Constantine & Elophyny Extraterrestrial Communication (Vol.2) by Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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(Q) What are 'shadow' people?


(A) Shadow people are an extension of energy on your plane.  There is much that they do to extract energy to allow their existence to take place. There is much that every entity does to absorb energy and this is most easily absorbed through energy of a heightened emotional state.  It is important to know that any emotional state can express energy but that energy which in some situations is most often or most easily expressed is of anger, hate, rage, and other forms of discord.  It is also important to consider the types of energy you emanate and the energy of the entity that is manifesting as a dark figure.  Simply because it appears as a shadow does not mean that it is negative.  It only absorbs and gravitates to the energy in which it is in harmony with.  There are some who are only able to manifest in your plane in the matter of apparition.  They are not more or less skilled in their lifetimes but they can be found in areas where the energy and discord are great.  Even where energy is not evident in a physical expression of discord they can be present because of discord of thought and mind.  A person may experience great discomfort or confusion of the mind and not share it with the surroundings and those around him.  There is much done to the body to alleviate these types of energy build ups but the repetitive nature or the inability to make change to allow a permanent shift is often too great and this energy is expressed into the environment because of their pattern of thought or behavior.  Simply because it is dark it is not more dark in motives it is simply manifesting in the manner in which it is able.  More will see them because of the mind shift that is taking place for many.  Many are also slowly coming to their ability and using it, the ability to see what is not readily visible in the spectrum of light and color that most humans and physical forms can see.  Though there is also much that they have simply chosen to ignore or even dismiss as trivial and nonexistent.  It is important to know that those that emanate a shadow-like existence cannot ultimately control anything on the physical plane.  They too can emanate energy and their presence can be seen but they do not contain the power to alter anything on the physical plane.  Their purpose is often one personally set by them and many are not aware of their crossing over or that they should have. There are some areas where planes bend or energy from time is left in an area.  These are also expressed in these ways because it is a form that is muted in energy and can only be expressed in this way.  To remedy these energy areas, simply direct the attention of your guides to it.  You may also send this entity and the energy the message that it is important to move from the area as their presence is not needed.  Some will respect this information, though many will not receive it when they are only able to produce or exist in the shadowy form that is seen.  It can interact with you but not in a detrimental way.  Sending love to any entity or form of life has the greatest impact on the existence of the sender and the receiver.  Important updates will come regarding the manifestations that can be seen.  More figures of notoriety will acknowledge and examine them.  There will be more information later concerning this.


(Q) Is it okay to daydream during development class? Space shuttle’s last missionAstral projection


(A) There is nothing that can’t be known by you.  The energy that is manipulated during a development session is different than the process used during a communication or healing session.  During those types of sessions your thoughts and the activity of the mind can have an impact, alter, or confuse the process.  For those purposes it is important to have proper control of the mind through intentions and focusing on your task at hand. For development it aids in the development process for your mind to be free of distraction and that you are in an emotionally calm state.  There is energy being delivered to you and manipulated within you but it is not highly dependent on distractions of the mind so long as these thoughts and distractions are not charged to an extreme, or to a high end, with energy of any sort for you.  The goal of any process, the development or implementation of it, should be based on proper meditation techniques. While these techniques will emphasize the actions of the mind it is important to know that the thoughts are not as large of a factor as is the energy activity, the measurable waves, as you are concerned about.  It is the overall intention of the body that is important.  There is a need to be in a relaxed state free from worry; it is not the intention to relay to you that you should forget all of your problems, simply understand that when it is time for your development or your use of any skills it is imperative that you be relaxed and free from distraction.  If you are in a heightened emotional state it is possible for you to sit calmly and relax yourself prior to your development or practicing of ability but it is also worth serious consideration that any energy development or practice be avoided until such time that the mind and body are in a calm and balanced state.  The goal is to have a clear mind, work on this.  There are messages that can be relayed to you at all times.  It is also possible to meditate only for mediating to learn to clear your mind; this will give a greater sense of who is giving the message to you, your mind, versus the message or image from your higher guiding entities.  Knowing the ability and status of your mind and being aware of them is important for any energy talents.  Clearing the mind of chatter is important but it is not altering the outcome of the process.  As you harness your ability to clear your mind, you specifically will be able to engage in deeper stages of trance.  You may entertain your mind while this event is taking place, but to experience it, to engage and enter into it, it is important to have a clear mind and clear intention.  We can do much for this but your assistance in mind and thought are needed.  It is the ability of those around you to have an impact on your environment that should also be considered before and after development or other communication or energy work.  Not only is the state of your mind and body important but also those who are developing with you or, more importantly, those you wish to take on as the role of questioner so that you may contact your guide for answers and guidance for that specific person.  No matter the type of question, it should not be asked in your presence if they are presently still traumatized by the heinous act.  The question may pose a dire situation to you but so long as you and the questioner are in a balanced, calm, and relaxed state, there is much information that can be brought forward on their behalf through you.  It is important to wait until such a time they are physically and mentally not altered to an extreme before questioning takes place in your immediate presence.  Those asked via distance do not have an effect on you, the channel, but the questioner should still reserve any inquiry until they are in a state of mental, physical, and emotional well-being.  Sickness or imbalance is not a factor for the questioner, the one seeking advice or guidance, or a new perspective; it is the physical manifestation of emotions that we are referring to at this time.  Many can become so overcome with trauma in the mind or of emotions that it becomes physically evident of their status.  Keep in mind, no matter the situation, we will not pull back from you as your guides, there may be subtle hints or methods given so that you may redirect until a future time, but no matter the status, there is always a connection, we can see the gravity of the situation for some, it is merely a much improved connection or development process when all levels of the body are engaged in a positive state.  Quietly keep in mind and ask that you receive the highest information available.  Keep this in mind. It is important so that anyone who is present with you will not simply relay information as it is known to them, most will take the time and effort to inquire to higher sources of information, simply keep this in mind.  This will not affect you greatly, only be aware of this.  No complex thoughts.



(Q) Government control or altering of the weather; what impact does it have?


Why must we ask for healing from spirit rather than it being sent?Migraines (A) There is no detriment to you personally, however, there is a harsh impact to the environment when it becomes super-heated or the deposition of foreign substances are inhaled by people, or are deposited into the environment.  There is no clear need for this to happen.  There is not a drawback to experiencing the process of the environment as it is designed to take place.  There is no merit in altering weather for no natural process involving the weather ever truly changes forms.  There is the constant flow of energy and changing it or adapting it forcefully to your desires can have catastrophic affects on the environment surrounding it.  There is a need to study further the reasons for this and if it is to continue, the energy and chemicals used to provide this.  So long as there is not an impact that negatively alters the balance of other areas, this is possible to be acceptable. Creating suitable environments for food growth in starving areas can be acceptable, but remember, you are not dependent on these variables as you have established them.  Should some level of government imbalance itself and stop these flights or methods, or society crumble, the environment will not sustain itself in this method.  It is important to know that on a much grander scale; there is much that can alter patterns globally by continued use of rain generating material.  Weather cannot simply be directed upon an isolated area.  It is important to know that no matter how direct you attempt to control it, these actions still spill into many other areas.  Other areas may not need this outcome, no matter how fruitful it may appear to be.  There is much that the natural process of nature and the weather do to balance and regulate itself.  It is not necessary for you, man, to alter the deserts to create farmland.  The methods of farming should also be addressed, but creating that farmland in the Sahara desert, this is not always a positive outcome. There are other methods and means.  Also remember that what your desired quality of living may be, it may not be true for those who live in that region. There is no need to alter environments to the standards of those in other countries.  It is helpful to give the tools and resources for fresh water and other basic necessities, but it is not necessary to mechanically change the process by which food is grown on a global scale.  Natural methods of all production of food and creating a suitable environment are best left untouched.  It is important to maintain balance.  There is no need for these alterations to take place.  They are not benefiting your world on a global scale.  Much of these actions are taken for global market and commercial reasons.  Others are based on commercial reasons through military efforts, the ability to control resources and provide or negate security, etcetera.  The trails in the sky are not falling in your area to infiltrate you negatively.  In other areas they are because this process is not thoroughly monitored and maintained in all regions as it is in others.  Some of these alterations are for what appears to be for the greatest good of all.  Occasionally bringing rain, but there are others where the greatest good is not in mind, and these only serve as demonstrations of the power and ability of these programs.  There have been catastrophic weather events that were the direct result of testing such power or alterations, which has taken place that was not intended by their using the machine or chemicals.  It is important to know that no major shift in the earth and its surface or substructures will be changed or halted by the spraying of any chemical.  No matter what damage has been done it will be righted.  Nature will fix all once it is left alone without man’s interference or once the vibration is raised to such a level that immediate action is necessary.  Patience, this will all meet the minds of many and more will observe these truths rather than seeing them as actions and stories of the fringe minority who they view should not be trusted.  These stories, the true accuracies, will be known by many.



(Q) What is the motivation behind mass shootings and bombings?


(A) When taken over the course of a lifetime, many will encounter these incidents.  The causes are not bad parenting; they are not the neglect of society.  These situations are built to occur in the manner in which they do so that all can experience the methods and practices of the recuperating process.  In the death of many individuals it is necessary to know that not many have gone by free-will which brought them to this point, many go by predetermined time, method, and place.  This offers an education experience for those who are directly involved in the chaos and the ensuing frenzy of recovery.  There is much done to circumvent these processes, many actions taken to prevent such measures, but they shall always occur, by individual or seemingly natural causes, loss of life shall occur.  The detriment to the self by ignoring them is not always obvious, but there is much here that should be reviewed, the detriment to the being who has experienced war, the person who has neglected themselves and is now suffering what your medicine deems a behavioral episode.  Many who are involved in these actions or witnessing them, or those who observe and learn of them, simply cast judgment on those involved, many times the incident is not for anyone other than those directly impacted, your media will share it, it is no less a lesson for those involved than for those who observe it in the media.  Do not cast doubt, many wish for a quick resolution, an eye for an eye, and some method of prevention instilled so that their safety can be ensured.  There is no escaping the fate that men instill in themselves before entering into this human contract.  This is not to cast fear, no moment should make you fearful, but no emotion should be ignored.  If you are fearful you should observe the reasoning, the cause, the direct relation between actions and your emotions.  Validate them and determine if they are true and accurate, that they are exactly yours, not simply the cause of hysteria spreading through a population, being accepted by those who are receptive and not truly discerning for themselves what is real and true for their highest true form, and what is willingly accepted simply because others are experiencing it.  It is necessary to know the safety of all beings is not as assured as all think.  There can be many mechanisms in place, and not necessarily through human error, though it often presents as such, there is an occurrence that must be observed and experienced.  There are businesses made out of protection and walls, and security, but no wall or fence will truly provide you security.  Being secure with one’s self is the only true security, living without fear, nothing should be feared, and nothing should be feared when it threatens to take from you.  There is nothing that can be truly taken from you that is truly of your being.  Nothing can be lost that is always for you, that is truly for your being.  That which can be taken is never truly owned and is merely a temporary possession or state of being.  These are true things.  Do not fear, care for one another.  Search for the cause of these episodes in society, not in a single parent flaw or nurturing absence, while this may pinpoint for comfort the cause of the episode, it is not something to dismiss, they should be addressed in terms of those who wish to change or should not be blindly entered into and that is a great deal of what occurs now.  Wars are simply followed for reasons that the warriors do not understand.  What the war’s purpose is truly accomplishing is not for the individual who is the warrior.  When they realize this many are conflicted, many are conflicted without some other knowing because of the loss of life. While many of these are lessons and experiences required, many are coming to this knowledge faster than anticipated and not requiring a full experience. Yes, even in the school of life there are those who pick up the lesson faster and slower than others, it does not mean that you are gifted in life, some learn to tie their shoes readily, some prefer Velcro and easy shoes, and others will learn when they are ready.  You cannot change the thinking of a man, they must change it on their own, you can present facts, but forcing will accomplish nothing.  Making information available and not seeing differing points of view as the enemy, on any level, will express the best chance for change.  It is not something to be feared.



(Q) What would happen if Police in Cities/Nations were abolished?


(A) There would, at first, be great chaos and disharmony.  There are many who see them as oppressive, but they see them in this way in varying reasons.  There would be volunteer organizations that would take place. There would be many who would rise to power in small groups because they offer protection to many, but it is important to say that it is only the illusion of protection that anyone or any system provides.  It is universal to want safety and comfort and protection from all things, natural and man

made; but there are many things that external protection will not provide. The protection and safety and comfort shall come from within.  From abolishing fears and doubts, small and great, within the mind, these shall afford you the greatest comfort and security.  There are fears present, many who go with the fears of others as their first instinct, not the natural instinct they are born with in physical form, nor the instinct of their true self.  There are many divisions of populations because of fear.  Those labeled as different from one’s self causes fear, because as you have heard, you fear what you do not understand.  It takes time to learn from our neighbors, to understand them, to experience them, to learn that because they appear different, because they sound different, because they practice different customs or live in different homes, they are living no different lives from your own.  The fear created by mass hysteria, group think, and those contributing to public uprising in the sense of the mind; use these ideas and inject them into life in order to exert further control over populations and use these thoughts and ideas as justifications for political actions such as wars, giving aid, not providing aid, trade agreements, creating hidden alliances and others.

The first step after no public or private law enforcement is for those experiencing it to realize that there is not a need for external justification for their actions.  To learn that there is no need for some outside enforcement, nor is there the need to roll ideas onto other populations, other people, other beings, and other forms in nature, by force.  Willful ignorance may describe the minds of many now, many are capable of living in harmony without a law enforcing agency, but it would take time, and there would need to be greater action and interjection by those who are for peace and for harmony or the world would descend into chaos in terms of rules and laws created by fear and hate and the method in which they were carried out.

Smaller areas, smaller groups of people could begin this process.  They could, and now are quite capable, of living without a widespread established law enforcement system.  In these areas there is much that is accepted as universal.  The laws regarding murder, theft, deception – these things are true and the people understand them.  Children are educated in them.  There is much in the community that depends on the individual and much depends on the group.  Each designation is able to care for itself in this manner both dependent and independent of the other.  There is not a need for a universal leader.  There can be those who provide structure for establishing lists of projects that need to be completed once groups decide on group action. There is no need for supreme leadership of man over man.  A structure, a simple framework can be devised, to establish a method for ideas and their acceptance.  It is not necessary that wide sweeping laws be established across entire lands.  Each state or providence or township can enact or follow or believe entirely different ideas.  The conflict in many areas is that more and more ideas are regional but they are governed by much wider laws; laws that are enforced over a wider area, when it is not needed but for a few areas that law, specifically, be enforced by anyone.  The justification of punishment is unnecessary and unfounded.  The need to make the situation whole after an act has taken place is impossible.  There are many who will not feel repentant after an act.  There are many who will allow ego to control their public or group image.  There are many who commit acts because of various circumstances or driving emotions that are later not in these states.  It is important to know that punishment, in any form, is not necessary.  In their own time, those who punish will see the invalidity of their actions and those who many believe should be punished will have their own mind’s justification for or against the actions in which they conducted themselves.  Punishment in one’s own mind is often more severe than that of others.  It is also possible that one can perceive no punishment for themselves because of circumstances or because they have lived a life outside of some group think or group rule.  None of these are incorrect.  It is important for others to have exposure to new ways, not by force, simply by knowing; allowing the information to flow to them as they seek it.  It is not important to force it or indoctrinate them to prevent tragic or violent acts from taking place; they will always take place to some degree.  There will be a time when they do not, when all beings have experienced this particular action, but there will be new actions and new methods.  Learning and teaching is an ever changing and evolving process.



(Q) Is it possible to raise children without rules?


(A) Yes this is possible.  It is through teaching that this can be done.  You cannot simply leave a child with no rules and no structure, but at the same time we do not mean that their time must be structured.  To have no rules placed on them by others means that they are given the opportunity to learn the reason and cause and the implications of their actions.  Not all children will learn this at the same time or by the same method.  For those that doubt, simply understand that you awoke this morning and did not murder someone.  Did you not murder someone because it is a law?  Did you not murder someone because of how it would impact the person and the other people in their life and possibly even you?  There are many things that can be learned and understood with teaching that are often given no further explanation other than, “it is wrong,” “it is bad,” “it is illegal.”  To educate more deeply on these lessons will help those coming up through life no matter their progress and evolution.  To simply take rules off of a child who has had so many applied to them will at first cause turmoil.  For those that feel this cannot be done, or who have tried and believe they have failed, you may have a difficult child, yes this is true.  Why are they difficult?  Are you teaching them or have you left them to their own devices?  A path is chosen prior to arriving here and many obstacles and challenges, but that does not mean that it cannot be altered and therefore should not be blamed immediately for action or inaction or the behavior of a child or parent or the parent/child relationship.  Known to all is a method of understanding.  With all things it requires patience.  You cannot begin reading the dictionary and encyclopedia at age one because you do not comprehend complex sentences and areas and reading.  You must start fundamentally and then build on to current knowledge.   Free will is often best expressed as art because so much of your free will feels hampered by rules, laws, and the impressions of others and you worry of your acceptance.  These are all rules and laws because most in the human form follow them all equally.  To form your own impression is much more useful and beneficial than using the form and thought that has been created by someone else.  Do not force your will onto others no matter if they are in your care or you in there’s.  It is important to understand, and the evidence is readily available on your plane, that imposing your will or your beliefs is not accepted in all cases of growing children.  They will change and follow their own path of their own accord. Some may take life times to accomplish; some may venture out and form their own opinions once they are out from the shelter in which they were originally raised.  All can be accomplished when learning is allowed to take place.  It is imperative to not pass judgment.  It is important to allow the fruit of their true nature to manifest.  True correction of behavior or the ability to follow their own highest path is only accepted when they are ready.  Give opportunities to learn and create learning, do not hinder it and do not resist permitting the child to know other beliefs or other experiences in life because you are fearful of the experience or because the belief or idea, or the science or any other thing, or any other aspect, is in conflict with your beliefs.  It is important for the child, and for anyone, to arrive at conclusions on their own.  They may ask for guidance, they may ask opinions, and while they factor that into their decision, it is still truly for them to make this decision on their own.  They will not be happy, no decision maker is happy and benefits, until they arrive at a conclusion on their own; though it does not mean that any decision is final and free from revision.



(Q) Can the military be transitioned into a peaceful organization?

The possibility of no law enforcement organizations requires action by those seeking and capable of peaceRaising children without rules