History Books

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Showing results: 11-20 of 187
Land Without Chimneys

Land Without Chimneys

Alfred Oscar Coffin | History
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THIS book is not sent forth to fill a long-felt want; nor does the author hope to convince all his readers to his way of looking at the social and religious problems of Mexico.As a teacher of modern languages, the author went to Mexico solely for the purpose of mastering the language, but the...

De teleurgang van het Ottomaanse Rijk

De teleurgang van het Ottomaanse Rijk

Jean Pierre Van Rossem | History
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Na de afzetting van Mehmet VI en de opheffing van het Ottomaanse sultanaat werd Mustafa Kemal Ataturk algemeen erkend als de nieuwe leider van Turkije. Na de Vrede van Lausanne werd hij op 29 oktober 1923 de eerste president van de seculiere republiek Turkije met Ankara als hoofdstad.

French Life in Town and Country

French Life in Town and Country

Hannah Lynch | History
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Among the nations of the earth there exists no more striking contrast than that between the people of Paris and the people of France. While the capital is a political furnace, where all sorts of conflicting ideas and opinions are continually boiling with such a rage of effervescence that the...

Right and Wrong in Massachusetts

Right and Wrong in Massachusetts

Maria Weston Chapman | History
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The position of New England in 1829, was a most cheerless one for Freedom. All the great interests of the country were nearly or remotely involved in slaveholding, through all their various arrangements, civil, ecclesiastical, mercantile and matrimonial; yet all disclaimed its alliance.

The Story of Abraham Lincoln

The Story of Abraham Lincoln

Mary Agnes Hamilton | History
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In this little book I am going to try to tell you something about Abraham Lincoln. There is far more to say about him than can be fitted into so small a space; and perhaps when you are older you will read about him for yourselves, and read his wonderful speeches.

Dragons and Cherry Blossoms

Dragons and Cherry Blossoms

Mrs. Robert C. Morris | History
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Many have been before me, and the theme of this volume can hardly be called new, for Japan has been viewed from every side and through all kinds of eyes. This, however, has not deterred me from jotting down a few observations and experiences of my own, hoping that in them my readers may feel some...

Twenty Years at Sea: Leaves from my old log-books

Twenty Years at Sea: Leaves from my old log-books

Frederic Stanhope Hill | History
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In the old days, fifty years ago, when I first went to sea, it was the custom in fine weather, in most ships, after supper had been leisurely discussed and pipes lighted, for both watches to gather on the forecastle deck to listen to the yarns of some old tar, or to join in one of the many ballads...

Under the German Shells

Under the German Shells

Emmanuel Bourcier | History
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Life is a curious thing. In time of war Life is itself the extraordinary and Death seems the only ordinary thing possible for men.

The Mexican War Diary of George B. McClellan

The Mexican War Diary of George B. McClellan

George B. McClellan | History
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During the past four or five years I have been preparing a life of General McClellan in which I plan especially to stress the political influences behind the military operations of the first two years of the Civil War. The main source for my study has been the large collection of “McClellan...

The book of the Ancient Greeks

The book of the Ancient Greeks

Dorothy Mills | History
Rating:     Rated: 1 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

This book, like the first of the series the Book of the Ancient World, was used in its original manuscript form by one of my history classes. It carries on the story of the way in which man has been learning how to live from the time of the Coming of the Greeks to the loss of Greek independence in...