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The main aim of this e-book is to  
enlighten and educate every young  
hustler about the rules and codes to  
abide by when in the streets. After  
doing a lot of readings and  
researches, I had to come to the  
conclusion that the best way to live  
and the best way to change our  
society is to live by the street codes.  
I'm also stating the rules to the  
streets from my experiences. I have  
been in the streets for over five  
summers, I can tell you the little I  
know and finally, I'm not just  
writing it, I've seen it and  
experienced it.  
Rule Number 1:  
Always know that there's  
nothing or nobody bigger  
than GOD.  
Rule Number 2:  
Keep it real with your  
Rule Number 3:  
It's okay to cut off your  
mens or your friends if he  
talk behind your back.  
Rule Number 4:  
It's okay to cut off your folks or  
your mens or your friends if  
they are leeching on you.  
Rule Number 5:  
Don't be greedy, share the  
bread and cut the pie with  
everyone who stood on  
their ten toes when it got  
Rule Number 6:  
Always remember that  
you can be whatever you  
want to, if only you are  
prepared and determined  
for it.  
Rule Number 7:  
Don't get mad if you take a  
lose, go again!! Losses are  
part of life.  
Rule Number 8:  
Keep your name clean, dont  
take what's not yours.  
Rule Number 9:  
Don't be out here hating,  
make sure you always doing  
something to better you.  
Rule Number 10:  
If you owe anyone, dont wait  
until they ask.  
Rule Number 11:  
Protect your government  
name, instead of your  
Rule Number 12:  
No matter how much you try  
to avoid problems, they will  
always find their route to you.  
Rule Number 13:  
Handle your problems instead  
of dodging it.  
Rule Number 14:  
Make sure you are saving or  
investing more than you are  
spending, drought days are  
always around the corner.  
Rule Number 15:  
Make sure it is a favor for a  
favor, most people are leeches.  
Rule Number 16:  
Be a good example to your  
Rule Number 17:  
Keep your composure always,  
no matter the situation.  
Rule Number 18:  
Stay focused on your  
goals/dreams/vision because  
it’s very easy to forget the  
Rule Number 19:  
You gotta go hard and  
harder every day, no one ever  
said it was easy!  
Rule Number 20:  
You are not a boss, until  
you make way for niggas.  
Rule Number 21:  
Compete with yourself  
only, make sure you  
always remember it’s  
YOU vs YOU.  
Rule Number 22: Make  
sure you still be around  
the ones you started  
with, don’t allow new  
Rule Number 23:  
Make sure you are cautious and  
observant around people, 95  
percent of people are phony!  
Rule Number 24:  
Don’t be scared of taking a risk,  
just make sure you play it safe.  
Rule Number 25:  
No free sauce for everyone, most  
people don't value free things.  
Rule Number 26:  
Make sure your voice is audible  
when you talking, don't murmor  
or mumble.  
Rule Number 27:  
If you hate a nigga, don't  
shake hands or smile with  
Rule Number 28:  
Don't ever let nobody or  
nothing change you, if you  
wanna change make sure it is  
for the better.  
Rule Number 29:  
Stay out of people's business  
and focus more on a bigger  
and a better YOU!!!  
Rule Number 30:  
Don't be the type of person  
that complains always.  
Rule Number 31:  
Sometimes staying out of the way  
or being in a locked-in mode  
seems boring but that's the best  
way to stay off distractions.  
Rule Number 32:  
Your absence adds more worth to  
your personality.  
Rule Number 33:  
Don’t get carried away by the  
Rule Number 34:  
Just accept life ain't friendly, the  
worst can happen anytime.  
Rule Number 35:  
Surround yourself with  
positive and motivated  
Rule Number 36:  
Don’t sit arround and talk  
about how hard it gets, you  
got to strive and toil.  
Rule Number 37:  
Be ready to take a lot of  
bullshit because niggas hate  
to see you shine.  
Rule Number 38:  
Make sure every loyal nigga  
around you eats.  
Rule Number 39:  
Pick a sidе, you can’t be in the  
middle, you either here or  
Rule Number 40:  
Don’t worry about the fake  
people, nemesis gon’ catch up  
with them one day, keep  
Rule Number 41:  
Keep your business off of  
Facebook, Twitter and  
Rule Number 42:  
Don’t give too many chances  
out, it will get you hurt and  
Rule Number 43:  
Take care of you and yours,  
stay on your lane, invest your  
Rule Number 44:  
Don't never go against your  
homies, you are supposed to  
ride with them either they  
right or wrong.  
Rule Number 45:  
Always remember it's loyalty  
through whatever!  
Rule Number 46:  
Always make it happen, don't  
make excuses.  
Rule Number 47:  
It takes a bag to make a bag,  
which means you need money  
to make more money.  
Rule Number 48:  
No matter how hard it is,  
keep going, only thing that  
will take the pain away is if  
you got money.  
Rule Number 49:  
Don't worry about them and  
theirs, worry about you and  
Rule Number 50:  
Dont' speak on whatever you  
Rule Number 51:  
Don't trust nothing or  
Rule Number 52:  
Make sure you get even  
whenever people try to play  
with you.  
Rule Number 53:  
Don't believe what people  
say, 98% of people lie.  
Rule Number 54:  
Don't call a nigga your  
brother until you both been  
through some dirty  
situations together.  
Rule Number 55:  
Always salute the real ones  
because they ain't too many  
real people.  
Rule Number 56:  
Clap for every winner if you  
really wanna win.  
Rule Number 57:  
Don't ever involve the police  
in street business.  
Rule Number 58:  
Even if the whole world go  
against you, make sure you  
stand your ground.  
Rule Number 59:  
If they don’t support you,  
they don’t love you.  
Rule Number 60:  
Make sure you are always on  
motion, slow motion is better  
than no motion.  
Rule Number 61:  
Make sure you are down to  
learn new things everyday.  
Rule Number 62:  
Don’t be comfortable being a  
worker, your boss can fire  
you anytime.  
Rule Number 63:  
If you smoke, don’t sell it,  
it’s bad for business.  
Rule Number 64:  
Never beef with your  
Rule Number 65:  
Never forget your dawgs.  
Rule Number 66:  
Don’t sit around doing  
nothing...make sure you  
always making a move.  
Rule Number 67:  
Do not put your hands on a  
Rule Number 68:  
Never fight or beef over a  
Rule Number 69:  
Don’t ever go for the  
minimum, go for max!  
Rule Number 70:  
Always remember that your  
homie’s girlfriend is like a  
sister to you, don’t overstep.  
Rule Number 71:  
Don’t sit around doing  
nothing...make sure you  
always making a move.  
Rule Number 72: It's not  
about how many times you  
fall it's about how many times  
you rise again.  
Rule Number 73: Make sure  
you do everything you can to  
get you some money because  
if you ain’t known for having  
the cash or the bag, people  
will treat you like you’re  
Rule Number 74:  
Always remember that  
people will quit on you. You  
got to get up everyday make  
sure you never quit on  
Rule Number 75:  
Don’t except love from people.  
Rule Number 76:  
Make out time your family  
and loved ones.  
Rule Number 77: Life is not a  
bed of roses, be prepared for  
raining days.  
Rule Number 78:  
Stay tough and keep shit solid  
when you have an altercation with  
the police, don’t mention no name.  
Rule Number 79:  
Hardwork and dedication is a  
powerful weapon to overcome  
Rule Number 80:  
Learn how to accept whatever  
that comes with it, don't show no  
Rule Number 81:  
If you got you some money, put  
your guys on. Teach them how to  
make money too.  
Rule Number 82:  
Make sure you count every of  
your blessings.  
Rule Number 83:  
No matter how hard it gets,  
keep your head up and  
understand that you are going  
through it for a purpose.  
Rule Number 84:  
Pay attention to every sign.  
Rule Number 85:  
Don’t fuck up your bag,you will  
be depressed when you go  
Rule Number 86:  
Always look for ways to  
generate more revenue.  
Rule Number 87:  
Be careful and watchful of the  
people you put in your  
Rule Number 88:  
Make sure you hear the both  
sides of a story before you react  
or judge.  
Rule Number 89:  
Read books and make  
Rule Number 90:  
Don’t shit for granted.  
Rule Number 91:  
Self-belief makes a man, so  
therefore BELIEVE IN  
Rule Number 92:  
Work, Pray and Hope for the  
best and stay prepared for  
Rule Number 93:  
Never underestimate any  
Rule Number 94:  
Practise what you teach  
people to do.  
Rule Number 95:  
Always be aware of your  
environment and do the dash  
whenever necessary.  
Rule Number 96:  
Don’t be too comfortable  
when you are outside.  
Rule Number 97:  
Keep an eye open when you  
are inside the church!  
Rule Number 98:  
Don’t apologize for doing the  
right thing.  
Rule Number 99:  
Protect yourself at all cost.  
Rule Number 100:  
If they hurt you first, make  
sure up the score and do it  
Rule Number 101:  
Always remember your legs  
are meant for money run,  
don’t be out there chasing  
Rule Number 102:  
Make sure they ain’t no days  
off for you.  
Rule Number 103:  
Learn how to talk and text in  
codes when talking or texting  
with your homies.  
Rule Number 104:  
Learn how to get paid.  
Rule Number 105:  
It’s not about getting money,  
it’s about what you do with it.  

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