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The Inner Circle

 Probationer Grade

Warning:- This material is confidential. It relates to The Inner circle probationer grade . Do not reveal this material to anyone outside of Inner circle. Do not leave it lying around where others might see it.

Introduction To The Inner Circle

Congratulations on joining my Inner Circle.

Members share one thing in common. They all desire to become WEALTHY, POWERFUL and FREE. I only accept people who I think have a good chance of achieving these things.

Now that you have been accepted into my group, let me tell you a little more about Inner circle.

The Inner circle is a group of people under my personal instruction. It is a 'secret' group in the following sense:-

1.  The members never meet each other.

2.  Details of members are kept strictly confidential.

3.  'Normal' people do not suspect the existence of this group.

4.  Membership is by my personal invitation only.

5.  The teaching materials are kept segregated into 'power levels', or grades. This means that information is only revealed to you a bit at a time, as I feel you are able to absorb it.

6.  All members swear to keep the teaching materials secret.

To be a member of my Inner circle is something very special. Together, we will build a bridge of trust between us. You will come to trust me, and to believe that the information I will be giving you is true. I will come to trust you not to reveal our secrets to just anyone.


Why all this secrecy? Is this something Masonic? Are we like the Loyal Order of Moose?!! No. It's nothing like that. Let me start by explaining one of the basic tenets of my philosophy:-

People are NOT equal. They never have been, and they never will be. Any attempts to make them equal are doomed to failure. Some people are superior to others - they always have been. Most people are like sheep - they always will be. This is just a plain, simple fact of life. We are not sitting in judgement here, just stating the obvious. Despite protestations to the contrary, society seeks to penalise the intelligent and successful and ‘redistribute’ the loot to the inept, lazy and weak. It does this through force of arms. This I consider to be one of the biggest evils in existence and one which should be resisted with every fibre of your being.

There, you see! I've shocked you a little already! But remember, this is only PROBATIONER level material. As you rise through the grades, I intend to shock you a great deal more! This is essential if I am to help you part the veils of illusion which have prevented you from achieving your full potential up until now.

So, you see, Inner circle is by its very nature elitist. It is only for the 'chosen few'. People like YOU who have set foot upon the path of power, freedom and wealth.

You have chosen that path, haven't you? Perhaps you have some doubts at this stage? Doubts about 'saving the world' or 'helping the starving millions', that kind of thing? Don't worry. These doubts are normal at your power-level. It will take time for you to understand the various illusions which block your pathway to power and wealth. A lot of my instruction will be concerned with identifying those blocks, helping you to understand them, and finally blowing them away so that you can reach undreamed of levels of wealth and power.

Because one of the basics of Inner circle philosophy is that people are NOT equal, it therefore follows that not everyone can become rich, powerful and free! Let me say that again, in case you missed it:-

Not everyone can become rich, powerful and free.

In fact, I would go further and say that very, very few people will ever achieve this state.

For example, you, at the moment, are not rich, you are not powerful, and you are not free. Agreed? In fact, let’s cut to the core here and state that you’re broke, trapped and powerless. Remember, it’s only you and me here, so we don't have to pretend. In contrast, I am very rich, quite powerful and almost totally free! But that's OK because I'm the master, and you're the pupil, right? You wouldn't bother listening to me if the situation was different, would you? There are few things worse than receiving a manual on ‘How To Become A Millionaire’ which has been written by some poor, broke moron who never made more than a few thousand in his entire miserable life, right?

It is my aim to help you to become, like me, rich, powerful and free. This should be YOUR aim too. You must have a burning desire to achieve these aims. A wishy-washy half-hearted approach simply will not do. You must be committed. Committed to WEALTH. Committed to POWER and committed to FREEDOM.

Returning to the subject of secrecy for the moment. Do you now start to see why Inner circle is so restricted and secretive? It's because the fewer people who know how to become RPF (Rich, Powerful and Free), the better it is for those of us who DO know! We can have more fun. We can be richer. We can have more power. We can enjoy more freedom.

Do you have a problem with this? Some lingering doubt that we should be SHARING all this stuff? Handing it out free in an orgy of altruism? On some kind of crusade of enlightenment? Well let me tell you that these feelings are the complete opposite of Inner circle philosophy. But I don't just expect you to swallow my instruction wholesale. That would be just as sheep-like as the sheep! No. Instead, you will become convinced of the truth of my philosophy as you rise through the power levels.

Let me make another statement about Inner circle:-

It is NOT my mission or the mission of an Inner circle member to 'change the world'. He is NOT on any crusade of enlightenment. He is NOT trying to 'save souls' or 'preach the good message'.


Because this would be:-

1.  A completely and utterly hopeless task. Absolute futility akin to trying to move Mount Everest six feet to the left using a teaspoon. The sheep do NOT want to be woken up. They would be resentful and angry if you attempted such a ridiculous stunt. They are happy to doze their lives away, rarely thinking and rarely acting to improve their situation.

2.  It is completely against the interests of any Inner circle member to spread the word, even if such a thing was possible. If you knew of a dead-cert method of winning on the horses, would you spread it around? You bet your life you wouldn't!

Now already this material is getting quite hard-hitting. Many probationers drop out even at this rather weak and pathetic level of personal power instruction. After centuries of having altruistic self-sacrifice elevated to the status of the number-one ‘good’, many people refuse to even question this trap, and why others might seek to get them to sign up for it. That's fine. I would rather you dropped out and made way for someone truly committed to Wealth, Power and Freedom, rather than struggling on, only half believing in my message.

Let me state here and now that if the going gets too tough for you at any stage, then you are absolutely free to drop out and return to your previous life of poverty, restriction and powerlessness. I won't write and ask you to come back!

But if you stick with this course, then as you progress through the power-levels, you will gradually become enlightened. The scales will fall from your eyes as you become ever more powerful, ever more wealthy and free.

If you are feeling uneasy at this point, and think that selfishness is really evil, perhaps I can reassure you with the following statement:-

A strong, wealthy, powerful and free person is far, far better equipped to REALLY help someone, or to improve a bad situation, than a weak, pathetic, poor and trapped sheep!

 Inner  circle members of higher grades move into every situation with power and true integrity. They bring about real and lasting changes in their own lives, and in the lives of those around them. Just to be near to one of these people is enough for you to see and feel their very real power.


The sheep, in contrast, only whine and bleat and bleat about how awful everything is, and then DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT IT!

Enough. We are touching upon higher grade material.

So what are the aims of Inner circle?

Quite simply, by joining this circle you are trying to make a very great deal of money, you are trying to achieve real power over your own life, and you are attempting to become free from the restrictions which others seek to place over you.

How is this achieved?

Every month, you will receive teaching materials appropriate to your grade. You will receive one release every month along with your :-

 Release  One will contain teaching materials on FREEDOM and POWER.

Perhaps I should make a statement here concerning why I have chosen to link POWER + WEALTH + FREEDOM. Why, for instance, do I not concern myself purely with making you wealthy?

The answer is that over many years I have come to realise the inextricable link between these three aspects of human development. You cannot become wealthy if you are trapped by various stultifying belief systems. If you are completely and utterly un-free, you will never become rich. I can promise you that.

You must become free before you can become wealthy.

Similarly, if you are totally powerless (and this is obviously linked with lack of freedom), you cannot become rich and free. If other people are in control of your life, then you cannot make serious money or gain personal freedom. If you let others pull your strings and make you dance like a puppet, then it is absolutely impossible to become wealthy. There is a circle of power involved here. Almost a "Catch 22" situation, unless you tackle it properly, my way.

The negative circle of power goes something like this:-

You are poor, so you are trapped (e.g. in a badly paid job which you hate). This means that you are not free. This makes you are ‘flat’ at best or depressed at worse and this stifles your creative energies. You become listless and cannot find the energy to go out and challenge, to dare and to win. Your lack of money makes you powerless (for money truly does equal power). Your powerlessness can be spotted at fifty paces and so no-one treats you with respect, let alone awe. This prevents you mixing with other powerful and rich people - moving in higher circles if you will - which in turn helps prevent you from achieving power.

It looks a bit like this:-


You cannot break out of this cycle by yourself simply by changing one element of this vicious cycle. Notice I say "by yourself". Obviously if someone were to hand you ten million pounds, then the cycle would be broken immediately; but the chances of you achieving great wealth whilst still being trapped and powerless are almost zero. You have to tackle all three at once. This is what I will teach you to do.

By tackling all three elements at the same time, you will spiral slowly upwards and gradually become free, powerful and rich. Perhaps you are spiralling DOWNWARDS at the moment! The first thing to do is to reverse this trend.

Incidentally, it is why 'get rich quick' schemes don't work. Often there is nothing really wrong with the schemes themselves, it's just that trapped and powerless people try to use them to get rich. They cannot do this because of their situation. They all give up sooner or later and sink ever deeper into hopelessness.

So we will be tackling all three elements at the same time. This is absolutely essential if you are going to improve your lot in life. This is the UPWARD spiral which Inner circle members seek to attach themselves to, with my help.

Now on a more positive note, when you move up through the power-grades, tackling all three of these elements at the same time, you find yourself on this upward spiral! It goes something like this:-

You start to realise that others have been controlling your life. You begin to break free of these controls. This releases your creative energy. You start to tackle new wealth-creating projects. You start to make a bit of money. The money you make brings increased confidence. This is noticed by others. You become more powerful. People seek you out for business deals. You make more money, you become more free, you become more powerful, etc. etc. You slowly spiral UPWARDS

through the various levels of WEALTH, POWER and FREEDOM.

It looks a bit like this:-