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15 must -buy foods for runners Get the right foods, ones that will keep you healthy, fuel top performance and cook up into delicious meals.



Eat a small handful of unroasted almonds 3 to five times a week. An excellent source of vitamin e, lowers cholesterol and decreases your risk for heart disease.



One egg is about 10% of your daily protein needs. The protein in eggs contains all the amino acids your hard working muscles need for recovery. Eat one a day, and don't worry about the cholesterol. Studies have shown that egg eaters have a lower risk for heart disease than who don't.

Sweet Potatoes

You should eat these all year round if you can. Very high in Vitamin A and a good source of vitamin C, potassium, iron and two trace minerals, manganese and copper. These minerals are crucial for healthy muscle function

Whole grain cereal with protein

Look for cereal that offers at least five grams of fiber and 8 grams of protein. Excellent for breakfast, you never want to skip breakfast as research has shown that those who eat breakfast are healthier, trimmer and can manage their weight better.




Eat enough and you may experience less muscle soreness after hard workouts. Very high in the antioxidant vitamin c.


Canned baked beans


One cup will give you 30% of your daily protein needs and 60% fiber. A daily serving of baked beans appears to lower cholesterol and heart disease risk.


Mixed salad greens


Rather than buying one type of lettuce rather buy a variety of mixed greens. These phytonutrients act as antioxidants warding off muscle damage from tough workouts.




This super fish is high in protein and an excellent source of omega 3 fats. These fats help balance the body's inflammation response.


Whole wheat bread


A runner needs to eat three to six slices a day. This is an easy way to meet your requirements of whole grains per day.


Frozen stir fry vegetables


Most of these ready to fry combos offer a potent mix of antioxidants by including red and green peppers, onions, and bean spurts.


00009.jpgWhole wheat pasta
Contains easily digestible carbs to restock spent energy stores. The whole version is much better as this fills you up with added fiber. Have additional b vitamins for energy metabolism. Chicken
As a runner you need about 70% more protein than non runners to help rebuild muscles after a heavy workout.. A 110g serving of chicken will supply about half your daily protein needs.
Frozen mixed berries
A powerful group of antioxidants that assist with post run recovery and muscle repair, and contains only about 250kilojoules per cup.
Low fat yoghurt
A good source of protein and calcium helps your digestive tract to function normally. Make sure it has live cultures in, look out for the symbol on the packaging.
Dark chocolate (the best for last)
You deserve at least one indulgence; chocolate contains powerful antioxidants that can boost heart health. 00011.jpg