Body & Spirit Books
Ghost Dancing
I believe in the existence of a Supreme Being, that consciousness survives death, that each of us has an unlimited immortal soul, that disembodied spirits may communicate with and/or enter a human host, that there are limitless dimensions of existence, each with its unique inhabitants, and that...
The Eliathin Teachings
The Eliathan Teachings is a thought-provoking book that delves into the spiritual wisdom imparted by the Eliathin, a group of ultraterrestrial beings that exist beyond the physical dimensions of our reality. Through their teachings, the Eliathin aim to guide humanity toward a deeper understanding...
Astrology's Present Moment
"Astrology's Present Moment" is like no other perspective of astrology today. Every sign is explored through its present-moment awareness potential as a condition toward awakening realization experience. The foundation of this work is the exclusive use of the semi-septile, septile, bi-septile and...
High Priestess of Sanuela. Spiritual Fantasy Romance
″Don\'t be afraid of becoming your highest light and deepest love. Trust and follow. In freeing yourself, you will free the others.″A fire fairy butterfly, spirit and keeper of the flames, offers the young woman Ayana to follow the calling of her inner prophecy to become a High Priestess of...
What I Appreciate About You
This book was written from a place of vulnerability. It is a gift to a special person and helps navigate the struggles in a relationship. It contains 30 reasons to continue building that relationship with someone special.
The EVP Manual
The purpose of this ebook is to teach you how to contact the spirit world. It is very important to understand the history of Electronic Voice Phenomena, the types of software to use for recording EVPs, and the techniques for capturing good EVPs.
Sharing the Good News of a Better, More Loving World!!!God s Love - Family - Friendship - Fun Linking It All Together! To unify together people from all aspects of society who envision a holistically sustainable and integrated world through the power of cooperative action.Spiritual Sustainability...
In Search of Reality Book Two
Is Quantum Mechanics Theory right? Is this existential reality we perceive merely an illusion? Could our reality be like some gigantic computer game with us, as avatars, playing out a consciousness reality chosen by us prior to incarnating? This book, the second in the series, In Search of ...
Exposing the Matrix
This ebook will provide you with a comprehensive overview of how your belief systems can be exploited in order to serve a particular agenda. We are going to be digging deep into the nature of belief systems as well as the information that we read and hear on a regular basis. You will find this...
The Path of Truth - How to Find the Path of Truth through Spiritual Awakening
You will learn about the advancements of Buddhism in this ebook. A wide variety of topics are discussed, including death, reality, aliens, and more. The purpose of this ebook is to help you learn how to become a Buddhist.Meditation, anger handling, and healing are among the topics that you will...