The Complete First Website Manual by Elliot Matthews - HTML preview

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Many people believe that starting an online business is an expensive and long-winded process and that you either need to have hardcore coding skills or enough money to pay someone who does. The truth is, it’s never been easier to start your own online business. Whether you want to start your own blog and earn advertising revenue or simply give your business that digital edge over your competitors. Why pay hundreds if not thousands of pounds to have someone do it for you, when you have the skills to do it yourself.


This book will showcase the simple process of creating your first website from start to finish for a variety of purposes and help you understand what you are doing step by step. The book will cover essential topics such as choosing the right domain, search engine optimization (SEO), creating a logo, social media marketing and much more. But not only that, we will be going into the finer details that many other books miss, to ensure your online business is one step ahead. No prior experience is required and your website will be up and running in no time.


Because of its large directory of plugins, simple content management system, theme marketplace and SEO support, we will be using WordPress to build and manage our website. WordPress was used by more than 26.4% of the top 10 million websites as of April 2016 and is the most popular blogging system in use on the Web with more than 60 million websites. WordPress allows users to create almost any type of website with ease and is revolutionizing the way businesses and individuals are succeeding online.




Throughout this book, we will be creating a professional looking feature rich blog. But that’s not all, once you’ve finished this book, you will have the knowledge and confidence to take what you have learned and apply it to create any website you want. We will be creating the website where this book will be available called Emaptus and you will be able to see the progress from start to finish.


How much does a web designer cost?




The price of web design varies from company to company, but you can expect a price anywhere from £400 all the way up to £3000 depending on your requirements. An example of a professional website from the image above would include your domain (, custom graphics, simple SEO and not many more exciting features. After reading this book, you will have not only the skills to create your own website, but the expertise to create websites for others, opening up a potentially high earning revenue stream.