A Totally Shredding Program by Youssef Nasser - HTML preview

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- Chapter One

The Lean Appearance


Nowadays it is really prestigious to have a lean and solid body. In our present society people are suffering to lose weight, that’s why the lean appearance is truly cherished and respected.

Who on planet earth wouldn't want to have a lean and solid physique ?? like that of Scott Adkins from "Undisputed" movie franchise or Daniel Craig from "007" franchise . for example, viewers and movie critics still talk about Scott Adkins's physique in "Undisputed 2" that was released 10 years ago, without any doubt this wouldn’t happen If Scott Adkins didn't hustle hard to get the body he wants. Remember It's all about TAKING ACTION.

I presume you are wondering, what makes Adkins and Craig look so good ? The answer is pretty simple ,they got themselves below 10 % body fat. At this point you get the classic beach look that everyone wants to have by summer. Only a very low amount of people walk around with such a lean physique .

Having six-pack abs doesn't mean that you are LEAN !

The vast majority of people believe that having six pack abs proves their leanness but that is totally incorrect. When they understand that they were wrong they start to bulk up during winter. This method is inefficient at most of the times.

Facial Transformation

Truly amazing things happen to your face when you get lean. Your face will start to appear more jagged and sculpted, moreover your jaw lines and cheekbones will become more blatant and defined, this is truly amazing ! For this reason fitness models are usually slim and lean.

Your Wardrobe

When you have a decent amount of muscle and low body fat per centage, clothes you usually wear will look way better and more stylish. This is exceptionally true for those guys that tend to care about their style and attire .


The vast majority of professional athletes tend to be very lean and sculptured , basically "excessive body fat" is the basic factor that may prevent you from running faster , jumping higher and walking for a longer period of longer , its like doing push ups or sit ups with a vest that weights 10 kg (22 lbs ) , believe me its way more challenging that way.

Your Health

To be totally honest with you getting lean is pretty challenging, getting to the lean state and maintaining it requires some hard work . You need to consume your food strictly according to your body needs, without any exceptions you should consume healthy and nutritious food while restricting fast food .

Unfortunately the vast majority of people nowadays eat too much and too often for no apparent reason , without any doubt this puts their bodies into a massive stress.

Confidence Booster

Having the capability of being in control of how your body looks , is a massive confidence booster , when you will finish reading this Ebook you will be able to understand and master your eating scheme/diet and know how to lose your fat ,therefore maintain your leanness. The question is , How many people can say that they are in total control of how they look with confidence ? I presume not much !

Grades Of Lean Body

People always ask, What is the limit of being LEAN ?

From our viewpoint anything from 8 % to 12 % body fat is perfect and on point . In most cases when people start to going above 12 % body fat , they start to lose their lean appearance.

If you go under 6-8 % you will start to look idiotically lean, moreover it is not realistic to maintain for a long time.

You must choose your own path. For some people getting to 11-­ 12% body fat is going to be totally ideal. And that is perfect !

Some other people would want to get to 10% or lower. That is also perfect! You have your own goals that you need to hustle hard for to accomplish.

9-10% body fat

Part of the Body is Becoming Really Defined.

Some Body Parts Dimmed By Fat.

Look Better With Shirt Off .

Face Will Start to Appear More Prominent.

People Will Consider You Physically Fit.


This state is easy to maintain year round. You look great in a shirt and still quite impressive with a shirt off. Furthermore, your testosterone levels won't get messed up from being too lean.

8% body fat

Equal Definition Over Body Parts.

No Noticeable Fat on Any Body Part.

Look Perfect In Clothes, But More Remarkable With Shirt Off.

Face Becomes More Angular.


At this point all the cuts are starting to fully appear all over your body, you look perfect with or without lightning , sitting or standing.

Moreover, you will see some awesome vascularity kicking in at this point , 8 - 9 % body-fat is nice to maintain during the summer time , please do not try to maintain this body-fat level all year long as you're putting yourself in risk of having testosterone issues.

Final Comments

At this point you should have some basic awareness of the advantages of being lean and mascular.

Moreover, you should also have a general idea of the level of leanness you are aiming for .
