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How Habits Affect Our Health


A change in a bad habit leads to a change in life

- Jenny Craig



OUR HEALTH DEPENDS ON 60% of our habits and the way of life we lead. 60% of the quality of health and life expectancy depend on the behavior of the person.

Who could have believed that!

Health problems are caused by a number of factors, including smoking, alcohol abuse, malnutrition, and a passive lifestyle. These factors contribute to the rapid development of diseases, even from a genetic point of view. Human health is also affected by ecology (10-15%), as well as by the entire health system, depending on the development of the country (from 25% to 40%).

Our eating habits have a real impact on our health. What are the right choices to fully enjoy life? Focus on winning foods and good habits to adopt!

Because of everyday life, our concerns or lack of knowledge, we often have a lot of bad habits. These are long-term habits that can cause serious health problems.

There is a long list of habits that are very harmful to our health. They are harmful because they affect the important organs for the proper functioning of our body.

Not drinking enough water: If you do not drink enough water, the kidneys can be affected, because it is the element they need to perform their function such as eliminating toxins from the body and metabolic waste. According to the National Kidney Foundation of the United States, one should take 8 to 10 glasses of water a day.

Fasting: After hours of sleep, the body needs nutrients to recover, and it is possible, thanks to breakfast. By eliminating breakfast, blood sugar levels are high which leads to serious health problems, because high glucose levels are harmful to important organs such as the brain.

Lack of sleep: People who do not sleep the recommended hours of sleep between 8 and 10 hours are at risk of developing mental illness, according to a recent study from Northwestern University.

Sedentary lifestyle: This is one of the most harmful health habits and can trigger different types of cancer and even premature death. According to the World Health Organization, the lack of physical activity is the fourth leading cause of death in the world.

Vision problems: Spending a lot of time in front of the computer and other portable devices produces dryness and eye strain. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, this habit can cause serious diseases such as blindness.

Stress: it's one of the most difficult habits to master. However, you must make efforts because it is one of the main causes of heart attacks.

Excess salt: This habit affects many functions of the body because it causes hypertension that over time can cause serious heart problems.

Smoking: According to WHO, smoking affects 25% of the world's diseases. According to WHO, smoking accounts for 25% of the world's diseases. Unlike other habits, smoking is a habit that must be eliminated. Smoking in moderation is also dangerous.

Unprotected sex: Most sexually transmitted diseases have serious consequences and side effects on health. Condom use and having a stable partner are both ways to prevent them.

Our consciousness allows us to think and decide on complex situations. By dint of repeating certain tasks, we do them naturally without thinking. Take for example driving a vehicle and remember your first time! It took all your attention and energy, yet you are doing this today naturally, without thinking, while listening to music. Here, having these mechanisms is an excellent thing, but it is not always the same case.