The Netwriting Masters Course by Ken Evoy - HTML preview

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4. PREselling… Your #1 Priority

It’s NOT about selling...
It s about PREselling.

-- Ken Evoy

00001.jpgTo be successful, the needs of your target group have to be your #1 Priority. Your desire to earn income comes second.


Use great content to create an open-to buy/hire mindset in your visitor. Deliver strong, appropriate editorial content that PREsells.

PRE sold visitors convert more easily and more frequently into paying customers -higher Conversion Rates (CR) – which is exactly the result that your online business has to achieve in order to flourish.

Bottom line?


There is no such thing as “passerby traffic” on the Net. You have to build and attract warm, willing-to-buy traffic on an ongoing basis.

A great content site helps you achieve that goal. It increases targeted traffic, which produces more sales, which in turn produces more income. In other words, the key is to develop great content that leads to the money-making click...

Valuable Content = Credible Recommendation = Turned ON customer = High CR.

Don’t push your visitors to the click, make them want to click through. It makes all the difference if your visitors feel that it’s their idea to deliver your Most Wanted Response (MWR) -- in other words, what you most want your visitor to do on your site.

Your MWR is to get your visitors to click through to your order page (or your particular income generation source) so that you can make the sale!


And it all begins with effective PREselling... 00003.jpg