perceptions, environments, and its effects on the world around you. Tune your mind. The mentally ill may become mentally healthy, and the mentally healthy may become mentally strong.

Sensitivity reveals truth and magnifies life. Signs.

There may be meaning in everything, but discovering its meaning takes time. So, there is a balance between reading

signs too much and too little. Strange coincidences, synchronicities, are signs to be contemplated. Empathy.

Empathize with others by imagining to be in their position, with their features and goals. If something in that position pains you, it probably hurts the person too. If it pleasures you it likely pleases the other person as well.

Empathy's limit is where people do have different priorities which we don't know of. People prefer foods over foods, smells over smells, and romance over romance. In that case, we can be sensitive by learning the values of others. Sensitivity ends where action begins, as people are beings of both listening and doing. A still quiet of the mind allows maximum sensitivity for our minds. During a conversation allow moments of silence for good sensitivity.

Spend time each day to attune yourself to nature, to your body, to your environment, and to others. A sensitive person may perceive intricate vibrations of the universe and see God molding it to his preference... splitting the universe in different directions in any and every dimension, and merging in the same direction. In many such possibilities, life is even more fragile than we imagine it to be. We may be living as a simple nostalgic thought of God as a moment of the distant past. Sensitivity discovers the deepest depths and the greatest heights.

COURAGE Confrontation brings us peace, resolution to conflict, and personal progress. Courage enables us to confront beliefs, confront fears, and confront opponents such as bullies. If you cant handle the truth, you live in fear of the truth. If you live in fear, you don't live well. To live, face your fears. If you can't confront your fears, your fears instead may confront you when you are unprepared. To seek God, you may first need to face your fears. Confrontation is an opportunity to resolve conflict.

Hesitation in conflict decays our energy and burdens us with stress. When you live by fear, your mental health will suffer. Underconfidence is sometimes cowardly.

Overconfidence is always foolish. There is a middle ground of confidence, but a middle ground of tolerance is only a higher conflict. Tolerance that leads to peace is tolerance for other beliefs, but intolerance of harmful behaviors.

Avoid letting even most bad manners go unannounced and ignored to build your courage. Fight or flight. Reject or accept. You may accept by agreeing to disagree or you may reject by conflict, but it is one or the other. Running away in strategy is a partial victory, while running away in cowardice is a total defeat. Valor. To those who help, take high risk and be a hero of valor, or take zero risk and be a zero of valor. In learning the fine line between bravery and stupidity, you keep your valor. Face your fears

with acceptance, knowing life may go on, even if yours does not. When others bother you, confront others. When your behavior bothers you, confront your beliefs. When your life bothers you, confront your self. Some respect is earned by being kind, but much of it can only be earned by being courageous. So, learn your fears. Confront your fears. Fear of death is fear of fear. Sometimes the greatest fear, is fear itself. Sometimes the greatest fear is the truth. When you are governed by fear, you are governed by evil. At some point in your life, the sooner the better, confront each of your fears. Confronting our fears brings us to a higher existence... with life, truth, love, and peace. So, there is reason to welcome a conflict and enjoy a new phase of life.

WILL Your greatest accomplishments shall be as great as your will to achieve them. Your will to achieve will be as strong as your energy level. Will is the energy level of your heart as passions. So, maximize your mental and physical energy by carefully directing your passions.

Motivation. Passion may set your focus. Care may evaluate your goals. Impetus. The spark of action is to to follow the passion of your heart with a first step. Tenacity.

Develop clear goals for a clear will. Pursue goals rigorously and continuously until all hope is lost or all victory is gained. Consider pushing other instincts and other priorities aside in order to will something into happening. Learn when to give up. Learn when to press on.

Ambition. Despite spending our days estimating and guessing, people often estimate wrongly. We often underestimate what we can accomplish in life, and overestimate how much we know. Emancipation is to put responsibility and so control of your circumstances with yourself more than others, so maturity and success are found with those who avoid blame in focus of resolution.

Expecting others to fully solve your challenges means they may solve their own challenges instead without solving yours. So, leading your life by will brings better outcomes. Succeed by force of will.

FORGIVENESS Peace is achieved through forgiveness. The first step to forgiveness is admitting a wrong is done.

Confess your wrongs to those who you have sinned against.

Confess your wrongs to all who wish to listen. Confess your wrongs to God. In forgiveness of others, you may need to forgive your self first. People who cannot forgive should not expect to be forgiven. Forgive and forget, or forgive and don't forget. If you cannot achieve forgiveness from others, settle for forgiveness from your self and from God.

If you wish ill on those who have wronged you, then you have not forgiven them. When people wrong against you, it

is burden upon both you and them. They have a duty to make things right, and you have a duty to confront them about the wrong. Your duty is not avenge or revenge, but instead to prevent further harm. Their duty is to compensate you for the wrong. Even as you take action to prevent further harm, you don't need to act in anger against your opponent.

Acting against your opponent in anger hurts them but also hurts you. Act instead against your opponents with an attitude of forgiveness. The most effective way to punish opponents may be to punish them with kindness under an attitude of forgiveness. If you decide to sulk and allow your self to become depressed by a wrong, you allow the wrong to be further harmful. Instead, write off your losses and move on with life. Let the past be the past.

HUMILITY The weak can live long, happy, and fulfilled lives. That is better circumstances than someone strong living a financially successful, but unhappy, and unfulfilled life. Perspectives. You are great. You are a part of greatness. Greatness is a part of you and is growing inside you. You are vomit. You are a piece of vomit, because potential vomit is a part of you and grows inside you as you eat. Different perspectives can both be accurate, but some are more useful than others, and all are likely to be useful as situations change. A celebrity is happy to be a celebrity. A dog may be just as happy to be a dog. A flea ...a flea. A stone ...a stone. All are special, and all are individuals. But, we are one, we may be divided, and we are nothing. God may have a special plan for you, and you may be a speck in that plan. Yet this small existence would be a noble and great. People may be nothing more than the imagination of God, as a passing thought of God. There are good and bad behaviors, not good and bad people. Some people are be better at many behaviors than others, but that does not make them better than others. We are no better or worse than any other person or other part of our universe. "Better" is a word that always carries the question "better at what?". The reason no human is better than another is because one can only be better than someone else at specific things. We are what we are, and we are who we are, no more and no less.

Every part of a person may be either lost more easily than gained. You deserve nothing unless another has agreed you deserve it. You earn nothing unless another has agreed you earned it. Deserve and earn are opinions of little value.

All that you might deserve is the property of another first. All you earn may be property of God. So, all you have may be borrowed from God. To be humble is to accept reality. You are made of multitudes of parts making you significant, but compared to the multitudes of parts in the

universe you are a small speck. When we see the largest of the large, we are humbled. But we should be humbled as much when we see the smallest of the small because on a scale of scales, a fly is only a tiny bit smaller than a human. To a toddler their father is a giant, but the difference isn't noticed on the scale of scales. Ego and Self. Respect is to be earned and given at will, not to be demanded. You are special only as others are also special. Help. We all need help at times, and there is no shame in asking for help. Fame. Being famous may be helpful. Those who are famous are famous because of their accomplishments, so just wanting to be famous is an empty goal. One and all. We are all individuals. We are all one. We are all divisible.

We may all unite.

ACCEPTANCE To achieve harmony and peace, accept your self and accept others. Acceptance is to embrace your natural instincts and passions, your chosen goals, and own to your position and challenges in life. Rarely reject instincts, only do so when you can be confident that rejection is beneficial for both you and others. More often, allow your instincts to run their course. In acceptance of your self, you can accept others and tolerate different personalities and different cultures. Accept others as you accept your self. Accept yourself for who you are. Accept others for who they are. Accept your self despite your weaknesses.

Accept others despite their weaknesses. Accepting all people is helpful, while accepting all behavior is harmful.

A perspective of personal responsibility for behaviors that may change over time leads to community of harmony and peace. Good things may come to an end. Accept it when they do. Of course God accepts you, God created you. So, you can be at peace by the grace of God. Tolerance. Tolerance is a path to acceptance. Even if one can't accept, one may yet tolerate. Tolerance is to acknowledge that different people may have different values, and this is the way of the universe. To avoid wrongful judgment, notice the underlying oneness of our world. Tolerate pain when pain comes due, because pain has purpose and is a bitter reminder of better life. Avoid the perfect getting in the way of the good.

Accept imperfection. Strive for perfection, but accept less when you are not yet able to achieve it. Opinions. Our freedom of belief provides that everyone has the right to any opinion on any topic. So, opinions can be wrong. One opinion is that the root of existence, God for example, may begin in the middle, or the end, but not the beginning.

Furthermore, this is why God is said to have no beginning and no end. This is an opinion, yet it may be either right or wrong. Accept that others have different opinions from yours. Complaining vs Whining. It is time to complain

when you are having troubles going further on your own.

Whining is when you continue to complain soon after already having a response to your complaint. Acknowledge your challenges or problems and move on. Acknowledge the past without dwelling on the past. Ready the future without dwelling on the future. The here and now is your moment to unify with the universe, and this moment is a happier one when you accept things as they are.

FOCUS Your focus becomes you. The more one focuses on something, the more likely it is to occur. Even the impossible may seem to happen simply by focus. Focus on your goals second on how your actions are achieving them or failing to achieve them. Considering carefully where to put resources: time, energy, money, etc. Frequently consider what should be focused on more or less. Perspective.

Notice how the parts link to the whole, how objectives link to goals, and so how the means achieve the ends. As soon as a problem, issue, or challenge is noticed, address it right away unless there is a good reason to delay. If you delay, consider if it is worth addressing later, and if so how you will later remember to come back to address it.

Knowing what to do and when is a great challenge in accomplishing your goals in life. Victory. Winning. Win what you desire by quietly and relentlessly working. Time winning is spent in focus on doing, not complaining, fantasizing, or bragging. Winning feels good, but can be over-rated. It can fail to make you a better person, making you happier only temporarily. Just because you didn't win does not mean others then lose. If you have lost, it does not mean others have won against you. If you try to do too little or try to do too much, you will feel unfulfilled, as your goals you have won't be accomplished. At many times, even throughout the day, notice whether you are focused on what you planned to do, or whether you are distracted.

Focus by noticing all your senses and creating a home for your mind independent of your location. Focus by concentrating and timing your goals. Make time for that which you hesitate to do. Be aware of the past. Be aware of the future. Focus on the here and now.

NETWORKING To achieve unity and strength, seek and build relationships with like-minded people who share in your goals. If there is a place that is best to network with others in cooperation to achieve shared goals, then consider to move there. Such moving creates a community, forming unity as a shared purpose, adding security as bonded in faith and courage, and establishing examples of what these values might achieve for such a group of people.

Networking may enable others to succeed in your place while you reap benefits with less resources used. To a degree,

joy is contagious. To a degree, suffering is contagious.

So, seek and build relationships with joyful people who find satisfaction in life. People dislike whiners. Yet, nagging works because the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

So, carefully balance how often you bring up any given challenge with others to maintain an attitude of joy.

Friendship. The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit by without saying a word. Your best friend is the one you have the least secrets with. When you eat, have company.

Avoid eating alone. Have the courage to talk to strangers.

Romance. Create a spark and send it to your prospect. If your prospective partner is not adding fuel to light the fire, consider moving on. Romance begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear. Consider preparing your self for both beginnings and endings of your interactions with others, as all things come to and end.

Ending Relationships. If any kind of relationship is going badly, try something different with the relationship. If either other people are not seeing progress or you are not seeing progress, then end the relationship. If you are trapped in a relationship, then end it any way, because starving to death on the streets of a foreign place feels much better than a sufficiently bad relationship. In a bad relationship, you are living someone else's life, not yours.

SEEKING Explore virtues and values. Seek and you shall find. Knock and the door will be opened. Seeking begins new life. Identify opportunities and explore information to develop character or otherwise succeed. I think, therefore I am. Meditation. A seeking meditation is to calm your body, then quiet your mind, and finally focus on the point of the meditation. First be mindful of all of your body, calming your heart, breathing intentionally. Be mindful of many of your body parts in specific and finally as a whole. You can be just you or you and those who are part of a larger whole. When you begin to shift focus away from the senses of time and space, you are in meditation.

In that state you may better explore your purpose and meaning or that of others.

LEARNING Learning is discovering information to help you get what you want. Reason. Discover information by way of reasoning. The most simple explanation is more likely to be the correct one. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. The spiral of success. Start by setting your goal one notch higher than what you have done already. When you fail, lower your goals until you are again achieving.

When you are achieving, raise the goal until you fail.

Learn to accept what you have so you can accept failure.

The more you learn, the more you learn of your own ignorance. Ignorance is opportunity, so while being

ignorant may be bad, discovering ignorance is good.

Intelligence. Study what actually works with the attitude that you will change your mind. Fool me, then shame on you. Fool me twice, then shame on me. If you learned something from a debate, then you won it. Have the courage to question anything and everything, otherwise expect to be subjected to wrongful manipulation by others. Problems. A good way to solve problems is avoid them in the first place. Keep your solutions as simple as you can make them.

Break larger problems into smaller parts to solve them more easily. Brainstorm by trying to think of unusual solutions, including bad solutions. No criticism should be done while brainstorming, either constructive or destructive. Solve both backwards and forwards by looking at how things are now compared to how things should be in the future. But also look at how things are in the future compared to how things are now. Then, form the steps that will be in the middle to accomplish your goal. What would be closer to your goal without reaching it? Events are in long chains.

Trace the cause of the problem down the chain of causes to find deeper problems that may be easier to solve. Study for patterns that relate to the problem. Consider changing things around you to make the problem easier to solve.

Consider expanding your toolbox. Some things simply cannot be learned by mere words, they must be experienced.

CREATIVITY Creativity is a fresh perspective, a fountain of youth. Creativity reconnects us to our instincts and our goals. Creativity relieves stress and solves problems.

Creativity is a product of adaptivity and sensitivity. To be creative, be adaptive and sensitive. All subjects may be both an art and a science, and all may be developed creatively. Attune to your instincts to allow nature to guide you. Attune to your environment and its finer details. Things are most often not as they seem. When setting out to accomplish something, you may ask yourself

"Is there another way?". While traditions help us connect with others, they should avoid restricting creativity.

There are multitudes of ways to accomplish a goal and to perceive your surroundings, so contemplate different ways of accomplishment and perception. Ideas and advise are worth a pittance. Knowing which ones are good is worth a treasure trove. We are all born artists, and we can reconnect to that artistic spirit to refresh our selves, realize our independence, and discover who we are.

Brainstorming. To accept creative ideas, stop rejecting ideas. Learn to accept any and all ideas for at least a moment, or you cannot consider them even if they are good and preferred to others.

DISCIPLINE When angered, take an effort to remain calm,

even when threatened or bothered. Be slow to anger, and when angry do not lose control of yourself. Express disappointment rather than trying to hurt the other person in revenge or punishment. Reward with honor and privilege, punish with dishonor but not abuse. Kaizen by discipline.

If you cant do three, try two. If you cant do two, try one.

If you cant do one, you're in deep trouble and need help.

Try, and try again. While our bodies and minds are naturally fit to the average environment, all places and people are unique. Learn how to shift instinct to a local culture and climate, as all that is subconscious can be rendered conscious when good to do so. Use new events to your advantage. Self Discipline. Often times, the disciplined actions will be painful, but successful discipline brings more pleasure than pain. Being your own boss is more than a metaphor. You can both punish and reward your self for self-improvement. As with Kaizen, you can learn to control your self well to accomplish your goals. If you want to learn fasting for example, try skipping one meal. If not, then half a meal, and so on.

Then move up your goal higher for the next try, and ever higher. When you fail and revert to your old behavior, simply start over and know you will soon return to your position if it is God's will. If you fail, simply start over. Try and try again, never give up, unless you know when to give up. When you agree to submit to a leader, submitting without hesitation builds unity, loyalty, and strength, though acting against your principles to do so is wrong. Your leaders may make mistakes, and it is your duty to enable them to learn from mistakes. When your leaders are in error, speak up while also submitting as a servant.

If your leaders still fail to learn and improve, then their leadership is decreased and your leadership is increased.

Preparation. Before you begin a journey, check that everything you have for the journey is ready. Before you do a task, check that everything you need for the task is ready.

PATIENCE Good things come to those who wait. Physical exercise builds muscles. Mental exercise builds the mind.

Try one. If you cannot do one, give up and seek help. After one, then two. After two, then three. For every two steps forward there may be one step back, or you may fall down the stairs. Rest and start fresh... do not relent until all is lost or all is gained. Know when you have lost, know when you have gained. Track your accomplishments so you know your self. Reward your self. Punish your self. Forgive your self. Rest, regroup, press on. Have a plan, change your plan, and make your plan match reality. When temptations defeat you, remove the temptations. Envision

what it is you want throughout the day. Stop and just be throughout the day. Stop and reflect throughout the day.

Great patience leads to great rewards.

BALANCE Life is a balancing act. Balance is tuning to self and tuning to environment in a harmonic rhythm. Tune to your self frequently. Tune to your environment frequently. After joy comes suffering. After suffering comes joy. Balance work and play. All work and no play make Jonny a dull boy. All play and no work make Jonny an obnoxious jerk. To deny work, is also to prolong suffering.

Balance work and rest. Excessive work leads to the unworkable. Excessive rest leads to the restless. Balance expectations with reality. When often disappointed, expect less. When often achieving, expect more. Balance of expectation and reality bring pain of mind to a point of neutrality. Balance faith and logic. Faith is intuition.

Logic may challenge intuition. Intuition may challenge logic. Think before you act. Feel while you act. Balance environment and self, inner focus and outer focus.

Consistently examine your own state of mind. A mentally healthy person will in most circumstances be generally happy and have energy. If this is not the case, always consider changing your self and your environment. Ensure that some of your day is dominated by logic and some of it emotions. Life is a game. Life is serious. There is a time to be quiet, there is a time to speak up. Managing Time.

Chose your missions because you cannot chose all of them.

People who have consistent schedules tend to be more successful than those who get up and go to sleep at random times of the day, as they develop a rhythm of life more easily. Avoid letting the perfect get in the way of the good. Avoid overthinking your decisions. Make a decision and stick to it, unless overwhelming signs tell you otherwise. Balance risk and return. Balance whole and part.

Balance imagination and perception. Balance future and past. Learn from history to avoid repeating it. Learn to observe and accept the past, learn to predict and will the future, and learn to just be.

SPINNING (Increasing Positivity) Think positive, be positive. Good thoughts lead to good thoughts. Bad thoughts lead to bad thoughts. So, thoughts can spiral. As good times come to an end, bad times come to an end. By acting intentionally, we may find positive balance in joy if not in happiness too. Frequently act and speak in ways that stop negative spirals. Frequently act and speak in ways that create and maintain positive spirals. Network with others who do the same, and help those who can't do the same. Regardless of how deep your are in a negative thought, it may all come to an end in a single instant with

a sufficiently good thought, but its much easier if another person provides that thought for you, and likewise to provide those thoughts to others. Panic. A negative feedback loop can lead to panic and terror. The moment you can identify panic you can end it by accepting the present, acknowledging the future, and making the best of the situation including by imagining the opposite. Delirium.

A positive spiral can lead to careless ignorance. When having a good times, stay mindful of your environment.

Aikido. Redirect the energy of your opponents against them.

This enables positive use of negative energy. A positive attitude can convert the harshest of reality to a softer melody of life.

HOPE Everything is possible. For when our wills our tested or challenged, hope is an optimistic mindset for success. When we know the odds of winning are low but we want to press on, hope is the motivation we use to continue. In times of suffering and low energy, hope is a mental energy motivator we use to continue to a goal. If you find yourself not doing what you believe you want to do, then contemplate what you want, wait a moment, and try again. You can repeat this many times to discover resolution. Your desires for a better future are encouraged to be shared with people you admire, especially God. If and when hope is given to you in return, it is time to continue. If hope isn't given to in return, it is a sign to shift your goals. If someone asks you for hope, they seek your help or participation. Choose the energy you will put into helping them wisely. It may be that people's imaginations alter reality to some extent by will alone.

Simply by putting our mind on something, it manifests into being to some extent. At the end of a life, hope of the life is it's final possession. The truly rich those ready to die with high hopes. There is no shame in hope regardless of the impossibility of what it is we want. But hope can weigh us down against our other goals creating imbalance, so keep a balanced life, and cut loose the hope when your time is better spent on other ways. As I wrote this, it was raining yet sunny, which may be a sign for hope.

HONESTY Integrity. Rules have exceptions. Principles have adherence without exception. The most important person to be honest with is your self. If you cannot be honest with yourself, you cannot be honest with anyone. If you make an exception to your principle, you don't have a principle.

When you have no principles, you have chaos. Honesty is the best policy for truth. To live with confidence, live as if everyone is watching your decisions, because you never know who is. Mistakes. When your mistake can be

discovered, deliver the bad news quickly. If someone offers you a gift, accept if you want it, and reject if you don't want it, but in doing so admit that acceptance naturally biases you to the giver. Reputation. If you tell the truth many times and then lie only once, and are caught, you will be known as a dishonest person for the rest of time to those people. So, honesty is the best policy, even at the cost of looking bad many times. If you think you can't be caught in a lie, you probably can, and in time you probably will. When you really cannot be caught, then your decision is one of morals and not one of policy. Judgment. There are bad people, but in the end you may be called a bad person as well. People are only as good their weakest point. The highest standard is perfection, so one bad behavior in one's entire existence makes a person bad by choice of judgment. On the scale of scales, one of something may look like a million, as one cloud could cover the entire sky. So, its better to think of behavior instead of personality. Bad behaviors, not bad people. Good behaviors, not good people. There is evil behavior and there is good behavior. Anyone behaving with evil can change their behavior. As you judge others, you are expected to be judged your self. Making offers you cannot fulfill is dishonest. Being perpetually late is dishonest. Spilling out your innermost thoughts to every passerby is stupid. But, confess your sins to your victims, and to all adults who wish to hear, to become a fully honest person for at least one moment in time. Guilt.

Confessing all your wrongs to your victims and to all those ready to judge, for peace. Hold your confession from unready judges and associates of the victim but never your victim, for justice. So, let the evidence speak for itself with few words, if any. Claiming guilt when you are not guilty is dishonest and as wrong as the offense itself, so in claiming guilt you are worse off than having done the crime you wrongfully confessed. Honor. Honor is a good valuation and assessment of accomplishments according to integrity of virtues. Instead of making promises, do as you say you will do in all circumstances. When you contradict your self with promises, you seem to make too many promises. Which one do you break in such conflict? The one that leaves you with the least damage to your honor.

Honesty gives us a focus of life, allowing circumstances to be as they are. In honesty, bad times are allowed to be painful for our correction and betterment, and allowing good times are guilt-free and pleasurable for our satisfaction.

COMMUNICATION Communication is like a key to any person's door. Conversation. In a one-to-one conversation, if you

are talking more than half the time, consider to listen more. If you are talking less than half the time, consider to speak up more. Interruption is to be avoided unless someone is wrongfully dominating a conversation or you believe you already know what they are going to say.

Silence. Conversations should have at least brief silences to create opportunities for thought and for additional people to participate, even when in spirit. In quiet, we can hear a small voice. Language. Speak in your language, but only when you are confident your audience can understand you. Otherwise, speak more in the language of your audience. Every chosen word and every chosen name is a negotiation. If you want to entertain people with puzzles, speak in vague terms. If you want to communicate, then speak clearly instead. Humans communicate with their entire body, not just the mouth. Many communications in such conversations are non-verbal. So, notice the actions of your entire body when you communicate. Notice your posture and motions, and give them all meaning when you speak or avoid doing them if they are not for a specific purpose. Agreements. The meeting of the minds for a trade or assurance, forms a commitment. The more important an agreement is, the more important having a good contract is, and the more it should be in writing. Contracts are just as important regardless of how much trust there is with the people involved. You can have a lengthy contract but the character of the people who sign it determine success, not the wording. A good contract is: (1) Written and signed.

(2) The signers have negotiation power. (3) There is a way to cancel the contract. (4) Mutually trusted people (or at least one person) agree to help resolve any resulting conflicts. Getting Along. Constructive criticism is information designed to help others improve. Destructive criticism is information that serves to hurt others without offering methods for improvement. Communications to others are more effective with a positive spin, good attitude, and good tone. Healthy relationships involve many more compliments than complaints. Complain only if you have a resolution in mind or if someone someone asks about it, otherwise they may not want to hear it and consider it whining. When you criticize someone, don't speak to their personality, but rather to their behavior. Criticizing personality lowers self-esteem more than criticizing behavior, and may work against a resolution instead of towards one. The truth hurts, and most of the time the truth should be spoken, but make the truth hurt less when you can. Tempered Voice. To encourage clarity while avoid rambling communications, it may help to tamp down each thought and share it only if re-emerging with clearly,

avoiding a stream of consciousness. Such a voice may be a voice for teaching, diplomacy, and focus. Untempered voice is a stream of consciousness. To connect with someone in development of trust and unity, there may be a time to speak without concern of harsh judgment from others. Such a voice may be a voice for tragedy, comedy, and caring.

Delivering Bad News: Ending personal relationships, mistakes, illness, and deaths. Start with the worst of it, being brief and direct. So, get the worst parts of the news out first. Then, explain what needs explaining like how things may improve, and avoid explaining what doesn't like the motives of your mistakes unless asked. Persuasion.

You can take great stress in pushing someone to your will.

Or, you can take great relief in offering them information they can freely accept or reject.

TRANSPARENCY Transparency invites criticism and leads to truth. Criticism leads to self-improvement. Being transparent also leads to faith, and faith leads to harmonious peace for others and inner peace for your self as you trust others with truth. To be transparent, confess your wrongs to your victims and friends and family. You can consider confessing your sins to all people who wish to know them. If you don't have the courage to do so, find the courage to do so. Speak freely about any topic with any person by finding a fitting time, or the least unfitting time. There is shame in mistakes but there is pride in correcting them and also humility in admitting them, in balance. To tell lies for the sake of spying or to provide a false comfort is a wrongful verbal attack, so carefully decide whether a physical attack against someone would be moral before verbally attacking them. Secrets. Secrets lead to mistrust. Mistrust leads to conflict. Contract.

Forming agreements transparently encourages cooperation.

So, delegate authority well with written consent with a shared understanding of how agreements may be canceled.

Secrecy. The time for secrets is temporary and rare.

Information that can be used against the goals of your opponents, or information that opponents can use against your goals is what should be considered to be kept secret.

Most who believe they have no opponents are simply wrong, because people's values and goals may often contradict each other. People's personal contact and location information should be considered secret until you have a good reason to believe you have their permission to do otherwise. People's actions against opponents are expected to be a shared secret among allies.

GENTLENESS Take time to care or take more time to repair.

One bit of prevention is worth many bits of cure. So, balance how much you will care against how much you will

repair. Doing things is easy compared to undoing things.

Each time there is an accident, are you able to avoid it?

Ask yourself every time for consideration to improve. The more you treat things with caution, the longer they last.

The more you treat yourself and others with caution, the longer you and others will last. Speak as loud as you need to speak for others to hear you well, not much more or less. If asked to repeat yourself you have been speaking too quietly or mumbling too much. If people far away know what you've been saying, you've been speaking too loudly, unless they are there to hear you. In that case when you are speaking to a group, speak to the person furthest away.

GRATITUDE You may bind and bond yourself to others in gratitude by sharing your life and resources with others.

When you notice your position in life, also notice who it was who helped you get to that position, and ask yourself what you are thankful for. Is it better to give your luxury possessions while you are alive or after you die?

Sacrifice. Sacrifice is the strongest gratitude by sharing our energy with others. In doing so, we are united. One way to kill enemies is to kill them with kindness. Mercy.

Find occasions to give others a second chance. Those without fault should be the first to throw a stone at the guilty. Justice is best achieved by restitution over other means. Grace. At least as often as you pay it back, pay it forward. Gifts. If someone expects a gift, re-consider giving it, because gifting to some degree enslaves you to a small degree in that case, so you are sacrificing not just the gift but also your energy to a pit of nothingness.

Likewise, if you are expecting a gift, then it is less of a gift, so set no expectations for receiving gifts and you will enjoy you gifts to their fullest. If you set the expectation of receipt on purpose, it is a reward or award rather than a gift.

FREEDOM Do anything you wish while avoiding harm to another. Life means choices. Helping others is a choice.

Remaining with an agreement is a choice. Remaining with a society is a choice. Remaining with a government (as a grant of authority) is a choice. Remaining by a family is a choice. Helping others because of threat or violence is slavery. Choices of life only end where another begins.

Freedom is for all individuals. Freedom is for all groups.

Rule and Law. The only involuntary law is God's laws, the laws of physics. All other laws are a type of suggestion and rule. Without personal freedom, we are not living our own lives but rather the lives of others as their slaves.

Only in voluntary union can we unite with others while remaining free people in establishment and rule of a just society. Every person should have the opportunity to become

healthy, wealthy, and to prosper in a world with love.

Freedom flourishes with personal independence and equal authority. Freedom is to live and let live.

EQUALITY In fairness, we have equal authority and equal rights. What is moral for one is moral for all. What is wrong for one is wrong for all. We are all individuals. We are all one. The ways in which we prefer how people behave for success of society, are universally preferable behaviors, which as choices we may call natural rights. So, we have equal permission of choice and equal authority with our behaviors. What is acceptable or allowed for one individual is acceptable or allowed for all individuals or groups. Equal Rights, equal Fights. Equal Authority.

Life is born with full ignorance, and so life begins on the same ground for each of us. With equality, all people have equal permission and authority in their behavior with others. This enables people to have equal rights and fair opportunity. We may find ways of sharing power that achieve virtue rather than conflict. Sharing power in fear of leads to conflict. Sharing power in love with respect and fairness leads to virtue and value. Individual authority only ends where another's begin. This is the equality of one. The loudest voice can "win" any argument, yet such an argument has no winner. The strongest arm in a room can force their hand, yet in doing so that person shall lose strength of authority when they are wrong to do so. Only with respect and cooperation can conflict be settled in a civilized way. So, win if you will by force of voice or force of arms, but unless you are right the natural consequences may be severe. Allow others equal influence in terms and conditions of cooperation for benefits of harmony. Authority. People are wrong to believe they may delegate authority to others when they do not have that authority as individuals. So, authority is delegated from one to many. When the ruling class is not exempt from their own rules, society may be civilized. Because authority is delegated rather than commanded (except as defending a personal natural right), rightful authority is only global to the degree it is also supported locally. A more local class of people (or government) has a higher authority than a more global class of people (or government) to the people of each location, as authority is delegated from one to many. Can everyone have a certain weapon without controversy? Can the ruling class have that same weapon they don't want you to have as an individual? Rights are for all equally, not delegated as privileges by the ruling class. Behaviors that are good or bad for individuals are equally good or bad for governments or collectives. Only by violating one's right can one lose rights in proportion to

the abuse. Those who seek to enslave others may be enslaved. Those who seek to tax others may be taxed. Those who seek to rule over others may be ruled over. Successful individuals avoid lying for their personal security, avoid cheating by exempting them self from the rules, avoid confiscating other people's resources for their causes, avoid killing others at will. Likewise, a successful group would avoid lying for their national security, avoid cheating when exempting the ruling class from the rules, avoid stealing by renaming "theft" and "extortion" to

"taxation", and avoid initiating violence on another group as in war. Many see it fit to delegate authority they do not have to organizations or others who will lie, cheat, steal, and kill on their behalf. They do this thinking both that government is good and at the same time thinking government is corrupt, to escape their own personal responsibility. If another person is doing something on your behalf, then you and every one else involved is fully responsible for the actions. If you notice a problem, you are personally ethically responsible for helping to fix it.

Don't tread on others. Avoid initiating force against others. One for all, and all for one.

DEFENSE Violence is for stopping violence, to establish peace. When one is being harmful to others, others may then to stop the harm using forceful ways. Before using physical violence, consider verbal confrontation or verbal attacks instead. Create tension only in a process of offering peace with your opponent, or otherwise remain silent. Protection. Protection is providing safety and security during times of crisis, times of emergency, times of poverty, and times of prosperity. Aikido tactic.

Redirect the energy of your opponents against them. Go to any length necessary to defend your self and your loved ones when physically attacked. Always be prepared to defend your self against any common threat, especially if you appear weaker. Don't wait for an attack to happen when inevitable. When someone becomes aggressive, you should become defensive but calm and calming in attitude, instead of waiting for an attack to respond, as if you wait it may be too late. When an attack happens, be aware of the whole body of your opponent because you will naturally want to look at his strongest point, but should look at his weakest point to retaliate. The best defense is usually a good offense. If you hit back, hit back to do damage, not to play tag. Knees, elbows, firsts, and feet soles are your strongest parts for an attack, while nose, neck, guts, and balls are the weakest parts of a human for defense. Avoid tempting others by having property appear abandoned or easy to take without permission. When people don't agree on

dangerous behavior that should be stopped, people cannot coexist peacefully. So, civilization can only be achieved with intentional community, where people separate them selves from others based on their concept of dangers, virtues, and values. This is the challenge of civilization.

FREE EXPRESSION Expression is any communications including artistic expression like dancing, painting, and singing, scientific expression like math and logic, and emotional expression with faces. Cherish the unlimited expression in pursuit truth, kaizen, creativity, and learning. Everyone is responsible for their beliefs. There are natural consequences to everything we express because there are natural consequences for holding wrong beliefs.

So, it is everyone's responsibility to recognize and reject that which is false. If we reject that which is false, we are unharmed by false expression. For that reason, adding unnatural consequences as punishment for harmful expression (including lies) is itself harmful. We may express anything or be silent in all places at all times, and should not be attacked for any expression. It is for us to decide how to act given the language of others, and should we suffer damages as a result of listening and believing, we are responsible for mending the damage to our self. Others beliefs belong to others, and as you copy it, it becomes yours because those you copied it from have not lost their belief nor their expressions. Also, we expect others to give us the benefit of the doubt that when we offer advise that turns out badly we did not mean harm. So, the only time someone should suffer unnatural consequences for expression is if they also express that they intend to use their expression to cause wrongful physical damage to another person. If someone makes an unprovoked threat, the expectation of wrongful physical damage is the wrong, not the expression of the threat. If someone forces expression on another, then the wrongful force is the wrong, not the expression. When you are captured or arrested, remain silent to your opponents. Avoid negotiation with terrorists. If you are forced to speak by violence, then you may be a fountain of lies. If the lies fail, then partial truths. If the partial truth fails, then forget everything you know. Rewarding an opponent with your secrets after their bad behavior will only make things worse for you or your loved ones.

JUSTICE To enable civilization, prevent wrongs and right wrongs. Compensation for victims leads to full justice, even without any revenge or vengeance. So, the focus of justice should be restitution of victims, followed secondly by prevention future victims. Vengeance or revenge are not virtues, so when the acts offer no satisfaction its because

they accomplished nothing. Who deserves what, is not for you to decide. God may chose to sort that out. However, if you claim guilt and accept punishment, then the punishment is deserved. When you wrong someone, make your victim whole again. If the victims are not reachable, then give the compensation to who you believe they would want it to go to. Before punishing others, look at your own faults.

Before removing a splinter stuck in someone else, remove the pole stuck in you. Those who judge others will be judged by both their own standard and the standards of their authority. No victim? Then, no crime. A failure to serve others is not harm. Two wrongs never make a right.

Deciding what people deserve is for God to decide. For justice, act to defend all people being wronged. If those defending are only in the defenders small group or just the one being wronged, there is an uncaring community. If the defender's supporters are the full community, there is full civilization. Defenders who take zero risk earn zero respect. Defenders who take maximum risk earn maximum respect. People are sometimes sure that they are correct, but turn out to be wrong. It is better to let many guilty go free than wrongfully punish one innocent. The accused are innocent unless proven otherwise in a court of authority. A social contract is expected to be agreed upon as an authority upon emancipation as an adult. So, accused people should always be provided a trial in a mutually agreed upon way such as formal court. Which people involved in resolving problems are best decided on before people live together. When accused of any wrong, it indirectly reward liars to provide an answer, because liars will deny the truth to avoid punishment, while the honest will be punished for telling the truth. Likewise, avoid temping others to lie. Simply tell them what you believe and the evidence. So the answer to any and all accusations is simply that you will let the evidence speak for itself, and to offer any evidence to the contrary if available.

Mercy. With justice forgiveness and mercy can settle most wrongs perfectly. So, if your enemy is hungry, give food.

If your enemy is thirsty, give drink. By being better behaved, your enemy will suffer their own natural fate.

When you lower your self to your enemies behavior, you risk the same fate as your enemy. Live by the sword, die by the sword. Live by peace, die in peace. For balance and harmony, point justified aggressions towards a path of peace.

PROPERTY When one exchanges energy by interacting with something or by using something, and they express this exchange with others, they increase ownership in the thing.

One owns according to the proportion of energy they have

exchanged with it in comparison to others. In fairness, sharing things with others doesn't increase their ownership of what you share with them unless you signal otherwise.

Property transfer is done by public or private decree.

Individuals may rightfully own anything and everything when acquired justly. Copying is not taking. Taking is removing while copying is creating. Homesteading Principle. The user of a natural resource is granted ownership of the property, unless already being used by another person.

PRIVACY Personal information such as ways to contact and locate people is expected to be kept private and only shared with permission. To give away such information of others without permission is a personal disrespect. Unless someone has given you a good reason to give contact and location information away, don't give that information away without permission. Secrets. There is a place for secrets, which are about as easy to keep as it is to keep a fire without anyone noticing. There is no secret for which there is no chance of discovery. Chose to be secretive only with hesitation, as a life of secrets is often an unhappy life. When information can certainly be used against you, then consider to keep it a secret. But, at the same time, there is only so much room for secrets. So pick and choose your secrets wisely. Shared secrets. If you tell a secret to someone who doesn't keep secrets, you are making a public statement and giving someone credit for the information who doesn't earn it. When someone tells you information that can be damaging to people you care about, consider whether they want this to be a secret. If they don't tell you to keep it a secret, ask if they want it to remain a secret. It may be helpful to use a secret to stop someone from getting hurt, but harmful to share the secret without permission because you disrespect another while damaging your reputation. Information used for evidence of harm should be obtained with respect of property rights, otherwise it is wrong to used against the accused. People who collect information by trespassing must show a record of recent and historic ability to recognize probable cause of wrongdoing. Because we have freedom of expression, any punishment for a conflict due to a lack of expression, in remaining silent, is invalid and wrong.

LEADERSHIP Leadership is the spreading of ideas that will be accepted. Lead by communication. A good leader is considered to be a teacher by their followers. Lead by example. Lead by character. Quality of leadership is limited to the quality of the character of a leader.

Improve your qualities to improve leadership. Skill of followers may be limited to the communication skill of leaders. Likewise our ability to lead is limited to our

ability to follow, because to follow is to listen, and good listening is good communicating. The number of followers of a leader has is limited to the networking skill of the leader. Good leadership is knowing who can invest resources well, and ensuring those people have resources as needed.

Motivate by doing. Good leaders expect their own abilities, actions, and standards to be the same for their self as their followers. Power. Power tempts. To measure the strength of a leader, measure the strength built in the followers. Authority. Those who do good gain legitimate authority. Those who do evil may gain illegitimate authority. It is logical fallacy to believe someone because of their authority. It is an emotional folly to ignore someone who has great authority. Empower authority on your terms. Delegate authority on your terms. Offer information to people that they can accept or reject at their will. A bad leader is considered a commander or dictator by their followers. Should less intelligent people command more intelligent what to do, or the opposite? Your authority is limited to your intelligence. Corruption. If someone has been placed into a position of authority and does wrong, then it is the people who placed that person into a position of authority who are to be held responsible in addition to the person who has done the wrong. A corrupt leader only adds to the responsibility of their followers for reparations, so corrupt leadership means a corrupt following. Leaders and followers are responsible both as a whole and individually to compensate victims for the damages done. If a leader is corrupt, withdraw yourself from following or replace the leader for justice. If you followers are corrupt, their corruption becomes your responsibility as they follow you.

HELP As we prosper we are able to help others to the degree we don't need help our selves. Helping is proof to our self that we are may flourish both apart and together as one. Helping is the height of civility. Good will is help is helping for hope. For good will, when you aren't hoping for help, then help for hope.

Please consider sharing this with others and comment on this. All the statements in this writing are also questions. Please consider to remove information uncertain to be helpful that can make this writing shorter considering that words cost time to read. Please consider to re-write this in pursuit of perfection.



Develop a 'world view' as a 'tree of knowledge' with a stepped order in which information may be learned.

Speculate about the most fundamental concepts of nature and how they are ordered. Define words and concepts precisely so that communications can be strong and efficient. Inspire more well defined and complete derived works of philosophy including reasoning, logic, and communication. Aid in constructive philosophic development and communications. Edits to this as cooperative content are encouraged participation.


These philosophic value explanations offer a 'tree of knowledge' as a type of dictionary where concepts are defined before being used to the extent possible. This somewhat technical writing avoids reduction of vocabulary range for readability. This provides a semi-formal minimalist/simplistic foundation for philosophy with some emphasis on mathematics, logic, and science. This writing maximizes semantic density. This

'tree of knowledge' shows prerequisite knowledge to philosophic topics so may be of use in deciding an order in which to learn them. This may be expanded further to list of most topics in philosophy and its subtopics including mathematics and the scientific method. This writing is not considered substantially complete but exists as an example of how philosophic pondering can be expressed. This begins with more simple and fundamental concepts such as mathematics addition and subtraction, and ends with complex topics of consciousness, sentience, and emotions. So, this is for the purpose of a tree of knowledge as a stepped dictionary and foundation of philosophy.

Hypothetical First Contact with Alien Species Thought Experiment

If we were to meet an alien species capable of syntactic language, what statement of philosophic virtue and values would you expect to be most likely to be able to share immediately? This thought experiment is used for this writing. This is done to increase the scope of this writing to be inclusive and useful.

Method of Construction

This is constructed by beginning with a complex topics in common language, like "Artificial Intelligence" and working backwards to define it as precisely as possible.

It was also constructed forwards to a degree beginning with the concept of 'nothing'. It is supposed that such a construction will provide a good foundation for a complete definition of most words while also directly

defining many of them.

Logical Comprehensibility

In communicating with logical comprehensibility, one communicates concepts without using vocabulary unknown to the listener when technically possible. Failing to do so is considered a logical communications error when communicating a concept to others. The semantics list this section attempts to offer a semantics dictionary with semi-formal logical comprehensibility.

Stepped Dictionary

This text here includes a stepped dictionary of semantics for philosophic thinking. Words are defined before being used first to the maximum extent, except for foundational semantics. Word definitions are single word or comma-separated word list followed by a colon (:) and then explanation phrase(s). Words with similar meaning words as synonyms are avoided in their own definition. So, if a word is being used in a definition of the current step, instead of being defined in that step it will be defined in a previous step. Each step is marked and delimited by underscore then hyphen "_-".

This dictionary attempts to minimizes paradoxes and self-referential loops. Words are heavily grouped into shared definitions as synonyms that may be differentiated in dictionaries by context. So, standard dictionaries are left to explain context

differentiation. So, this dictionary could be considered a high-level dictionary which defines groups of synonymous words as if they are one word. The words chosen to be defined are all considered to be a fundamental part of philosophy, and as needed to define the last word chosen to be defined.

Grammar Notes

Slash-separated ('/') word clusters are offer multiple similar or synonymous words with the beginning word being most descriptive and preferred, but later words offering additional or sometimes alternative definition due to different people having a different word concept semantic interpretation. An example as used in this writing is "Minimalist/Simplistic". Such semantic word clusters are used to increase specificity and act as approximate definitions until and unless a more specific definition is defined which incorporates all meaning extracted from the word group. Each word in the semantic word cluster adds most of its meaning to the cluster but rarely all of its meaning, and never adds contradictory meaning to the mix. So for "Minimalist/Simplistic", not all connotations of both words should be assumed. Single quotes vs. double quotes: Double quotes are not

generally 'owned' by the author and also remove context from the word or phrase, while single quotes are generally 'owned' by the author. Single quotes offer an approximate word when no one accurate word adequately describes the concept. Although multiple words may better describe the idea, it is not done for the sake of brevity. Sometimes slash-separated word groups are also used to enhance readability as people may not know the first term but will know another term in the group.

Spelling Note

This writing makes liberal use of the English language, using words not found in the dictionary.

Philosophical Semantics

are a domain of implications and fundamentals of fundamentals. Each step in this stepped dictionary may contain one or more semantics. These items are axiomatic semantics and value functions, with some examples.

Semantics that aren't explained on one line are explained further down as also noted with the hashtag(#) symbol. Semantics ending in period (.) stand alone unexplained. Semantics are intended to be ordered from least to most dependent or complex to maximize comprehension by organization. So, later semantics depend on earlier semantics. In such a way, this is comparable to the stepped dictionary concept in that using a semantic is avoided to an as-of-yet determined extent until being defined. Topics include mathematics, logic, grammar, and information science. Semantics may be further divided into sub-semantics, which are different way of framing the same semantic in different contexts. The further nested the semantic, the more contextual the semantic is framed.

Named Philosophical Semantics

Some semantics are assigned a name in single quotes for reference outside this work, such as 'Niloc' as a specific meaning of "nothing".

Philosophic Thinking: Stepped Dictionary: Ontological Categories

Root ontological semantic value categories and their given names:

Void Passive Nothing Un-[x] Semantic 'Niloc'

Unary Simple Singular Entity Existence Semantic


Dynamic Connection Association Relation Semantic


Binary Deviation Cyclic Semantic 'Cyclop'

Trinary Comparison Balance Semantic 'Tritur'

Multinary Spacial Positional Dimensional Medium

Semantic 'Multap'

Differential of Divisity Domain Branching Semantic


Set Semantic

Shape Form Pattern Sequence Semantic. 'Formuv'

Exchange Semantic 'Halex'

Energy Physics Semantic 'Kinmec'

Logic Function Data Connection Semantic 'Entro'

Intelligence Functionality:

Biased Seeding Shape Feedback Functionality 'Fractal Recursion'

State-Independent External Universal/Absolutist Calculation Functionality 'Calcula'

State-Dependent Domain-Relative Mind-Agent-Specific Functionality 'Agency'

Relative Observer Sentient Personal 'Perception Bubble' Functionality 'Sentience'

Philosophic Thinking: Stepped Dictionary: _-Void Passive Nothing Un-[x] Semantic 'Niloc'

Maximally meaningless non-dimensional root semantic (non)entity representing all of neutrality, zero points, and nulls, as a model of nothing.

Paradoxical as 'nothing' both may be and may not be given arbitrary meaning by something. It is a root and not a root.

Subjective/Internal Logical Null Semantic. (#) Objective/External Mathematical Zero Semantic.

Allusion to the 'supreme non-being' of the atheist nihilistic universe.

Related: Order-Chaos Dichotomy of Pattern.


Unary Simple Singular Entity Existence Semantic 'Orbul'

A universal discrete/concrete/holistic static concept of singularity/one. Allusion to a monotheistic supreme being.

Objective/External Scientific Mathematic One Semantic A quantitative experience as the minimum discrete number usable for any functionality of any entity, should any other entity exist.

Absolution Semantic.

Mathematic One Semantic. Scientific Zero Dimensional Point Semantic. Logical Data Point Semantic.

Subjective/Internal Singular Experience-Point Minimum-Order Minimum-Meaning Semantic

A qualitative experience or other quality, or approximation, with fundamental irreducible meaning or purpose.

Related: Aletheia, Parmenidean, One.


Dynamic Connection Association Relation Semantic 'Nexom'

Concept of interaction and development using connections. Dynamic plurality of many. Allusion to an omnitheistic multiversal supreme being.

Logical Separation/Delimination Repetition Semantic Pattern Semantic.

Reference Direction/Indirection/Redirection Semantic: Concept of pointing, link, and pathway.

Relational Relativity Semantic.

Related: Interconnectivity Hypothesis All existence is connected.

Binary Deviation Cyclic Semantic (#) 'Cyclop'

Further Notes Concept of dynamic universe. Mathematic support for later-defined energetic being-doing dichotomy of 'doing' as a metric of time, and being as

'space' as a metric of position.

Constant Regularity Symmetric Dynamics Semantic. 'Ticov'

Energy Semantic Dynamic potentials such as cycle and deviation.

Mathematic Plurality Counting Semantic

Mathematic Counting Whole Natural Unary/Tally Numbers Semantic One to the Infinite as natural whole counting numbers.


Trinary Comparison Balance Semantic 'Tritur'

Two entities that can be compared or balanced in juxtaposition/relation with a third referential entity.

Math Semantic. Mathematic Addition Semantic. Mathematic Number Line Axis Semantic. Mathematic Integer Semantic.

Same-Different Dichotomy Semantic: Mutually exclusive existence as philosophic equality-inequality dichotomy.

"This is not that."

Scientific Equality Semantic: Equality-inequality dichotomy.

Logical 'Than' Semantic. Mathematical Equal, Greater, and 'Less than' Semantic.

Symmetry-Asymmetry Polar Balance Dichotomy Semantic A subtractive differential concept by neutralization of an entity of discord or imbalance with an opposing coordinate subtraction or force. This applies to all external/objective metrics with precisely neutralizing opposites.

Examples: Positive-negative, good-bad, right-left, darker-lighter.

Physics Semantic. Space Semantic: A cyclic referential entity upon which multiple other entities can be symmetrically compared.

Mathematic Subtraction Semantic. Logical Even and Odd Balance Pattern Semantic. Mathematic Algebraic Equation Manipulation Semantic.

Objective/External-Subjective/Internal Existence Dichotomy Semantic

Existence as a quantitative pattern in contrast with existence as a qualitive perspective.

Relative Self-Reflection Semantic. Philosophic Experience Semantic.

Range Limits Boundaries Semantic

Mathematic Minimum, Maximum, and Range Semantics.

Logical All Semantic

Exceed: Have greater position (than...)

Mathematic In-Out/Inside-Outside/Inner-Outter Dichotomy Semantic: In/Out perspective for all semantics except 'Niloc'.

Multinary Spacial Positional Dimensional Medium Semantic

'Multap' (#)

A universal/domainal form, structure, format, medium, or ether for position and direction where entities may directionally connect and connect indirectly to other entities.

Position Coordinate or role in a domain.

Meet, Integrate, Link, Join, Unify: Make position equal (with...).

Complete, Finish, Done Vocabulary: All parts exist and are processed.

Scientific Metric/Measurement Semantic:

Scientific Linear String Vibration Perspective.

Scientific Radial Particle Spin Perspective.

Scientific Wave-Particle Duality Perspective.

Differential of Divisity Domain Branching Semantic 'Divik'

Mathematic Multiplication Semantic. Mathematic Exponential Semantic.

Logical Separation Division Semantic

Delimiter and Escape Sequence Semantic: Reference a division, dimension, or node hop on a network graph.

Nodal Network Semantic

'of' Semantic: Directional relative proximity relationship indicator.

Internal/External Subject/Object Abstract/Concrete Relative/Absolute Data Dichotomies:

Internal Subjective Abstract Relative Qualitative Experiential Data Semantic (#)

Supports proximal, vague or ranged,

metaphorical, and paradoxical concepts and their language of philosophy and experience.

External/Objective Externalized Concrete Absolute Quantifiable Noun Metric Empirical Data Semantic


Supports axioms of mathematics and physics including mathematical reflectivity/equality and mathematical symmetry.

Philosophy Semantic.

Multidimensionality Semantic

Positive-Neutral-Negative 'trichotomy' Semantic Scientific Imbalance Semantic.

Network Intersection Semantic. Logical Hierarchy Semantic

Mathematic 'Multinary' Mathematics Semantic: Examples: Binary, Decimal.

Mathematic Ratio Semantic, Mathematic Division Semantic, Mathematic Scope Scaling Semantic Mathematic Per-Cent/Diem/N Ratio Semantic. Logical Fractional Ratio Semantics: 'All', 'Some', 'Few',

'Many', etc.

Broad-Narrow Dichotomy Semantic: Smaller domain vs. Larger Domain.

Orthogonal Pivot Dimensionality Relationship Semantic

Mathematic Trigonometry Semantic.

Set Semantic: A set is associated instances. (Related: Label, Sequence)

Logical Has-Is Dichotomy Semantic Set 'has' and Member

'is' Semantics. Logical Member/Element-Set Naming.

Logical Part-Whole Dichotomy Semantic. Logical Union Group List Collective Semantic.

Logical 'in'-'out' Dichotomy Semantic: If part of a logical set definition, a prospective element is "in", otherwise it is "out".

'with' Semantic: Lateral adjunctive/inclusive association. Links expressions directionally and adjunctively/inclusively.

'as' Semantic: Additive association. Links expression to an existing network of expressions independent of referential direction.

Logical Greater/'More Than', Less/'Fewer Than' Semantic.

Logical Start/End Semantic.

Physical Delimited Axial Ordered Structured Dimensionality Semantic: Dimensional arrays and multi-axial space

A set of structural direction, such as

multidimensional space, which enables a set or subset.

Coordinate Semantic: The measure of something with a metric. Mathematic Vector Semantic.

Grammar Preposition(position) Semantic (#) Grammatic 'From'-'To' Directional Relative Position Pair Semantic: From Source To Target


Shape Form Semantic Identity Sequence 'Formuv'

That which exists or occurs may be meaningfully ordered.

Being - Discrete Linear (Static IO) Noun-State-Particle State Being - Mass-like Static State Semantic.

Engineering Signal-Noise Dichotomy:

Signal: A cyclical/repeatable set or sequence of associations on a specific medium.

Logical Form Semantic

Scientific Data Semantic. Scientific Information Semantic.

Mathematics Geometry Semantic, Geometric Topology Semantic

Mathematic Geometric Angle Semantic.

Grammar Adjective Semantic: The qualitative or quantitative judgment result of an observation as associated with an entity.

Logical Recursive Derivative Difference of Difference Semantic.

Mathematic Curve Semantic.

Mathematic Fractal Semantic. Mathematic Differential Calculus Semantic. Mathematic Derivative Calculus Semantic.

Physics of Crystallization Semantic.

Exchange Semantic 'Halex': Send-Receive Relationship.

Chemistry Semantic. Economics Semantic.

Transitivity Abstraction Semantic

Mathematical: A=B and B=C, Therefore A=C.

Logical: All A is a B. All B is a C. Therefore All A is C.

Energy Physics Semantic 'Kinmec': Energy, Effort, Work, Power, Mc^2: Process enabling entity.

Doing - Continuous Curved (Dynamic Gate)

Verb-Process-Wave Waypath of Doing - Energetic Dynamic State Semantic.

Time Semantic: Repeating universal cycle of process priority difference from being to doing.

Event Being-doing tick(s) of ordered being-doing difference.

Time Shared/agreed order of events. An event ordered in common.

Relative Clock Speed Semantic: Clock Priority Ratio.

Physical Time Semantic.

Note: The physics notion of time is clock rate metric, rather than actual time.

Process, Do, Doing, Does, Done, Happening: A pattern in time.

Compression-Expansion Dichotomy Semantic The repulsive expansion of doing against the attractive

compression of being.

Newtonian Physics Semantic. Physics of Particles Semantic. Physics of Mass-Energy-Space-Time Dynamics Semantic.

Kinetic Energy Semantic.

Radial Spin Angular Physics. Linear Momentum Inertial Physics. Thermodynamic Energy Physics.

Electromagnetic Energy Physics Semantic.

Logic Function Data Connection Semantic 'Entro': A grammatical pattern of input, processing, and output Input Output Gate Trichotomy Cause-Effect Semantic 'IOG'

Input Causality Cause Semantic: Something for a process.

Input is a dynamic causality as an external objective metric. Cause is causality with an internal subjective context.

Philosophical Causality Relationship Semantic.

Sense Semantic (#)

Output Result Effect Semantic

Output Something from a process.

Output is a dynamic result as an external objective metric. Effect is a result with an internal subjective context.

Logic Semantic.

Gate Process Event Verb Function Semantic Data arriving to a space in an exchange with time.

Time directional connection from input to output.

A flow of energy which alters another flow of energy. A transition phase from cause to effect. A creation of a pattern. Enables communication.

Logical Parameter Argument Semantic.

Script Event Chain Functionality

A set of processes. A series of steps. A

sequence of events.

'Use' Semantic: Parameter for an "action verb"

script function.

Use, Involve, Spend, Consume: Assign to

a/the process (of...)

Step: Part of a process or sequence.

Instruction, Command: Step(s) for doing


Execute: Begin and complete (for...) Related: Do.

Logical, Logic: Having specific output(s) resulting from certain input.

Electronic, Electric: Something that functions using electron energy.

Threshold: Minimum boundary / Boundary to a process / Limit of a process. / Boundary of the


Logical 'Else'/Otherwise Semantic. Logical Control Structure Semantic.

Grammar Tense Semantic: Before-After Dichotomy, Past, Present, Future: Has differentiation to

'Have'/'Had'/'Having' English Syntax.


Philosophic Values: Stepped Dictionary: Intelligence Functionality:


Biased Seeding Shape Feedback Functionality: Foundation of goals, will, personality, and passions. 'Fractal Recursion'

Biased shapes begin with simple concepts like one dimension math sequences, but advance to foundations of personal expression as DNA and priorities of mind as passion and will, "sacred geometry", "biofractal", and

"crystalline recursion".

Allusion to essentialist philosophy.

Feedback: Result of process(es) as input.

Memory Functionality: Replicating data to a space. A dynamic input signal resulting in a static repeated pattern signal as output and vice versa.

Expression Lexicography Symbolic Substitution Reference Function: Triggering of memory retrieval and matching to output signal pattern.

Grammar Pronoun Semantic: Generalized subject referencing a specific subject.

Grammar 'this' and 'that' Referential Semantics.

Universal Function as Recursive Continual Experience Data Quantity Function

An input maximizing/satisficing recursive function expected to involve a combination of

self-reproduction and longevity. Remnants of input function continue as output for subsequent iteration(s).

Data Quality as Philosophic Will Priorities Focus Goal Function

A biased shape recursive pattern-matching function of partial continuation and partial change while a

"target argument" is matched to result in a degree of success or failure depending on how closely the pattern is matched.

State-Independent External Universal/Absolutist Calculation Functionality 'Calcula'

Process Thinking Efficiency Optimizing Functionality Efficient prediction and data compression, generating data in replacement or ignorance of memory. (Static) memory may be replaced with (dynamic) data generation.

Logical Junction Conjunction Network Functionality

Predicted signal outputs for a given set of inputs.

Predicted first effect(s) of a given cause combination.

Logical 'Or', 'And', 'Not' Functionality.

Logical Compliment Functionality

Alternative, Another, Other: Unselected option(s) in a set of options.

Logical Recursion/Nesting Functionality

Logical Category/Subset/Classification: A set in related sets.

Logical Control Structure Functionality: (control) Loops, Conditions

Neural Network Functionality.

Proximities Logistics Analysis Functionality: Network logistics calculations, "fuzzy logic".

Search Heuristics, Search Chaining Functionality Dependency Chain Analysis, Logic Network Analysis Logic Puzzle Solving Functionality.

Seeking, Exploration Functionality

Trial-and-Error Functionality

Postulate/Speculation Formation


Hypothesis Formation Functionality.

Code-Matching Functionality 'Perceptron': Identification of unfamiliar/unknown patterns.

Combinatorics Statistics Identification Definition Functionality: Establish threshold for being.

Scientific Factoring Functionality, Data Mining Functionality

Given a set of data, identify correlations.

Mathematic Pattern Identification

Functionality. Curve fitting algorithms.

Category Topic Filter Functionality.

Dichotomy and Definition Functionality.

Cyclical, Derivative Pattern Functionality.

Synchronization Network Analysis

Functionality: How events are or may be


Reality Confidence Certainty Belief

Functionality: Given a data set, calculate the confidence for each information.

Superposition Functionality:

Consideration for a "true and false"

paradoxical position.

Complexity Analysis Functionality: Given data, reduce to component parts.

Data Compression.

Belief Representation Database Functionality.

Informational Paradigm Functionality: Examples:

Object-Instance Paradigm.

Probability Functionality

Coincidence and Anomaly Analysis "God Winks"


Probability Cloud Search.

Proliferation Assessment Function

Originality-Commonality Dichotomy

Functionality: Common pattern occurrences are compressive. Unique pattern occurrences are decompressive.

Compressive-Decompressive Dichotomy

Functionality: Compressive data compacted statistically, but original/raw data may


Efficiency Optimizing Functionality: A set of functions maximizing or satisfying probability of matching a biased shape pattern.

State-Dependent Domain-Relative Mind-Agent-Specific Functionality (#)

Additional Notes Maximization or Satisfying of IOG

Input-Output-Gate Domain. The expected universally preferred will is maximization or satisfying of IOG

domain. Therefore, this is a primary intelligence factor.

Input Range Spectrum Maximization or Satisfaction Functionality

Increased range of input in every sense, for example from learning the news, to eating more food types.

State-Dependent Memory Functionality

The state of a mind includes memories, which are inputs as biased shape patterns.

Variable as a Function Functionality

The process of replacing a symbol with its meaning.

Subconscious Automated Memory Management


Memory is a feedback loop where a search signal triggers expressional output.

Memory Optimization Functionality: Memories are placed in proximity in such a way that memories trigger loading of associated memories quickly.

Recall Triggers: Expressional output which references additional expressional output.

Memory Logistics: The more a memory is

access, the more logistically centered it should become.

Memory Scope Functionality: The domain of associative memories, loaded closer to a

semantic focal point, expands or shrinks as state of mind changes.

Memory Search Functionality: Capability to purposefully search belief representation database and other information.

Memorization Recording Functionality:

Utility Interest Assessment Functionality: Patterns of greatest interest are remembered more.

External State Signaling Input Reception Sensor Functionality

Direct Sense: The most direct sense of the mind noticed.

Neural Electro-chemical Impulse

Primary Sense Physical Sensor

Sound, Sight:= Brightness & Color; Pressure:=

Contact & Magnitude; Temperature:= Hot & Cold; Taste, Smell, Itch

Internal State Signaling Mood Sentience Functionality Instinct by life state.

Physical Internal Body Sense

Biochemical Internal Sense: Hormone

Chemoreceptor Sense Functionality

Balance Sense, Organ Tension/Stretch, Limb Tension/Stretch, Nociception Body Distress Sense: Bone/Joint, Organ, Skin

Proprioception: Physical location detection of body parts, Body Geometry.

Mood Functionality

Note: All feelings having an effect are also functions.


State/Being Focus: Examples: Manic,

Good/Happy, Stomach Full, Sexual

Satisfaction, Relief

Energetic/Doing Focus: Examples:

Woke/Ready (circulation system focus),

Motivated/Activated/Excited (nervous

system focus)

Neutral to Negative:

State/Being Focus

Examples: Depressed, Bad/Unhappy,

Hungry, Libido Arousal,


Energetic/Doing Focus

Examples: Tired/Sleepy (circulatory

system focus), Demotivated/Deactivated

(nervous system focus), Anxiety,

Bored, Restless

Joy-Suffering Dichotomy

Subconscious-Assessment Functionality

Satisfaction = Present Value of Past, Present, and Future Pleasure - Present

Value of Past, Present, and Future Pain.

Joy = If Satisfaction > 0 then Present Value of Satisfaction. Else Joy = 0.

Suffering = If Satisfaction < 0 then

Present of Satisfaction. Else Suffering =