The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter 2

Captain Sean Brennan found Kevin’s boat ten miles off the Seaside coastline adrift at sea. Captain Brennan and sergeant Prescott felt an ominous presence as they boarded Kevin’s boat. The police were besieged with a sinister and menacing feeling as they searched the boat for any signs of life. Horror gripped Prescott’s soul as a darken and threaten thunderstorm quickly descending upon the boat. The bolts of lighten only aspirated the dread that lurked in the officer’s souls as they reluctantly searched the darken cabin. The captain was perplexed by the mischievous disappearance of his friend as rain pelted the boat relentlessly. Captain Brennan was plagued with sorrow as he searched amongst the dirty cloths and trash that was strewn across the cabin. Prescott found two half-burnt cigarettes inside a homemade looking clay ashtray and placed them in an evidence bag for DNA testing. Despite their thorough inspection of the boat, the police where incapable of finding any indication that Kevin was murdered. There was however a malevolent presence that cloaked the police in fear.

The stagnant air within the Seaside police department only inflamed Prescott’s intolerance as he roamed the corridor waiting for a DNA test. A broad contemptuous smile crossed Prescott’s face when the DNA test was finally complete. Even though he read the DNA report three times, Prescott soon realized that Captain Brennan would not be happy with the results. The Captain slowly sat up in his chair as he analyzed the report repeatedly.

“This DNA report can’t be right Prescott,” Sean said.

The wheels in the Captain’s heavily burdened mind whirled as he leaned back in his chair and examined the report one more time. The first DNA test indicated that Kevin had several alias including the name Robert Banner. DNA retrieved from the second cigarette found on Kevin’s boat was linked to a person named Martinez. According to the FBI, Martinez was an Alias for an international terrorist on their top ten most wanted list.

Sean pulled out a bottle of Kentucky bourbon and poured himself a glass. The refreshing taste of bourbon on the captain’s tongue cooled his hostile temper and alleviate his fears. Sean tried to comprehend if Martinez, murdered his friend in cold blood. He pored himself a second glass of bourbon and pondered what connection Kevin had with the international terrorist. Anguish lured in the Captain’s soul as he reluctantly called the FBI.