Aerobics--The Big "Fat" Lie


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Download this FREE e-Book, and discover why ineffective cardio workouts and aerobics are sabotaging your fat loss efforts—and how to fix them! Learn why cardiovascular exercise is not good at burning fat. The evidence is all around us. Walk into any commercial gym, and you will find endless rows of treadmills, stair climbers, bikes, and other cardio machines. They offer aerobic classes with exotic names like “Fat-Burner”, or spinning classes in which dozens of people peddle their hearts out on bikes. Logically, all of those things are great for anyone who wants to lose weight. Cardio burns calories and helps with fat loss, right? All of those classes and gyms that are packed with people who are desperately huffing and puffing away, in an effort to shed a few pounds…surely they cannot all be doing the wrong thing, right? Download this FREE e-Book, and secure the answers to those questions and more today!

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Kasper V. Christensen

The word ‘fortius’ is Latin for strong(er). FortiusFitness is all about being strong in body and mind. My #1 goal is to provide you with outstanding and unique information and service. To make sure that happens, my promise to you is to use the same intense passion and dedication that I have put into my own training, nutrition and competitions. The creation of FortiusFitness is the results of more than 20 years of accumulated experimentation on me and more than 10000 clients. My programs and methods delivers mind-blowing results over and over again, not only for myself, but also for my many clients and it will for you to! My definition of fitness is about being as healthy as you can be while pursuing a strong, (very) lean and toned or muscular body with the look that is perfect for YOU – the natural way! I want to lead by example and be a rolemodel that practice what I preach. I realized a long time ago that I could not teach other people about fitness with any credibility if I could not do it myself. If you liked my eBook please visit my site for more valuable tips or join me on facebook or twitter. Overcome yourself

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