Internet Marketing - Pain Points by Tom Powers - HTML preview

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Internet Marketing – All it really means.

You look up the definition on Wilkipedia and you will read the following clip that best summarizes my points.

Effective Internet marketing requires a comprehensive strategy that synergizes a given company's business model and sales goals with its website function and appearance, focusing on its target market through proper choice of advertising type, media, and design.

Basically, marketing is the format used to display a product or service for sale. If you are a great marketer then you will be able to develop a brand. That means someone will have such a positive perception of your product versus other similar products that they are willing to pay a premium for it. The internet itself is no different than any other economic environment so the basic rules apply. You need the elements of:

Ï product or service to sell,
Ï website to sell it from,
Ï customer group to sell it to,
Ï communication to inform the customer, Ï means to inform/attract the customer.

At this point, I will ask you to try and consider a different mind frame when reading further. Begin to picture everything in this basic format and you will start to recognize internet marketing in all its forms. I am in finance so I simply picture everything in dollars and cents. When a pop-up shows up on an internet store I am in, I think my e-mail goes to website, website e-mails me offers with sales pitch, I purchase that offer, and cha-ching, they made money.

So, what happens when inevitably we are lured into this world thinking how hard could it be? I can tell you one thing; you learn a new respect for those who have figured this out although it makes me wonder how much it cost them to get there. Now we get to the heart of what frequently happens and later what learnings you can take away.