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Dark Legacy

Dark Legacy

Author: Christine Feehan

Pages: 416

Edition: Hardcover

List Price: $27

Published: Sep, 2017

Publisher: Berkley

ISBN: 9780399583995

Highest rank: #9 on 9th, Sep 2017

First entered: 9th, Sep 2017

Number of weeks: 1

Book Summary

In a thrilling Carpathian novel from #1 New York Times bestselling author Christine Feehan, a woman fights to free herself from the grip of the vampire trying to possess her...
In a beautiful compound hidden away from the world, Emeline Sanchez tries to blunt the pain that has wracked her body ever since her terrifying ordeal in the labyrinth beneath the city—when she was forced to exchange blood with an evil master vampire.
Now, it’s his voice that haunts her...that calls to her in the dark...that never lets her rest. And while the children that she helped to free from his clutches struggle to heal, watched over by their Carpathian protectors, Emeline knows one thing: She must sacrifice herself to keep them all from harm...
For her beauty is irresistible to the vampires, her psychic ability like a drug. Whipped into a frenzy, they’ll never stop coming for her. And only the taste of one Carpathian warrior—the rush of his blood—can save her...


Christine Feehan

Name: Christine Feehan

About the author:

Christine Feehan is a #1 New York Times bestselling author multiple times over with her portfolio including over 50 published novels, including five series; Dark Series, Ghostwalker Series, Leopard Series, Drake Sisters Series, & the Sisters of the Heart Series. All five series hit the #1 spot on the New York Times bestselling list as well. Her debut novel Dark Prince received 3 of the 9 Paranormal Excellence Awards in Romantic Literature (PEARL) in 1999. Since then she has been published by various publishing houses including Leisure Books, Pocket Books, and currently is writing for Berkley/Jove. She also has earned 7 more PEARL awards since Dark Prince.

I've been a writer all of my life -- it is who I am. I write for myself and always have. The ability to create pictures and emotions with words is such a miracle to me. I read everything; I mean everything! All kinds of books, even encyclopedias. I am fascinated by the written word and I love storytellers. It is a great privilege to be counted one myself. (

Other books by author...

  • Dark Ghost
  • Dark Promises
  • Dark Carousel
  • Power Game
  • Covert Game
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