The 'Get It Done In An Hour' Guide To Cryptocurrencies: Step-by-step guides to understanding, buying and storing popular by Nick King - HTML preview

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I compared the market capitalization of Chainlink to the

market capitalization of the crypto market as a whole. Across

the same period, Chainlink has pretty much followed the

peaks and troughs of the entire market.

However, Chainlink’s price has been steadily rising over the

past month, while the overall market has been flat. To me this

suggests growing interest in the coin. Research can help you

work out why.


I compared the market capitalization of Chainlink to the

market capitalization of the crypto market as a whole. Across

the same period, Chainlink has pretty much followed the

peaks and troughs of the entire market.

However, Chainlink’s price has been steadily rising over the

past month, while the overall market has been flat. To me this

suggests growing interest in the coin. Research can help you

work out why.

Now let’s find out who the people behind the project actually are.

If it’s difficult to find out who’s working on a project, it’s a huge red flag . How can you know the project’s creators and developers are qualified and trustworthy if you don’t even know who they are?

18 Is the team behind the project listed on the official site?

A list of their real, full names is a minimum requirement. You need to know they are real people unafraid to show they’re involved with the project.

19 Can I find the team members on LinkedIn?

It’s not hard to create a fake LinkedIn profile, so it’s important to also check that their profiles seem real, with multiple connections to other professionals in the field and so on.

20 Do the team members look qualified to be successful at what they’re setting out to achieve?

It’s important to know if they have experience in relevant industries —and preferably in blockchain technology.

21 Is there a good diversity in the numbers of developers, marketeers, financial officers, etc.?

A team of 30 developers might code a great product , but if they have no one qualified to market it, who’s ever going to know about it?

22 Do the the senior team members have an entrepreneurial backgrounds?

Knowing if they’ve started interesting and successful companies in the past, or if this is their first ever company, can give you some insight into the chances of the project succeeding.


The Chainlink team is listed, with full names, head shots

and employment history. Good.


I had no problem finding multiple members of the team

on LinkedIn. They often had over 500 connections to other

members of the site, making it less likely they’re fake.

I looked through the past employment history of a number of

the team members and:


There’s enough experience and qualifications listed in their

LinkedIn profiles to give me confidence in their abilities.


There appears to be an almost 50/50 split between

developers and other roles, which strikes me as a good



The CEO Sergey Nazarov has founded two other companies

in the past, as have a couple of the other staff.

Of course, a lot of this