The Passion of the Christ


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Book Description HTML

In The Passion of the Christ, Jesus faced every storm of opposition that unleashed its fury against Him. Obstinate wills and hearts full of malice and subtlety vainly struggled to confuse and oppress Him, as divine majesty, the Son of God. Now He was like a whipped reed, bent under the burden of sin and subject to supernatural torture ... Centuries before the crucifixion, it is written, "For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have enclosed me: they pierced my hands and My feet. I could count all My bones; they look and stare at Me" Jesus’ enemies vented their wrath as He hung from the cross. Priests, rulers and nobles joined the mob in mocking the dying Saviour. This book testifies to the precious love, endless life and ardent passion of Christ.

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Ellen G White

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