Constantine & Elophyny Extraterrestrial Communication (Vol.2) by Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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(A) There is a need for knowing on your plane, the cause of many things, but there are many who seek answers outside the root cause realm.  All things that manifest as physical are not physical in nature.  Only treating the physical does not cure the problem, does not improve it, and does not prevent it from recurring.  It is necessary to examine the whole self, the full being as it exists on many layers, levels, and even planes of existence.  There is a call for many to focus on these things, examine that which currently exist to major medicinal outlets.  There is more in sunshine, water, and air, than in all of the medicine bottles combined as produced by your pharmaceutical industries.  Alzheimer’s is a call to self, it is necessary to focus much attention on the self, many diseases are this way, while all do not call attention to the same area  in each person they occur within, it is important to state that all disease is not universal, some basic elements are universal, some attributes do manifest universally.  It is important to know also, specifically in diseases of the mind, that many are present on this plane with this presentation in order to call the attention of the groups or individuals they are coming in contact with as they live their life day to day. While all are learning lessons, this soul often has subjected themselves to this particular set of protocols for the specific operation that is at hand for those they will come into contact with.  This is not true for all diseases, but know, we are all connected, there are no lost moments, but many diseases of the mind are through the testing and trials of those they come into contact with, such as medical personnel, family, many others.  The mind does not disappear; it is possible for these individuals to express themselves in this true nature, their true identity, out off their physical plane.  You may reside in this plane without the physical, though you may not yet easily interact with it, they appear trapped when the mind becomes lost and unable to identify; it would appear as a system overload.  These beings should be taught the ability to express, communicate, and exist as their true self without the attachment to their physical self.  Many do this without knowing, through their dreams; they are naturally leaving their physical being and visiting various places, learning lessons, living in classrooms as you may call it.  There is often nothing that can be done because this is something that is chosen prior to entering into the particular lifetime. The individual is not at a loss.  Even years into the process they can communicate without, it is the process of learning beyond the physical self that it important.  Even in this physical existence it is necessary to learning of your true being and true self and learn to express and use it. Simply being in a physical existence does not require you to use only physical means and methods.  Learning your true identity, learning your ability, please know that simply forgetting things, a lack of memory, is not cause for concern in these areas.  It is not a punishment.  No disease is punishment.  This particular set of circumstances presents itself as a learning tool and aid; it is often not presented as a set of preventable circumstances. When used in this way it is a stepping stone to learning the true identity of all involved.  There are many who view the extrasensory abilities of communication as science fiction or only of divine intervention, these situations are not the case.  When you receive communication, even after years of ignoring it has taken place, you can return the sender’s call, as you might say.  If you can remember back to childhood when you may have done this regularly, and a being in their 40s may now receive the same information or communicate with seemingly unseen beings, you can return their call, return their message.  There is no punishment in this phase of learning.  Diseases of the mind often associate with self identity; this is the area to focus.  Often what is heard or discussed by the receiver as hallucinations are not hallucinations or incorrect by any means, but physical terms it may seem incorrect, but they are true experiences.  Often times these experiences, even under the medication that may induce them, are used as learning and classroom sessions where education on previous, present, and future is taking place.  Often times when a person is exiting such a medically induced state, it is not easy to return to physical thought and being and perception, this is why many types of odd comments and experiences are reported from your dentist’s office.  They are finally completely able to exist for moments without sense of physical self and returning to it is as if the infant has returned and requires self educating time in order to learn how to operate again in the physical body.  It is not necessary to understand all things but know that those things which you do not understand are all often related and not as different as your medicine would have you believe.  Each disease is not as different as the definition. Often diseases that impact a specific area, but by seemingly different means, these are all related, they are all the same, and are all caused or occurring for the same reason.  It is necessary to have a belief of your self and focus less on the physical, this is true for those who have never before accepted the thought of life beyond the self in physical existence and how it exists simultaneously with the nonphysical, for many it would be as if the current life and their manifestation of heaven are concurrently existing.  Probably the simplest of existence terms in relation to the self is the tremor or deficiency of the mind.  It is important to use certain areas, or like muscle they will atrophy.  Complications of the mind or what appear as disorders are by this manner, they are underused, they are not used correctly, or they are a call to these deficiencies.  It is not a matter of use it or lose it as you might say, it is a matter of you using it for the great destiny which you can achieve, no matter what life returns to this physical plane for lessons, all can achieve monumental accomplishments in line with their ultimate goals, and achieve more than planned, they can change their life course, if they wished to do so.  If they wished to grow beyond.


(Q) What can be done to treat this disease?


(A) Learning the true identity of the self.  Learning and using your ability and harnessing the ability that your physical and non-physical self provides you.  Many use this plane simply to exist, to experience physical sensations, but they are limiting themselves by routine.  Expect more of similar nature problems to exist for mankind.  Many are on a learning path themselves, they are aware on various levels, and even without conscious knowledge, achieve lessons and goals, and learning that is carried forward.  Many are stuck, literally, in a rut or whirlpool that will not let them escape.  Even when considered advanced by your physical measurements a person can learn new things.  There is a group thing acceptance of many ideas and the acceptance that they are true.  Age does not limit, indicate, prevent, achieve, allow, or deny any type of action.  There are many who are less than five years of age who have greater understanding than those in their 40s, even 80s, 90s, and so on.  There are many who are in rest and nursing homes that are left by the side of society's road simply because that's what they have believed will occur at such an age or at such a juncture in their life.  They are simply fulfilling what the mind has dwelt upon for so long.  Even now, even after much damage may have occurred to the physical container, even after much manifestation has occurred by the limits placed on the mind through various acceptance of ideas, there is still much they can do. Speaking to them about these things, speaking and communicating in non-physical terms and methods can achieve these things.  They are not lost simply because their physical is in what appears to be a downward spiral. Lost is nothing.  Time will be the investment and the return is the true lifetime lesson and achievement by all parties involved.



(Q) Are all forms of seizures caused in the same way?


(A) The form of seizure is often dependent on the nature of the being and what physical and energetic deficiency is at hand.  Many times a seizure disorder cannot be corrected in a lifetime because it is due to an agreement prior to entering a lifetime; many things are created in a life for the lifetime of the being, other situations and circumstances are temporary and by your terms can be corrected or altered.  Even long-term situations can be corrected or maintained if a person chooses to alter their plan or that is, the circumstances which were set in place that must be experienced; they have progressed beyond them to a new state of understanding.  There are many different types of seizures, but as with all things considered out of balance or incorrect in the physical, there is an attachment to or a clinging to some unhealthy idea or physical manifestation.  That is not to say that all things are done so in this manner but it is the seizure which is calling attention specifically to the person experiencing it, they are the cause of their problem, as with many who experience disease, they are responsible, but a seizure is a fault in the self by the self's own judgment and estimation.  They are aware of the fault and are choosing to ignore it.  It may be a chemical imbalance that shows in the physical which causes the problem, and it may be temporarily or even long-term corrected by physical means, but the fault still exists.  This is not to say that anyone should view a seizure as the fault of the receiver nor that they are in any better situation since they are not experiencing them.  Many choose to enter this life with a marker, or a signal, something that should happen, something that should occur if they are not achieving their correct purpose or specific set of goals in this particular lifetime.  This is not true for all, nothing occurs universally in every sense.  All things ever known to existence may experience a situation in exactly the same manner in exactly the same situation and there may be a being at the bottom of the ocean, unknown to the rest, who experiences it for an entirely new reason.  It should also be said that there have been many times in the course of the human for existence that many problems have presented for certain reasons in a specific generation only to appear for a new reason many generations later.  There is creative ingenuity used to provide an educational format and the ability for the self to grow but often time's history is genuinely repeating itself, often for the same reason, but quite possibly for different reasons that the new generation must overcome. Generation A may have problem X, if problem X is overcome there will be a new problem for the same generation or for the generation that appears later.  This is not a time to look at this as if it were a never ending test and there is no time to relax, know that this is simply a training ground, if you were looking for a vacation you would have never decided to enter into this place.  That is not to say that you should not take vacation in this plane, as in all things there is a need to balance outside demand with personal care, by what means you deem necessary.



(Q) What is the purpose of a seizure?


(A) A call to action.  As with most disease, it is necessary to make changes. Often it is demonstrated by the person experiencing a seizure that what appears as a disability is able to be coped with and dealt with in a manner that does not interrupt life.  This is not the case for all illnesses or all seizures.  A person does not leave the physical body during a seizure; there is an overload, this time quite literally, as all senses are firing beyond the normal coping potential of the body systems.  They are unable to control the seizure, though they may audibly hear you, it will pass, after some time, but it is dependent on the individual and the reasons for which it manifests.



(Q) What is the cause of heartburn or acid reflux?


(A) There is a direct need of the self, the true self, to be inline, or in tune with the physical self.  When this alignment needs attention, or when there is a direct physical pain that is not necessary for development, unfoldment, or education in this lifetime, is the specifically this heartburn or acid reflux in the body.  This is not specifically related to the heart or cardiac problems. As we have said before, areas of the body can be impacted many different ways and it is important that they are in pain or out of balance in any way, not specifically the method or manner in which the pain or imbalance is produced.  It is important to say that the cardiac problems and chest pain are not caused in the same manner or always for the same reason, but problems ignored, areas misaligned that are not addressed by this burning sensation, this acidic feeling, can lead to legitimate chest pain and cardiac problems. You feel this pain in your heart, there are many connection points between the physical and non-physical body, this area is one of them, the gut and the heart are directly responsible for many emotions and the manifestation of the non-physical into the physical once presented in the mind or received by the mind.  The direct problem occurs when you are ignoring your physical or non-physical body regularly, this can be simply by poor diet.  You will see it as poor diet, but poor diet is the foods that cause it, may not be the same for everyone, the importance of the diet is not so much what you are eating but the care you take with your body.  The food and the amount you ingest directly relates to your care for the body.  It is a temporary shell, but you should no more ignore its care and well-being no more than you would ignore the well-being and health of a human being in your care.  Often beings protect others, protect physical objects, and protect living and non-living objects, more than they protect their own beings.  You must protect yourself and balance yourself.  It is not necessary to carry yourself as a doormat for others in terms of physical or emotional pain and stress.  Many have a desire to help but not even Mother Teresa ignored her own needs and time for personal care and relaxation.  Many have the ability to withstand longer than others, this can also be increased willingly, by subjecting yourself to these negative emotions and situations for greater periods of time, or by insulating yourself because there is some greater lesson to be achieved or help that you are rendering, much as in the case of Mother Teresa.  She was not alone in her ability to do this, it is the reason and method in which you conduct yourself that makes the most difference. Simply carrying on as though it must be done simply to be done is no more important then saying thank you for someone holding a door open, simply because you both feel obligated to complete the task and niceties that have been introduced by society into these circumstances.



(Q) What can an individual do to prevent heartburn or acid reflux long-term?


(A) There is a voice, in the self, in the true self and it can be heard by the physical self.  When you feel that some attention is needed, or some action is not truly for yourself, for your highest good, it is important to stop this action, to cease this method, to find a new way, or to let go of your current routine or method.  Your desires are not always based on your own true desires and your highest pathway, while this course can be altered; many signs and symptoms will manifest themselves as you stray farther from a course that is beneficial, your highest course, or one that is more inline with the nature of being.  Listen to the self, this is you, this is who you are.  There is a vast knowledge and connectedness that is available to you that cannot be opened to you by books and this lifetime alone.  Disconnecting momentarily from the physical existence you can hear it and the messages it sends.  There are also guides, each being shall have one voice that is their own and one that is of another being.  No matter to what extent you ignore these things they will continue to repeat themselves.  Your true nature does not disappear because you ignore it, and the being which many of you may call a guardian angel, though no harp and wings are present; this being will not stop looking forward to assisting you, to helping you, to providing assistance, to watching over you and aiding you in this lifetime.  The extent to which you listen and are open to the messages is entirely of your own doing, but there is much benefit, not always less strife, but more achievement when it is done.


(Q) What can an individual do to stop heartburn or acid reflux in the moment it is occurring?


(A) Learn what foods cause this harm to occur.  As you notice these foods, you may associate it with a specific ingredient, this is not always the case, what is more important is the type of foods in which they are found.  Many of the foods in which they can be found are from the same family, the same type, they are not always fruits, vegetables, in those terms of food, but they are from the same family of foods in terms of how they impact the body, the impact they have on health, and the ability to cause positive or negative change in the body.  It is equally important to understand that these properties are unique to each individual and that the method in which your mind considers or views the food is more important than what the physical impact is on your body.  How do you feel when you eat it?  Why do you feel this way about the food?  Why do you view it this way?  What guilt is associated with this food?  What emotions are associated with it?  Why do you eat this food in the manner that you do?  Just as critical thinking and being aware and conscious in every moment is important, you must do the same in terms of the physical that you put into your body.



(Q) What is the nature and purpose of chakras?


(A) The chakra is an energy center.  It is the connectedness between your physical body and your true spirit, your true self, your physically immeasurable energy body.  The centers connect the two beings as they relate, they disperse energy among the two beings and control and regulate energy through the bodies, between the bodies, around the bodies, and that which comes into and exits the bodies.  It is important that these centers remain open for energy reception; physical maladies will manifest if any energy blockage takes place.  Energy blocks can occur through emotion and other actions of the mind.  This is simply because the mind and non-physical body and the actions and thoughts create physical impact or create physical matter.  They are the heart center of the body in terms relating to the dispersion and circulation and regulation of energy as it relates to the body.



(Q) How can we maintain the chakras in a healthy state while in the physical existence?

(A) The method for maintaining a healthy state in any part of the body, in any part of the existence is to be mindful of it, never neglect it, and do what is correct for right action and right health.  It is important to say that over active energy centers can present themselves and this is directly related to the actions of the mind as they relate to each specific energy center.  Each center operates and oversees the areas directly near it as well as regulates within the chakra system.  If there is pain or malady in an area the chakra can be used as the focal point for correction; while it will not directly heal or correct the problem, it will circulate the focused energy or the new idea, or the new program into the area of the body in question.  Focusing on the true self and keeping all areas of life in balance.  Never too much of 'A' without an equal balance of 'B' would be an over simplified method of explaining this.  If you are pouring out your cup of energy without refilling it, without taking time for yourself, you will create a deficit that will pose, first energetic problems, and secondly, physical manifestations as the physical evidence of the imbalance.  Review your actions, your thoughts, your emotions, and regulate and promote the possibility of new and different actions due to the imbalance, you can create this.


(Q) Is there physical evidence of the chakras now?

(A) There is no more physical evidence of the chakras than there is of the true existence that resides independently of the human body.  Much of this information is shared in your plane now but it resides outside the scope of your medical practitioners.  The evidence will stand for itself and they can be seen, they can be felt, they can be interacted upon by energy, intention, focusing of the mind.  They are as evident as is the true spirit form, though there is much work to be done before more of this is open and common knowledge.  Working in these areas does not require special degree, learning from those who are experienced may be helpful but you alone are able to help your body, heal your body, and learn from your body.  Your physical body will speak to you, it will give you the messages, and you need only to be aware of the signs and messages. This message is also true of the energetic body and that body of the true self.  There are warnings, there are indications, and there are a multitude of messages.  Indications are not simply expressed when there is some negative impact being had, equally important messages and indications are relayed to you, the true self, from your energy and physical body for positive and good actions in reference to health, spirit, emotion, action, and so on.  Many times now a pill or medication is taken to override or to quiet these messages.  It is not important to treat these signs in such a manner.  Listening to these messages before they become excruciating is helpful.  Even when the message becomes unbearable your listening and changing direction or redirecting energy can be immediately evident.


(Q) Will there be more widely accepted physical evidence of the chakras that modern physical medicine will acknowledge?

(A) They are physically evident now.  Those who are capable of feeling the flow of the natural energy of life with their physical body, with their spirit body, can sense these areas over and within the physical body and where they connect to the true self.  Presently it is as though a person without the necessary tools is attempting to measure an amount of air though it cannot be seen by the human eye.  You can demonstrate it exists and the action it takes and the movement and other impressions placed upon it, but you are not easily able to extract from evidence that air exists.  Many in the medical community are in this particular dilemma now.  There are no tools used to measure the non-physical self that are used that are widely accepted. Change will need to come from the humans on this plane in the focus of energy on this area before more research is conducted.  It is important to be aware of these areas and use them and focus on them no matter the widespread research.  The modern principles currently used in medicine are not acknowledging these areas and do more to squash the message and defeat the body’s own mechanisms than to work in alignment with it.


(Q) What can be done to replace or better manage lawns, so as to be less time consuming to maintain. The area put to better use and the area allowed to be more natural?

(A) This is an area of great concern for many.  Though there are many without lawns, many who have nothing but dirt and filth and trash to clutter the areas where they live or work.  It is important, as with all nature, to learn the natural mutually beneficial relationship between all forms and that which they can control in nature.  It is not necessary to grind down the earth until it can no longer be plowed, so that it is no longer a nuisance.  The earth is here for you to protect it, for you to grow from it, for you to reap what you are able and give back all that you can so that it can do the same for others after your lifetime.  It is necessary to know that there is much useable land for various projects that are left to the time consuming but aesthetically pleasing to the human eye for lawns and grasses.  These are not the true form of this land, but it is not overly important.  For the work to be useful it should make an impact on the land in a way similar in how the land impacts itself.  To poison and murder is not the same as the care placed in careful and considered growing techniques and practices.  It is for you to understand that not everyone is in a position to do something different but they are in a position to be educated and come to this in their own time.  You are not able to completely understand their point of view but it is important to take the time to share with them the understanding and importance of reaching the understanding.  So many do not concern themselves with actions and thoughts beyond the tip of their nose.  This is not negativity, this is not some type of scoundrel behavior, they are not aware.  They can come to the realization of the earth around them, the relationships in which they engage, and an entire existence beyond what they currently see, but again, many may not for several lifetimes.  In terms of lawn care, and maintenance, and maintaining the status quo, it should be known that you can completely change the status quo.  Once the new order of nature has taken place, though it is truly the same nature that would have been seen had man not ripped from the soil that which was in the way, the Jones’ will follow.  You should consider for yourself the importance in which any being changes their behavior.  Is it important simply that they become more aware of their impact while in a human form or is it simply better to have them embrace a new fad or trend as a simple as any other form of group think.  This is where many projects within humanity hinge.  The ability to make it easy to accomplish for those who will not otherwise follow a new thinking or express their own ideas regarding it, and the ability to educate and allow the change to happen of their own free will, willingly, willingly they change.  Not all is possible, but the subtle impact of a few will swell to outrageous numbers once any idea is begun, all that is needed is time.  Your lawn consumes your time, the method in which it is cared for, in which any grass space is cared for could simply be left to natures devices.  It is possible to live within an area, your living space cut from it and surrounding area for living, and the rest left for natural habitat or food production.  Many things conducted for aesthetics are purely wasted time for some; others enjoy the total production of achieving something they believe to be worthwhile.  There is not some deep and connected answer for why each being conducts themselves in the manner in which they do, it is their reasoning, their own methods.  They should not be judged.  There are other ways to view their behavior, methods in which you can lesson their impact, but do not judge those who do not change or grow in any area of life.  Grass is always greener in oblivion, learning how to share that with those in your presence is important, it emphasizes the release of control, though it may present as shear laziness in other cases.  Importance is in the nature of life itself and your interaction with it.


(Q) Is it possible to develop any and all forms of mediumship and spirit communication without sitting within a group of others?

(A) A group of others, a group of like-minded individuals, they will support the mission of the individual but still work within the confines and the limitations of the group so that all can be pleased to some moderate