BF Chronicles


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Published: 11 years ago

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Book Description

Synopsis BF Chronicles are written in the second person, present tense, it is the story of you, Barty Ashby, oldest daughter of the Ashby family, the family responsible for the creation of Blue Lite, the global source of sustainable energy, and national transportation. Your story opens at the Our Lady Train Station of Bernal Flats, the suburb you call home. It is approaching midnight when you and your boyfriend say your final goodbyes as he jumps from the platform into the speeding lights of the 25th Hour Express. You are the only one present as he blinks out of existence in a ball of energy rather than splattered into pieces. With his last words still in your head you and your three best friends investigate a mysterious package left for you in a city park. As you dig for the parting gift you are discovered by three sons of rivals in your family’s business, the Hunters Family and Cliffson Family, with their cohorts. The altercation quickly becomes violent, five young men are now dead at your hands. In the aftermath of the murders you parley with your friends as to the next course of action. You are sidetracked by an assassination attempt that leaves you entombed on a train out of town. Upon your return home you discover one of your best friends has been framed for your disappearance and your other friends have barricaded themselves in their homes while retribution for the murders is enacted. You take the offensive going after the perpetrators of your disappearance, five more young men murdered, and the target on your head is beaming. A fight with your sister lands you in a hospital in Bristol, England, outside of the reach of the Hunters’ and Cliffson’s. While you recover, you are visited by your mother who recounts the details of your being and your relation to Blue Lite Technology. You return to a war zone in Bernal fresh out of rehab and ready for a fight. Immediately your car is attacked at the airport by the Hunters’. In the final act you must take on the heads of the rivals of Blue Lite. You begin with the downtown headquarters of Five Hunts Construction. In a battle that destroys a city block you are taken on a high speed chase along a desert highway where you dispatch your first objective, Meyer Hunters. You return to your family home to find it deserted, outside forces have yet to encroach, and you begin to formulate your endgame. Your next fight comes into the neighborhood surrounding your best friend’s home as you must take back the grounds from the Cliffson’s. Your final task, destroy the power stations being syphoned by the company Cliffs on and Steelson. After successful detonation a MAG bomb night falls and you are engulfed in the destructive power of Blue Lite. A press conference is held in the wake of the disaster as all sides, Ashby, Hunters, and Cliffson to come together to end the bloodshed and destruction. All parties are present as the shots ring out ending the lives of Donald Cliffson and Amanda Hunters. In the epilogue you recount your story to the press, moving on to the next objective.

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