Bootcamp Workout Ideas by Garry Robinson - HTML preview

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Dear Friend,

Thankyou and congratulations on downloading this e-manual of BOOTCAMP WORKOUT IDEAS!

I say congratulations because you have just made a seriously good investment in both yourself and your fitness business. The workouts in this book have been very carefully prepared and tested on real groups of clients. Over the years, I have invested thousands of dollars to learn just what makes a successful boot camp business. I did this because I already knew what didn't work in my own business - and maybe you are reading this now because you are in the same position as I was back then when I started out? Or maybe you already have a good bootcamp business and you want to inject it with some original ideas to turn it into a great boot camp business? Either way, I think you will appreciate the information presented here.

You probably already know by now that retaining clients is absolutely fundamental to building a solid and profitable business. You may also have learned that providing fun and variety in your training is the single best way of retaining clients. Not only that, but satisfied clients love to tell their friends and family how awesome they feel after their workouts - so much so that they bring them along too. When you get it right, your clients become your best sales people!

So please believe me when I say that the difference between a great outdoor training business and an average one comes down to the quality of the workouts that you deliver and the way that you deliver them. If you are already a qualified personal trainer, then you know how important it is to include the right balance of relevant exercises, and to ensure that the workouts themselves form part of a pro