History Books

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Showing results: 21-30 of 189
The Mexican War Diary of George B. McClellan

The Mexican War Diary of George B. McClellan

George B. McClellan | History
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During the past four or five years I have been preparing a life of General McClellan in which I plan especially to stress the political influences behind the military operations of the first two years of the Civil War. The main source for my study has been the large collection of “McClellan...

The book of the Ancient Greeks

The book of the Ancient Greeks

Dorothy Mills | History
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This book, like the first of the series the Book of the Ancient World, was used in its original manuscript form by one of my history classes. It carries on the story of the way in which man has been learning how to live from the time of the Coming of the Greeks to the loss of Greek independence in...

Es war nicht Bubenberg!

Es war nicht Bubenberg!

Michael Gauger | History
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Format: PDF

Anmerkungen, Belege und Bildergalerie zum wahren Sieger der Murtenschlacht von 1476: Wilhelm Herter zu Hertneck"Sieger der Schlacht von Murten" vom 22. Juni 1476 war nicht, wie so oft kolportiert, Adrian von Bubenberg, sondern vielmehr der schwäbische Ritter WILHELM HERTER ZU HERTNECK. Er war der...

Friendly counsels for freedmen

Friendly counsels for freedmen

J. B. Waterbury | History
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We welcome all who have come out of bondage to the privileges of freemen. Providence has unloosed your fetters. The war has been made use of by the Almighty to bring about this great change in your condition. We hope you will remember this; and when you pray, you must not forget to give him thanks...

The Lenni Lenape, or Delaware Indians

The Lenni Lenape, or Delaware Indians

Edwin Robert Walker | History
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In that pleasant district of North America formerly known as Nova Caesarea or New Jersey, and latterly as New Jersey, there extended in ancient times a large forest covering the greater part of the beautiful hills and plains which lie between the Atlantic Ocean and the river Delaware.

Old Indian trails

Old Indian trails

Walter McClintock | History
Rating:     Rated: 1 times
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In the spring of 1896 I went into northwestern Montana as a member of a Government expedition which was appointed by President Cleveland to recommend a national policy for the United States Forest Reserves and to advise the Secretary of the Interior as to the reserving of certain other forests.

The American Navy

The American Navy

French Ensor Chadwick | History
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The navy in all countries has ever been, and, as far as we can now judge, ever will be, a preëminent instrument of government. It was through her navy that Greece destroyed the power of Persia; Rome that of Carthage; the allies at Lepanto that of the Turks; England that of Holland and later that...

Life of Her Majesty Queen Victoria

Life of Her Majesty Queen Victoria

Dame Millicent Garrett Fawcett | History
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It would have been impossible, within the limits of this little book, to narrate, even in barest outline, all the events of the Queen’s long life and reign. In attempting to deal with so large a subject in so short a space, I have therefore thought it best to dwell on what may be considered the...

Bring the Jubilee

Bring the Jubilee

Ward Moore | History
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Granpa lost an arm on the Great Retreat to Philadelphia after the fall of Washington to General Lee’s victorious Army of Northern Virginia, so his war ended some six months before the capitulation at Reading and the acknowledgment of the independence of the Confederate States on July 4, 1864...

Forty Years of It

Forty Years of It

Brand Whitlock | History
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The history of democracy’s progress in a mid-Western city—so, to introduce this book in specific terms, one perhaps inevitably must call it. Yet in using the word democracy, one must plead for a distinction, or, better, a reversion, indicated by the curious anchylosis that, at a certain point...