A Totally Shredding Program by Youssef Nasser - HTML preview

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-Chapter Two-­

Strength And Muscularity


For the sake of having a phenomenal physique you need to be lean, muscular and strong.

Having a low body fat percentage and six pack abs is not enough at all.

The combo of strength, muscularity and toned muscles is what the "A totally shredding program"

Sadly, this type of physique is essentially inaudible nowadays. There are tons of over bulked gym bros out there that can lift enormous weights but can barely do 6 chin-­ ups. These same gym bros essentially live and breathe in the gym and kitchen, but their bodies are totally unattractive and lack any definition.

Furthermore, there are tons of guys with lean and toned bodies but have no muscle development. Those "fit" bros may have a good definition but usually they look like skinny teens that lack strength and some muscle mass.

Finally, there is a small group of men who actually walk around with toned and muscular bodies all year round. These men usually take their nutrition and workout very sincerely. Most of them work in the fitness industry and modeling.

Sadly, those men follow strict diets and training routines inspired by the "professionals" ; the "professionals" that inject scary amounts of steroids. Natural gym bros on harsh diets can’t handle nearly the same amount as guys on anabolic steroids.

Therefore, these natural gym bros put in plenty of time and hustling for slight to no added advantage. When these natural gym bros need to cut down to a single digit body fat percentage for a photo-shoot or tournment they usually look very slim and lose some muscle mass.

It wasn’t always like that !

A century ago when men were lean, muscular and amazingly powerful. They didn't use steroids, advanced supplements or anything. Yet they looked much better and stronger than the top gym bros at your gym nowadays.

It is the prevailing dieting trend of eating every 2 hours with pre, post and during workout diet that makes it hard to be lean and muscular. Sadly, It is the mainstream high stress routines that people nowadays are following, that makes it extremely hard to develop strength and gain muscle mass.

People need to take couple of steps backward and become more self-conscious, 80% of diet/workout advice is to get you to spend more, more and more money.

We're going to crush some myths, and provide you with the REAL way to develop the physique you always wanted to have.

Accomplishing the Muscular Appearance

Constructing a nicely developed, lean physique requires a very delicate approach. This approach requires some serious strength training, diet and cardio.

Training for Hard & Solid Muscle Mass

To obtain a magnificent lean body, strength training is necessary!

Training frequency, routine choice, sets/reps and rest periods are all important in developing a solid body in the most aesthetic way.

Muscle development is going to be slow but after months of persistent and steady training it will be worth it in the end of the day. Furthermore, the muscle that you will gain will be solid and dense. You will look phenomenal every single day whether you are in or out of the gym. On the hand, those who hurry to put on some size by following super high stress routines – "total waste of time" – become slaves to the gym.They appear lean one day but slim and weak another day. If they take more than a week off from working out they will start losing muscle. Their muscles look enormous and jacked during their training, but by the time they get home from the gym their temporary pumped appearance is simply gone.

Diet for Muscle Gains & Fat Loss

Diet is the most crucial aspect of our ebook. Without a proper diet you will never get to a low body fat. The diet must be set up in a way that gives you a chance to freely eat at a caloric deficit condition to lose any extra fat you have. Moreover, it is critical to provide your body with the right amount of protein and carbohydrates to allow muscle development . also, the diet must be understandable, easy to follow. Simplicity is an important aspect on the road for success.

Cardio & Fat Loss

When you become skilled in dieting and training, cardiovascular training becomes less meaningful.

We truly believe that it is crucial to get in physical activity on daily basis. Exercise has a bundle of benefits that increase your dietary loyalty. furthermore, physical activity will increase your energy expenditure, which will therefore increase your caloric deficit.
