Perceptions of Reality Book Two by Annette de Jonge - HTML preview

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It is not arduous for you are not shackled anywhere and whatever you choose to see or experience, you attract. It is the same with each level, those you know but you are unlimited in your desires when not in a physical atomic structure. You are able to access whatever you desire and partake of whatever you see at these levels.

You are not participating in the physical body so you are not restrained by the need of atomic structures. Like a will-of-the wisp you come and go with whatever you choose to see. You don’t need any covering for you are not 'there' as such. You observe, learn and the go to the next avenue to attract you needs or desires.

Okay, then is it by being able to go to these different levels as an observer that we are able to see what is there and maybe choose to participate in a life there at some time?

It can flow along that way but not necessarily so. You can choose if you want, or just observe, take what is there you fancy for learning and then move on to more attractive, fertile places you are called to.

What about the other planets we see when we look into the night sky? You said most of us were from the stars, what happens with this, if we choose to go that way?

Yes, you can access the stars, planets, any dominion that calls. You are able to do, achieve this with the same alacrity that you have always had. It is not so difficult to succeed along this line.

We have previously explained you have it all so you attract what you already have and use it, go along that line. Your reasoning many times is flawed. You still see yourself tied to the third reality plane without means or resources. It is not that way at all.

Thank you. I will now take a break and read the information you have provided.


Accessing Other Realities

There seems to be a lot of accessing different areas or dimensions unfolding, making contacting them possible without going through all sorts of spells, drugs and other activities.

It is the way. We have told you, primed your pump by way of first acknowledgment, then of encouraging your natural ability, curiosity to take hold. There is nothing to fear and much to gain with this expansion we offer here. It is all your way and up to you whether you achieve what you set out to achieved. We merely prime your pump, having you understand what is available at this tumultuous time in your life.

There appears to be so much knowledge coming to us. Where before many of us thought only of karma, past lives and the different places we, as eternal energy, spirit, gravitate to at any life's ending.

We are now given knowledge that there is no karma, no past lives and the explanation of the impossibility if all lives are being lived at one time. That our thoughts create other projections of ourselves living someplace, maybe parallel to this existence is a different mindset to the one I'm used to and to comprehend.

We know the way your thoughts run. They are, for the most part, attached to this reality divine. However, there are times when you go to other realities and they have the ability to create illusion, possibly what you see as you hallucinating.

Everything you can see is in your reality is in some form or way initiated by you. You would not recognize its dynamics if it were not so. You vibrate, perhaps temporarily, to whatever you see or whichever way you access your 'dreams' so to say.

You may well be 'daydreaming', as you say. It could come to you as a focused thought. All we say is that whatever you bring to your understanding, awareness has its way because of you, something you have instigated for it to appear.

You have previously mentioned that because of the familiarity or closeness to our personal energy grid we interact quite frequently with other parts of self but because of the familiarity and ease of doing so we are mostly unaware of this happening.

Yes, it is the way it is instigated. For your way, access is assured as they to you is assured.

There are many questions I seek your comments on but will finish for today and start again with a clearer mind.

Then we see you go your way. Peace and blessings go to one and all. We are gone for today.


Going Beyond the Camouflage

You have always maintained that this third dimension reality exists as a playground brought in by our thoughts. Anything that happens, any feeling, experience is still part of our creation and are part of the illusion. Other teachers have also spoken about this illusion and it has also been referred by another teacher as a camouflage we have created.

That is the way. It is so.

Then, if we were able to see beyond the illusion or camouflage, what will we see?

You will start to see more of what you do now. Of who you are and what is available to you to grow and prosper in the way you choose at any stage, time.

Could you please be a little more specific. There is no empty space as such so we can't be just floating somewhere. You have mentioned we are drawn to what we resonate to but that is only partly clear to me.

I am assuming, from what you have said, that we continue our learning at the reality we are drawn to and sometimes we don't know we have transitioned to another reality. Is this right?

Yes, it is the way. You go on, continue delving, understanding whatever the level of aspiration is you 'gravitate to' as you say. It is all there for you. Sometimes, depending on your learning requirements, you are oblivious to these needs as you 'soldier on' as you say.

Another question that has puzzled me for quite some time and I would like your answer please.

We are here to help you advance too. 'Fire away' as you say.

Sometimes when sitting on my lounge chair in the evenings reading or doing something relaxing I get a pulling feeling from the top of my head. It feels as if an energy is tugging me out of body by way of my crown chakra. It is a very strong, unpleasant feeling that doesn't happen too often but my question is, what is it, who is it and why is it happening at all?

You have nought to fear with this. It is indeed someone plucking you from your countenance, your physical body but no harm was to befall you whilst you were away.

More information please. Who was it, where were we going and why?

You are chasing after experiences and this 'energy' as you say is there as your protector or as your ally. It is a combined effort that is here is the way we are explaining.

Why on earth would I need a protector?

Parts of places you go to are not of your kind and they need many times for you to go there with others who are more in alignment with what is around. You are aware of this at these times and are aware of the underlying energies that can have a dis-harmonizing effect upon your countenance.

You have many times been to these areas alone and it had caused you consternation. This consternation need not flow to your physical frame but has an effect upon other parts of your 'existence' shall we say.

It has been mentioned at another time that we are unsullied by anything so how does what you are saying relate to this statement?

Listen well, you are not only of this energy seeking our advice. There are many 'parts of you' so to say that undergo certain endeavors and they may be in the firing line of your desires. It is not that you set out to cause consternation to them and their energy field but as all are one what is affecting one will, by necessity, affect all.

You are referring to the 'butterfly effect' that interacts, permeates all?

It is along the way divine.

We are all living different experiences on or in different levels, what we see as different times, epochs maybe, how does this slot in? And why should others be affected? I understand the butterfly principle but am having trouble comprehending the rest of what you are stating.

Then we go another way. You are affected, we cannot change that way, but we ask you to understand a basic gain. You are growing and as you grow you are gaining much along the way. As you do those of your minions also benefit and gain an understanding of how you are forging forward. They also gain the experiences, second hand, if you see it that way but it is erroneous to think along these lines.

If they are gaining the experiences by way of your gainfulness they must take the 'good' with the 'bad' as you say. There are no good or bad we seek to state. All are experiences perceived from whatever vantage point you are experiencing from.

You make it sound like I am leader of my energy group or flow.

You have made enormous strides in bringing your energies 'forward' but your are not 'leader of the pack' as you say for, in truth, there is no leader. You all set out to achieve something in your various inimitable ways and all bring what was learned back to the fold. The fold encompasses much more than what we are referring to here but feel we have given you enough insight for you to follow through with understanding.

Then, if I go to someplace to learn from or help and the energy vibrations there are not harmonious to me I can get a helper, someone who is more familiar and better able to control or work with the energies at that level?

That is the way, what it required.

So the times I've been there and had disturbing interactions I went alone?

It may be the way. We are illustrating for your perusal, understanding of what was required, what happened at the times you have mentioned. It may be that you have chosen to undergo the experience to 'test your mettle' as you say. We are not au fait with this so cannot say.

We are stating that you choose, or have chosen to undergo the experiences you seek at these areas, that they be undergone with 'a helper' so to say. One who is more familiar with the undertakings needed at these times and experiences.

And this is where the butterfly effect comes into play, something affecting one affects all?

It is the way and will continue this way because of the 'butterfly effect', as you say.

And it goes the other way too?

Yes, we follow this line of reasoning. For you to understand there is always interaction between you all and you all are only an infinitesimal fragment, thread of the 'All.' Therefore, as you see, it is all good for the information, experiences gained and exhilarate all with the joy the realization of the experiences, the 'gainfulness of the extensions', so to say.

We leave you now with your thoughts. Peace and blessings go to one and all. We are gone now.

Interaction Between Species

Carl Sagan: 'Just as there are those who accept every UFO report at face value, there are also those who dismiss the idea of alien visitation out of hand and with great passion. It is, they say, unnecessary to examine the evidence, and “unscientific” even to contemplate the issue'.


ETs and Other Attractions

After reading your notes now wonder, what about the extraterrestrials who come here to Earth? Some are friendly, some not so friendly. We are told, warned by others, that we have had our DNA changed and we are being manipulated and have been for millennia. We are also told that there have been great battles fought between different extraterrestrial races over the sovereignty of this planet. How does this fit in with what you have been telling us?

It still fits in. Comprehension is there for you all, those who choose to see and be a part of this way. It does not change what we have previously stated and continues that way, you are still masters of your destiny. If you interact, or see, or communicate in any way with those not of your earth sphere it was not just something that happened.

As we told you before, all that comes into your experience is there because of choices; your choices. It is still part of the grand plan you have designed for yourself to understand more and experience more.

It is the way it is for all of you. If your Earth was taken over by some other species, and we say again, the other species will be a part of you because you are All, you have programmed it in to experience this.

Tumultuous times, yes, they might be but you are only there participating because of your desires. It cannot be, nothing can befall you if you have not programmed it in for the experience.

You are not scapegoats, victims of anyone, any other energy. We have told you so and cannot reiterate it more to you; you are not victims. You are at all times in control of your destiny.

You have also mentioned or issued a caution about us getting too involved with our different attractions such as cell phones, television and other electrical things that are slowing our body and dulling our brains. The body, by just sitting and watching our media outlets and the brain by the banality of many of the programs.

There is also a suggestion that this is done deliberately by vested interests; some not of this planet or their third reality minions who seek to take over Earth by dulling the population so they cannot see what is happening or think for themselves. Is this the way?

It may well be the way. We do not allude to or get involved with this issue. Should you choose to be or go that way, along that line of reasoning it will be as you say. For again, we state, you cannot experience what you have not programmed to yourself to be an experience for your learning and understanding. If you choose to participate along this way, you will gain much for it is impossible for you not to gain, to learn and understand more.

Well, if we see something along the lines we have just discussed and participate, if we don't like the experience, can we change it?

It may be the way. We are not privy to your strengths or desires. We are generalizing here when we state what we say and offer to you. You asked our opinion and we gave a clear understanding to you. We recall we did not say possibilities were endings.

If you choose to change your learning it may be the way but if you recall, we cannot state how strong your motivation is, or how strong your desire is to not complete your course you set. Again, you are thinking as a human being. You are limiting your desires and self in this way.

We feel we have answered your questions succinctly as you asked in the start of today's missives, we have kept all we answered simple and to the point.

And I appreciate it. Now I will read back what you were kind enough to explain to us.

Peace and blessings go to one and all. We go now.


Interaction With the Grays

I would like to discuss an experience from last night and get your understanding of what was happening at the time. I was asleep in bed until a loud bang, sounding something being dropped by the tenant in the unit above woke me. With my inner vision, I saw, in my room, a group of several extraterrestrials we refer to as the Grays. The one closest to me appeared to be agitated and all seemed to be in a hurry. It has been some time since I have been aware of their presence. Why were they there?

Many times you issue 'a command' so to say and they comply. It is all 'okay' as you say. You are instructing them and working along their sights, the way it is to be. It is not for naught they come around for you have a link that binds you fast in this way, with this.

What sort of command would I issue and why? I have no conscious knowledge of calling them in or desiring them to be with me.

You called them in. Perhaps not as you desired in your waking state but nonetheless you called them in. You understand the terms set down by you all. Combined you get 'things done' as you say. You are working together is another way of stating the situation for your recall.

To my mind they are the ones who take me off or did take me off into a space craft to be examined. I didn't and still don't want to go that way.

It is so that they did 'take you' off as you say but we now instruct you to understand, ask yourself why? Why would you acquiesce to another energy divine to take you from your bed at night and 'spirit you away' as you say? It is as you say 'a fait accompli'.

It is forewarned, decided before you incarnated here that you will instruct, work with these energies to the betterment of all. It is not some accident thrust upon you and you are mistaken if you think, go that way with this.

I don't understand.

You have preplanned, agreed is what we are saying. It is a fait accompli. You have initiated, agreed to work with them in this way. It is not a problem where you are not in control. Each time you have interaction it is preplanned. You initiated it each time is the way. Many of you are of accord, go this way in this endeavor.

Why? What purpose is achieved?

We are saying that you work in accord with what you chose to achieve. You set out with a purpose to gain knowledge along these lines. You work, collude with these entities for the goodness, achievement of each species.

You work, collude and gain in different ways. You are able to access much of what would be denied you where you delve into other avenues not yet set out for you. You do not have the aptitude, the set way of achieving yet these entities are of accord to 'piggy back' you so to say and you act in kind. They learn from this as well as you gaining the thrust up so to say.

We are explaining by this that you are changing energy for other endeavors by the grace of these beings. You, in turn, allow them to experience what they have not achieved by themselves. They can then use this information to advance themselves and like-minded others of their kind. You transpire the same way with this.

Then if we are so familiar to each other why do they make me feel uneasy?

They are not of your kind and this brings an uneasiness to the physical part of you. However, the other part, the spiritual has not thought along that line. You achieve, as we said, and you go on, each to their own way with this.

These Grays seemed to be in a hurry last night and one seemed stressed. Why?

It is of accord. They were serving their purpose and it followed the right way.

What was their purpose?

They had a prearranged agreement with you. It was not a surprise. To your conscious mind may be the way but it was preplanned. You were to go off with them and sort out conditions that previously had caused consternation. It was to be, go that way, along that line. We cannot say any other way.

I wasn't going off for more implants or examinations?

We do not see it being that way. What was chosen, the way to be was designated beforehand. We do not understand why you are making such a fuss.

It is not the way that they sought to be, do you harm. You have preconceived plans to set in place. It cannot be the way that they were there to 'do you in' as you say. They had no intention of harming you. It was not their way, their intention.

Then what transpired?

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