The Foundations of Good Health by Lois Francis - HTML preview

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Why is Healthy living important?

We are each of us born into a physical body which has to last us for our entire lifetime. Despite medical advances such as heart and lung, kidney and joint replacements, we still exist in the same physical “shell”. Doesn't it make sense to take the utmost care of your body, so that you can enjoy your life to the full?

What do we mean by good health? For some it is the absence of pain or disease. For others it means being able to lead an active, fulfilling life with an abundance of energy and happiness. Whatever your model of good health is, you are responsible for your own state of health and therefore your experience of life.

I know that is perhaps a challenging statement for you, but ultimately we are each responsible for our state of health in our body, mind and spirit. Illness doesn't just "happen" because you are unlucky, it has everything to do with the way you live your life.

Many people believe that as we get older, we should expect to have aches and pains, put on weight, become less active and generally experience a decline in health.

I want to challenge that view, as I believe that if you make healthy living a part of your everyday life, there is no reason why you should not continue to enjoy good health throughout your entire life.

At Health and Wellbeing, we define healthy living as eating nutritious foods which nurture your body, using food supplements and herbs to support your system, exercising your body appropriately and taking adequate time for rest and relaxation.


But is that reality for most of us?