The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter 1

It’s only been three day since she last saw her husband Kevin, but Deloris Spencer finally came to the conclusion that she was a widow. Though she tried for days to begrudge the notion that Kevin was really gone, she finally excepted the fact that the man she loved, cherished and honored for so many years was suddenly gone. Deloris’s heartbreak was an unbearable burden that lurked in her soul as she frantically searched the Oregon coastline for any sign of hope. The last rays of the sun struggled to stay above the horizon as Deloris pondered her husband’s mortality. The relentless howling winds of the Pacific northwest blew back her crimson color hair as tears trickled down from her emerald colored eyes.

Deloris’s once cheerful smile and adorable face were now riddled with anxiety. Her usual cheerful emerald eyes, were now filled with sorrow. Despite the darken skies, Deloris stared into the cold waters of the Pacific ocean as she yearned to see the twinkling lights of Kevin's boat.

Her hands trembled as she called her husband’s best friend captain Sean Brennan of the Seaside police station. Fear and agony swirled in Deloris’s mind as she begged Sean to search the bay for her husband’s boat. The captain was inundated with trepidation and bewilderment as he pondered whether his best friend was dead or alive. The captain tried to remained optimistic as he reassured Mrs Spencer that Kevin was still alive and that he would start a search of the bay imminently.