Passion for Truths by J.W.Lee - HTML preview

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“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.”

- Marianne Williamson










- C H A P T E R   T E N -


We Are One


From the time we awake till the moment of our nightly sojourn, our five senses lull us into believing that all things in this world, are separate and distinct. People are pervasively divided into categories of nationality, race, religion and so forth. Even our preferences are noted and capitalized by businessmen, when they try to identify the market for their products and services. In other words, our whole life in this world seems to revolve around the need to compartmentalize everything and everyone.

We assign labels to people so indiscriminately to the extent that we mistakenly believe we are different from others. Quite often, we only start to acknowledge the proximity of our relationships when someone close to us gets married or gives birth. In the ultimate reality, we do not need to create relationships because relationships already exist! We are family! Whatever separation we see in life is just an illusion conjured by our distorted personal filter. Not only are we related, we are One! One with the loving energy called God or Source of all life.

To illustrate the aforementioned statement, sunlight is used as an analogy. The light which emits from this burning star, in its unobstructed form, appears as singular i.e. a ray of light. However, when it passes through a prism, a spectrum of colors appears. All of a sudden, we see different distinct colors (e.g. red, blue, green). Nevertheless, it does not change the fact that these different vibrations of light are one and the same. Thus the prism is like our ego. We see human beings as people of different races but we forget that we are all part of just one race i.e. the human race.

We often judge others by this personal filter of ours. Hence, our action towards other people is directed by this distorted perception of our ego. In most cases we treat others with lesser importance than how we would treat ourselves. Undeniably, there is great wisdom in holy books, such as the Bible which we can learn from, to rectify the situation. The saying “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” is a clear reflection of the truth that we are one. It is indeed absurd to slap our right cheek to spite the one on the left!

Although the aspect of duality is part of this world inequality which exists remains as a choice to be overcome. Its prevalence is not caused by the Source or our Maker. Instead the blame lies squarely on our shoulders because we are the ones who create our reality. The sooner we wake up from our slumber and act upon the truths of life, the faster the world will vibrate on a higher frequency, which is the precursor to equanimity and world peace.

Through years of misguidance or conditioning, the desired state of unity has been elusive. The narrow view of many people prevents them from acknowledging the similarity of the life force or God energy that pervades all life forms. Our insistence on seeing differences instead of similarities is the chief reason for the propagation of a divisive environment that we ironically, abhor. Indeed, we are the root cause of our dilemmas in life. The simplest way to redemption, is by remembering the eternal truth that ‘We are One’. All it takes is a shift in mindset and the appropriate actions will follow.

At the time of writing this book, the collective consciousness of the world has moved beyond the point of neutrality and has shifted into the upper zone of higher resonance where more and more people intuitively realize the importance of “Oneness”. Reunification with others (regardless of religion, race or nationality) and also Mother Nature (i.e. flora and fauna) is the ultimate journey in life. However, much more needs to be done in order to keep the momentum going. The hindering block to unity comprises people whose energy is steeped in greed and dominance as they wish the climate of disparity to remain. Nevertheless we can overcome the hurdle collectively. We just need to remember that the power lies in every single one of us.



“I am God ..... but so are you.”

- Sai Baba











- C H A P T E R   E L E V E N –


All Paths Lead To Home


As we embark on this journey called life, we are bound to encounter an emotional landscape of ups and downs. When dire moments appear too often, we get caught up in the human drama and become wayward. We lose sight of our purpose in life and start to search for answers. In our weakest moment, we may turn to religion.

History has shown that religion has been a pillar of strength for many people and has helped them to reconnect with their Higher Self.  As we all know, religion is based on profound messages of very wise souls, who have walked the Earth before. Nevertheless, some of us remain an atheist because religion too, has become a bone of contention, as it has been misused for encouraging discrimination and division. Even wars have been raged, and lives lost in the name of religion.

One of the reasons why people consider different religions as conflicting paths of life is that the original messages were repeatedly tempered with. It is a known fact that these teachings originated thousands of years ago and through passage of time these were subjected to much censoring and re-phrasing by the ‘keepers of faith’. As such, it is not uncommon to find different versions of these holy books existing in various parts of the world.

Another reason behind the disunity among people embracing different faiths is that they focus too much on the variances in the dogmatic religious practices, instead of paying heed to the underlying wisdom. This myopic view inevitably broadens the divide. Thus, religion has been manipulated or misinterpreted to the extent, that it is now seen as a double-edged sword. 

It is indeed a pitiful sight, for the core message of religions such as Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism and Hinduism was never about hatred. Instead all the religions carried the same theme, which spells L-O-V-E. In the ultimate reality, the love that is referred to, is not the superficial kind, but instead speaks of unconditional love, where acts of love are carried out without any expectation of reward or praise. Everyone in this world wants to be loved and each person also has the capacity to express love to others. Nothing can be simpler than this truth.

When renowned medium, George Anderson was asked about the existence of different religions he said everything eventually goes to God and so it made no difference as to one’s preference. Indeed, all the religions are   just different forms of expression. The same view was also held by the late Sai Baba, whom many had labeled as the ‘Living God’. While incarnate, he had never denounced the various religions that were in existence. Instead he urged his followers to understand that different paths were important as these would appeal to different types of people and since there is nothing in this world which is not part of the Divine Creator, all paths do lead to Home.

 Wisdom is the key that allows people to develop far-sightedness to see that all these beautiful religions will converge in the end. Disharmony only takes place when religion has been skewed due to ignorance or ill intention of the people who document and edit the teachings, and not by error of its source. This sentiment was echoed by psychic Allie Cheslick, who has a radio show of her own. She opined that if excerpts in every religious text were to be taken and combined into a book, that book would form a truer reflection of the intended teachings. Tibetan spiritual leader and Nobel Peace Laureate, Dalai Lama has once made a simple but profound statement about his religion –

My religion is kindness.”


During a quiet moment one day, several thoughts came to my mind in quick succession. The thoughts were in the form of quotations and I promptly jotted them down. By the eighth quotation the flow of messages stopped. These quotations were meaningful to me and are reproduced here for your contemplation.


“There is no right or wrong. There is only consequence. And consequence is impartial.”


“Be who you say you want to be. Be yourself.... always!”


“We push each other aside to climb to the top. Only at the top, do we realize our fear of height.”


“No one needs saving. Our salvation is assured. We are only meant to find our own way in life.”


THE 8 QUOTATIONS (cont’d.)


“Unnecessary is our drama. Unfortunate is the ignorant. Unwelcome is disunity. But Understanding is the key.”


“Summer and winter are different corners of a fabric called Season. Similarly Love and Hate are different shades of Life.”


“Looking back, we realize we didn’t have to be that mean. What that means, is that we have gone backward instead of forward.”


“The mind can mislead but the conscience will not believe.”






- C H A P T E R   T W E L V E -




A prayer can be described as a focused effort of a person to attune to the higher consciousness of the Divine Source. A prayer also gains strength when it is conducted in a union of more than an individual i.e. the greater the number, the stronger the prayer.

Most people would have at one point or another prayed to a higher being for divine intervention. In truth, it really matters not whether we are praying to Jesus, Buddha, Lord Krishna and other ascended beings for all these prayers are felt by our Creator. There is really no cry for help that is not heard. Those whose prayers have not materialized would certainly beg to differ. At this point, one has to be clear that having a prayer heard and having a prayer answered, are completely two separate matters! Instead of questioning the non-materialization of our prayers, let us instead ask :-

What would happen if ALL our prayers are answered?”

When we take into account of the fact that there are billions of people inhabiting this planet, we will then realize how chaotic it would be if God were to fulfill every single prayer. Who shall God answer to, when our prayers   contradict others’?  As we are all offspring of God, it is unimaginable for God to favor certain people but neglect the others. From this perspective, we now have a better understanding as to why our prayers are not always answered. Also, time and again, clairvoyants and channelers have received revelations from the spiritual plane that, a prayer which causes a karmic imbalance to the lives of people will not be acknowledged.

In the past, I have received a divine reply in a temple that a prayer of mine would not be answered.  The rationale was simple i.e. one needs to put effort into achieving one’s dream.  If all that we desire in life could be delivered to our door steps just by praying, then what else do we have to do on our own? Indeed, a quick materialization of our selfish prayers would rob us of the necessary experience for our spiritual growth.

On the other hand, sincere prayers for the collective benefit of others do cause positive shifts in reality. The same goes for prayers for the souls of the deceased. Though the souls on the Other Side are very much alive, prayers for them are akin to embraces of love or hugs. They do love the acknowledgement and concern of their loved ones who are still incarnate.

Another point to note is that even if a prayer is justified, the timing of its fulfillment is not up to us to decide. The materialization of the prayer will take place when the time is ripe and not a day sooner. We just need to remind ourselves of this truth that delays of the Creator do not equate its denial. Unfortunately, patience runs out quickly in people living in fast paced societies, and faith is often lost in the process. In reality, hope is always there but disbelief blinds one to this fact. Thus, faith is something that needs to be called upon, to help anchor this hope that the Divine will bless and assist all its beautiful creations.


“Our prayers should be for blessings in general, for God knows best what is good for us.”

- Socrates





- C H A P T E R   T H I R T E E N -


Other Forms Of Healing


Throughout our lifetimes, we do receive a lot of guidance and healing from the invisible world. You could call it assistance from the divine, faith healing or even energy cleansing. Very often I get reminders that the terminology is not as important as the experiences. Basically, we just need to remember that there are unseen forces and beings out there which help us along this winding road called life.

In my case, I had two fairly recent experiences which involved healing by an unseen benevolent being, in a temple. Under normal circumstances, when I fall sick, I would consult a general physician like most people often do.  However, in those cases numerous visits to the doctor proved futile. My illness persisted despite swallowing packets full of tablets, which comprised antibiotics. As the last resort, I went to the said local temple to seek divine help for those two cases. Incredibly the medicines prescribed began to show results just after I had consumed its first dose!

The ingredients of the medicine were relayed via a process which could be described as automatic writing. Upon hearing my symptoms, two ‘designated’ volunteers at the temple, were guided by the presence of a Higher Being, in the writing of the prescription. When the process was over the prescription (of a mixture of herbs) was passed to a group of people who worked at the ‘concoction area’ cum dispensary. From them, I received the much appreciated medicine. 

In life, I believe it is imperative for us to remember the truth of our nature i.e. we are spiritual beings made of energy from the Source. Within this physical environment of ours, other forms of energy also exist and these have an impact on us too. People who perform spiritual clearings, faith healers, reiki masters, mediums and Feng Shui practitioners concur to this notion. Each person may seem to be practicing a different modality but in principle, all of them are actually helping their clients attract positive energy into their lives. In the same process, they also assist in diverting or drawing out the opposite energy i.e. the less conducive energy. 

The following are examples of alternative or natural forms of healing that involve raising one’s energy level or clearing blocked energy centers, which have proven to be effective. Some people practice more than one of these methods to enjoy good health and longevity. (Note: Most of these methods have been used a long time ago but were dropped in favor of modern medicine. However, in the past years, people are now more receptive to these healing methods, as modern drugs have been proven to entail negative side effects.  The key phrase to good health nowadays is the holistic approach. )


a) Making Affirmations

By making affirmations or positive declarations, we send high vibrations throughout our being. Words which carry the sentiments of success, kindness and love, when spoken do indeed channel positive energy to the surroundings. To allay the skeptics the words “Love” and “Gratitude” have been scientifically proven to have a physical impact. In the book “The Messages From Water” written by Dr. Masaru Emoto it was revealed that water  subjected to prayers using these two words , would result in the formation of beautiful crystalline structures. On the other hand, when water was exposed to electromagnetic radiation from microwave oven and television, such beautiful structures did not materialize. As our human body is mostly made up of water, using affirmative words in our daily speech would certainly have a significant impact on our well-being. One common but most useful affirmation that I have adopted is – “All is well”. Its efficacy was also vouched by my friends who practiced it.

b) Controlled Breathing and Visualization

This is a technique which helps strengthen our auric field. A strong field can protect us from interference by negative energy or psychic attack. Usually this involves visualizing a bright light of different colors to shield or to enhance one’s health. Sending light to places of discordance also helps raise the energy level of that environment.

c) Participating In Meditation and Yoga

These practices have been known to raise the energy levels of the seven chakras of our spiritual being. (In Sanskrit, chakra means ‘wheel’ or vortices of spinning energy. The seven chakras are thus considered as centers of energies which govern different bodily functions). The health of a person depends on the harmonious working of these chakras. Negative energy can thus distort the chakras.

The seven chakras are namely:


Base/Root Chakra (at the base of the spine)



Navel/Sacral Chakra (slightly below the navel)



Solar Plexus Chakra (above navel)



Heart Chakra (at centre of chest)



Throat Chakra (at the throat)



Third Eye Chakra (on forehead and between eyebrows)



Crown Chakra (at top of head)



The Crown Chakra is in essence located at the pineal gland and has been labeled as the ‘bridge’ between the physical and the spiritual world. The development of psychic talents is often attributed to the activation of the gland.