Internet Marketing - Pain Points by Tom Powers - HTML preview

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How do I get in the game? - Pain Point #1: I call this

the barriers to entry or risk aversion if you will. I would guess that since you purchased this book that you have either crossed this threshold or you have gotten very close to the line. The first thing to avoid is to buy a website because you are too scared to go it alone. You probably think it is safe because they advertise their traffic and sales figures, right? You probably think purchasing a site avoids the technical gap you might feel as it can appear daunting at first. Trust me, if someone advertises an automated website bringing in loads of cash selling for 3 to 6 months earnings, run for your life. The cheaper the website is selling for the more scared you should feel. It all goes back to that saying if it is too good to be true, then it probably is. Odds are that this person could have made the mistake of jumping in and are now trying to pawn it off to the next person in line. So, do not let that next person be you. There are legitimate websites for sale but you will see that they are generally higher in price and go for a much larger sale price to earnings, usually greater than 1 year. There are also people who simply design and sell their designed website over and over again. If these websites are so great, why do they not operate them? The other area that scares me at this stage is to fall for the dime a dozen "get rich quick" guys on the internet. I am sick of seeing pictures of people chilling out on the beach or standing in front of their expensive cars while they display how much money they are making. They simply made their money by selling unsuspecting newbies a great sales pitch and no real product to go with it. I can attest first hand as I purchased 2 of these great pitches with one being a membership and the other one an ebook. Well, I came to find out after spending $49 for the membership and $10 for the ebook (I got a discount!) that they told me basically nothing. The membership was a load of links on places to buy traffic, links, seo, etc. The ebook was the equivalent of what I would picture if I tried to explain internet marketing to my 6 year old. The only thing I will point out for your benefit is that you can learn a good tactic by reading their advertisements (sales pitch) which we will get into later.