Inner Circle Preview Chapter by Stuart Goldsmith - HTML preview

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The Path Of Freedom

You are about to embark upon the path of Personal Freedom. By being a member of Inner circle, and moving through the power grades, you will eventually emerge into the light of TOTAL FREEDOM.

To attach yourself to this spiral, and reverse your current (possible) downward spiral, you need to take some pretty radical decisions about your life. You also need to WAKE UP and STOP DREAMING!

This is why my material is so shocking - some would even say offensive. I cannot help you to achieve your dreams and desires by tiptoeing around you and making my every statement bland, inoffensive and acceptable to all. It is precisely for this reason that I chose the format of Inner circle. To put it bluntly, I am tired of wasting my energies trying to convince hopelessly entrenched and negative sceptics of the truth of my message. It is a waste of my personal energies. I only want people who are prepared to listen and prepared to act on what I say. In order to help you, I must do the equivalent of taking you by the shoulders and giving you a jolly hard shake! I need to shake you until your teeth rattle. Only by doing this will I get you, possibly, to open one bleary eye and look in my direction!

You don't believe me? You feel that you're a pretty free sort of dude, all things considered? You reckon that you are modestly powerful in your own quiet way? You reckon you’ve got a bit of money? Well read on!

It is an axiom of Inner circle that not everyone can become Rich, Powerful and Free.

Therefore, Inner circle is elitist. There is nothing 'wrong' with an elitist system. Most universities, for example, are 'elitist' because they exclude the 98% of the population considered too stupid to join.

Years ago, when I wrote my best-selling book The Midas Method, I was on a crusade to help everyone to realise their true potential through positive thinking. I wanted everyone to experience the freedom, joy and happiness which comes when you take a powerful grip on your own life. Although the message in that book still holds true, I have moved a long way from this evangelistic stance.

The reason is that I had grossly underestimated the degree of entrenchment in negative thoughts which most people experience.

I came to the conclusion that the vast majority of people, who I affectionately call 'sheep' throughout these materials, are deeply, soundly asleep and have no intention whatsoever of waking up. I further realised that it was arrogance on my part to even think that I could wake them up, or that it would even be valuable to wake them up!

I was expending a lot of life-energy in arguing with negative, hopelessly entrenched, depressed sceptics, and getting nowhere fast! By narrowing the field down to people who apply to Inner circle, I am able to reach those people like you who are poised on the threshold of personal power, and eliminate most of the dreamers and sceptics.