Unleashing the Power of Consultative Selling by Richard Grehalva - HTML preview

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First, I must thank God for giving me the insight of how to be of service to you. This book teaches how you can be of service to your clients in bringing what they need to be of service to their clients. In this way, the gift of service never ends.

I am grateful to the many people who have been placed in my life to teach me the many things that are contained in this book. The production of this work, my first publication, was possible with the support of several people, a few to whom I would like to express my appreciation and gratitude:

To my wife, for her support through difficult times and for keeping my spirits up.

To Dan Poynter of parapublishing.com whose work-

shop on writing and publishing I attended many

years ago. He set a fire in me that I could write a book and now it has been realized.

To Shelle Rose Charvet of SuccessStrategies.com for her wonderful gifts.

To my friend, Scott Watson, who encouraged and had faith in me.

To my oldest son, Richard, my biggest fan. He was

instrumental in reading my drafts and giving me

some terrific feedback, including the subtitle of

this book.

To Sean, my youngest son, who is a business major at Auburn University. He was an inspiration, and I thank him for believing in me. War Eagle!

To Diane Mendez of Proof Plus, my expert guide in

getting my book from draft to a final product. I

cannot thank her enough for her professionalism,

advice, direction in the editing, layout, proofreading and even the cover design.




Introduction...................................................................... xv

CHAPTER ONE - Top 5 Sales Myths ........................................1

Sales Myth Number 1 - “You Think You Sell ?” ..................2

Sales Myth Number 2 - “Selling is an Art” .......................3

SALES MODELS ..............................................................5

Sales Scripts Model ..............................................5

Closing Sales Model.............................................8

Product/Service Pushing through

Personality, Persistence and Price......................9

Relationship Sales Model ....................................9

Problem-Solving Sales Model..............................9

Value Add Sales Model.......................................10

Consultative Sales Model ...................................10


Team Selling Model ...........................................11

Complex Sales Model ........................................11

Sales Myth Number 3 - “Salespeople who are

‘Good Talkers’ with a ‘Great Pitch’ win the most” .........12

Sales Myth Number 4 - “Selling is Close,

Close and Close” ........................................................... 14

Sean’s Education......................................................15

The Internet Has Changed the Way We Buy ............19

Sales Myth Number 5 - “You can actually

sell Business-to-Business B2B and

Business-to-Consumer B2C” .........................................22


CHAPTER TWO - What’s Missing? .........................................25

How did you choose sales as a career? ..........................26

Where did you get your training? .................................26

What did you learn? .....................................................27

Is the sales staff meeting quota?....................................27

How did sales management solve this problem? ...........28

Did it work? ..................................................................28

What do we look for when we hire salespeople?...........28

What do salespeople do? ..............................................29

Which Sales Model Works the Best? ..............................31

What standards and procedures are followed? ..............33

Do we use sound sales strategies? .................................34

Do we learn from the best?...........................................34

Time for a change .........................................................35

Chapter Three - What Is Sales Mapping? ........................37

Connecting the DOTS that Make up Sales Mapping .....38

Learning how to maximize productivity ..................38

Connecting the Best Practices DOT...............................41

Learning how people get exceptional results...........41

Connecting the How People Communicate DOT ..........43

R1 Rapport ..............................................................43

R2 Record................................................................44

R3 Release ...............................................................44

R4 Replace...............................................................45

R5 Remember..........................................................45


Connecting the Effective Communications DOT ...........45

Strategy and Tactics ...............................................45

Connecting the Strategy and Tactics DOT.....................47

Having an action plan .............................................47

Connecting the Project Management DOT ...................48

Letting the presentation get in

the way of the message .........................................48

Connecting the Presentation DOT.................................49

Chapter Four - Rapport: The Foundation

of Communication .........................................................51

Common Sense Language ............................................52

VISUAL (seeing) .......................................................55

AUDITORY (hearing)................................................56

KINESTHETIC (feeling) .............................................56

What Language Do You Use? ........................................57

Lost in Translation .........................................................59

Body Talk ......................................................................61

Follow My Voice............................................................63

Chapter Five - Listening With A Purpose .........................65

Why Don’t We Listen?...................................................67

What are the Rules for Listening? ..................................68

Are You A Good Listener?..............................................71

Are you missing (the) communication? .........................72

Getting into listening mode ..........................................76

R2 Record .....................................................................77


Why am I here? .......................................................77

Rapport ...................................................................77

Take Notes ..............................................................77

My rules for me/ your rules for you .........................78

Push Record ............................................................78

Chapter Six - Getting to the Problem ..............................79

Why Do People Buy?.....................................................82

1 “Want” to buy......................................................82

2 “Way” to buy ......................................................85

3 “Will” to make it work.........................................86

Client retention and acquisition ....................................88


Productivity ...................................................................90

Personal ........................................................................91

Troubleshooting ............................................................92

Just the facts - Developing a Problem Statement...........94

Creating the problem statement ...................................98

Chapter Seven - Getting to the Results .........................101

Results Statement........................................................109

Chapter Eight - Meet Me at the Solution Gap ..............113

Past, Present and Future..............................................114

Meet me at the “Gap” ................................................114

What will the competition do? ....................................116

Tactics ........................................................................121


How Do I get my client to think of me first? .........121

A. The Tactic is “Big Bad and Bold” .................122

B. The Tactic is “Change the Game”................122

C. The Tactic is “Let’s Team up…Partner” ........124

D. The Tactic is “Wait”.....................................125

Putting tactics to work ..........................................125

USP (no, not what comes in a brown truck)................126

Chapter Nine - Sales Project Management....................131

What makes a project a project? .................................132

The Core Activities of Sales Project Management ........135

Scope the Project ..................................................136

Identify Project Activities........................................137

Estimate Activity Duration .....................................138

Determine Resource Requirements ........................140

Construct and Analyze the Project Network ..........141

Recruit and Organize the Project Team..................143

Level Project Resources ..........................................145

Schedule and Document Work Packages ...............145

Monitor and Control Progress ...............................146

Close Out the Project ............................................147

Win or Lose .................................................................147

Chapter Ten - Present the Best and Outdo the Rest .....149

The Top Five Mistakes Salespeople Make.....................149

Mistake # 1 - Attitude............................................149

Mistake # 2 - No Planning.....................................150


Mistake # 3 - Little or No Preparation....................151

Mistake # 4 - Word Presentations ..........................151

Mistake # 5 - Disconnected from Audience ...........152

What do you want me to do? .....................................153

What I need (WIN)......................................................154

Why are you in business? ............................................154

Why you are here........................................................155

Do you understand the problem? ...............................156

How will you solve the problem? ................................156

How will they know you solved the problem?.............156

What makes you different?..........................................157

A Call to Action ...........................................................157

What language are they speaking?..............................157

Graphics, Animation, Words ~

Which one do you use? ...........................................158

How do we satisfy the visual, auditory, kinesthetic

people in the audience?...........................................158

Rehearse and Record ...................................................160

Chapter Eleven - Putting It All Together........................163

Meeting Your Client ....................................................166

The Interview ..............................................................167

PROBLEM STATEMENT...................................................167



DECISION ......................................................................170

SOLUTION .....................................................................171


Determine Your Tactics................................................172

Develop Your USP .......................................................172

Prepare Your Sales Project Plan....................................173

Present Your Solution ..................................................173

R5 Remember .............................................................174

Chapter Twelve - Make It Yours .....................................177

Stop the tape! .............................................................178

