Learn Python Programming Fundamentals: A Beginner’s Guide [Updated 2020] by Simpliv - HTML preview

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10 Key Takeaways


1. Python provides two ways to write a program. They are: Using Interactive interpreter prompt and Using a script file.

2. The first character of a variable should be an alphabet or an underscore (_).

3. Hash (#) tag is used to start writing a comment. The interpreter does not interpret the comment.

4. Python supports two types of comments. They are: Single-Line comment and Multi- Line comment.

5. Python is a type inferred language: it means Python can automatically understand the language.

6. Python developers can use the function type() to check the variable type.

7. Strings are the sequence of characters that are either represented in single quotes or double quotes.

8. Keywords cannot be used as variables name, function name or any identifier.

9. All keywords in Python are lower care except True, False and None.

10. Number Data Types are used to store numeric values. Number objects are created whenever a value is assigned to them.

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