An Idea Is the Mother of Invention by Ant Anant Aggarwal - HTML preview

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10. Next I'll talk of hospitals. There are plenty of situations when a hosptial's rooms are full specially after a natural disaster, or an epidemic. All these hospitals can be connected to each other by giving these Glasses to receptionists and information center executives. No time will ever get wasted if a patient in critical condition ends up at a hospital A which has no rooms available, he can be immediately referred to a hospital B where there are few or more slots available. This cannot get perfect, but can be immaculately helpful. Many laptops stop working after natural disasters like earthquakes so use of these Glasses is justified even further.

This idea is just an add-on facility to aid the medical field using technology that is now almost available to the world. Its improvement depends on the kind of applications that are developed for these Glasses as well as the quality of voice recognition that gets embedded in them. For me, if they can improve and tune voice recognition towards perfection, then a revolution is not far away. I can see it very clearly, I hope all of you do too.

Though this idea has huge managerial and business aspects, I am not going to emphasize it here for the sake of saneness and my respect of the topic in hand. Though technological institutes are doing an exquisite job, I think they are a little lost in looking at things microscopically which means they improvise and work on already-established ideas. They believe in reaching to the roots of a particular problem. I believe that's good enough, but along with that, someone somewhere needs to start looking and researching at required areas of improvement macroscopically as well, i.e. to look at problems and solutions in a broader sense or looking at the world, not at an atom.

Technology has a far deeper meaning than we look at it. You might be knowing that laptop and mobile companies are bound by certain standards organizations to provide accessibility features in operating systems, like magnifying glass, text-to-speech conversions, onscreen keyboards, sticky keys, screen readers etc. You might never have used them but they are all there for a reason, a purpose. Everyone is not born as lucky as you are, some have physical shortcomings and some have mental shortcomings. And that's the sole reason technology got introduced in the first place, to make life easier and comfortable, specially for those who are enduring it through such hardships.

Before going to sleep today, take a total of one minute out of your life, and challenge yourself to think of a single idea that could make the world better and brighter. Your next morning will be better and brighter. Try it out, it works!


4. Utility of Automated Glasses and Augmented Reality - For visually disabled

I am not going to touch upon what Automated Glasses are capable of in this idea again, nor am I going to define Augmented Reality. Kindly refer to the previous idea to know about both of these.

I am straightforward jumping to the actual idea of using Automated Glasses and Augmented Reality to help visually diabled people.

The Idea:

This idea will help utilize the functions and features of Automated Glasses and Augmented Reality to help blind and visually disabled people.

For people who have some vision remaining, who can make out colors of objects if not their

demarcations, who can see a bit of darkness when something approaches them, who suffer from extreme myopia, who can see everything that is placed around, but cannot make out what each one is etc. the idea would definitely help immensely. If you want to experience what I am talking about, close your eyes to about 50 to 60% and try to look around, you can see this book, but cannot see what's written on it and can still make out its very near, you can see everything that's placed around but you cannot make out what they actually are (only your mind knows since you have already seen them), you can see the colors on your walls but cannot make out where they are ending or their demarcations or boundaries, they are blurred. Some of you must already have realized the hardship these people are going through just with this experiment though that's not my motto at all. These are the kind of eyes that I wish to help by making them see through Automated Glasses and Augmented

Reality working in tandem.

For people who are completely blind, the idea will be tweaked a little and instead of utilizing core services of Automated Glasses, I would try and depict other methods of probable usage.

Ways to use Automated Glasses with Augmented Reality to help visually disabled people

1. I will start with people who are not completely blind. Give them a pair of Automated Glasses, which have been configured with AR by third-party developers. Those who are extremely myopic can see or read what's near but cannot make out what's far away. So their problem is completely solved anyhow. Whatever they cannot see at a distance, AR will place text on the screen of the Automated Glasses. They can read it and interact with the Glasses about it. With the voice

recognition abilities of such Glasses, the myopic person can ask the distance at which an object is placed, what it actually is, if it's harmful, and if it's approaching or is steady at it's place. This might sound tough but if you'll see the picture of Augmented Reality I posted in the previous idea, you'll note that its quite manageable provided proper applications can be created.

2. Next I will talk of people who can see around but cannot make out what each object is. They can issue a voice command to these Glasses to name either all of them in 360 degree vision or some particular object using directional commands like one on the extreme left, or one on the top, or one on the right, or one that is 30 degrees to 12 o'clock etc. These Glasses will then forward or pipe the request to Augmented Reality software, which can immediately, rather in nanoseconds, display the names of each object on the screen. If they are able to read what's written on the screen that would be enough. If they are unable to read what's written, they can ask these Glasses to enlarge the text to a larger font. If they still can't read it, they can ask them to speak it out with another command. This is a major step towards improvement, a direction towards helping those with visual disabilities.

3. Generally those who have suffered visual trauma since childhood have difficulty learning a second language other than the mother tongue. So if someone speaks to them in that second

language, a single voice command to these Glasses can translate what's spoken to their mother tongue. Again if they can read it close on the screen, that would be enough. If they can't read it, they can ask the Glasses to speak it. Another step towards improvement.

4. In this point I will talk about how those with complete blindness can be helped a little. Blind people are educated through the use of Braille. Now these Glasses can be employed to control a piece of hardware, like a Braille board with sticks and holes. So when blind people issue a spoken command, these Glasses can answer it back either verbally or by transferring/printing/embedding the answer on the Braille board by raising the appropriate sticks so that blind people can understand the answer by moving their fingers across the board.

5. If a visually disabled person is stuck somewhere, he can immediately call someone to help with the calling or voice messaging facility of these Glasses, without looking for objects around, or even moving one bit. Automated Glasses and AR can together propagate his exact location using GPS

data to his near and dear ones who can then reach for him and aid him. This can be enormously helpful at public places like airports and stations where you might lose touch of them for a few moments. Emergency numbers can be fed into the Glasses which can help visually disabled people to ask for help immediately provided they feel too uncomfortable about something.

6. In this point, I will take an example. Suppose a visually disabled person who is fond of travelling visits Rome and wants to see the Colosseum. These Glasses can create an image on the screen while he is standing right in front of it. As he goes nearer, the image can be enlarged and as he goes away, the size can be decreased using zooming functions of the inbuilt camera. AR can be used to place

tags on the image, just for example the leftmost corner, the rightmost corner etc. A number of panoramic images from various angles can be shown on the screen where he can feel the entire Colosseum in front of his eyes. Images can be shown using various weather conditions and at various times of the day as parameters. He can be told verbally via Glasses what actual time it is and what the actual weather conditions are and then that respective image can be displayed. Later he can be brought to the same place at another time of the day maybe at night, the procedure can be repeated and he'll learn to differentiate a little between light and darkness. Of course, he might never be able to see it perfectly, but the power of human mind can give him a close image to what the Colosseum actually looks like. For someone who likes travelling but who is visually disabled, this will increase his penchant for travelling even further.

7. If Robotics can be used together with these two, then completely blind people can live a life of further calm. Automated Glasses, Augmented Reality and Robotics together can improve things beyond imagination. Just for example, lying on a bed with these Glasses, a blind person can ask for water and the request can be piped to a robot whch can keep the glass of water at a close location.

Automated Glasses can speak back to the blind person the exact location of the glass of water, which can be done with phrases like 20 degrees to 12 o'clock etc. With a little practice, people will start learning. To keep things safe, plastic or thermocol glasses of water can be used so that even if they fall, there won't be much of an issue. Other basic functions that can be deployed are controlling fans, lights, air conditioners, stereos with voice commands to these Glasses. Whenever they wish to go to washroom, they can just issue a voice command, which will then call a caretaker so no need to reach for buzzers or keep them in your hand all the time.

8. If a blind person wants to talk to someone, he can issue straightforward voice commands which can call the requested person either via mobile or straightaway if inbuilt voice talk facility is also provided. He can listen to the list of his contacts using another voice command. He can have his own email ID, his own Facebook account, his own Twitter account, he won't be able to see the images, but can update his status using voice commands which can then be converted to text. There are so many such softwares available. He can have followers on Twitter account who love reading what he writes and he can publish a book even. He can do these things without Glasses also, but through using them, he won't need a second person to listen to him and type what he wants. And the best part is he can do it all the while, while travelling, while in the washroom, while in bed, anywhere. So a blind person can have a writing career through the aid of Automated Glasses.

9. This point will target a little fun for visually disabled people. Everyone deserves it and so do disabled people. They want to listen to a blog, they can issue a voice command, which can then list the genres out of which they can choose a topic and the list of best blogs in the category can be relayed back. They can pick one and start listening to it. If they are able to see a little, Augmented Reality can display the images of the blog close to their eyes as well along with tags like pause, play, next image, slideshow etc. If they want to listen to live tennis scores, they can issue a voice command asking for live sports scores and a list of sports can be presented back. From there, they can choose tennis, and they will be good to go. They won't need to either switch on the radio themselves or ask someone to do it each time they want such entertainment. Music, movies, books, blogs, all and everything can be at just a distance of few voice commands and interaction.

10. This is another example related to a little fun. A robot can control their hand while they are holding a pen over a piece of paper. As the robot automates the movement of their hand creating an alphabet "A" on the paper, the Glasses can speak back "You just wrote an A". Not completely magical but still enough for learning. Now move it the other way around. The blind person can speak "A" and the robot automates the movement of their hand to write an "A" on the piece of paper. This is actually magical. It can be argued that its the robot writing but the thoughts belong to the disabled. They can issue a command like "Scribble" and the robot would automate their hand

back and forth actually scribbling on the paper. They can issue a command like "Enough" and the robot takes the pen away and throws it, while these Glasses relay to them that "The pen is thrown."

This can return to blind people a bit of their childhood that they have never seen. Writing and scribbling on a piece of paper, throwing pens and other objects and having a bit of fun and enjoyment playing with objects around.

11. Sensors can be developed for these Glasses which start making a noise when a blind person comes closer to an obstacle like a wall or a door. Also software applications can be developed that mimic and integrate camera and map functions together and can relay directions to a blind person while he is moving inside his home.

I wish some glorious researchers of this world work towards such ends.

We can't gift them a pair of eyes while we are alive, but we can definitely gift them a new eyesight, a new vision to look at the world, a new childhood and some of them might even start seeing the entire physical world the way we do! That actually sends a shiver down my spine. Imagine someone has put tape on your mouth for a few years and then how will one feel when that tape is removed even at a single corner.

Though this idea has large managerial and business aspect, I am not going to iterate it here for the sake of sanity and my reverence and respect of the topic in hand.

I don't intend to be like Mother Teresa. She was a gem which the world might never see again. I want to have a family, kids, and live for them. I cannot donate everything I earn the way she did, I cannot wear the same dress each day of my life, but yes, she is an inspiration and if just a few of us get inspired by people like her and spend time thinking about what she did and follow a similar path rather than filling our entire days with bogus talks of our ministers, government's apathy, entertainment etc., then we will surely reach a day when there will be minimum disability or pain.

These things are important in their own regard and I don't wish to demean any of them in any way or manner but more important is the soul that resides within each one of us and the mighty power it has so it should be utilized in a better manner. I feel very disappointed when technology students follow the course of what the world is doing and join managerial institutes. They leave the country to earn money, take up banking jobs and become senior and super senior managers. God gave them extraordinary intelligence and infinite brainpower to come down to Earth and resurrect His world, and they are all lost in returning it to Him with their diplomas and degrees. These degrees can give them loads of money but finding the right purpose and direction of one's life gives much more satisfaction and happiness. Magic happens as soon as one starts believing in it.


5. Utility of Automated Glasses, Robotics and Prosthetics - For Amputees

If you read the two ideas above, you would by now know the functions that Automated Glasses are capable of. They can be technical revolution of the millennium provided they can be put to even better use than just for appearances and virtual reality etc.

The second part is Prosthetics which most of you must be aware are the artificial limbs provided to people with amputations. Researchers, scientists and doctors have been able to create prosthetic limbs for most body parts, noses, ears, arms, legs, feet to name a few. But they are still learning how to provide mind and nerve control to these parts using the human brain itself, rather than just for reasons of appearances. Though huge advancements have been made as you can read on the wiki article about Prosthetics, still nowhere close to being perfect.

The Idea:

The main idea that I wish to address is the lack of control that such people experience over their prosthetic limbs through the use of voice recognition facilities of Automated Glasses along with Robotics and of course, researchers and application developers would need to throughput or pipe the requests rendered by these Glasses to these prosthetics, and then relay back the responses either on the screen or speak them back. The control won't get increased but will get addressed by mechanical means and use of Robotics.

This opens up an entirely new chapter of research and development for prosthetics too. If

Automated Glasses are connected to these artificial limbs through wires, cables, connectors,

adapters etc. then the whole point of easing the life of amputees would be negated because they would have to carry so much weight around. Moreover, these wires would make everyday tasks like walking, changing clothes, socializing infeasible, burdensome and awkward to say the least. So the only way out is to integrate wireless technologies into these prosthetics. Anyhow if the idea takes proper shape, it doesn't take time to scale up or leverage the possibilities and attributes such as speed of connections are only theoretical in essence. Whilst a few researchers work on creating faster WiFi technologies, at the same time, their integration with prosthetics can be carried out simultaneously by more teams. Moreover there is no dearth of microprocessor technologies in the world these days, when we can create a micro mobile phone or a mini PC into a smartwatch, there is no reason the same technologies can't be used or embedded in prosthetic limbs.

Ways and examples to use Automated Glasses, Robotics and Prosthetics to help amputees

1. Let me begin with an example of someone who has a prosthetic leg, but does not have quite enough control over it. Suppose he has a soccer ball in front of him that he wants to kick it. Since he can see, he will come near the ball but due to lack of control over his leg he is not able to lift his leg and shoot at it. So he can issue the voice command "Kick" to his Automated Glasses. With video capturing ability and use of Artificial Intelligence, the exact location and dimensions of the ball can be propagated to the microprocessor in the prosthetic leg. With use of some spring-force

mechanical aid that are used in robotic legs, the ball can be kicked. He might not become a Messi overnight, but then how many of us with proper legs are even able to play soccer.

2. Consider someone with a prosthetic hand. He has no control over his fingers but has control over his arms. He wants to learn piano. He can issue a voice command like "3", and these Glasses will pipe it to his 3rd prosthetic finger, which again with some spring-force aid attached to all his fingers, will force it down on the piano key and then back up again. And the screen can be used to tell him what next finger he should speak to play a certain set of notes or a song. He might not learn to move his fingers himself but he will definitely learn the numbers he needs to speak to play a certain set of notes. He might not become a pianist but then how many of us with proper fingers are.

He can learn to type on a keyboard. The use of a mouse would become easier since his arm is already fine. He can use a touchscreen mobile completely through this since it requires minimal of force while tapping.

3. Consider someone whose both legs are prosthetic and he has no control over them except for standing on them. He can issue a command like "Walk" and again with some mechanical control or Robotics attached to the prosthetic limbs, he can be slowly made to move. He might not run like Bolt but then how many of us with both legs are able to. All the commands that he has available at a given point of time can be relayed on his Glasses' screen. Since his eyesight is proper he will slowly learn to put a little more control over his nerves by seeing his legs moving. And with inbuilt sensors, the movement can be stopped at a major distance from any obstacle.

4. Consider someone who's entire arm, right from the shoulder area to his fingers is prosthetic. He can issue a command like "Push" to force open a door. The amount of force required, the speed of movement of the arm etc. can be adjusted by microprocessors while the place where he should stand exactly can be initially relayed to him by Glasses. In a few days, he will himself learn exactly where to stand and issue the command to force open the door with his own arms. With a little practice, he can learn to pat his dog, adjust his pillows and maybe even turn pages of a book.

5. The list of commands and uses that can be developed are infinite. "Wave" and the prosthetic arm can be moved to wave someone good bye, "Shake" and they can create bubbles in soap water,

"Scribble" and they start scribbling on walls, "Jump" and they are jumping in mid air, "Click" and they are clicking a photograph, "Clap" and both their hands are joined together, "Touch" and they

can feel their baby's skin by giving them feedback through microprocessors and Automated

Glasses, "A" and their prosthetic hand writes A. This will give disabled people a lot of dreams to look forward to which they haven't seen in their childhood.

The world is in need of a change and a mighty one at that. Yes, we do need management, banking, investment and real estate. But if everyone of us goes on that path following the crowd, then we have wasted our uniqueness. Each one of us has to look within ourselves and find the qualities that God has endowed and blessed us with. If you are super intelligent, have topped throughout your schooling, but are now putting your energies in creating business applications for an enterprise or PC games, then sadly you don't have a high enough emotional quotient. You are made for research, for inventions, for discoveries, becoming doctors and scientists, find that. If you were born with intense empathy for your surroundings and people, their miseries, their happiness, but are now putting your energies in creating skyscrapers, then you have lost your identity. You are made for volunteering, NGOs, charities and trusts, find that. If you were born very poor, did not have much to eat as a child but always had an immaculate business idea which you do not share with anyone for fear of the world, then cynically you have forgotten how to dream and fly. You are made to share your idea and create the world's largest brand and corporate, find that. Find yourself!


6. Protecting children from Internet pornography

Child discretion is advised here.

Though it has been present around for ages, the advent and expansion of Internet along with satellite television has left the innocence of our children in disproportion and they are growing up faster than they should. We all know the examples. The occurrences of December' 2012 and now a rave party in a close city where hundreds of superkids aged 15 to 20 were caught boozing, smoking, drugging and can't say, what not! I call them superkids because though they are biologically 15 to 20, mentally and probably even physically they have grown to 30's and 40's. Can you stop this malaise and societal dilapidation? Sadly the answer is No. But of course, we can try to reduce it.

Else it won't be long before we will have prostitutes and casanovas every second home, and a terrorist and rapist every third or fourth and all the sensible souls in between would be busy filling the pockets of psychiatrists and psychologists. The trend has begun and we all know that. Peer pressure leaves the innocent ones falling into the black hole some time or the other and the density of this black hole is so magnetic and strong that even the strongest minded people cannot escape from its clutches. Being children, they just cannot exit once they enter.

Though this civil sickness has been irking me like a seed in my throat for quite a while now, it was only after the December' 2012 episode that it grew into an entire tree inside my mind. And now after the superkid rave party occurrence, our courts seemed to have just awakened from their siesta and have banged the doors of the government scouting for some fast-paced solutions. They just do not realize that our government does not believe in siestas and naps, it believes in sleep, slumber, dormancy and coma. So they are knocking on sham wood rather than actual doors. So the game of


passing the parcel has begun. The government will now blow horns at the doors of Internet Service Providers who will pass the bait back to the courts and the cycle would continue till someone else, God forbid, goes through the same situation.

Though this epidemic exists in every part of the world in equal proportions, the feeble laws of state and center at our end make it far easier for pedophiles and murderers to escape scot-free rather than having their necks encircled by a thick rope with no earth underneath. Our government is not going to wake up, coma is a deep-rooted disease, no one comes out of it without Godly intervention or a miracle. Someone has to come in and jerk the entire cabinet with a certain amount of voodooism via bona fide action else the oubliette of gloom is here to stay far longer.

For this idea, I have not read a single page and I am writing it only with absolute instinct. There are no assumptions in this idea. And it is entirely based on technology viz. Internet, Intranet, VPNs etc, My idea is not going to reduce porn, sex and nudity in any way, rather try to protect children (till a particular age) from accessing it easily online. If we will try to reduce sex, then I wonder how many more generations will even see a dawn. That's the part where many Indians are jinxed and tabooed.

Externally they portray an absolutely chaste image that they do not even know what the definition of sex is, while de facto their eyes and minds are glued towards exposed cleavages and uncovered legs. Not to detach females here at all, the modern woman is nothing short of a sex prankster herself. Sex ain't a dirty word, in fact its beautiful as long as you see its beauty and not its feculence, and enjoy it properly.

By the way, the following is a very generic image of Internet as we all know, we have the globe or cyberspace and all the devices connected to this globe via either wires and cables, or wirelessly.

In the above image, you can see that the Internet is catering to all kinds of devices, desktops, laptops, tablets and mobiles.

The Idea:

We all know that small children are quite aware of the existence of Internet these days, and it is a real headache for parents to keep them away off it. I believe sites like Facebook have an age criteria but it can never certify physical age without a DNA sample, so you cannot blame websites for this problem at all.

The main idea that I wish to express today is about creating an independent zone of Internet (equivalent or tantamount to Virtual Private Network.) It can be called something like a Childnet i.e.

creating an entire cyberspace for children alone so that they learn everything about Internet before formally stepping into adulthood and their learning about technology is not at all hampered during their maturing. By the way, this is a very initial potential image and protocol that I am designing. A lot of Internet researchers and community help would be required to refine it to an optimum level.

I'll be talking about the implementation and the way it will reduce porn a bit later, but it would automatically address two initial problems. Firstly, children who tussle with their parents about Internet space would no longer need to do so since they will have a cyberspace of their own and secondly, due to the independent nature of this cyberspace it will be far easier to lay down policies and filters before any information reaches out to the children. There are numerous advantages to such a solution which again I'll discuss a bit later.

I got a thought about this idea when WAP sites were initially introduced on mobile phones and now as we see, whenever we open a website on a mobile phone, most of the sites first direct you to mobile version of the site and then they provide a link at the bottom if you wish to access the Desktop version.

The same principle can be applied to Childnet too. The idea is, whenever children, before reaching a particular age, as per the local laws of a country try to access a certain website, they are connected to the child version of the website rather than the web or mobile one.

In the below image, we have created an entirely new cyberspace for children, called Childnet and piped it to the main Internet. This pipe will