Cool Food Cook Book by Glynis Parratt - HTML preview

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This book is a compilation of recipes that have worked for some people who often get heartburn.

The compilers and publishers cannot guarantee they will work for you, but if you suffer from heartburn, give them a try.

Most people get heartburn occasionally, although it's not the heart that's getting burnt but the food pipe or oesophagus being attacked by powerful acid splashing up from the stomach.

If you get heartburn frequently, however, you should see your doctor. You may have “Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disorder”, which can be controlled by medication.

Frequent reflux attacking the oesophagus, can cause a condition known as “Barrett's Oesophagus” when the cells lining it mutate to protect themselves.

If the cells continue to mutate, however, called “dysplasia”, Barrett's Oesophagus can become Oesophageal Adenocarcinoma or cancer.

To find out more about Barrett's Oeosphagus, visit

Barrett’s Oesophagus UK (
