The Earth Is My Ant Farm by Allen Cooke - HTML preview

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The Earth is my Ant Farm, The Creational School gave it to me but

I’m a bit bored with it now.

A bigger boy threw a rock at it in the classroom and wiped out all my dinosaurs, I liked them.

Now I’m stuck with the ants and they like to multiply.

I have a favourite Ant, his name is Derek.

This is about him, he likes to travel.

He doesn’t know how but I will tell him one day.

A long line of plastic detergent bottles attempted to stand to

attention but it was no easy matter on a moving conveyor belt as

they raced along on a designated path. Occasionally a few defect

bottles would be pulled from the line as if they had forgotten to

polish their boots on inspection.

Derek Hill, the line supervisor was busy checking his troops

and keeping count with his trusty clipboard and pen, furiously

scribbling notes that no one could see or even dared to question.

Such was the power of the note scribbler, notes meant order and

quality control being the order of the day.

Derek was king of the production line, his minions, dressed in

overalls and silly plastic hats were tasked with making sure he did as little scribbling as possible.

The Supersuds Detergent factory dominated the industrial

landscape of Runcorn in Cheshire, it had long been a hive of

chemical processing since the 19th century, producing the greatest number of Soaps & Liquids ever seen in the UK and kept armpits, nether regions and hair as grime free as possible.

Derek was proud of his post, he had probably been the

unwitting catalyst of social grooming, fathering the greatest

number of offspring through the fact that no one wanted to date

anyone stinky and unclean.

Derek was a modern day marvel of Darwin’s Natural Selection

theory, mind you, Darwin would have been grateful for some

Supersuds Shaving Foam and razors in his day; he may well have

spent less time with primates.

Derek’s red lobster face matched his levels of stress, he had

already been remonstrated by the Line Manager for allowing an

extra ten plastic bottles to fail inspection yesterday. He was only half way through his shift and had almost reached the shocking

limit of sixty rejections per 10,000. Heads will roll for this he

thought, probably his own red head before long.

A portly man appeared with spectacles and shaven sideburns

that carried on up to an alarming inch above his ears, he came

walking steadily over to Derek, decked out in a Marks and Spencer

blue checked business shirt and polyester tie combination, a top

dog on the line and one that Derek feared the most amongst them.

“Derek, have you seen these rejections, they are appalling!”

the fat man was waving around reams of figures as he had the

benefit of a printer which made his social status higher than a


“I’m so sorry, Mr. Driver, I don’t know what’s happening


“Don’t know! It’s your job to know, you are the line

supervisor aren’t you?”

“Yes Sir, I am” came the weakened reply

Mr. Driver took on a different persona this time, he loved


“Am I speaking to the Line Supervisor?” he hummed back to

Derek, then studied him for a moment before allowing him to


“Yes Sir, the line manager yes”

“Good, well bloody well manage then! I had better not see

another repeat of yesterday, pull out all the stops, Derek.”

A line of workers seated at the belt were busy looking around

at themselves and smirking, they were glad they weren’t Derek.

The fat man raced off and left Derek to turn a greater shade of

lipstick red as he furiously scribbled notes onto his clipboard.

“Everyone get back to work, nothing to see here, no more

mistakes” he managed to yell in a high pitched wavering tone.

Every order had a chain of command and each chain shouted

down to the other until the work was done or heads were bitten off and left in a pile as a warning to others.

The hours seemed to wind down very slowly as he paced back

and forth hoping that not a single plastic soldier was rejected until the end of his shift at five. The pressure was definitely on, sooner or later a ticking time bomb would come rolling down, a

misshapen container, a defect plastic cap, maybe a printing error, there were so many possibilities.

Some nights he would wake up from sheer panic after

dreaming of disfigured armies of plastic bottles advancing towards him with his general screaming at him from behind the front line to do something to stop them.

Hopefully his workers, who seemed to like the hapless man,

would turn a blind eye to a few defects, they would bail him out,

they may get a worse replacement if they were too eager, at least

Derek let you off for a prolonged cigarette break outside.

The time had finally come, it was 4.58pm but the seconds

seemed to slow to a dramatic crawl, not a single error, his

clipboard tally had been stuck at sixty since 3.30pm, everything

may just be fine after all, he could see the brooding Mr. Driver

staring out back at him from behind his glass walled office.

Then it happened, it could have waited till a minute past five

but it was on a long headrush to his destruction, Derek eyed it as it made its way through the weaving line and onto Quality Control, it was only a matter of time before its pathetic and weak shape

landed as a mark on his clipboard.

Derek began to sweat, his face looked like it was boiling over,

like a kettle with a malfunction; His boss had sat up and began to watch him intently as Derek wiped his forehead with the cotton

sleeve of his white overall. He had but a few seconds to spare

before someone raised the bottle in the air and announced it

defunct. Mr. Driver would see the arm and come storming out of

the office, he knew the tally, he knew his authority, he knew Derek Hill was heading for a written warning sooner or later.

Derek’s eyes bulged out of their sockets as Mavis Cutter, one

of the line workers caught the wretched container and pulled it out of production, she eyed Derek, she knew the rules, she decided to

shout out…

“Mr. Hill, would it be okay if I had a fag break? I’m gasping, I

don’t clock off till seven, be a luv would you?” she winked at

Derek as she placed the container in her oversized handbag.

His nervousness took hold of him before he blurted out,

“Cert…Certainly Mavis, you could do with a break, you’ve

worked really hard.”

A smile spread upon Derek’s face as the clock struck five,

everyone in the line was in no doubt about what had happened

back there, it was a dangerous move by one of their colleagues but it was a life or death situation.

Derek loosened his collar to let out the steam and thanked

everyone for their efforts as he placed his clipboard contents into the Control processing tray ready for Mr. Drivers verdict, he eyed his boss nervously as he walked past his office and could see him

scowling back as he punched his card and hastily made his way out

of the building.

“Thank you Mavis, you’re a star,” he called as he passed his

saviour outside and headed over to his silver Montego estate to

escape back to normality; it had been a very close shave indeed.

God Boy was trying hard to understand the theory of social

interaction as a micro change mechanism and he had wished his

beloved dinosaurs were still around, the only social interaction

they did was with their sharp pointy teeth as they devoured each

other in the steamy swamps of Pangaea.

He was one of several God Boys attending the Creational

School and each had a task of tending to their own designated

clusters of galaxies, the figure was huge, in fact billions of them, but only a few within each had anything meaningful to tend,

develop too much and you were constantly busy creating and it left no time to play outside.

The grand Visioneer, draped in a white light robe, came

around the class inspecting the progress of each of his pupils, he had a few surprises up his sleeve for them today, of course, a day was not an earth day, its size couldn’t be fathomed by any other

minds except for his own flock.

“Class, I must say without a doubt, that you are one of the

most gifted groups I have ever had the pleasure to nurture, a great many variations of species have been achieved over the course of

this semester but there is one thing I think you may have


Every pupil seated around the large hovering universe

twinkling with luminescence and life couldn’t for the life of them think what it was.

The teacher cut all their vague ideas off in an instant, he could

see their thoughts floating around the room, “Come, come, I do not expect anyone here present to have the faintest clue as to what I am leading to, so I will enlighten you!”

There were many puzzled looks about the room.

“It is of course, a higher learning and I do not mean instinct, I

can see that a great many of you have opted for a barbaric

existence, kill or be killed, the great food chain, your savage

monsters have wrought a good deal of destruction upon your

worlds and as a child I can imagine it has been fun, but…”

He walked around the universe until he had made a complete

circle back to his starting point, during that time he had studied all of their creations, admired some, snorted at others and noted a

single God Boys unique avenue of thought.

He stopped suddenly and continued his speech. “The semester

is almost over and you will all be aware of the prize at the end;

Now! I propose a series of experiments I believe will eventually

determine the champion amongst you all.”

Instantly, each God Boy received a parchment within his

grasp, on each was written the first in a series of four experiments to achieve the ‘Higher Understanding’ Merit, the quality and

presentation of each document outshone any printer or clipboard

by miles and denoted absolute authority, the first experiment was

quite clever, it simply read…

1. Select an individual specimen, direct it to

another colony, marks will be lost for a specimen

that perishes, marks will be gained if the specimen

survives to experiment number 2

The Teacher noted with interest his favourite pupils reaction, it

was clear to everyone that he was smiling as if he knew something

they didn’t. This particular God Boy had seen one of his

designated planets and its life almost destroyed by a flying rock 65

million earth years ago, thrown in by his larger, more envious


Of course, it was only natural that out of this complete chaos

came a new species, one that the bully hadn’t even considered; he

was still playing with his monsters and was woefully ill prepared

for the first experiment.

The grey non descript Austin spluttered and shuddered to a

halt on the road outside Derek’s equally non descript semi

detached house in the Runcorn suburbs, his car didn’t even have

the decency to make it onto the drive. Derek slammed his two fists down onto the steering wheel and yelped at the pain it gave back.

“Could this day get any worse?” he thought.

Sniveling wasn’t a very nice word but it summed up Derek in

as little as three syllables. Upon his head he wore a mop of jet

black hair, slightly greasy and pushed to the left, a large but thin nose and small lips but the one defining feature of this amiable

man is that he could turn beetroot red at the drop of a hat.

Derek turned beetroot red, he looked out of the window at the

summing up of his life and cursed his God for giving him so much

grief, he didn’t need this right now, he needed God to increase his reject quota at the factory and fix the carburetor on his beat up


He stepped out of the car and slowly walked up the drive, the

only peace he had was the twenty yards from the car to the front

door and it was shattered in an instant when his youngest child,

Jack, came screaming and bawling out the door in a hurry. He was

being chased by his elder twin sisters, Citron & Ella who were quite mean to him.

Jack grabbed onto Derek’s leg and wouldn’t let go, in his own

world he was frightened for his life but his Dad managed to calm

the little mite down as he dragged his now heavy right leg along

and into the doorway.

“Hi Honey, I’m home!” the greeting never failed to make him

snigger as Honey was in fact her name.

His wife rolled her eyes for the millionth time, the greeting

never failed to make her hate him just that little bit more for being unimaginative.

He walked into the kitchen to see his wife chopping swedes for

dinner, he hated swedes, she knew he hated swedes but he was

getting them anyway.

“Hi dear, how has your day been?” he tentatively asked.

His ever loving wife launched into a tirade, “It has been a

bloody awful day Derek if you must know; It’s alright for you

swanning around your factory playing the big I am, but back here I have had to deal with these little reprobates, sort out bills, boy have we had a lot of them too and to cap it all off, next door have only gone and installed a posh new conservatory!”

Derek ignored the rest of the whining and looked out of the

window to admire the beautiful three facet Victorian design that

now dominated his view.

“Wow, Honey that is fantastic, we will have to go round and

marvel at it.”

She slammed the swede peeler onto the chopping board in an

act of defiance, “We most certainly will not Derek! Do you know

how long I have been waiting for our very own conservatory,

hmmm? and now they have pipped us to it, do you know what this


Derek didn’t have a clue, it was just an extension to him, he

was unsure of his approach, “Ermm, it means they have a rather

large buy now pay later agreement to deal with?”

She flashed around and waved the peeler at him in a menacing

way, “No you bloody idiot, it means Petunia will be having lots of dinner parties and showing off her new purchase to all and sundry, what the hell do we have Derek? Tell me?”

Derek’s face had turned a shade darker, Jack meanwhile was

pretending his Dad’s shoe was a football and began kicking it in a frenzy, the girls were hiding round the corner in fear of the death peeler and all Derek could do was offer a weak reply amidst the


“We have each other?”

“Christ Almighty, Derek! you are the weakest link, really you

are; Out of my way, I’m phoning mother”

She pushed past him and stormed off down the hall to grab the

phone and deliver the news to the one person he feared the most of all, even Mr. Driver, it was his mother in law, the gatekeeper of

hell, Gloria Weaver.

Derek stroked his little boy’s head and pulled him away from

his sore foot before walking back over to the window to admire the extension once more; Trevor, his next door neighbour, must have

scored a few brownie points when he had that installed, he was

quite a good chap, it was a shame that his wife was in such a fierce social competition with his own wife, still, he thought, life must go on.

Life didn’t go on as much as he hoped when he heard a shout

down the hallway, “Derek, Mother would like to speak to you this


He rolled his eyes and took one of those slow walks that

prisoners take when about to be executed, the electric chair being the phone, he hadn’t even had his last supper, he was quite sure he had never requested swede?

He gingerly accepted the phone and tried to smile before

talking for a sunnier disposition like they train you to do in call centres, “Hello Gloria, nice day, lovely to speak to you again.”

Gloria Rottweiler launched into him, “Don’t you lovely and

nice me you imbecile! Do you know how upset your wife is to

have to sit there and stare at a new conservatory without ever

having one of her own?”

“Yes I do under…”

“Derek, shut up and listen” she shouted back, “I don’t know

what you have been playing at but my daughter wasn’t brought

into this world to sit around and wait for the things that, as a right, should be hers, do you understand?”

“Yes I under…”

“You have entered into marriage and you must, as a man,

although I can’t for the life of me think that is what you really are, you must keep her in a manner to which she is accustomed. Why

haven’t you received your promotion yet Derek?”

“Mr. Driver doesn’t think I am ready yet Gloria.”

“I cannot believe that, Derek, Mr. Driver knows you manage

12 of the 15 production lines, singlehandedly I may add, it is nigh time he moved you up so that you can afford a better conservatory

than your neighbours.”

Derek had failed to mention he only managed one, every time

he had had the misfortune of visiting her, the number of managed

production lines went up by one, it was all he could do to avoid the hairdryer treatment, he was sure Satan’s breath smelled sweeter

than hers.

Derek was sweating again, his furious wife was standing there

with a raised eyebrow and folded arms, she looked like Gloria in

her early stages, it would only be a matter of time before she too chrysalises.

“Get it sorted with Mr. Driver, Derek, or I will be forced to go

around to the chemical plant myself and pay him a visit! do you

hear me?”

He sucked in his own breath and choked a little at the thought

of his two worst enemies locked in mortal combat and, what was

worse, the truth of his real work responsibilities would come to

light as well as his incompetence, as of late, in the reject quota.

Gloria shouted down the phone after hearing no response for a

micro second, “Derek, are you there? speak up, you blithering


“Yes, I am here, I will speak to him, would you like to speak

to your lovely daughter?”

Derek didn’t wait for her response, he handed the phone

quickly back to his wife and headed upstairs to the sanctity of his hobby room.

He had finally found peace in his tiny study room which

doubled up as SETI’s satellite backup station, there were various

Reflector and Refractor telescopes standing idly about pointing out towards his skylight, on the walls were numerous constellation

maps showing famous sections of Aurora, Ursa Minor and


It was still daylight but he peered through his Celestron and

saw a large dark shape scurrying in the most haphazard manner

across his lens, he moved around to the end of the scope, saw a

tiny ant trying to hitch a ride on the next mission to Mars and

picked up a ruler from his desk.

Derek believed in Karma and although it hadn’t been good to

him of late he let the Ant climb aboard the wooden spaceship and

moved it over to the window to allow its intrepid Ant-ronaut to

disembark on the ledge outside, the red painted brick was about as close as it would ever get.

“There you go, little fella” he called out and went back to

studying the blue sky.

He wondered to himself if there really was life up there, he

was sure that no green alien had had the misfortune of eking out its existence in a detergent factory; he would instead be zooming

around the galaxy having a whale of time in his superfast flying


Derek let out a sigh and continued to look skyward, he was

waiting for night to fall when his own fun would begin, he could

still hear the shrieks of his wife downstairs as she bemoaned her

life and Derek’s incompetence to her mother. No wonder they had

bills, they were virtually propping up BT all by themselves.

God Boy was equally peering into his own region of the

universe trying to look for a specimen to complete his first

assignment; he had so many ants to choose from but which one?

Did it matter anyway, whoever was picked may end up with the

same fate as any of the others. He thought that as in life, random events ruled the day and he should just choose the first one that

caught his interest.

He looked across his world of blue, green and brown; it didn’t

have a name although his ants had already named it, there were a

few of his fellow students who had also managed to culture an

existence and named their own worlds too, so he wasn’t leading

this competition by any stretch.

Something moved across his vision, it was interesting to say

the least, he saw understanding between one creature and the next, even though one was a hundred times smaller, he saw a flash of a

ruler as it zoomed across to an opening with the explorer onboard

and then a giant eye looking up through a tube back at him.

God Boy smiled, he had found his unwitting volunteer, he

hoped that this particular specimen had enough fight in him to see his experiments through.

Only time would tell.

Derek had spent quite an uneventful evening playing ‘smack

snoozing daddy around the head with a pillow’ with his three

children, it was obvious he was losing and was much relieved

when it was their bedtime.

Honey was in an awful mood and had taken residence in the

chair opposite, she was still fuming over Petunia’s new purchase

and had ripped up an invitation pushed through their letter box

announcing its launch party.

He hadn’t had time to head into his celestial escape room and

decided to call it a night, he was glad it was Saturday tomorrow,

TV had nothing to offer except another 100 years of painful talent shows, rich gourmet chefs telling everyone to grow their own

organic vegetables like they did on their 100 acre rural estates and extended versions of the Lottery when in reality the only highlight was the balls dropping through the hole.

They both turned off the lights and headed upstairs, Derek

watched his wife’s posterior as she clambered up the wooden hill

and thought that maybe he might get a bit of nookie, a little

sweetener to wipe away the dreary night.

“Stop looking Derek, I know you are, you’re not getting any

until you get me something that outshines Petunia’s purchase!”

Derek was sure that Trevor next door was getting his, he

wished he could trade places.

Honey had managed to tuck a pillow in between them as a

final rebuff, not even a spoon, she switched off the light and left him to suffer a little bit more. He lay there in the darkness thinking about the weekend ahead, it was sure to be mowing on Sunday as

spring had arrived, he would have to fix his carburetor somehow

and Saturday was his daughter Ella’s hockey match, a semi final,

he couldn’t miss that for the world.

If only I could stop time, he thought to himself, it would be

nice just to have a day or two to myself to do whatever I fancied, an adventure, yes that was it. He closed his eyes and went to sleep.