Escaping Hell by Jon Stauffer - HTML preview

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In this chapter we will apply the knowledge we have gained. The ionosphere, of which I spoke, is not a problem as long as we realize that it is there and refuse to be blinded by it. By this I mean that we can begin to trust in the subtle impressions we receive from the Higher Self. Those who have greater psychic abilities are less affected by the ionosphere, and tend naturally to accept their subtle impressions because they are more profound. Our inner communication process however, can be of great value to all of us.

In the chapter entitled ―following In the Footsteps of Jesus‖, we discussed turning within to the Higher Self, known variously as the Hamingja, the Atman, or the Father. Mahanta is another related term from out of ancient Tibet.

We often receive promptings from the Higher Self as he or she attempts to get our attention, but Christians perceiving everything outside them selves, generally refer to these promptings as being from the ―Holy Spirit‖, which they don‘t realize was originally a reference to the Higher Self. We can all receive these promptings as a matter of birthright, but to establish an inner dialogue requires that we employ a universal law. Allow me to explain.

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Our entrapment here in Dominion‘s realm included the severing of the 7th, 8th, and 9th bass tones of our third DNA strands, which separated us in consciousness from what we now refer to as the Higher Self.

All other beings throughout the universe are what they call whole, and thus they enjoy their natural instincts. We are universally called ―Shells‖ due to our emptiness of spirit (Higher Self), and this is what Christ referred to when he turned his disciples inward. Consequently, we possess only rudimentary instincts as acknowledged by scientists, and we are less intelligent than beings that live on other planets and in other dimensions.

Therefore, the Spiritual Law of Ego Sovereignty, which states that higher dimensional beings are not to interfere in the processes of those in the lower dimensional realms, dictates that we must first recognize the Higher Self (or the God within), then approach him or her (knock on the door) through the process of meditation.

For those who can‘t, or think they can‘t meditate, there is nothing to worry about. We need only to close our eyes and relax the mind. Focusing all the attention inward, simply make it known to the Higher Self that you wish to make contact and establish an inner dialogue; that you wish to both receive and live by his or her inner guidance.

Technically, the Higher Self, being indigenous to the true spiritual realms beyond the Great Abyss, possesses no gender. However, we have all been incarnating within the material worlds of dualism for eons of time now, and each one of our Higher Selves have picked up certain traits which lend themselves to either one gender or the other. If we are heterosexual, then Escaping Hell©

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chances are that our Higher Self is of the same gender that we are in this incarnation.

Once we have made this commitment, we need to realize that it is possible to relax the mind while focusing inward with a question, and to have that question answered. For most of us, it is advantageous to receive confirmation of the answers we receive, through a physical response to questions designed to elicit either yes or no responses.

For example, I might receive a fluttering in my right eyelid for a yes response, and a fluttering in the left for a no response. I might receive a rush of warm energy up my torso for a yes, or a cold rush of energy downward for a no. Most people balance on their feet, and are pulled off balance forward for a yes response, or pushed backward for a no.

Personally, I receive a movement in my neck muscles, either pushing my head forward, or pulling it back. Ultimately, we want to receive direct communications from the Higher Self, and use the yes/no response to verify our interpretations.

There are a few Adepts who are capable of establishing one‘s connection to the Higher Self, while releasing all potential interferences from the auric field, and establishing protection against outside forces which would attempt to mimic the Higher Self. Some people, however, either feel that they have no need for such procedures, or that they are fully capable of establishing their own connections.

I won‘t be so presumptuous as to suggest they can‘t do this, but for those who feel that they would like assistance, that which is required will be forthcoming automatically, through the Mani-Om-Saw Institute, at Escaping Hell©

Page 43 For those who elect not to take advantage of either the discourses or the workshop, be aware that unless a person is undergoing spiritual purification, interference in the inner communication process is generally not an issue in any case.

Many people are of the erroneous notion that once we have learned all our lessons, we can stop incarnating here and move on. Learning lessons is not what it‘s all about. First of all, we must undergo a spiritual purification process as I mentioned before, wherein certain energies retained in the subconscious, along with associated emotional passions are released in our transcendence of those karmic issues. This allows our vibratory frequencies to increase beyond what would normally be the case.

Secondly, Dominion‘s electromagnetic time loop interfaces with a psychic time loop placed on each of us, keeping us within its cyclic pattern. Thus, our awareness and ―conscious will‖ in the after-death state, may allow self determination between incarnations; but they will not prevent us from having to return to Dominion‘s hell, eventually. The psychic time loop is easily removed as one becomes attuned with the Higher Self through either the discourses or a workshop, but another karmic trap exists.

In the Hindu tradition, there are four kinds of karma discussed. There is past karma, present karma, and future karma which are explained in accordance with the perspective of the guru giving discourse at the time.

The fourth kind of karma is not elaborated on at all, but simply mentioned as being ―allotted karma‖. This is what Dominion‘s archangels have placed on us during our stay in an astral center between incarnations. This is why we never really resolve all our karma – talk about the ―Twilight Zone‖!

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Even for those on spiritual paths where a purification process facilitates the transcendence of all karma, a trap exists wherein the seeds of additional karma are continually fed to us. Beginning the discourses or taking the workshop will release the individual from the tonal frequencies creating disharmonic vibrations within the Causal Body, and any karma requiring a return to hell will undergo purification. In the process, damaged DNA will be repaired gradually, and the vibratory frequency will begin to increase in order that the individual will be able to exist in one of the higher dimensional realms. Those who feel that they are shamanically adept enough to facilitate this for themselves should do so as soon as possible.

Finally, we must deal with our connection to the collective unconscious.

This means that we must come to view all the distractions of the world in terms of a trap that keeps us from perceiving and embracing the reality within. This includes games of one-up-man-ship, table games, television, movies, video games, face book, and generally chasing tails with the


Furthermore, we must have a desire to transcend this world and all its distractions. It may appear that this statement is redundant, but not everyone has a desire to move on from this realm. The lower emotional passions keep many people preoccupied with this world, and with everyone in it. Allow me to provide an analogy.

Many prisoners are released when their time is done, and discover that they no longer fit into society. They have developed a whole new set of ethics, social morays, and view of reality. They have become used to prisoner status and the social machinations that occur between captives Escaping Hell©

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and captors. Thus, many of those who are released do what is required in getting them selves put back into prison, even though they hate being incarcerated.

It‘s the same thing for us. We are accustomed to our environment, and we therefore tend to fear the prospect of having to adapt to a new one, especially if we haven‘t turned within, and come to realize the Self.

Even though this hell is a constant struggle for segments of happiness, and even though most of us believe in a better life after death, we still kick and scream to stay here, regardless of how much we suffer. Those with terminal illnesses will make poppers out of their families, taking shots that cost $20,000 to $30,000 per month, just for the hope of a few more months of life.

To sever our connection to the collective unconscious, we must lose our fear of what we perceive to be death, lose our attachment to this world, and lose our attachment to all the distractions of this world. Finally, we must transcend the passions of lust (not just the sexual variety), envy, anger (associated with unfulfilled desires), greed and undue attachment. These lower emotional passions keep us locked into the collective unconscious, because they provide the mud and dung within which we play like pigs.

Beyond the inner dialogue with our Higher Self, our inner connection will become fully developed through an alchemical process which releases us from another one of Dominion‘s traps. This trap consists of hydrogen electrons in water on the mental level, which effectuate DNA degeneration when we attempt to reconstruct severed DNA strands separating us from the Higher Self.

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In order to benefit from the alchemical process, we must first come to realize that the seeming dichotomy between what we have perceived to be good and evil does not actually exist. This does not negate positive (beneficial) and negative (detrimental). For example, existence outside Dominion‘s hell is a positive experience, while existence in hell is negative.

All things are part and parcel of the ―All‖, however, and the ―All‖ simply is.

Therefore, we shouldn‘t view Dominion as being evil. When we have purified the lower emotional passions, we will be able to perceive him exactly as he is, make proper decisions regarding him if and when necessary, and even fight against him and his forces if we so choose . But we will do so with full realization of the fact that Dominion himself does not constitute an evil force separate and distinct from the ―All‖. For some, this will translate into just so much nonsense, but as we progress on the path, and begin to embrace the reality within, our capacity for abstract concepts will increase.

Along these same lines, we should be cognizant of the fact that the light which is refracted through our ionosphere is distorted, creating disharmonic tonal frequencies, and causing interference which limits the Higher Self in the communication process. Without going into more detail, suffice it for me to say that this additional trap (compliments of Dominion) will be dealt with for those who contact the Mani-Om-Sah Institute, at

Again, those who feel that they are sufficiently adept as to not require assistance with this process are free to utilize this information in effectuating their own freedom.

When we begin the path, the thymus chakra is stimulated, and a built-in trap causes it to send out a message that says: ―Hey, I have nothing to do!‖

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In response, the universe (and society in particular) tries to occupy all our time, and we find it very difficult to find the time required for turning inward.

This issue will also be dealt with, but initially, the Higher Self may use it to determine to what extent the physical consciousness really desires spiritual freedom.

We must keep in mind that as conscious beings, we constitute the ego-self.

Since the ego-self cannot purify itself, we shouldn‘t get caught up in all the New Age systems of self-purification. These systems constitute another trap which keeps us turning outward, rather than within. All we need to do after our process begins, is stay focused within, continue to meditate, and practice the art of emotional detachment.

We must turn our lives over to the Higher Self, and quit trying to be the Captain of the ship. This is called ―Self-surrender‖, and sometimes,

―Walking in the Spirit‖. If we fail to accomplish this, we will undoubtedly fall under the spell of life‘s distractions once again, and our processes of purification and increasing vibratory frequency will come to a halt. This is why most people need a guru, even though none is actually required.

Enlightenment involves recognition of our trap, perceiving the illusion, dispelling the illusion, and achieving detachment from this world, its many distractions, and the lower emotional passions. A oneness with the Higher Self or ―Father‖ if you will is integral to this process. Being someone‘s

―sheep‖, and becoming as ―little children‖ is not conducive to enlightenment. This is the truth that will set us free.

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In Christianity, the enemy has been presented in a three-fold working model. First is the devil, second are all the fallen angels and demons that serve Satan, and third are all the heathens who will not accept Christ as their Savior. Christians today, would not admit to the thought that heathens are their enemies, but if we were to remove the constraints of modern day society, history would repeat itself.

Islamics consider all non-Muslims to be infidels, and these are enemies to them, while Jews consider all non-Jews or gentiles/goyim as they call us, to be the enemy. If you doubt this, just read the Torah (the Old Testament), and if that doesn‘t convince you, read the Talmud if you can come by the many volumes kept out of gentile hands.

The bleeding-heart- pacifist- type of Christian says that we actually have no enemies, while quoting scripture which advocates that we love even our enemies. Of course, this admits to the fact that we have enemies. Then again, Muslims and Jews have no problem admitting to the fact of enemies existing in the world.

In the New Age Movement it is often believed that to be enlightened, we must perceive the oneness of all creation, and therefore give up the notion of contrary forces outside ourselves. Those who have embraced this philosophy, however, live in denial of the fact that we presently exist within the material worlds of dualism. To survive, we must be realists, which is Escaping Hell©

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why most people who walk spiritual paths will not survive the machinations of their enemies long enough to escape Dominion‘s trap. They will not escape from hell.

Our enemies consist of those who are active in trying to prevent us from gaining enlightenment and escaping hell. Beyond this realm is Dominion himself, his hierarchy of archangels and angels, and finally, all the ―astral clowns‖ as I like to call them, who work diligently on the astral plane, to serve as ―guides‖ for both, the living and the deceased.

In this realm, is the Preure de Sion, or simply the Priory of Sion, forming the seat of the Illuminati, from which all the other occult organizations have sprung forth. Sion, by the way, is the French spelling for Zion. These are the world Zionists. A few of the offshoot occult organizations are Skull and Bones and Freemasonry, including the major religious organizations that demand our willingness to follow them as sheep. Thus, we become dominated by occult powers manifesting through religion, society and even politics. The occultists, therefore, believe that they are ultimately guided in their destiny by god. I will not argue this point, because they are guided by the god of this world, and contrary to what they tell their congregations, they know him to be Lucifer/Dominion.

Many who read this book will speak with emotional venom, and from the lower emotional passions, saying that god will destroy me for this; and quite possibly, he will. I don‘t claim to be the toughest guy in the universe, but I do have my plan of escape laid out, and destruction sounds a whole lot better to me than an eternity on my knees, serving some bi-polar narcissist.

The threat of hell doesn‘t work either, because I‘m already here.

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Actually, I have friends in the realms of higher vibratory frequency, and with their assistance, I have been able to converse with the ―All‖. Thus, I can provide those who might choose to escape from hell, with an alternative to simply leaving one trap, only to enter another upon the death of the body.

Not knowing what lies beyond this realm will give many people pause, and rather than taking advantage of my offer, they will remain secure in the trap that has become so comfortable to them.

As we learn to meditate, the increase in our vibratory frequency will be noticed by our enemies beyond this realm. Possessing the technology with which to access the Akasha, or the collective unconscious, they will determine our thoughts and intents in order to ascertain whether or not we pose a potential threat to their agenda. Those who pose such a threat will become targets. Not everyone attempting to escape hell will necessarily pose a threat, but those with leadership abilities and/or warrior-like tendencies most certainly will.

Astral entities, ascended masters, or so-called angels may attempt to entice such an individual away from his or her path through either direct communication, or fear and intimidation. The most common occurrence is the attachment of one or more entities to the auric field, for the purpose of interfering with one‘s inner communication process.

In order to prevent all this, and to secure our inner communication so that it remains one-on-one with the Higher Self, we must be able to establish a protective shield capable of withstanding not only the occult powers, but also those of the archangels. Again, I can assist in this, or you may be capable of constructing such a shield for yourself.

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The shield must protect the entire auric capsule, as well as the vapor light separating each of the subtle bodies, and even the entire Merkaba Field. In this way, we will remain free from all outside forces as we turn within as Christ turned his disciples within.

Receiving the monthly discourses will enable those who turn within to the Higher Self for their escape from hell, to have their psychic time loops removed, disconnecting them from Dominion‘s electromagnetic time loop.

Karma requiring their return to hell will be purified from the subconscious, and their vibratory frequencies will begin to increase. Auric purification will also be facilitated, in order to secure a pure connection to the Higher Self, and a protective shield will prevent any breaches of personal sovereignty.

Finally, the purification of our lower emotional passions will accompany the purification of related karmic issues.

So, now what happens after we escape from hell? Who can we trust, where do we go, and what do we do? It is possible for some people, if it is part of their destiny, to live until their vibratory frequencies allow for their ascension into the fourth dimensional realm. Such as these will have to suffer hell until that time arrives, however.

Those whose destiny it is to pass on to dimensions five and above, will give up their bodies, and take up residence in the astral realm associated with that particular dimension until reincarnating there.

In all cases, we will work right along with the Higher Self in controlling our destiny after death. This concept is very discomforting for many people who lack knowledge and experience regarding life beyond the only world they know. It is easier to believe in a being who is more knowledgeable, who Escaping Hell©

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possesses greater wisdom, and who has more power than ourselves, who will guide us like sheep, promising to lead us to the promised paradise after this life, in return for our obedience now.

On the other hand, if we wish to follow in the footsteps of Christ and do even greater things than he, as he expected of us; if we wish to be like our concept of God, then it is imperative that we be in a position to control our own destiny after death.

Taking control rather than being someone else‘s dupe can be a very fulfilling prospect for those who come to an understanding of what lies beyond this life, other than some vague notion of heaven, hell, or a spirit world.

Upon leaving this body, we may encounter ―astral clowns‖, or we may encounter the forces of Dominion who will entice us with tonal frequencies and light rays designed to provide us with feelings of joy and bliss so that we will believe them to be emissaries of a loving and benevolent God.

Those of us with protective shields will not be affected, however, and we will remain free to follow the directives of the Higher Self. For those of us who feel that we might benefit from support provided by others, there are very positive beings who will await our call for assistance. These are spirit warrior emissaries of a being known to the ancients as Odin. They were referred to by our Northern European ancestors as the Einherjar (pronounced: eye-n-her-yar), or Odin‘s Chosen.

Don‘t be afraid that by escaping from hell, that you are being sucked into Odinism, because you are not. However, it is your birthright if you are of Escaping Hell©

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European heritage, to receive assistance from this source. For those who are not of European descent, simply send out your call for assistance through the Higher Self, and it will be forthcoming from those whom your Higher Self will help you to recognize.

If you trust no one, then simply follow the directives of your Higher Self, and you will remain free from all outside influences. There are vast worlds of great beauty to be explored, or you may choose to be with certain loved ones who may come to escort you from this life. For religionists, there are those who have built both their heavens and spirit worlds throughout the astral realms. Some, however, find comfort in creating their own environment. If you have done what is required in escaping hell, though, I recommend that you avoid the third dimensional astral realm at all costs.

Follow your Higher Self.

After all that we have discussed, it would seem that we are home free at this point. Actually, we are at the final gate, and it is an illusion requiring our understanding of a very important issue for it to be dispelled. This is a trap involving the perception of our universe‘s creative force as perceived in the Biblical god. Our acknowledgement of the ―All‖ is insufficient, if our perception of it is deficient.

We have all been taught through religion, society and family, that God is our Father in Heaven, and that we were created in his image. In other words, we have never perceived God in terms of anything but our limited, dualistic mindset. Our belief in God‘s male gender implies that he exists within the worlds of dualism, and therefore implies also, that he is subject to the laws of the material worlds.

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The ―All‖, sometimes referred to as the ―Source‖, or as the ―One‖, cannot be compartmentalized and described as we would an object or person. It can only be hinted at, referred to, or at best, described in vague terms. It is not something you can put your finger on and say ―that‘s God‖.

The ―All‖ is simply everything. It‘s in the sounds you hear, and in the colors you see; It‘s in all the stars that might ever be. It is seen where the rain pours down; where none dare go, and where nothing is found.

To perceive the ―All‖ as an individual being with ego, personal interests and other dualistic tendencies, is to miss the point entirely. Therefore, the religious training we receive which creates our perception of God, serves as a trap because in order to transcend the illusion of the gates of hell, we must perceive the fact that our own misperception of our true nature is what keeps us trapped behind the gates. We must understand the nature of the

―All‖, and perceive our existence as being part and parcel of the ―All‖.

Understanding this as our true nature, is how we perceive ourselves as being unlimited and unfettered. Only in this way, can the gates of hell fall away, and we become free to go where we please, and to be what we wish to be. Before this can happen, however, we should be aware of another aspect regarding our existence here in hell. It doesn‘t do us any good to have our freedom, if we are ignorant of how our environment operates economically. For this reason, I am including a very small chapter on this subject.

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We understand how Dominion established his kingdom on Earth, and how he keeps us trapped, but the question is, why does he continue to do it?

What‘s in it for him? We know that he benefits from the prayers and attention sent to him by an entire world of people – that we empower him immensely; but is that really sufficient to keep him occupied indefinitely?

We know also, that many intelligent species in the first two harmonic universes have joined forces with him, and are very loyal. How do they benefit from an alliance with a bi-polar narcissist such as Dominion?

Since this world is, in many ways, a reflection of Dominion‘s personality, propensities and psychic nature, wouldn‘t it make sense that a certain amount of his business character and practices would be reflected here also?

Let‘s consider the practice of usury in banking and commodities. Couldn‘t it be possible that we are a commodity for Dominion? Certainly, most of our psychic, mental and spiritual power is harvested through our prayers, rituals and outbursts of emotional energy. What maintains this flow of energy though, is a never-ending succession of karmic experiences.

Negative karma keeps the emotional outbursts going, and our hope in deliverance from that karma, keeps the psychic, mental and spiritual power Escaping Hell©

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flowing to Dominion. Therefore, it would make sense that Dominion would also turn karma into a commodity.

Evidence of the commodity aspect of karma dawned on me many years ago, when I was being trained on the other planes of existence as a shamanic warrior. I know that those who are in the employ of Dominion are subject to the law of karma, because they can be killed. However, I‘ve also noticed that they seem to have little or no accountability for deeds done.

They seem to be immortal beyond that which is standard in all other worlds beyond this one, and I‘ve often wondered how it is that all those functioning under Dominion‘s rule, and operating in violation of spiritual law, live as immortals without having to suffer their karma. Then, when we analyze the four kinds of karma: Past, Present, Future and Allotted, the last one stands out as an incongruity. The logical question then, is ―where does allotted karma come from? Karma isn‘t just manufactured out of thin air.

Karma, as we know, is a reactionary force which produces an experience in direct proportion to the causation that generated the reactionary force. This is the universal law of cause and effect which is stated in Newton‘s Third Law of Motion: ―For every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction‖.

The reactionary force is often delayed, because other operational forces tend to interfere with its manifestation. Therefore, it is stored within that portion of our auric field we call the Causal Body. This is also the subconscious mind, or the unconscious as Carl Jung referred to it. Our