Anatomy Of Amazing Lyrics! Autobiography by Adam Stark - HTML preview

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here it's just it looks like shit it

looks like something that you would get

your nuts slit open cuz you’d fal off

and you would just get disposed of wel

a lot of you are castrated or should I said

neutered anyway the way that you talked

the way that you don't display anything

you want to say the way you just hide

inside of here and you don't let it out

even if someone was yel ing through your

voice in your mouth

it stil wouldn't get out even if they

tried as hard as they could even if they

pul ed your ears and try to dig inside

of it dig they’d, oh my god what do you know

most of you guys are vacant in there

without a vacancy sign because that's

the craziest scare realize that you're

brainless you're brain dead you don't

have any brain left and if he did it

would be something that you could sel

and make some money on the black market

because then maybe they would find a way. .

place to put it and it would be amazing

good to be. . it’d have a use and have a home

somewhere because with, with most people

not al but most people they don't even

use it anywhere that just use it in a

flare that just snap use it for a moment

then it gets away that it disappears it

wasn't there and never used anything

useful from it it was a blank space of

vacant information that didn't get used

and it never had any basis you know it

was just dis informative disinformation

that was coming out of it and that's

just the point of inflation I’m not talking

about money or economy that's okay

because Adam Stark is somebody that you

want to be when it comes to these rhymes

because I'm doing em’ properly and even

if I'm doing em’ in a complicated style you

stil couldn’t do the things I do even if you

were off of coffee off of tea and you

had al my other things that you could

get as much caffeine as I am on at right

now at this very moment and that's a

scary proponent that's a scary opponent

that you go against in this place that

you're gonna find it yourself in a

different way of atonement yeah I’l

Find out any words to rhyme with cuz I'm

sick like I fuckin’ slide in like I

fuckin’. . I could do anything with this

rap I could teach you a science lesson

that's okay because that's one of the

things that I am just. . I am just bread

with I'm enough bread to start a bakery

if I wanted to but I don't want to do

that I'm just sayin’ I could teach you

what anything I could teach you a

mathematics lesson or a science lesson I

could tel you that I am infested with

crazy rhymes inside of this thing that I

have been testin’ for years see how

smart it is cuz Adam Stark is THIS:

number one you thought I was gonna say

something else but that's okay cuz

you're fucking dumb if you thought it

was something else and you're not dumb

on purpose you're dumb by accident see

I didn't insult you like you

Thought i it would that would have been

very bad if it was going at that

direction but I wasn't because that was

just you thinkin’ that I was gonna do

something like that but that wasn't a

test that you were gonna pass it was

just a hypothetical thing that I said I

would do at last, in here and then I did

That out loud to you cuz I'm very proud of

you for not getting mad at me unless

you're a hater then I hope you get mad

as you can possibly get because that's

okay because you're not gonna be stoppin’ me

yet you're not even a possible threat

I'l just stomp you to death without

even looking at you I'd step on you by

accident like a piece of shit that fel

Off of the fucking deck! yeah I can rhyme

anything that I feel like and I feel

like I'm one of the best rappers in real

life not just hypothetical form because

I'm one of, I am the most perfect

hypothetical forum to get my words out

because I do it, the fans, for em’ I do it

like that for the fans that's what I do

for because Adam Stark is just one of

the craziest guys and yet you've only

seen me in my newborn form you haven't

even seen me in my grown-up style yet

that's okay I'l do that in you know 37

years or something, I can wait a while yes why not

whatever this is one of those things just

one of things I can't fathom I just I

hate you fuckin’ haters and it's one of

those things I just want to scare you

al like a phantom and I'l give you a

science lesson it's like I'l tel you

you can suck on this mass unit of atoms (/Adam’s)

you know because it's that atoms are

everywhere and now I'm saying suck on

this unit of Adam’s the one down there

the biggest muscle I have bigger than my

brain too and you can understand that if

you don't want to know what it is then

you can understand that you're not going

to be able to. . contemplate the

pain to the circumference value of it or

the girth or the rest of it because I

can say anything I want to because the

freedom of speech is one awesome

testament that I'm gonna use and I'm

going to make an assessment with every

single time I rap and freestyle because

I am intertwining my brains and my

resume’ with everything else that I get

to say and every word and Venom that I

get to spray it's gonna be al , al over

the news yesterday you know because

they're late to the party al the way up

to today, today is Christmas 2017 and I guess

there's gonna be a lot of gifts

exchanged and I guess that means it took

almost a year to get to the gifts now

which means this is now ‘present day’

get it, present day? it's date today is

present day and it's also opening gifts

Christmas present day I just said that and

you can add that to my resume’ and that's

just one of the crazy things that i come

up with even Christmas bars come out of

this shit because Adam Stark is

optimistic even if I'm opt to get

this fuckin’ thick fist punching into

these bitches that get in my way that

aren't gonna give me any plays or spins

on the radio because they don't want any

dividends to get made because they'd

rather put out horseshit and stupid ass

horrible fuckin’ rhymes and it's real y

unfortunate like a porpoise that got on

out of the land and now it can't breathe

any time and it's gonna fuckin’ lose its

breath and it's gonna die it's gonna get

loose and flesh is gonna just

expire that's a sick way of looking at

it but that's most rapper’s careers I'm

just saying it like it is and I'm just

Saying it in a weird way that you wouldn't

say if you were him, him pointing to me

because I'm lookin’ at myself in the

third person and you not likin’ my

rhymes that makes you the worst person

because you can't understand the

creativity coming out of me when I'm

using these words perfect you know

whatever that's not my problem that's

yours it's one of the crazy things it's

like I can say anything and just make it

appear make. . I could say you know what

are we gonna do we're gonna look for

reindeer and your, your wife is asking

you what's the weather outside and you

see Santa coming on the sleigh say: “hey look it's reindeer(/rain dear) see cuz. . you two in one you could say it's reindeer

and it's rain space deer see I can do

two meanings with anything even Christmas

bars that's okay because you get this

hard you won't be able to do this

because you know it's: I take Christmas

to heart because I celebrated personal y

it's okay if you don't it's just

it's worth it to me!”

“Pavil ion like a new place to live in like you just got taken to for a ride and you didn't put your

seat belt in and then al the sudden you fel out

of it and then you have to see what's

where you're gonna end up in you might

end up in a pit you might end up in the

top of the ride and then you fal off of

it and then you might end up landing on

your head and then your skul might plop

a bit and then you might throw up and on

the way down you might land in your barf

and it gets in your esophagus!

yeah that's imagery for you you wouldn’t have

thought of it yourself even if you tried

to think of it, not that you would’ve, you

wouldn’t have thought of it as fast you

wouldn't have done it and a freestyle

you would’ve thought of it writing

something down but that's okay because

Adam Stark is creative in both ways and

I've shown you because I've taken you to

the town and I've done it many different

times in many different ways in many

different places and in many

different spaces and if I was doing

filters I could show you in many

different faces and I can also do it

slowly or fastly and in many different

phases I'm just crazy the rest I never

seem to faze you or surprise you because

Adam Stark is just one of the craziest

guys who comes up with rhymes through

many different ways but I can always tie

it together like, like I was trying to

surprise you with a gift haha see, I'm

going back to Christmas again with those

kinds of rhymes that are just different

again and I'm showing you that I could

do every single thing you know within a

trend of two to three seconds I can do

about ten punchlines within that, that's

very impressive any hopeful y you get

that I mean I can do anything you want

to I can just expand like I'm

tryin’ to make a new town and I'm just

creating it now like, like I'm

thinkin’ okay I could fuckin’ be a

realtor that wants to make some more

money and that's what I’m gonna do it's gonna

be like almost as big as another country

it's like I'm a fuckin’ wealthy

‘want to go beyond even more wealthy’

realtor it's like I want to add vil ages

and then I also am al ergic to

name-brand pain companies so I think

Advil itches like I can do that like I could

just say I'm gonna expand to New Towns

and I'm gonna tel you I'm al ergic to

name-brand pain meds I'm saying add vil ages (/advil itches) see I just did double meaning again when

I'm freestylin’ because Adam is the

shit when he comes up with that and that

represents the most amazing type of

creativity and freestyles that you have

ever witnessed!”

The Angry Punchline King Freestyle 12/15/17

"and then it wil fucking Explode in a second flat and then he wil be dead from that and if you

weren't dead from that, what I wil do is

I wil take your fucking eyebal s and

I'l take a fork in it then I'l spin it

in a different direction and then

hopeful y by then you'l be forfeitin’ and

if you're not then what i’l do is I wil rip

it out and then I would take a different

route then I'l make you deep throat that

fork with your eyebal s stil stuck to

it, and then there I’l fucking put it

down your throat so far down your

esophagus til there's so much fluid

that it's blocking your fuckin windpipe

you can no longer breathe from it then you

Know what you wil do is you’l actual y for

the first time in this entire rhyme you

wil actual y see somethin’! not just cuz

it's dark in here because it's dark and

you won't be able to persevere you wil

see the fear you wil actual y realize

that your eye stil works even though

that it's detached from your eyebal or

from your head from it and it's gonna be

one of the things that's got you. . it's

gonna. . you're gonna become dead from it

but not from the actual physical attack

that I did to you it's gonna be the

reason of your gonna die, is

because they're so fucking pitiful you

died from the fear that I was givin’ you!

and that's something that you couldn't

do even if you had a long-ass time with

notecards cue cards and you prepared an

interview you couldn't come up with as much

fucking shit that I just said with ‘this’

in the view look at the window that

you're lookin’ into from my view and

from my eyes too and you couldn't come

up with a rhyme to stop the sky from

coming up with crazy ass rhymes too and

let's say that didn't kil you let's say

the fork and the eye bal s and choking

you from asphyxiation didn't kil you

then I got another way I could get

around this and I would stil kil you

in a second with no hesitation and this

is just gonna be a quick explanation

then what I would do is I would fucking

take your arm and I would break it as

fast as possible then I would fuckin’

find a new way to change the obstacle

then what I would do is I'd break each

finger off one by one knuckle by knuckle

then I. . what I do is I would fuckin’

take off your belt buckle I would

fucking wrap that around ur arm

and I would tie it as hard as it could

until it acted as a tourniquet then I’d

makk the blood run from your arm it

would fuckin’ do so much fuckin’ harm

it would run off of it then it would

start drippin’ and droppin’ it would

start flippin’ and floppin’ it would

start gettin’ onto the carpet then I

would rub your face on it and then I’d put

the blood that came out of your fuckin’

arm onto your nose and then I'd put it

into it then your nostrils wil give it

up then you would no longer be able to

breathe like your fuckin’ nose was a

plugged hose with the fuckin’ foot

stepped on it and it had a kink in it

like a hose that couldn't get some water in it

was just like a sink that wouldn't get

the water out because there was

something wrong because there are too

many kinks in it and that's what's gonna

happen to your arm

after I step on and I do so much things

to it you would think that I was in the

punchline factory of this motherfucking

place in this division of MCing that

I'd be the king of it but I'm

trying to say is I'l take that arm out

and then what I'l do is I'l tie it

behind my back and so I can be as

handicapped as you, as you think of this

because you wish you could rhyme as fast

and awesomely as I can but you wouldn't

even think of it because if you did, you

would be sinkin’ bitch you would be sinkin

quick you'd be sinkin’ like in quicksand

you stand into the different

increments of things to think of when,

you try to get yourself out of that

situation when you get scared and you

think ‘okay how many excuses can I come

up with to save my life or to save my

ass from getting in trouble?’ then I hate

to burst your bubble but I'm one of the

people that come up with so many fuckin’

crazy rhymes I could hurt your huddle

even if you were a footbal player and you had

so much armor I'd stil find a way to

beat the shit out of you even if you had

guards first in front of you and you

thought that you wouldn't see any harm,

but it's gonna happen you're gonna

get harmed worse I'l fuckin’ take the

footbal to your fucking hands now make

it. . I'l make it rip up quick as fast as

a fuckin’ cat saying suffering succotash

in that fuckin’ cartoon cuz that how mad

he gets when he can't do the things that

he's trying to get when that little

birdie trapped in it but it doesn't yet

work as it's. . not have enough evidence to

keep them for entrapment and that's not

gonna work what's going to happen I'm

gonna take that fuckin’ footbal and take

the laces out of it then I'm gonna

fuckin’ drop this shit then I'm gonna

fuckin’ drop that bitch that was

guarding in front of you I'l fuckin’

give him a drop kick quick and then I'l

quickly stand up I’m throwin’ my arms

behind me push it up and then I'l just

fuckin’ you know flail my arms up

slightly I'l catch the next guy about

to tackle me I'l take his arm and take

his other arm

put him in an armbar and then I'l just

snatch the thing, what is that cal ed? the

fuckin’ helmet right off of his head and

then that just sinks into the point that

he's no longer got protection for it

then he gets as red as his

fuckin’ bloody ass head because it's

about to make of dead i could’ve just

fuckin’ snapped his neck and then I'l

throw him on the ground and i’l just

piss on him to be disrespectful and then

I do that just so you know he thought it

was a fuckin’ scary story but real y I

just took a piss on him to show him that

he's mine now he's my bitch I marked my

territory! and that's what happens when you

fuck with Adam Stark cuz Adam Stark is

one of the darkest motherfuckers in this ryhmin’ shit

and this Rhymin’ biz and you know that you

don't want to fuck with me any kind of

kids that think they can do crazy ass

rhymes like this just remember I'm the

punchline king of this fuckin’ shit so

you can suck a dick if you hate me if

you don't then I love you and you're one

of the craziest awesome people that I've

ever met and I would love to just give

you so many presents and cheers and

wonderfulness so if you're a cool person

that don't hate me and that doesn't give

me a bunch of shit then you're awesome

you're cool you're great and you know I

hope you live a long healthy life and I

hope you love this rap that I just

fucking did wonderful love it it's

getting time for me to go back!"

Al Sorts Of Stress Freestyle 12/16/17

"Rhymes that I spin in different directions and

they wil just give you infections and

they wil stop you in an interjections

and then what you could do is you could

fuckin’ suck on my biggest organ if you

hate it then I'l give. . I'l fuckin’ give

you death and I'l get you to sip some

vinegar for it if you don't want to

swal ow and then you’l suffer from rigor

mortis now then it'l be nothing less

than fucking sinister torment and I'l

fuck you up you'l be fuckin’ done

you'l have nothing but a bunch of

fuckin’ fist and and handcuffs for lunch

you'l do al of that and that'l

fuckin’ suck and then I'l be. . you'l be

as heavy as a fucking’ ‘trunk’ on an obese

elephant or as heavy as a fuckin’ ‘trunk’

on a fuckin’ on a car that was given

from the impound lot of a drug dealer

and a Sudan with nothin’ but drugs

in the trunk from the settlements

As heavy as that trunk would be or as

fuckin’ heavy as the fuckin’ trunk

coming from a fuckin’ 500 metric tonne

oak tree a fuckin’ trunk like that those

al those kinds of trunks that's

gonna be as heavy as that it's gonna be

heavy as the fuckin’ massive headache

that I've had trying to deal with the

stress that I cannot get ahead of it and

you cannot just make this out as if it

was an easy settlement and just wish it

was that easy but that's not something

the meddle with because it's a mental

state problem that you can't get ahead

of when you realize I'm running late I

better get the fuck out of this Freestyle!"

Let It Al Out Freestyle 12/18/17

"anything I fucking feel like but that's okay I'l just, I'l do what I Wanna do, you can't stop me, am I stoppin’

You? no I'm sayin’ words but that's

because it's fun and it's just an

obstacle and you know you can fuckin’

suck it like a popsicle HA! you thought I

was gonna say something

inappropriate but technical y I didn't I

said you could have a dessert! is that

something bad? no I don't think it is and

if it was then that's your problem and

then you were just thinking shit you had

a dirty perverted fuckin’ mind in the

gutter mainframe of thinking of things

and that's your problem not mine so

don't think it was this kid that was

jus sayin’ the craziest shit when it

was your brain the tricked you into thinkin’

something was bad coming from my

mouth before I even said it! that's your

problem and that would be pathetic if

that was the case and I'm saying that

sarcastical y so don't actual y get mad

at me when I say that that was just me

dramatical y putting on my point because

I'm not trying to take this past the

beef of imagining what I'm saying things

that I'm actual y saying in partial y

not saying as wel as you probably

thought I did but that's okay because

Adam Stark once again, most of my

things I say in my brain are anonymous

and they are ‘not nonfiction’ which means

they are fiction haha! I almost thought of

that the wrong way but that's okay

because what I'm saying is nonfiction

it's the real thing, wel I'm saying no

this is the unreal thing this is the

surreal thing this is al hypothetical

okay that's al I'm tryin’ to say

because I rhyme amazing and I could get

you with a very crazy type of

anaesthetics bro and it wil fuckin’

take you out and you'l be fuckin’

snoring soon and then you'l be bored

and snooze and then you'l be happier

than you were when you were awake

because then you don't have to look

around the war within view and al that

stuff I can come up with some crazy

fuckin’ rhymes you know it's just that's

what it is I'm fuckin’ reinventing the

wheel and you shouldn't fuckin’ freak

out when I fuck this smal business

thing up because it just. . ‘it wasn't a big

deal’ get it? you fuckin’ freak out that

‘wasn't a big deal’ and it was a smal

business investment or something not a

big deal I fuckin’ said that it's okay

because that was just a testament to the

fact that I can come up with crazy

amazing magnificent fuckin’ raps and

things that wil come up with a metaphor

that was almost completely set intact

and that's okay because everything Adam

Stark that he says in fact almost

certainly does become a fact and there I

Go being hypothetical again because

Adam Stark is one rhyming incredible fuckin’

frenzy of a person that you wouldn't

believe could ever come out with the

things he says but he is perfect in the

sense of making a form of art that's al I’m sayin’!"

For No Reason Whatsoever Freestyle 8/12/18

"Set yourself a couple of goals and wil you achieve them I

don't know but what happens is al the sudden your Gonna start bleeding within your cheeks

because you just want to give so many

speeches and people don't want to listen

but you're stil talkin’ til your speechless

and by that point you just

might as wel just be giving up but then

your life isn't livin’ up it's not worth

it either way either direction that

you go to and then what happens is you

are not going to be able to grow two

nuts that are going to give you the

strength for you to you know blow

through the punches that are going to be

thrown at you because what happens then

is you're not going to be able to

survive anything that is coming around

you and you'l be stared at like a

golden statue but not in a good way but

in a bad way where the stares are the

anxious ones, when it's people that. .

these aren't the kind of people that

you'l get thank-yous from, these are the

kind of faces that are going to be the

ones that are going to scare you as if

there was a different timeline in our

lifetime and it was racists ONLY and you

were the ONE race that wasn't the rest

of them and you stuck out like a green

thumb and it was part of a fuckin’

Testament that I'm makin’ up at this

moment and that would scare any opponent

to the point that you wouldn't want to

walk away without some components of

weaponry because then you would just be

getting yourself inside of some fucking

crazy asylum with a you know silent gun

behind you from every dark corner that

you would be hiding from and it would

just be pointing at you from the barrel

to the ‘click-clack’ and it's gonna ‘boom’

and then it'l be inside his thumb and

his numbskul it'l get go through here

to there it's a one bul et that has two

different targets hit!"

Laundry Room Freestyle 10/13/18

"Haven’t freestyled in awhile fuck it! do it for no reason just they're listening cuz I ain't doing this

shit for Commission you might get me in

the mood start dissin’ and I'l start

dishing out dishes at you like it was

your turn to clean up after the mess and

Then Adam Stark it's going to start grabbing

your neck and I'l snap it in half as

fast as I would be if I was cashing out

checks at a bank that knew me first and

I was the only person in the line

because you can't get this guy’s style

with the inquisitive Rhymes and I'm just

going to start you know making you start

listening guys harder than you ever have

before in the past because I'l start to

kick your ass and then I'l start to

take out a couple of liquor flasks and

I'l throw it at you and it's gonna

break into many pieces and the shards of

it are gonna get you scarred shit you're

not gonna be able to remember where your

apartment is!! that's how bad it's gonna damage you!"

Don’t Come At Me Freestyle 10/13/18

"freestyle cuz why fuck not? I mean you might as wel

Just swal ow a buckshot after I pul the

Trigger ‘boom! pow!’ goes down your throat

and that's what I'm al owed to know

because this is secret information if

you don't know it, you got to be kil ed

for it and then you're gonna get your

blood spil ed for it and this is me

stil forwarding the message that most

of you motherfuckers suck and you lack

the essence and you can't stop me you

can't get past my presence even if you

were a ghostly figure or a spiritual one

you can’t stop the guy because I'm

lyrical y one of the people that

have got the strength and I can't be

able to stop these pains in my lower

crotch from these crotch stains that

have gotten here because I've took too

many pisses on these whiney bitches and I'm

not playing I'm fuckin’ adjusting it as

I fuckin’ speak about it and there's no

way to you know get around the subject

you would take a week about to get to

that point of time for me to finish what I

was tryin’ to get to sayin’, but that's

okay because this just. . this display is

just arranging around the way it's a big

distraction and I'l kick your asses

faster than you get whiplashes from

going on black ice with these little

compacted compacted cars that you drive

would have fuckin’. . you know loose air in

it and you're not gonna be able to get

around me because my fist has nothing

but loose air in it and it's gonna

fuckin’ finish you like you got yourself

destroyed and it's gonna be about

annoying as it would be if you gettin’

stuck in traffic and you're trying to

get over there as fast as you can but

you know everyone around you is just

fuckin’ laughing because they got the

Express lane and they paid to get that

expense membership and you don't get

that so you aren't about that shit you

just watching them go around as fast as

a fuckin’ ship flying in the air going

quickly around you and you try to get

there you want to you know turn your

whip around and then get in that Lane

it's like they were doing, but then when

you get around to it somebodys come there

in the blind spot took your spot in

front of you then they crashed you then

you got hit and you now you've got

nowhere to run too fool because you

thought you had this al figured out but

you didn’t! you should have taken a

different route and that means two

different things as in driving in is and

you know what if you should have done in

Life now anyways in another direction of

takin’ it because I make these double

meanings al the time I'm making it I'm

destroying them that I'm taking them

because destruction is a form of

creation they say and that's what I'm

doing is im proving it I'm making that

Fucking point to you and shit as I'm here making

a fucking Union shit I'l fucking get

charged with fucking battery when I beat

you up and if you think you can beat me

in a fight that's fucking flattering and

then I'm gonna teach you a lesson about

Anatomy as I take every fraction of you

and tear it off and from the back and

then you see a string of you left, that's

the only part of you, this much of skin

is left intact and that's it, and then

the rest of you is blown apart from the

back and it was fucking stripped off of

you and the rest of it was just a point

that we'd laughed at as we see wow that guy

thought he had a fucking chance but he

didn’t because he lost his fucking pants

and his ass and he didn't have any iota

of any clue that he was gonna get into a

fight that he was gonna lose tonight

because he was. . he wasn't very tight

about this fight he was loose tonight I

mean he was, you know punching like he

was fucking carving a pumpkin and it was

just you know, forceful at one point and

then as soon as you pul out it's

NOTHING! and then you got nothing left

because that's what happens when you

carve a pumpkin your guts get spil ed

And thats what happens because you ain't got

fuckin’ skil s you just get fuckin’

kil ed you get punched and the wil of my

strength gets you out on the floor and

then you're nothing but a fuckin’ gril

in the wintertime USELESS! you ain’t heatin’

nothing you ain't starting a

conversation you ain't givin us

substance because that's what gril s does

they heat they can start a conversation

AND give you substance! if you know

anything about gril ing unless your gril

on your fucking own by yourself and then,

in that case okay my bad I might as wel

just admit that that didn't work out in

the way the metaphor was intended to do

but I'm just gonna be fuckin’ ending

these dudes who come against me even if

I get fuckin’ 10% of my fuckin’ saliva

stool jus’ stuck here because it al gets

so fucking weird as I talk too much and

I start yel in’ al of a sudden it's

like I feel like i got fucking jel -o

and it's in here and it's stuck and then

it's harder to speak but that's okay cuz

Adam Stark is just you know I'm a

geek I'm a fuckin’ I'm a martyr I’m every

one of those things and you can cal me

anything you want because not one of

them stinks of something that didn't

sound like bul shit in the first place

unless it was a positive note that cha

said and that. . in that case we'l give

you a hand of applause round of applause

I said a hand of applause that's okay

because it came out wrong because I. . my

mind is damaged at al of the things

I've been sayin’ because I even battle

myself if I fuckin’ look at myself in

the mirror I can diss myself better than

you could in your entire career an

entire a year of taking time to write some lyrics

here and then use them and then you

refuse em’ because what happens is when

you choose them and they try to you know,

unleash em’ on me then what's gonna

Happen is they're going to be re-leashed

instead of unleashed they’re re-leashed that's

right they were attached once and then

they no longer got it together and then

al of a sudden you're just holding on

a thread of a string trying to keep it

from bendin’ then it gets out of the

fuckin’ place that was trying to get like

a runaway dog and then you can't run

away from this guy because this is as

bad as running in the fog against a

fuckin’ person wearing the darkest type

of clothing like I am right now and you

happen to notice that if this would have

worked even better if my fucking face

was in the negative light of that

kind of effect and then it would be the

best of the best of the right passage

for me to choose to go to because then

I've walked away from you and it's not

even going to show you the fuckin’

chance that you would have to try and

play hide and seek bitch

then al sudden when your finding me

it's not the kind of guy you seeked, it's

the opposite of that it's the guy you

wanted to run away from, and then you

find me and then I'm just becoming a

fucking runaway bum like somebody

running away because they don't have a

home and they're homeless and then what

happens if you go up to them and you'd

want to tel them that this isn't the

path you should take and you should have

known this and you shouldn't have you

know, postpone this you should have

gotten your life together and got it

better for you but some people don't

have that choice, that decision to make

it they didn't have that chance when

they were younger they didn't get a

chance to even do that it was just it was

past them and then the functions of the

life has chosen them to be you know not

unable to do anything that they want to

do except for fucking a few things like

you know pee and to choose to do this and

to choose to do that and move around and

They ain’t gonna get into a place thats

gonna be warm it's not gonna be

somewhere that you would like to that

you could perform some place that you

could form a positive opinion about

that's where people live a lot of

people don't have any places to live and

you shouldn’t fucking take it for granted

the place that you do live at because it

happens to be a place that's inside

then what you should do is ask God too,

say thank you for that because you've

got set there instead of set nowhere

you've got that instead of nothin’ and

I'm not bluffin’ I'm not fuckin’ comin’

around acting tough and I'm just showin’

you these are motherfuckers that I could

squish you like muffins! yes I rhymed that

With muffins you didn't see that comin’ and if

you did wel then fuck it I just said it

you know and it didn't come from nothin’

it came from somethin’ that you might

have thought of as wel but it came out

better cuz it came from my mouth cuz I

could put thoughts around it as wel and

I can. . you can't put thoughts around this

as wel as I did it because. . and I'm

gonna tel you what I'm not gonna tel

you when I'm finished I might as wel

just hit the stop on that the air you

won't even see it coming ‘BAM!’"

Life Upsets Me Freestyle 6/05/19

“I say something, it doesn't mean I meant the

shit you take lyrics too serious that's

not my fault that's yours

it's the end of the sentence period I'm

just saying because it's meant to be

getting you furious because you know the

end of your period it's like I fuckin’

gonna beat someone who mentions me I'm

gonna. . what I'm do is I'm going to

suspend the geek I'm gonna fuckin’ hold

them after class if I think he is a

bitch get it? hold him, ‘classify’ if he is

a bitch? that's what I'm gonna do I'm

gonna fuckin’ do both of those things

that was somewhat of a double meaning

you know come to seeing that any

of you motherfuckers being in my way are

just gonna be unfortunately you're gonna

become a beating victim!”

“you know you just can't get it it's like fuckin’

trying to explain something to someone

that won't understand a dichotomy the

two times two types of things because

hip-hop is basical y my property and you

know it's like you wouldn’t understand the

two different choices to make because

the choices of fate it's like havin’ a

permanent lesbian try and say ‘I can't

get the dichotomy’ get it? she can't get

the ‘dyke outta me’ and she can't get the two

different choices of being straight as

the other dichotomy because I fuckin’

rhyme properly!”

“then he would sel that whole fuckin’ landscape and try and make a good fuckin’ real estate area for it

but then it was very important because

the thing is I don't drive any amateur

cars I got a fuckin’ pro Porsche in it I

gotta fuckin’ put that in the garage and

it was fitting perfectly it was

proportionate and then I fuckin’ had a

perfect landscape on front I had a pro

porch in it! I mean it was al that

shit happenin’ in one fuckin’ time I

don't know what type of entendre that

was but that was my fuckin’ line and I

just said it because I meant it and I’m

gonna fuckin’ make you look pathetic and

you gonna have to have a false

prosthetic or a prosthesis or

whatever that is because my apothesis

is that you were not gonna beat this

you're just gonna fuckin’ hear this and

then you're gonna be able to repeat this

in your nightmares cuz those are fuckin’

crazy ass night tears that you're gonna

go through and then it's gonna fuckin’

explode you and I'm not gonna rhyme this

with Goku I don't watch that show dude

if you want me to it's too bad what

I'l fuckin’ do is ruin your day like

replacing your fuckin’ delicious bad

food with tofu is what I'm gonna go do

yes I said that instead of sayin’

something violent because this is al

hypothetical anyway so when I vent it's

gonna come out the way that I feel like

and you know I feel like rhyming and

I feel like taking these fuckin’. . I could

take a fuckin’ high heel and hike and

chuck it at somebody and it's gonna

fuckin’ hurt it's gonna go right where I

want it to and their blood is gonna

squirt and it's gonna splurge and it's

gonna explode them it's gonna be once

again like I said before absurd and then

you real y are gonna fly like a bird

like I said before and this is a fuckin’

metaphor and I'm gonna be makin’ sure

that you're gonna be on the reded floor

and it's gonna be an upsetting tour if I

was to walk around and take a look at

places here because that's I'm gonna

Find out what I did beforehand which I

forgot because al of a sudden I forget

what I was doin’ and then al the sudden I step on

my shoes get ruined because it's fucking

blood and guts underneath it because you

don't want to be the one to

see it and I don't want to be the one to

seep with my fuckin’ sucks get things

On it then I have to figure out how to

do my laundry and it's gonna get

disgusting it's gonna smel terrible and

then al of a sudden I'm gonna be

pondering oh gee maybe I should stop

serving these bitch-ass haters but

that's okay cuz this just gets fast and

way worse than it could have been any

other time I mean fuck it what should I

do just sleep al day like a narcoleptic

or should I just oh, fuckin’ be like a

frog and just leap al day or I could

fuckin’ you can choose you want to be a

frog? or a narcoleptic? you could just

Sleep (/leap) al day! Get it? it's a fucking double

fucking meaning I'm doing it again cuz I'm showing you the blueprint with this shit

and I can't even see color so how would

I know if it's fucking blue or not?

because this dude is hot this dude comes

up with rhymes that'l fucking ruin

the pot of a melting potted area because

what it should be is a melting pot in

the sense of al different types of

people yes t's good it's good to

see it that way but what I'm trying to

see is a different type of place where

we have only one type of good fucking

music listeners that would be my type of

pot of a singular ingredient and that

would be the way that I would love to be

seeing it and that would be the way of

the world for their ears to be feeding

it yes i said ears feeding that's two

different senses but you get this what I

was trying to say what I was trying to

give off with my precipice is that I'm

saying feeding you with knowledge which

knowledge you have to hear first and

then you understand that that's the way

that it works because it's a very weird

verse that we live in and it's a wery

weird verse that I'm given because I'm

given a verse technical y I hope that

counts as a double if not then I'm in

trouble but fuck it you know I'l just

do whatever I got to do I'l fucking

snatch it out of you with that

confidence that you thought you had that

you thought you were gonna be able to

throw at someone else and you were gonna

you know. . give someone hel

but you we're just looking dumb as hel in

the process and in the and in the Loch

Ness’s cage you just got you know

stretched into a fuckin’ impossible

measurement and then

you fucking tenements would start with ligaments

Would throw up and break into

different segments of it and that's the

sentiment that I'm giving”

“the damn truth is you know we just. . there's so

many of these damn new kids that just

don't understand how the world works and

they'l just accept what they read in

the history books and just listen to me

look they're not tel ing al the truth

it's as easy as that but they won't

actual y do the research in fact they wil

just take what they read and relax and

go on to the next thing but you know

that's just the thing you know, you know

I don't understand the rest of us can't

stand for this and what I'l do is I'l

fuckin’ pluck your eyes out and get it

done like a retina transplant I'l put

your ice in a box like a retina

transplant and I'l fuckin’ keep

the drinks cold like I’m putting ice in a

box like a retina transplant! I mean

that's what I'm doin’! I'm just fuckin’

eyes ice yes it sounds close enough

because you know this stuff Adam Stark

does he comes up with crazy ass rhymes”

I Hate Fake People And Wannabe’s Freestyle 6/12/19

“likely see an untimely demise it'l come for

you guys and any girls alike that are

going against me and that's okay because

what they're gonna do is tempt me and

I'l fuckin’ just keep pummeling them

with fuckin’ raps as mean as can because

Adam Stark is just seamlessly running

through these critics and bitches and

whiners and al the other type of things

because I hope that your hymen hurts by

the time I'm done fuckin’ coming up with

these rhymin’ words! I'm fuckin’ sick of

This you guys are like politicians and shit

you guys are fuckin’ weak and you're

just playing politics with that shit I

fuckin’ hate it you want to fucking realize something

I can say what I want to say I know

it's a crime to speak my mind but I

don't give a shit if you real y want to

fuckin’ see some ideal crimes you just

gotta hope go ahead and look at the

fuckin’. . speeches of politicians that

would be the ideal time to find some

real crime if you ask me!”

“just gets me fuckin’ pissed off you know I

need to get myself a big Glock or a big

gun or something I need to find

something to wield like I’m motorcycle

hunting! and get it? I'm looking for

something two wheeled like I’m motorcycle

hunting! and I need somethin’ to grab like

something ‘to wield’ that's fucking crazy

I just said that I just. . every time I

Fuckin’ rhyme I come up with a double

like a new feel and it's just crazy

because and it's just one of those

things that Adam Stark does because he's

too real he just got these crazy raps

and I'm just fuckin’ crazy but that is

just gonna fucking start swinging like I

got you know 80 bats and just gonna take

my turn and see how many of them wil

break with that I can just you know I'l

do a density test and see how long

they can last or a duration exam and

that's gonna happen I'm gonna create

something that's mad and it's

fuckin’ mad as in a crazy way and it's

just you know Adam Stark is always

living in this crazy place state of mind

and it's not the state of mine I'm not

about Minnesota I'm talking about the

crazy times!”

“hit your bal joints or

your fuckin’ bal of your elbow and I'l

hit that and then you be like ‘OW! oh hel

No!’ or I can hit the fuckin’ bal of your

kneecap and you wil see that you won't

be able to react

I'l fuckin’ you know fuckin’ step on

you and pounce you out you won't be able

do nothing and its just fuckin’ come

around this route and I'l fuckin’

beat the shit out of you and what wil

you be doing except being grounded now?

or fuckin’ bleed to death because your

spleen is stretched and it's fuckin’

popping out of your fucking chest YES I

said chest! I know the spleen doesn't

come from there but that's okay cuz Adam

doesn't fucking care! it's gonna start

from where it original y was came from

and then what's gonna happen is it's

gonna get so damaged so fast from the

fuckin’ angle that I came from it's

gonna come out of a different place that

it wasn't supposed to be but it

happened to have sprang from! is that

enough for you? because I know you were

gonna say ‘the spleen does it come from

the chest it comes from a different place’

wel you know that's what I do I fuckin’

freestyle and I can come up with a way

to make anything work like a fuckin’. . I

could take the laziest peasant on Earth

and I can give them a job and then

they’l . . by the end of the month they'l

be Employee of the Month and then you'l

be like holy shit

Adam Stark meant what he said and he has

become what he has become as in speaking

about the peasant in that time because

that rhyme was crazy and it was almost

like a bad time but you know that's what

happens you know? Fuck it I know I've

said a lot about basebal whatever I

don't even need a basebal bat I can

just fight with these things I mean it's

like what comes to mind when you think

of a basebal bat it's swings, I mean it's

like what comes to mind when you think

of a vampire bat it's wings, it's like

what comes to mind when you think of

your favorite chicken restaurant it's

wings! it's like fuck I just came up with

three of those things I mean fuck it I

tried my best you know I just. . I don't

know if that's an entendre’ or not but

you know whatever I just. . I try and yet

it comes up with crazy shit every time

and yes I don't need a basebal bat to

beat your ass cuz I can do it with

anything else that I could find and then

you'l stil lose that battle because

you won't be able to fuckin’ travel by

the time I'm done with you you fuckin’

unholy fucking calumnious doof!

yes I said doof! I could have rhymed it

with anything else but if anything else

I said something crazy that you wouldn't

have been able to say yourself and that

people listening that care about me, many,

had felt I'm teaching new self-defense

with words and be concerned because

it's gonna get on your nerves which get

very easily hurt these days because your

fucking pussy and a whiny one and you're

just a fucking walkin’ vagina son! that's

what you are and that's what I'm saying

just to make fun of the haters that's it

nobody else. . anyone else that's not

on my side such a fat dick and not in a

joyful way but in a way that's gonna

fuckin’ ruin your day that's what I

fucking said I don't know it's just

something weird it's just. . goin’

against me you better come prepared cuz

I'm gonna beat any fuckin’ fight that is

against me cuz what's gonna happen is

they are gonna get on the nerve of this

MC and they're gonna get fuckin’ beat

down very fast it's gonna be scary cuz

I'l fuckin’ do a scary laugh in the

middle of it I'l be laughing at the

fact that you think you could win and

then you'l get fuckin’ pounced out

And then fucking stepped on and then just

like a bouncer against someone else

you'l get bounced out you'l get thrown

out of it you'l get. . you'l fuckin’

pounce out like a kangaroo coming out of

its mom's pouch and that's what's

gonna happen is you're gonna get your

ass kicked out of here faster than a

fuckin’ lazy son on his mom's couch!

after she gets you know, sick of him at

that point in time cuz you know boy this

rhyme is going in al directions but I'm

tryin’ to say I'l beat your ass and

it's not gonna be hard to do cuz you

know, you're just fucking nothing but

fodder dude you're nothing you just. . you

couldn't fuckin’ stand against me

No beefin’ with me you wouldn't even

have a barbecue near me in the fuckin’

vicinity cuz this MC is just kil ing

freaks that come against me with you

know minimal speech with minimal

triumph minimal effort and that's just

that's what comes with it is triumph and

effort and it's just gonna be able to

fuckin’ make your mind splurge with

redness because that's the last thing

you're gonna see is the blood squirting

out of your forehead before I kil that

motherfucker and yes I said this I meant

this you know figuratively of course

this is al hypothetical cuz that's what rap is

it's taken its course and then it's

gonna be able to show you that if this

were true though I would win with force

on my side and I'm not talking about

some you know mythological scientifical

science fictional Jedi power from a

fuckin’ movie and show I'm talking about

the actual force isn't something that

can be scientifical y proven to show you

and I'l fuckin’ be able to explode you

from the outside in!”

“tel me that you don't believe that I can do this and you're gonna be like ‘you know what Adam Stark I

don't get it I real y doubt that’ wel

you know what's gonna happen? is I'm

gonna beat your ass real y quick and

then you won't be able to bounce back!

you're gonna fuckin be hurtled onto the

ground and I'l keep fuckin’ stepping on

you too until you're just a fucking ounce

flat! you weighed 1 hundred pounds at first

wel not anymore I’m pretty sure I doubt

that, cuz you're gonna weigh so fuckin’ much

less than what you were before it's

Not even gonna be an ounce flat when I put

it on the scale you're gonna be dead to

rights it's gonna be dead and then

what's gonna happen next is you're gonna

be wondering what's gonna happen with

your life and it's gonna be around that

time you realize that I fuckin’ stomped

you so fucking hard on your skeleton

you'l be left without col arbones like

a housecat!”

Hip Hop Is A Competition Freestyle 6/24/19

“and that guy is right here

he's the fuckin’ Rap God he lives inside

of this brain because this guy he can

obtain any fuckin’ power and any type of

a fuckin’ plane of existence I can take

it over just like a fuckin’ hijacker

because hi slackers I fuckin’ come

around you cuz you guys are lazy with ur

writing but then I just freestyle and

then I'm laughing at you because my

rapture has you fuckin’ caught by the

fuckin’ ankles and it's gonna throw you

against the fuckin side of the ground

even though you were just 30,000 feet in

the air, now you can wave bye to it now because

you fuckin’ hit the floor with it or

the ground with if whatever it was you

got grounded now and I ain't fuckin’

keeping you in detention or some kind of

shit where your gonna get in trouble for

your parents cuz you ain't gonna be able

to be finding out whatever I fuckin’ meant

by that because I fuckin’ said grounded

I meant it in two different ways cuz this

is great because I can fuckin’ take you

to a different space a different fuckin’

time and plane of existence this is

crazy admittance coming from a fuckin’

whistleblower because this guy is the

motor that fucking keeps the game

driving and it is composure that I'm

coming up with and I don't keep

composure sure I fuckin’ lose my mind

al the fuckin’ time when I fuckin’

rhyme you know I don't give a fuck if

you don't like this guy if you don't

want to you can just fuckin’ go ahead

and disappear as you're one of the lucky

type that is able to have wishes like

that but not say it to my fuckin’ face

cuz you're one of the people that gets

on my fuckin’ nerves and you fuckin’

want to spit on my fuckin’ grave but

Thats not gonna happen for a few years now so

I don't give a fuck what you say that's

just gonna be the fuckin’ end of your

time in existence because I haven't come

here to fuckin’ you know run around to

play with this shit cuz I'm just gonna. .

just gonna fucking relay to you

some shit I don't give a fuck about al

the fuckin’ haters and yes there's tons

of them because al they do is fuckin’

you know. . al they take is their white

flag and they wave theirs!”

Mad As Can Be Freestyle 6/25/19

“ungratefulness and you know I just hate

those bitches that do al that crazy

shit you know it's like I could fuckin’

give a shout-out to them wil they give

it back to me? no of course not they just

relax with me they just say ‘oh I got

what I needed from him so I don't have

to do anything else’ and I just. . and I react with

HEAT I fuckin’ come up on them and I just hit

em’ with a fire punch and it wasn't some

wordplay it was me actual y getting them

something that they didn't expect to see

on that day and that was gonna fuckin’

you know fuckin’ ruin everything that

they had going for them they were al

the sudden doing something that was so

important then al of a sudden I lit up

their fuckin’ face it turned red and

then black because it was bleeding two

different colors once I hit that and the

impact was making them go, you know. . and

how many feet I'd say at least six flat!

but when al of a sudden they got hit

back and then um. . let's see what would

happen after that? I mean I would Adam

Stark would have to rap and then I’d have

to teach him about the actual facts that

they weren't realizing that after the

rap when I was fuckin’ dissing them for

it and then they didn't think this was

important and they jus decided to ignore it

but what happened is I showed them

exactly how the floor bends I could just. .

I hit him so far down to the ground

I broke the fuckin’ floor vents I did

al of that and then al of a sudden I

fuckin’ took the evidence and I made him

swal ow that al that they'd leaked

about ten pints of blood then what I

decided to do was I became a thug just

for that moment and I put it inside of a

fucking bottle and a jug and I made him

swal ow that shit I made him get rid of

the evidence so then nobody could knew

that anybody had ever been hit and on

that fucking moment and there's no

nothing to find on the surface no

forensics could find this they couldn't

figure this out and they almost looked

at us in an interrogation like maybe they

tried to rehearse this but that's okay

because I’m curse bitch! I'm cursed bitch

I am in the fucking way that I get

nervous but then I stil can show you

that I can you know come up with crazy

rhymes with or without a purpose even if

it was by accident I can show you that

here or in an actual rap event I can

come up with the crazy fuckin’ rhymes

because when Adams vexed then Adam gets

people fuckin’. . people bent up and then

they get you know, ruinin’ their shape like

they were fuckin’ perfectly symmetrical

al of a sudden you take one look at

Adam Stark the wrong way and then al

of a sudden what I do is I take a cement

truck and I let the cement trickle al over

you and then it's gonna fuckin’ harden

al over the different places and then

this shit is greatness because I

can fuckin’ show you that yeah Adam Stark

even if he's saying words that is so

gracious I can al the sudden change it

around and I can destroy everybody in. .

within my face and I can just show you

that with this basis that I'm coming up

with in the moment because you know I

integrated whatever I need to because

fuck it I could fuckin’ assassinate you!”

“Take you out at any moment at al

Because it's like I lacked description

you wouldn't be able to pick me out of a

crowd you know I'm like a mathematician

I could just find a moment of time and I

could just plan it out perfectly and

scientifical y I could just you know

rhyme specifical y in order to beat this

motherfucker down because I am this MC

the fuckin’ number one of them the one

that isn't gonna be down and you

wouldn't be able to become one of them

you wouldn't be able to you make your

dreams come true and become good at this

rhyming shit because this guy is lit

this guy is fuckin’ on fire in that

sense and I'm also mad at too, mad at

that too and then that was a way that I

would have to rap to because to isn't t o

and t o o and t w o that's three different

types of to’s because I am the type of

dude that once you like the fuse it's

gonna fuckin’ blow up and explode on you

because I'm just a fuckin’ bomb dude I'm

the atom bomb dude I could fuckin’ stomp

you and just beat you into the fuckin’

ground to the point the ground fuckin’

feels the pain and al sudden inanimate

objects start feeling things that they

didn't feel before al the sudden it's

like oh my god the things I created that

weren't supposed to have feelings now I

feel in vain because Adam Stark fuckin’

hurt that motherfucker that was organic

so bad that al the sudden the things

that aren't organic are al the sudden

getting mad because they're feeling the

fuckin’ pressure from it and that's

physical y and emotional y and mental y

and psychological y because I said

I fuckin’ felt like it because I'm a

psychotic MC I can say al that shit

that I fuckin’ felt like because I get

angry at things and I just feel like I

do a lot of things for other people they

don't do even half of it back because

you know that is just the fact I mean

what are we gonna fuckin’ do dispute

opinions? because this shit is you know

fuckin’ getting me diminished as a

diminished capacity because I'm fuckin’

pissed off at this shit and I'm just

rapping so rapidly because I happen to

be fuckin’ pissed off as Adam could BE!

I'm like. . I'm like I'm up to the fuckin’

ceiling with it in fact if this was a

sunroof and you would see Adam Stark al

the sudden come through if you were

looking from the outside looking at this

vehicle but then you would see it cool

down al the sudden because I'l start

humming you know I’l just you know, relax a

little bit and then al the sudden Adam

Stark’s madness would just erase in

A vent and it would just go away and just

come back you know crazier again once

I fuckin’ get pissed off at something

else random that would happen I am

pretty mad these days and my raps have

nothing to do with what I'm actual y mad

about and it's amazed what I can come up


Freestyle Rap Battles are another talent of mine! My biggest personal regret in my entire life… is the footage I have lost due to an unfortunate circumstance! In high school, I competed in a lot of freestyle rap battles! It was the highlight for me. I had a ton of real y great moments where the crowds would cheer me on, or point and laugh at my opponent. SOME of these battles were on video, but it was an inadequate flip phone that had no ways of keeping or restoring the videos. So frustrating! Therefore, I decided to start doing freestyle rap battles again! I use a live streaming service and other rappers hit me up on social media to cal in and join. It’s a very intense competition, at least for me personal y! I love being in the combat! I have plenty of respect for rappers that do written battles, but those aren’t for me. I like unlimited rounds with no time limits. I like seeing and hearing what people can come up with impromptu, on the spot. I am severely punishing to my opponents because I refuse to lose a freestyle rap battle! At any and al costs! The fol owing is the live stream freestyle rap battles so far that I’ve took the time to write out both rapper’s round’s lyrics: K Clapper Vs Adam Stark Freestyle Rap Battle

K Clapper’s round lyrics:

“Guns so big, King Kong couldn’t hold this bitch I’l hold the fifth with a ful y loaded clip,

Gun to Adam’s head, explode it quick, I’m exposing shit, see your thoughts coming out like i need your opinion!

I’l keep an extension,

Meet my best friends, ‘Smith and Wesson’

They love what I did to you

Your dead face looks so messy, I bought a bib for you!

Adam yous a bitch!

You don’t want this smoke, it’s an unclean hookah stick

Your music is trash! I hate that I googled it

My guns can fix that problem, I cal them my tool kit

I got that Iron man,

And I’l give Mr. Stark the business like Iron Man,

I hold Bricks like an oven,

The heat is with me if you frontin’

And just like the oven I’m cooking up substance

But you’l taste the lead first when the snub hits!

You can’t come to my hood, my block is mean

My glock is too it shot up teens

If you take one footstep here I’l knock ur teeth and you won’t able to talk for weeks I’m mister K Clapper, main factor great swagger, I’l have the metal surround you like a prey trapper

I keep the K clappin’ like a gun show

My hood wil clap it up like applauding a gun show

K Clapper making money til my gun broke! Bitchass!”

Adam Stark’s round lyrics:

“That didn’t sound like a fuckin’ freestyle but that sounded like written shit whatever…

You said you had a Bib for me?

Your a bad dad I’l prove it Biblical y,

People watching wil say Adam’s the boss and my disowned father K Clapper isn’t, Cal me the don (/dawn) cuz the sun (/son) is risen!

Ironical y When you mask your face I think of a face mask cuz you shouldn’t be al owed to spit I’l go pound you quick

while you hide your face in cyberspace

I don’t know what you look like, but you ran outta breath so I can assume your fat, it’s settled I can assume your short too cuz your not on my level

Ugly minuscule pudgy little fool

You never work out, neither do your rhymes, you know

Fat fuck wouldn’t even do Arm circles are when ur arms are cold!

When you throw a punch I’l grab your wrist, stop your violence like an activist, your life wil take a different turn, a new path for it, then jab your ribs, count 5 Columns down and I’m not talking about taking a gun apart when I say I’l ‘detach the fifth’!

No breathing for you

But bleeding wil do

And once you get in I.V. I wil pee in the tube! Mother fucker K Clapper?

That name sounds like an adult gay actor

Lemme put it to you like this, if your real y a GREAT rapper Then I’m a chain snatcher!

Fuck outta here, that’s not believable shit, people know this

We don’t believe in bul shit,

Talking bout a brick oven bitch you live in a soup kitchen Tel those ‘dicks’ you hang out with to get a clue bitches!

Don’t ignore this

I’l get your body ‘shipped off’ and by that I mean deep into orbit!

It’s like a wolf’s nightly routine thinking how’l (/howl) ya go for the moon!

I’m beating your ass so bad I’m bored with you

No good lookin woman has ever slept or snored with you

And that oven your talking about? its not guns when you say burners are stored with you!

Got rid of his gun, what was my plan? Soon as I move: disarm (/dis arm) Get it? Moved this arm

Pshh you can rap like that

My music does sucks to you? What would you substitute? One of these mumble dudes?

You and your producer and publisher are not a great team

If I threw you in the biggest river, they stil wouldn’t consider you in the main stream!


I’m not even fighting you I’m fighting my anger

Ya life is in danger

I’m Not welcome in your hood?

This isn’t true,

My karate teacher yel ing “throw ‘kicks’ at em’ (/Adam)” you’l get the ‘boot’

Bitchass little goof in a midget suit swimming through

The blood in a little pool

Of his own stuff, and you know what?

If I punch you I wouldn’t even hit the fist or fucking contact it to your face n you’d probably throw up!

Scared little pussy bitch

The only reason I’m not welcome in your hood is cuz your entire family hates me for kil ing you!”

Tyyson Junior Vs Adam Stark Freestyle Rap Battle

Tyyson Junior’s Round Lyrics:

“At the sight of Adam my aim is At him,

Blazing Adam

It’l start raining caps from my gat

or if I get bored I’l get my machete and stab him with that!

I’m good in the kitchen,

I’m cuttin’ whites up I’m good with precision,

Knives out is what I rhyme bout,

I wil Stab Adam and his friend,

Stab him in his abdomen

Stab him in his ankles to see Adam trip

Adam’s retarded that’s why they say you gotta see Adam ‘spit’

You and my gun both like to talk a lot, you wil be best friends, Breaking News you’l see an end (/CNN)

Don’t you dare give a disc to me

I’m like a bad student, I never gave a fuck about your history How you suppose to make money off your songs and books, when that shit is free?!

My pockets are big green like a Christmas tree

Your books are free thats trash,

Your a clown but Imma get the last laugh

I’l cut you up like you sat at the barber chair,

I got techs (/tec’s) with me like I’m sel in’ hardware

Guns busting like the Wild West

You better wear a wild vest,

Or maybe 3 of them

I wil scuff ya chin, beating him,

Hustlin’ like I’m in a hurry

Shootin’ al day like I’m Curry

I ain’t worried

You Look like a fat ass marshmal ow

Your a cheerleader I’m Carmelo

You look like the pil sbury doughboy

This young bul is taking your spot old boy

I’m a Pimp I could sel you mad bitches

You do that math bitch you do bad business

My knives ain’t junk just cuz I say I’l scrap with this

I’m on my grind i get the job done you can’t fuck with this I’m a bad priest my guns even touching kids”

Adam Stark’s Round Lyrics:

“Wow, You just said you’d touch kids? Sounds like a confession for the baddest sin, Your penance is to never rap again!

You act like in your little spot your the biggest dog, wrong animal you pedophile your a chickenhawk!

Look that word up I’m not explaining it

This is where the entertainment ends

You hate my books? Just for you I’l make a new non-fiction story after

‘Tyyson Junior the phony actor’,

You’l die in the first chapter

And the name of that wil be cal ed ‘chapter one: the worst rapper!’

At least people can look me up,

You sound weak, as in someone I could beat up!

Tyyson Junior, won’t win this battle so people wil say that guy’s a loser I’l teach you how to rap later I’l hire you a licensed tutor My guns are silent, you won’t be able to find this shooter I heard a lot of Stab this, stab that, I’l explain to everyone who’s wondering, I’m perfectly unharmed, only my ears are suffering,

I’m like a dried lawn, and number one player cuz no one is cuttin’ me!

But YOU wil get cut slashed and gutted fast,

Poke holes in your cheeks,

Press hard and slowly release each

Holding a unique piece of flesh

Put the sharpest part of it in between your teeth like a floss, Pick and pluck pieces off

I’l end up gushing your cheek off onto my wet red blade,

So the next time you look at me sideways I’l be able to see your teeth without an x-Ray!

Your not cuttin’ shit your not cut for this so stop with this fuckin’ foolery, With my sharp tool, You’l get several piercings, and you didn’t even order body jewelry!

I’m anxious to hear you review this battle after as you snitch cal this a threat and make up a statement,

I’l use my knife on your torso to solve algebraic equations Shit, you weak stupid imbecile I could beat you using an accent

“Your terrible I hope next time you go faster,

Your the wackest,

People in the chat said

Adam Tyyson is so boring

Is there any way to fast forward?!”

You’re not a pimp either by the way you’re a polygamist,

those ugly women you probably do cunnilingus with

I don’t believe your a pimp, Your wives don’t count,

I bet you fantasize

about other rapper’s lives

And their girls that they have with them you get rejected so your trippin’

You must have trouble comprehending females…Because you just can’t ‘get’ women!

Your life has always been shitty

And I’m not nit picking

Your get hungry watching me Picnicking

I’m a fortune tel er I’l message your mother her future, I’m dick pic-ing Tons of metal sluggers in my bag you’l ask me as you discover Adam is that a bat chu brought? (/batch you brought?) batch and bat Thats a fact

My rhymes in tact

But fuck al that I’l fight you fair

In your happy place I’l fight you there!

I’l do some type of spin and a kick,

You’l be legitimately hit and your skul wil crack and I’l see a chip of it flip and switch Block your next punch, elbow your neck up,

I’m short, but saying I can’t fight is a misconception,

When kick I hit this bitch with perfection

it’s like dropping building blocks my lego’s (/leg goes) in different directions But you didn’t even hit the ground I’l grab your ankle

and I’l Put you in the opposite direction and pul to make it painful Then slam drop you hard on different places

You’l be grounded for not understanding the gravity of this situation And then after that I’l pick you up as you can barely speak, The fight was like 20 seconds but you’l feel like it was a long time like you were there a week In this altercation your fucking Doomed…

I’l start Bending your knee backwards it’s like having a rod in it, Cuz your leg is ‘SCREWED!’

I’l kick your ass, your friends and al of their little fucking asses There’s no way you’d end up in my fucking bracket

Tons of Blood splashing it’l look like I’m painting with a limited color pal et Get you fucking self severely smacked up,

For more then one reason You won’t be able to get backup (/back up)…

Cuz you don’t have any friends AND cuz your dead!

You’l final y get your wish, performing in front of an audience…

Unfortunately it’s for the jury

And that is only if I let you stay alive, no promises”

Quincy Pop Smoke Vs Adam Stark Freestyle Rap Battle! NOTE: for whatever reason, my opponent literal y whispered quietly every thing he said when he was rapping…

Quincy Pop Smoke’s Round Lyrics:

“My bad I’m ready I just can’t be too loud where I’m at… yo…

I’l bury bro, the scenario is I got guns and my heat wil flame liars, I’m always strapped like a safe driver

I got big bil s and your a change finder

Punk ass bitch

Suck a fat dick

Your so dumb you’d cook crack in a microwave

Your bald you look twice your age

You dumbass, are you a Twit or (/Twitter) something? I saw your face book (/Facebook) for the exit you homo,

I’m going in, to gram the photo (/Instagram?)

I said that cuz your anti-‘social’

My bars are so hot your can get sunburnt

You probably keep viagra pil s in your cupboard,

Fucking with my block, wil get your family shot,

Like Pizza Hut, I’l order you a family box

I’m good with these sticks like battle drums,

Fuckin’ with me, you’l get bucks in return like a tax refund I don’t hate you for being optimistic,

I hate you cuz your retarded and autistic,

Fourth of July party, my block is lit

I’l plea the fifth after I shot the shit

Like Wu Tang you don’t know who that kil a be (/Kil er be) like it’s anonymous My ghetto would scare the devil,

See me on my street? Not even the daredevil

I’l blare metal, shoot you so much you’l resemble jel o,

You shouldn’t rap, stick to techno

My gun is glued to me, I can never let go,

Fuck Adam Stark, Adam’s a mark,

Pussy die slow, I’m the main attraction and your just a side show, I’m a tyrannosaurus but does that mean I’m gonna die, no (/dino)

You shouldn’t be rapping hater,

I’l punish you for that bad behavior,

Battling me is like being in a elevator,

…with an al igator

Fuck you”

Adam Stark’s Round Lyrics:

“You just rhymed elevator and al igator

Welcome to rhyming orientation hel o stranger I’m your navigator Mark my words bitch I’m gonna fuck you up for dissing people with autism I don’t have it personal y but that doesn’t make your hate speech at al different And speaking of speech, I tested every rapper opponent,

For their loudness and decibel components,

And Quincy, a Volume measured the lowest

(/Of al , you measured the lowest)

You quiet whispering bitch

You lost your voice and lost this battle quick,

You said I’m bald, wow observant, just for that I’l be your next Stylist, Your immature When I hear you I think of a toddler plate… childish (/child dish) put you in a Closed casket

I bet in speech classes your words were Closed captioned

If you were next to me and my sensitive ears on a rol er coaster: happy camper If you were tel ing someone how to diffuse a bomb: that’s a hazard Next time you battle, you need a lozenger and a hot tea first Oh wait I figured it out, you live with mommy and are scared of getting embarrassed by your parents

Your scared of me, I’m gonna tare you bad, You can’t hide your emotions, its like your blowing a bubble, we can al see through this fear!

(/sphere) you have

Your voice is at a very low frequency

I consider you a freak Quincy

I’l put your head in a fucking chokehold for so long people wil be screaming: “Free Quincy!”

I should scream and swear louder to get you in trouble with your parents Watch this fucker get embarrassed

Your the first rapper I’ve ever met that can say the art of actual y rapping is an obstacle, You shoulda cal ed in sick and be the first rapper to show up to battle with me with a doctors note

Your little bitch voice disease, I’ve never heard of a case like this, I bet when your arrested, cops don’t even have to tel you your right to remain silent Watch this bitch get destroyed

I’l throw a curvebal with a basebal at your windpipe, congratulations you final y got some pitch in your voice

You wouldn’t be able to snitch and talk to the feds

And if you did… wel , they wouldn’t be able to tel at al what you said I’l hit you so fucking hard you’l be demonstratin’

Record breakin’


That’s how long you’l sleep

Your soft and weak

Your an emo goth bitch, this battle wil give you an Emotional break down, If I kick the lower part of your leg Your emo shin’l break down!

Your fuckin’ dumbass wouldn’t even be a captain, if you were driving a boat now, You’l get demoted for trippin’ and you’l see your rank’l (/your ankle) go down,

You don’t need a gun I bet you take heroin needles to go on a shooting spree, I’l pul out my magnetic knife you’d think it was glued to your stupid cheek, After the blood goes pouring out and it ruins your Tee,

Red dots on your face…. Look at the bright side at least now it looks like your going through puberty!

Stomp you the fuck out, it’l look like you got a face tattoo of a black shoe Show you someone that’s got the power,

Your a bitch! Your a scared bunch of cattle, get it? A coward (/cow herd) I’l keep going til you stop living,

Your future is like your ex, it’s not pretty,

Steal your life and carry your body out the store, they don’t know whether to charge me with homicide or shoplifting!

Fuck it I’l put the knife and gun away

So you don’t run away

Your done today

I wil punch and break your ugly face

You’l find out how your stomach tastes

I’l do a backward spinning kick,

You’l try to block it real y quick

But even if it’l miss

I’l retract my foot back with your wrist in it

Force it down and your arm wil be in harm it seems,

You can’t overpower me, your bitchass voice already sounds like you can hardly breathe, You won’t get this beat down off you no matter how hard you squeeze, I’l anticipate you to punch with your free hand and lower my body to distort it, Feed you a few fists to the stomach like a rental spot for you to store it,

Then I’l grab your stupid fucking hair and try to throw it to my other hand, Miss on purpose, and you’l be face first on the fucking sand I wil fuck you up and ruin you dude,

I’l hit your forehead with your own hand in front of it touching it too, It’l look like I’m making a toy army dol do a salute

“Sir Yes Sir…”

You lost this war this sick piece of trash! Your career fel so far you needed a parachute Gun to your head, here’s how you wil perish, shoot!”

Nick Da Shooter Vs. Adam Stark Freestyle Rap Battle!

Nick Da Shooter‘s round:

“I’m flipping these bricks

Making street money gettin’ it in

Making a mil ion quick

With ya bitch on my dick

Open the chamber then close your casket

Your son wil be used for target practice

Clocked a double nickel

Cap you with a muzzled pistol

Watch out my magazines can give you a couple issues

Long extension on my best shit

Get yo chest hit

Better get you a vest quick my

That’d be yo best investment

Shoot yo windows til it looks like a drive through

And a drive by too

Bul ets wil fly by you

Cake ass you ain’t a rapper you fake ass

So weak your hand wil probably break ass

You look like Mister Clean

Turned into a fiend

Mister mister bald head

Mister get no head

Mister gets no bread

Loaded up watch this ful clip go spread

Adam I got your annual income… on my wrist son!

Rob you Sunday through Saturday Cuz you weak!

You ain’t hood your a fuckin’ geek

Cake ass bitch

Your running with them Jake’s ass bitch”

Adam Stark’s round:

“Cake? Real y? When it comes to wack rhymes my ears were not prepared, freeze your body and point to your skin that’s in pain it’s similar to cake I bet the frost sting’s there! (/frostings there) pshh that’s a double

Your dumb ass is in trouble

And hey everyone, it’s 2021,

You heard him, but yo I don’t have a fuckin’ son!?

Oh I just realized I was wrong,

Years ago I must’ve fucked your mother and forgot!

Al the while you been fucking some ugly fuckin’ twats,

Nick you (/N.I.C.U.) belong in a hospital, you smoke a lot And you fuck underage girls dammit,

Think about it: I’m sayin’ Nick a teen addict! (/nicotine addict) Your the very first battle rapper turned auctioneer

At your funeral no one wil even drop a tear

No homie wil pour out liquor for you no one wil cop a beer I’l beat your annoying ass anytime anyplace we could go to the ancient times I could kil you with a rod or spear

Fuck you ya sloppy weird

Fast rap wanna be slash carbon copy here

I’l fuckin, I’l fuckin catch you as you put in your garage code And as soon as you stop home

My knuckles wil hit your chin

Blood wil cover every inch of it

And I barely had a motive to even hit you with

Your just a useless hater simpleton

And as you lay flat on the garage floor

I keep repeatedly squishing your throat with the garage door Your a weak pathetic punk ass bitch, and now your insides prove that when it comes to you there’s not any hardcore (/hard core)

Keep fucking pushing down more while looking at your body to keep trying to crush it, I’m like a detective cuz I’m trying to ‘get to the bottom of it’

I can bring your whole camp pain (/campaign) like I’m preparing your election speech, Your weak insults are not affectin’ me,

It’s like my phone broke while you sent a text message cuz your words can’t ‘get to me’

Fuck you and your lame Political stature

Your an unoriginal rapper

Bitch made, no skil s those are your typical factors

Ladies and gentlemen, This is my chapter

On kil ing a rapper

Bitch you’d better quickly run fast

The moment I Flick my mustache,

I’l Kick your bum ass,

Your girlfriend is so fucking ugly that when she’s naked your dick becomes sad I’l make this clear like your mind after a vacant memory,

She’s so hideous her phone’s battery dies every time she takes a selfie!

AND I made you hang up!!?? WHAT!?”

Adam Stark Vs. ??? Freestyle Rap Battle! This was a crazy experience, my opponent accepted the chal enge to freestyle battle me, and then backed out! I even asked if he wanted to reschedule, he said no! He said he doesn’t want to battle at al anymore! So I made the best of it, I battled him anyway and freestyled about it.

Adam Stark’s round:

“Fuck it, I’m just gonna freestyle now and battle him in his absence Bitch your gonna have this

fucked up stomach when I punch it, it’l become an abscess!

This guy is weak

He thought this was a game of hide and seek

You would crack under the pressure of my rhyme critique

I’l diss you even though you don’t have a description

But I’l stil kil you quick bitch I have precision

I could fuckin’ find your I.P. address

so that I could send this guy some cyanide otherwise he would bleed to death Seriously who the fuck accepts a battle and then backs out of it?

At least you should’ve fucking showed up and you could stand your ground with it, Pussy you quit after saying yes?

This is what happens when you play a vet!

You better pay up, then

I’l make amends!

You better send me $2500 or I’l release your rapper name!

You wil never see Adam tamed, he wil spaz insane

After you send me that money for quitting you’l remain a damn joke, It’s like you quit this battle and became a soda salesman cuz you got Can’s sold! (/canceled!) Get it, canceled? Can’s sold that’s another double meaning We aren’t subtle beefing

It’s ful y on

For wasting my time I wil spam your email multiple times a day Until you pay up for wasting my time away

I hope you get ditched

Every time you try to fuck a bitch

I hope you get offered a great job and you miss the interview I’l be able to relate to that boss in the room

That sat in their chair waiting to get to you

Staring out the little window through

The parking lot and no cars show up and the time that’s passed has been at least like 52

Minutes and then they also get sick of you

For backing out like a minuscule

Sized brain little fool

That’s as tardy as kids stuffed in lockers in middle school Fuck outta here your an abysmal goof

I bet you suck dick so much you chipped your tooth

I’m battling your ghost right now I’m trying to get this ghoul How could you possibly get famous if your name is a secret?

You don’t got potential,

Your name should just be confidential,

Oh shit mr. secret name bitch I’m bout to continue on this tear, So I asked your mother about your rapping, confidential figure he’s not putting his name out there

(/confident she’l figure he’s not putting his name out there) Pshh another double and yo This is Adam Stark versus anonymous This is Adam versus untitled!

I would quit too if I was a bum like you!

You avoided my traps as a set em’ out

Now pay me my set amount

You knew you sucked at life the moment you said: “I’m out”

Your muted yourself? I don’t even need to try my best sir, Your very silent, sir (/silencer) like a gun suppresser

Fuck you, get hurt get burnt even if you come back and ever return you ain’t never stoppin’


I Only know about winning,

…if I was a lawyer that’s the only time you could discuss any laws (/loss) with Adam!”


I am very proud of my books that I published. I wrote books (under my real name Adam Stark) that I believe are simply bril iant! They are al free and available in every format including audiobooks! I don’t care about money I just want to be recognized for my talents. I do wish that I could write a real y long book, but I don’t believe I can. In the books that I have written, they are a decent length, but I couldn’t possible add any more content to them. If I did, it would be like forcing myself to write something, which is unacceptable. I make sure al of my key points, events, character development stages, action sequences, twists, conversations, endings and motifs are present without ruining them by adding more stuff just to fil up space. I pride myself on AMAZING endings to my books in my personal opinion. I never ever want a reader to be left unsatisfied! The twists have to be very original and unexpected but WITHOUT being impossible. One thing that I can say I do very wel is write out action

sequences! I provide the details necessary to understand al of the visions I am attempting to get across.

An advantage I have is that I have watched a lot of movies and read many books and stories, so I make sure to write out action sequences that do NOT remind me of any of those. Not even a slight similarity.

One thing about my characters that I like to make them have is the ability to think on the fly! Just like the way that I freestyle. They come up with solutions right there on the spot. Any plans that take place in my books are ones that I real y take the time to think: what would be the ‘perfect crime’ in a sense. .

that also are original and that don’t remind me of any movie or book or story. I apply the use of irony when appropriate, and I al ow my audience to learn about plot twists in a seamless fashion. I understand that everyone has a different opinion, and their right to their opinion. I am simply trying to say that these stories I took the time to write are the type of stories I love and I believe are worth checking out!

Question, have you ever watched a movie that you thought was either terrible, or almost good but the ending was very bad or something? What do you do? You may think: I would’ve done much better! Wel that’s one of my motivations! No clichés in my books, no twists that remind anyone of another story, no stupid way to end my stories either (in my strong opinion!) For example, one thing that pisses me off is when the ending of a book or a movie is the main character wakes up, as in they were dreaming the whole time and that’s the end of the story! Nothing happened, it was al a dream folks. . NO! That just makes me feel like I wasted my time because it wasn’t real in the story it was a stupid dream. Another over-used twist is that one of the main characters doesn’t exist, they are imaginary or the main character just has paranoid schizophrenia or something. It’s been done too many times, so I wil get pissed off if I read/watch another story that just has you find out that someone wasn’t real y there. .

bul shit! It was done wel in the past, but it doesn’t need to be done anymore, start being more creative dammit! Anyways, in my strong opinion I’ve done a fantastic job at creating stories that I would’ve loved to watch/read if they weren’t my own because it’s written wel , flows nicely, makes sense and is wel thought out. These stories are complete thoughts without errors in translation. The action is visualized very wel . The plot twists that I do have are great and they are realistical y within reason. . no stupid fictional / supernatural twists like aliens or ghosts! The endings in my strong opinion are satisfying and a great note to leave off on for each individual story. These are written wel enough that each of them could easily be used as a script and an outline for a movie! Lastly, some information you read about in my books I leave to be open for interpretation to my readers!

My Books (with no spoilers):

Going Live In 3, 2, What? 7/02/2016

This is my first book! This is an action adventure suspenseful thril er! Jack is a loner in the woods who is very intel igent. He’s been very successful with his podcast showing how often the people on the news and government officials lie and let people down. He then successful y hacked into a C.I.A. base and planned on releasing their plans for a new classified weapon. A man comes to his door, wel that’s strange because Jack NEVER has visitors period since he lives in the middle of nowhere. The man warns Jack to go upstairs and hide and shows him an arsenal of guns! A hit squad of betrayers in the C.I.A. come to Jack’s house and trash the place trying to kil him. The man who saves Jack is Dwight Simmons. . but the fact that he’s alive is more troubling! Dwight was supposed to be dead for several years! The C.I.A. knows that the device that was hacked was Dwight’s because he hid the device to spy on them while faking his death. He faked his death to obtain the death benefits for his family, a wife and kids, while being able to protect them with the advantage of people assuming he’s dead. The new deadly weapon that Jack caught wind of at the C.I.A. base happens to be a weapon that Dwight created the original smal er prototype to. Dwight suspected correctly that some members of the C.I.A. would betray him and use the weapon against the innocent citizens by destroying power sources and sending

society back to the stone ages. Jack and Dwight are now marked by every force of authority in the country! So they can’t ask for any help, and yet they are the only ones that know about the deadly weapon! This is an adventure for them both to take a long journey to try and stop it from launching.

Dwight has no time to train Jack to be a kil er but Jack is 100% on board anyway! Be prepared for very intense gunfights, original action sequences that don’t disappoint, and learning what happens!

The Write Path To Sword Out The Truth! 7/21/2017

This is an action adventure story taking place in the medieval ages! So al of the action sequences are with hand to hand combat, swords, spears, war-hammers, axes, bows and arrows, knives, maces ect. The action here is the exact opposite of the action in my first book which is a modern day action story with guns and explosives ect. This story is very wel written because every single motion during combat is described perfectly! You wil know exactly how each character moves and what impact weapons have when they are swung or lunged! The story is about a great king who is truly a moral y good leader. He has kept his city prosperous and healthy. No one dislikes him. The main character is the king’s son who is his right hand man in politics and an excel ent writer. He writes battle strategies for the armies and laws for the land to fol ow! His latest achievement is a new weapon that can shoot and kil from a distance way more effectively than a bow and arrow! The king holds a meeting and it gets interrupted, a prisoner requests a chal enge. The kings in this time period al ow prisoners to chal enge their kings to a fight to the death, if they win, they earn their freedom, or die trying. So a prisoner requests the chal enge to the king, he accepts. The prisoner pul s out an il egal weapon for the chal enge, a metal mace! The king couldn’t had his guards just kil him with arrows but the king makes an example out of him and kil s him anyway. The king is so good at combat it’s actual y frightening to watch, no one is faster or more accurate! So he continues his meeting and tel s everyone about the new weapon his son made and shows everyone! He then gives his son praise and a promotion with an award. Wel , one member of the staff leaves in disappointment. . he storms out angrily and reveals that he set up that prisoner with the il egal weapon! He runs up to intercept the new weapon from one staff member carrying it down the hal in the castle and steals it! He shoots him and instantly kil s him. The guards hear the sound of the weapon firing and they al immediately run to the king’s quarters. He betrays and kil s the king! He knew he could never possibly win in a fair fight. The king’s son shows up to arrest him and the betrayer throws the weapon at the king’s son. When the guards arrive, the betrayer points to the dead king, says he didn’t do it because he wouldn’t even know how to use the weapon, and convinced the guards that the king’s son did it! After al , he was holding it at the time the guards arrived and he would know how to use it since it’s his invention! His deception works, they al go to kil the king’s son now. He manages to escape by stealing a horse. He is now hunted for and no longer has a father. The new king is the one who betrayed him. . and he is ruining the town and making himself rich alone in the process! The numbers are not in the king’s son’s favor, what wil he do? How long wil the citizens be able to survive without healthy food and water?

The World’s Worst Murder Detective! 11/08/2017

This is a comedy! Comedy is tricky and always a risk because everyone’s sense of humor is different, and to find something funny is unpredictable. I put together my best jokes into this book, some of my jokes are from my older public videos dating from 2014, 2015 and late 2016. This is about a character that was difficult to create but I am very proud of myself for creating. He is a hybrid of someone who is extremely intel igent, a Harvard honors graduate student at the top of his class; and a complete fucking idiot! Yes, I created a character smart and stupid! He has a photographic memory therefore the col ege tests were no problem for him. He always may quite possibly have the biggest

vocabulary of big words in history! So he’s provably smart, but yet he has a curse. He has bad hearing, not like someone who just needs someone to repeat them-self and speak louder. . but when he hears something incorrectly, he actual y ACTS ON THE WORDS HE MISHEARD! No matter what! On top of that, he has al of this infinite knowledge since he’s technical y a genius, but he has the worst ability of applying logic to almost any situation! So what good is knowing everything about being a murder detective when you don’t know how to apply what you’ve learned? And instead, do things that are counterproductive! The story starts out that he in prison. His name is outrageous. . Powen Yootipopper.

He’s being offered a chance to write a book on how he ended up in prison for being the worst murder detective. He couldn’t even fol ow the simple instructions on how to write the first chapter of the book by the people paying him to write it! He also hilariously reveals how he tried to become a whistleblower to the F.B.I.! So the world’s worst murder detective then finds himself a new passion, being a lawyer. .

how do you think someone that super intel igent and extremely fucking stupid wil perform in the court of law?! The point of this book is to show off my style of comedy. It’s what I wil cal sophisticated humor.

It’s where I have to write out these jokes and situations perfectly as if they were one of my rhymes where every word has to fit just right or the whole line fails! A lot of these humorous situations are wrote out very careful y to land a laugh that isn’t just random idiotic shock value humor. There’s nothing wrong with random idiocy or shock value humor, I laugh at that stuff al the time in real life! But I wanted to make my own comedy story in my own original way that sticks out. I’l provide one example now: Powen Yootipopper is at the crime scene of a murder, and cal ed over to see something. His coworker pul s out a paper from the dead victim’s pocket. He wants to show it to Powen since he’s a new detective on his first case. On the paper it says ‘A princess’ and it’s a crayon-colored drawing that clearly the victim’s daughter made him. But, since Powen‘s ears are cursed, he heard that entirely wrong!

The man told Powen: “Check this out, ‘a princess’!” And Powen’s cursed ears believed he heard him say:

“check out what the apron says!” So Powen goes over to the apron at the crime scene and looks at it al over. The apron doesn’t say anything, there’s no words on the apron. . except on the tag. It simply says:

“Made in China.” So What does Powen do? Immediately books a flight to China and leaves to ‘go investigate.’

To Ward’s Answers! 9/05/2018

This is my mystery book! Ward is a retired gold-shield detective. A serial kil er escaped the local prison in town and evades the authorities. Ward knows that the serial kil er who escaped cannot pass the state borders because he knows the protocol: when a prison break occurs, state borders are fil ed with checkpoints until the escaping inmate(s) are captured. Now, al of the sudden a bunch of families are disappearing in Ward’s city! Not just a few either. A lot of families disappear without a trace.

Is the perfect crime ACTUALLY being committed? But even more shocking to consider, the perfect crime being committed on a massive scale? No clues, no evidence, no solid leads! Fol ow Ward’s journey as he does whatever he can to figure out what is going on!

World's Worst Murder Detective 2: Laws Stand Found! 8/21/2019

This is my first sequel I've ever written! This one contains the very same sophisticated humor as the previous instal ment. Powen gets hired by a huge law firm only because people heard about him and therefore requested him personal y. He certainly screws up as often as you'd assume! He also final y ends up in a relationship, that is exciting as hel ! Powen, of al people, how entertaining is that to even consider? One thing I believe people wil appreciate from this book, is the massive effort that went in to Powen's dialogues, especial y in high pressure situations! Lots of laughs again! Also, this

book accomplished an amazing feat! It became ranked number 1 in the comedy category on a major ebook website which is amazing considering there are mil ions of books on there!


I love sniper rifles! Some video games just happen to click with me. Grenades and sniper rifles in video games are what I enjoy because they present a chal enge. Grenades are fun to kil your opponents when you use them from a long distance successful y, and on a regular basis! While sniping is a fun chal enge because in the games I play, they are slow and they need to reload after every round has been fired. Because of this, your aim HAS to be very good or if you miss then your opponents wil have many chances to kil you. It’s a powerful gun that has incredible accuracy and distance, but that presents a problem if your brave enough to try! I use snipers in close range environments and I rarely use my scopes. Every bul et has to count when fired because the other players wil most likely be using guns equipped for close quarters combat. In most cases I wil kil enemies with a sniper rifle without zooming in at al which is harder to accomplish and therefore more respected. It’s not just about landing a shot, but doing a few times in a row kil ing multiple opponents in a matter of seconds in the most difficult manor. I’ve recorded many videos over the years proving that I am a very talented marksman/sharpshooter/sniper in certain video games. Not to mention making great use of explosive weapons in unconventional ways too! I have many public videos to prove my talents with the aforementioned situations! On a side note, I love having visuals for my music and what could be better than showing off my talent in gaming? It’s showcasing 2 different talents in one video! Also if anyone is curious, my favorite gun in real life is the M1A1 Thompson Sub Machine Gun with a 100 bul et round drum attachment! Got to say, they were held by one of the best generations of patriots, our World War 2 Veterans!

Detectives On A Mysterious Case! (Show)

I love writing mysterious, but often enough they aren't long enough for a ful book. So, I chose to do the next best thing: short stories! I photoshop a slideshow to go along with my narrations. I speak as if there are a few detectives who are trying to solve the mysterious (sometimes criminal) cases.

I use a lot of big words and get very passionate when I get into my mystery. The nice thing about this show is that you can just as easily enjoy it by listening to it without watching. It is more fun to watch it because I give you visible clues on the video, some of them you wil see but may not know how to place the evidence to solve the case unless you are real y good at putting things together. The best part to me is to see if people can solve the mystery before the show ends because at the end I always ful y reveal everything. These are great stories in my opinion that just aren't long enough to be a book or movie, but I always do a excel ent job of making a creative story that has it's turns but within the realm of realistic possibilities.

ArtOfFacts! My Card Game!

I invented a card game preferred for multiple players. Its a betting game, but that doesn't mean that you have to wager real money. My betting system in my game is VERY unique, it offers any player stil remaining in the game a chance for a comeback! There's one dealer every round, they determine their hand's value and the other players have 2 options: they can try to match the dealers value to take back their bet, excluding the final player in the rotation, or players can try to beat the highest score on the table to win the pot! Everyone bets every round, ect. I won't get specific about

my game in this book, but just know that it is a fun experience that is easy to learn with strategy, and some cool risk taking!

Adam Stark’s Rap Battle Simulator!

I put together an entire col ection of my insulting lyrics! Any line I ever said that is mean or insulting in nature, but not any very specific diss. Through the website I am able to post them onto my game and anyone at any time can press shuffle to randomize the insult-lyrics of mine and test their skil s in a simulation, or just have a good laugh!

Prosecution Vs. The Defense! Mock Trial Game!

For those who don’t know, I am very intrigued with courtroom stuff, I love watching trials and listening to lawyer and attorneys react to decisions made ect. I have always wanted to play a game where you can pick to be a lawyer for the defendant, or the prosecution team to try to convict them. In my personal opinion, nobody has been able to do this wel . So I put my writing talent to work here! I did some serious math (just like with my ArtOfFacts! card game) to make a system of scoring that is competitive and random, and of course fun! I have put this game on Quizlet online where you can read the ful instructions and shuffle the trials to play. Technical y, you can play by yourself if you’d want to, I explain it in the directions. I also have thoroughly explained several different ways to play my game to fit any situation. I’ve careful y crafted rules in this game with mechanics that can give the players a different outcome every single time! Now, as far as my writing talents go, I have uploaded several of my invented trials online and what’s great is that I can always upload more as time goes on. I careful y wrote out each situation (or story rather) so careful y that it sounds like the defendant could be guilty, or innocent! Never ful y sure which one, which makes the gameplay more compel ing! I have also written out a jury player(s) option if interested; as wel as a Judge player via the scorekeeper and moderator. I thought of everything for this game and it brings the essence of courtroom drama to life.


These are lyrics that can be literal y proven scientifical y to have multiple literal meanings. The set-ups are very important. Words cannot be forced to be mispronounced beyond reasonable measures. There are many more multiple meanings, but that aren't literal multiple meanings.

Therefore = not as technical y skil ed / talented to create. A lot of times I wil read someone's claim that they made a literal triple or quadruple meaning punchline and it is NOT truly literal! It is because the authors of some of these lyrics just tel the audience that they make up different ways to use words, as wel as take a tiny segment of a rhyme and claim that TO THEM: saying the smal portion of the rhyme they are referring to has multiple meanings but these are only a personal manifestation that has NO

data to back it up. I’l make up an example right now to show you what nonsense they wil try and pul off, let’s say it has a very short setup and their line ends with: “Say goodnight to the bad guy!” They would seriously say things like: “That’s a literal quadruple meaning right there! You see, that’s a line from a movie, and in MY area where I live those words mean (insert lie here) and so there are 4

meanings to my line! I am so talented!” This is common and unacceptable, their set up lines don’t even say any key points to give the impression that there could be multiple points to connect to for making this have multiple literal meanings. MY lyrics I'm proud to say can be fact-checked! This is done by many different methods. One method includes using words that have many different meanings and careful y setting up the rhyme with key points that could include more than one of the definitions. Also, the same thing can be said for using homophones. Another method is finding a word to make plural by adding the

letter ‘s’ at the end of it, while also finding a word that already starts with the letter ‘s’ to connect to it immediately fol owing. Therefore the ‘s’ sound is smooth enough to be used as a word to be plural, and a word to NOT be plural (as in no ‘s’ at the end of it) and to instead have the ‘s’ sound transfer to the next word at the beginning! Another method is key timing, applying pauses or speeding up specific portions of words used in a sentence. Another obvious method includes avoiding using words that could turn the sentence into a simile.

Literal Double Meanings


you ain’t never stoppin’ Adam,

I Only know about winning,

…if I was a lawyer that’s the only time you could discuss any laws (/loss) with Adam!


When it comes to wack rhymes my ears were not prepared,

freeze your body and point to your skin that’s in pain it’s similar to cake I bet the frost sting’s there! (/frostings there)

Al the while you been fucking some ugly fuckin’ twats,

Nick you (/N.I.C.U.) belong in a hospital, you smoke a lot And you fuck underage girls dammit,

Think about it: I’m sayin’ Nick a teen addict! (/nicotine addict) I can bring your whole camp pain (/campaign) like I’m preparing your election speech, Your weak insults are not affectin’ me,

It’s like my phone broke while you sent a text message cuz your words can’t ‘get to me’


speaking of speech, I tested every rapper opponent,

For their loudness and decibel components,

And Quincy, a Volume measured the lowest

(/Of al , you measured the lowest)

Your immature When I hear you I think of a toddler plate… childish (/child dish)

Your scared of me, I’m gonna tare you bad, You can’t hide your emotions, its like your blowing a bubble, we can al see through this fear!

(/sphere) you have

Your fuckin’ dumbass wouldn’t even be a captain, if you were driving a boat now, You’l get demoted for trippin’ and you’l see your rank’l (/your ankle) go down Your a bitch! Your a scared bunch of cattle, get it? A coward (/cow herd) 8/23/21

I heard a lot of Stab this, stab that, I’l explain to everyone who’s wondering, I’m perfectly unharmed, only my ears are suffering,

I’m like a dried lawn, and number one player cuz no one is ‘cuttin’ me!

I bet you fantasize

about other rapper’s lives

And their girls that they have with them you get rejected so your trippin’

You must have trouble comprehending females…Because you just can’t ‘get’ women!

Tons of metal sluggers in my bag you’l ask me as you discover Adam is that a bat chu brought? (/batch you brought?

When kick I hit this bitch with perfection

it’s like dropping building blocks my lego’s (/leg goes) in different directions In this altercation your fucking Doomed…

I’l start Bending your knee backwards it’s like having a rod in it, Cuz your leg is ‘SCREWED!’

Get you fucking self severely smacked up,

For more then one reason You won’t be able to get backup (/back up)…

Cuz you don’t have any friends AND cuz your dead!


You said you had a Bib for me?

Your a bad dad I’l prove it Biblical y,

People watching wil say Adam’s the boss and my disowned father K Clapper isn’t, Cal me the don (/dawn) cuz the sun (/son) is risen!

Got rid of his gun, what was my plan? Soon as I move: disarm (/moved his arm) You and your producer and publisher are not a great team

If I threw you in the biggest river, they stil wouldn’t consider you in the main stream!


My karate teacher yel ing “throw ‘kicks’ at em’ (/Adam)” you’l get the ‘boot’


Built the first ‘Smart house’ myself, its my patent you outta see, I Own the rights to the ‘intel ectual property’

Why? I ran outta room for dead bodies, I was in need of a larger tomb, There was only a ‘smal ’ storage space. . so at the time there was ‘no longer room’

You thought I lost my concentration and started to lose it?

Know (/no) I’m focused and gaining ratings so Notice tractions (/no distractions) coming to my music!

You try to play the part of a rapper? I didn’t even audition to rap this dope!

Adam Stark is instinctively stealing your fame, so the outcome is natural (/snatch ur role)

Write clues on dead bodies of wack rappers I make extinct, Literal poisonous tattoos with hidden messages coated

(/coded) with ink

You wack rappers work for me,

Motivation to be the one good rapper certainly,

I’l steal your measuring stick and make you choke to death on it is something I wil do, Cause of death, ME your boss and your ‘ruler’ kil ed you!

Repeatedly, several times while this wack rapper was on the ground he’s stomped to death. . so what’s the cause of death?

insanity, or bad learning in the end. .

because I was repeating the same ‘steps’ over and over again!

Another terrible writer with some fame, but he wouldn’t battle due to cowardice tendencies, he scarcely climbed his way up the ladder while heavily on narcotic extremities, While up there he viewed real rappers battle! so scared of the violence he fel off while being so


the causes of death: his fear of fights

(/fear of heights)

This poor man refused to eat, and was extremely sad ever since, Cause of death? Think: Starvation, or depression? He felt ‘nothing inside’ So the causes of death was ‘emptiness’!

A guy lost his life due to a disloyal friend, it’s a unique tale, His treacherous double crossing buddy told him a bad exit on purpose after the il egal street sale, The rail next to the ocean kil ed him, after running out of the sandy trail, so what’s the Causes of death? the Beach rail! (/betrayal) 3/03/20

New rapper alert! Wack as fuck of course Hip hop continues to die, Diminishing while you watch or step up, Wither without you by his side!

(/with or without you by his side!)

I’l Turn the volume off of the wack frauds whom the radio would choose to feature, At the same exact time I’l fire off silencers in their mouths to ‘Mute’ the ‘speakers’

He should pay me NOT to battle him, to avoid losing to my greatness, by taking the ‘high road’ to demonstrate an elevation!

(/an ‘L’ evasion!)

He’s tel ing me he wants to slice up my bladder with something sharp to disturb my essence, I’ve never experienced pain down between my legs, but just thinking about it now makes me understand Ur intentions!

(/urine tensions)

more stab wounds to arm pits and you’l see the blood increases (/in creases)

Anyone else steppin’ in? I’l Cut off oxygen to kil the king’s replacements, no more heir to the throne!

(/Air to the throne!)

Hand you a 1 inch paper saying I’m gonna kil you in 1 second. . you die with such a ‘short notice’!


Ponder, could there be any accomplices, more than 2 types of DNA discovered?

could one suspect have handled the violent act, and one was helping as a newcomer?

lets say there was vomit at the scene, far from the rest of it, the DNA of it was not the violent accomplice, based on the analysis evidence, tel the attacker about his buddy being placed at the crime scene to hopeful y get a confession hence

his forensic evidence of that is the barf remnants,

get it, I said his friends sick, evidence of that is the barf remnants!

different example, lets say a death had suspicious timing which led to financial gain, as far back as a long time ago, with these ample claims,

insurance money is always suspicious, and it's beneficiary, a criminal seized the money from (/and its been a 'fishy' area criminals' seized the money from) both meanings, debt can be cumbersome!

consider an expert to perform a handwriting analysis,

this wil help you understand how the case balances

as it becomes clear on the insurance claim, who actual y did sign the name given on it, as accurate?

find out if this evidence wil help with the trial, for the big money obtained from the victim that was kil ed,

see if the signatures are legit forgeries to help decide guilt (/are legit, for juries to help decide guilt!)

another example, what if a landlord was kil ed by a firearm?

no finger prints or non-victim DNA, but the shel casings were picked up from thee entire yard, bring the possible murder weapon to a firearms expert, get an idea of what your facing, the expert compares the possible murder weapon with another make and model of a similar firearm for creating

an examination side by side, testing the speed and locations of the ammo with more than one shot, for bul et tracing

(/for bul et racing)

both meanings, the murder weapon best not be contested,

let's say the tenant was the kil er, but they never committed a nefarious crime?

no history of violence at al , but the gun was registered to be theirs you find, to establish a reason for them to kil , you find out they can't afford to live at that residence before this incident, you'd describe them as someone literal y nonviolent and compliant with paying for their home to put it the simplest,

their insufficient funds made their brain control them in a new may, as they've always been nonviolent and such,

if your asking how, in other words: a motive? rent for them became too much (/a mode different for them, became too much!)

both meanings, money and the violence together!

possibly set up sting operations,

computer experts can find deleted files the hard drive takes in, try to communicate with the suspect undercover, for an incriminating detail, A LOT of messages with them privately on the internet, so correspondence via email (/so correspond dense via email!)

both meanings, get them to speak candidly and off guard

initial y, detectives with you wil state your opinion, possibly debating, based on the likelihood of evidence combined with the statements they are making, look at the case as a whole as you listen to the arrestee talk as wel , what do you get?

it's suspect col ating the story

(/it's us speculating the story!)

both meanings, as a means of obtaining the truth before me, The interrogation is halted the moment that they ask for a lawyer, legal y it must be stopped, Legal counsel wil advise you on what to say and what not. .

Get it? What to say and ‘what not?’


you can choose you want to be a

frog? or a narcoleptic? you could just Sleep (/leap) al day!


The parents’s boy came out of the dark and the biggest star was seen, they saw the sunshine (/son shine)

The inventory coin count came to ten cents and wasn’t layered at al it was one dimensioned!

(/one dime mentioned!)

Worked for 60 minutes when they asked me to be their savior, it benefited me and my team so it was an hour favor!

(/it was in our favor!)

I’m a professional and I go against what any other proposed, (/pro posed,)

It’s like the mentality of an abusive Pimp. . I tend to whoop ho’s!

(/to oppose!)


but to cope with boredom you could Look at your phones after al , use your judgement maybe even ‘phone someone’ but it’s up to you to ‘make that cal ’

You might see other people cut in line when using methods of stealth, consider that it could ‘cost’ you, so you’l have to decide whether to Budget (/budge it) yourself It becomes real fun once your the line leader,

To tel you how it feels it doesn’t take a mind reader,

Being the person at the front you can turn your head as you ful y grasp. .

that you check your distance as you reminisce this. . ‘looking back’

You’l make it to the front of the line soon enough,

Where to go from here, the exact answer is forwards (/four words) . . ‘so keep moving up’


I am the original, bitch and moan al you want, I wil taunt you and flaunt too cuz I’m the version with vast strength,

Any punchlines that come out this clone’s mouth is because of me, if your wondering why that’s strange,

I’l teach you my audience, the problems when, if y’al real y feel lines (/felines) of his, then at that rate,

Besides myself as an exclusion, to describe everyone else I defined the solution. .

think: . .Copycat’s traits! (/copy cat’s traits)

We may look exactly alike, but your insignificant making you just a mere reflection! (/mirror reflection)

I’l make you bleed just to make you clean it I’m fierce,

I don’t want blood on my floor! I’l make you use your tongue, because you are dumb, anyone think this is weird?

I’l explain, don’t look at me, and we can al watch this duplicate up here (/dupe lick it up here!)


Get dressed for the season, and put up ornaments and lights with no hesitation!

Pul up my Christmas socks. .then I’l get to decorations!

(/decorate shins!)

Your friend got his Repo vehicle impounded, he must either have bad or no luck, He’s considering starting a traveling missile toe sel ing company on the road but you have the money so you decided: get em’ his ol’ toe truck?!

(/get a missile toe truck?!)

Buy and bring home a bunch of gifts for the December occasion on it’s way!

Truckload of gifts for every night of Hanukah. . that’s one long holiday!

(/haul a day!)

I screamed “hey 9 candles isn’t quite enough!”

He told me “what the fuck should I do?” I replied “calm down and light ten up!

(/lighten up!)

Reprehensible behavior of mine causing public outrages next, Burning my table down with my hot wax sticks made em’ vexed!

Witnesses testified about Adam’s scandals


but I gotta spend my money first before I face death,

So I bid for the highest rated vault in an auction. . that’s a ‘safe’ bet!

I’m lazy and can’t get out of bed, legs feel like they weigh 5 hundred!

I would get up if I owned a large mess of ice cream to fil my whole stomach, So I would be standing if only I could get up I’l love it!

(/get a pile of it!)

If I say faggot or fuck and you penalize me because my guts offend ur’s, Remember, If you flag this and say it’s real y a foul action remember those are ‘f’ words!

(/ref words!)

I wanna rap for an audience and people ask me “Why wouldn’t ya?”

I’m Not gonna show up for less than $10, i say for 1 Digit

/ditch it, just not good enough!

Offers for more than that, I’m hopeful for the future and researching those venues, I’l be

‘looking up!’

You can’t quite put your finger on it, but there’s new entertainment to stow!

You love new music and your hands have paralysis, your not looking for something too old (/to hold!)

If I Gained 100 pounds and dress in al black only., what would happen if you’d spot it?

I would hear people comment: “wow he’s real y gothic!”

(/got thick!“)

A cult is fol owing an idiot, who erases his past,

Boring and not too sharp, must be someone dul leading the path!

(/deleting the path!)

Some wil try and stop me from being a flying superhero in a vil ainous way, Al I have to do is leave here and get to my costume drawer and then they’l say:

“I real y hope Adam doesn’t get to escape!”

(/his cape!”)

I’m everywhere on the internet, are you wil ing to share what Adam thinks?

My body of work is like the anatomy of a bicycle, my ‘movement’ depends on links!

Every road I go down there’s more for me to find,

Y’al don’t want me to, you wish I’d stop and see my feet decline, Too late! You want me to ‘stop’ before I see more traffic? 10 cans of spray paint couldn’t get me to read this sign!


Help another group, go on a crew’s aid (/crusade) mission sooner,

I can teach you al to be great, you’l observe and watch, Saying: “Teach me while I make money, boy I’l learn a lot!”

(/I’l earn a lot!”)

First of al , recol ect one’s past,

No enhancements or time machines for unveiling my job,

Looked at my own toddler photo albums personal y. .The naked eye saw.

(/then a kid I saw.)

I’m right handed, if it could talk it would insult my left hand and proclaim its status that it covets, Talk to the left hand and say: “between us, I’M the toughest!”

(/tough fist!”)

Look up to inventors before us, the greatest mind’s revered, Ignaz Gruber and E. Seigle were doctors, and they invented the Otoscope to keep eye on ears!

(/two, key pioneers!)

I’ve conducted an experiment for my medical exam during

Which I wil watch a team of 2 people working,

An idiot and a genius together, I’m mostly concerned with how each other comes to terms with their individual studying methods for learning,

The smarter group member creates a song from the material and recites it while the other is absurdly highlighting scribbling angrily and cursing,

The exam has multiple portions with different topics for ensuring their grade earnings determined,

Basical y you would see: One Part neurological (/one partner il ogical), and one part nursing (/one partner sing)!

since my dol ars aren’t on 'track' i made a money run to get this payment, took a hostage to empty her savings so i could take-it,

she said to cal the cops so i made the bank tel -her (/bank tel er) to ‘withdraw’ the ‘statement’. .

To make my getaway I stole my enemy’s shitty car as wel as it’s remnants,

He fought back and cut my hand and as a result, I bled from this, I Converted it’s moving parts into motion for retribution, that is describing the power of Engines!

(/of vengeance!)

I started planting my alibi for the cops,

Between 3:55 and 4:05 store lurking I maintained I was shopping and searching for a time tel ing device I’d bought,

My alibi was that I was shopping around 4 o’clock!

(/for: a clock!)

The next thing was an awkward drug test,

Even though I was completely sober I had become stressed,

He peeped over the cover and at my privates while I fil ed my pee cup!

checked the amount, now I should complain about this awkward incident mixed with those eyes making a mean mug!

I mean, depending on who you are, what would you do in this situation if al the sudden I speak up?!

(/eyes peek up!?)

Next was the trial court and my sentencing, the suspense could’ve kil ed me, Al I had on my side was professionals representing my medical history, Surgical operation that ruined my brain’s functioning ability, The Male Judge asked: “Do we have a verdict?” And they answered him quickly:

“Yes sir jury (/surgery) found the found the defendant unable to intently perform the crimes committed so he is not guilty!”

. . and besides they made a legal error in my trial, I can make an argument, Just looking for some fame no matter how, but now that courts over I confess to al of it!

The prosecutor wanted to drain my energy! however, I’m a machine from the future, rare and hard to get,

Since there’s no ‘outlet’ for me, what were they going to charge me with?!


I'l give you a science lesson it's like I'l tel you you can suck on this mass unit of atoms (/Adam’s) you know because it's that atoms are everywhere

and now I'm saying suck on THIS unit of Adam’s the one down there I could say ‘you know what

are we gonna do we're gonna look for reindeer’ and your, your wife is asking you ‘what's the weather outside’ and you see Santa coming on the sleigh say: ‘hey look it's reindeer (/rain dear)’ see cuz. .

two in one you could say it's reindeer and it's rain space deer I can just expand like I'm

tryin’ to make a new town and I'm just creating it now like, like I'm thinkin’ okay I could fuckin’ be a

realtor that wants to make some more money

and that's what I’m gonna do it's gonna be like almost as big as another country it's like I'm a fuckin’ wealthy

‘want to go beyond even more wealthy’ realtor it's like I want to add vil ages and then I also am al ergic to name-brand pain companies so I think Advil itches like I can do that like I could just say I'm gonna expand to New Towns and I'm gonna tel you I'm al ergic to name-brand pain meds I'm saying add vil ages (/advil itches) 8/05/2017

I was caught in narcotic sales,

I was stopped in my trail,

What happened was I lied on my resume to forge it some,

Ended up a salesman and a drug dealer at a rug emporium,

I stuffed the stuff in stuffing for the customers when they rol ed up, I was arrested for both crimes committed, I il egal y Sold rugs (/drugs!)

Next crime i did commenced committing was a money scam,

Counterfeit bil s in excess of 100 grand!

There was 2 detectives, one believed I did it, and one didn't, The woman thought I was guilty, wouldn't accept my hard bluff, The man said that my type couldn't fit it. . he said the harshest stuff, That I couldn't pul it off because I wasn't smart enough!

I was standin at a suspect Line-up,

He thought I was honest,

That I didn't commit this crime thus I didn't make an il egal profit, Her witness came in and total y croaked,

Said I was the one with counterfeit funds,

The girl detective then just total y gloats,

Points at me and my money saying that's a Faker and see I told you so!

(/fake currency I told you so)

Another crime was a different scamming action,

I owned a housing project and became greedy with a passion, I lied about why I'm bout to Hike everyones rent up a couple fractions!

Never been out of the U.S.,

So I thought of a new quest,

I'd use the extra money to travel abroad with it,

I'd go to Europe and Asia both paid al expense,

I was caught and I was stopped and I got upset!

Reporter asked me one question to type up on the press,

"I heard about your plan why would you wanna try to con tenants?"

(/2 continents")

there was my teaching job demise,

Where you watch what you say and a strict dress code applies, My foot itched bad as it had become dry,

I said bad views laughed and scratch my foot covered inside, I should've been careful how I talked and how I grabbed my sock, When I get too political sometimes

(/get to pul it tickles sometimes)

Also I got a solicitation violation that just sucked,

On a woman's lawn I offered products and such but too many people passed it up, She said to leave immediately or she'l be cal ing the police to see me leaving without grabbing bucks,

If I could just make a few sales there I would be glad and run, she cal ed so I was broke and arrested cuz I couldn't get offers fast enough (/off her's fast enough)

My worst crime was in the hottest season interestingly,

I had the wil to go on a kil ing spree,

My weapon and I lasted al season with no wear and tear consistently, I guess we both have Summer durability

(/some murder ability)

You forgot? I'm your doc, my name is Doctor Stark,

I'm here for your therapy because your mental instability is off the charts!

I asked you to write me about your confessions,

And as I had it, I just read it,

And to you. . excuse me you there, listening to me,

I'm glad your here and I'm looking forward to what you write where I'l be exhibiting your grief, it's very important in order to make it through,

Whatever your name is, this concludes today's group therapy, thank you for your Part as a patient too

(/participation too)


While Im shooting towards my corporate media critics to get attention, I'd think 'Press release'

Bitch you wish you were wel rounded and real in a bigger dimension but instead your fake and we al see through,

Your a Flat artificial character like looking at a Star Wars drawing on paper, you are 2D too (/R2D2)

I might Stab you al in the backs and where the pieces I cut off i could make an arrangement, What's Adam thinking? - Makin' Vertebrae's slit!

(/may convert a bracelet)

I'm eating whole grain bread what do you think? that's sweet (/wheat)

I can always learn something new, any techniques I wil learn to acquire and get it, A drug smuggler's teacher could train me how to keep the most dangerous stuff out of sight. .

they'd say I got the method



let's say the only talent I have in my body is my two butt cheeks okay, what's he

gonna say to make this part of the rhyme become sweet?

okay it's like my two butt cheeks that's my only assets and I came into the water and I came out of it with no towel and now my assets (/ass sits) wet okay did you hear that? that was yet another fucking double meaning I just came up with because I said my assets and my ass sits

I said butt cheeks and that's what happens!

I could show you I.D. and if you

need help discovering who you are then you could use a I D, get it! holy fuck that was Awesome!

I said you

could use a I.D. get it? A I D that was fucking aid and an identification that was a fucking double meaning and hopeful y you don't have any trouble seeing


Adam Stark's weakness today = he wil only speak in multiple meanings. . my 'fault!'

I'm into voodoo causing this pussy pain, she's going to wanna take my-dol ? (/Midol) Don't wine and cry after that big fal you took, I'm just saying nobody saw you wipeout (/why pout?)

I'm offensive and I'm not tired so I Wont stop here I'm taking it farther, you can ruin houses to fix em' while ruining good spouses for al involved being a Home wrecker looking for a Maintenance partner! (/mate and it's partner) shoot someone in the head to see if can open but he died for false beliefs, isn't it bizarre?

He wasn't Dominican at al but he was in his own head, so you shot him in the Dominican-part, (/Dome and it can part)

You and your partner have lots of talents so count them up as a team and measure-skil s-together! (/Mesh ur skil s together)

Suffer from multiple annoying cuts in need of bandages,

And scratch yourself from al of the damn-itches! (/damages) Be lucky your not me though or more so. .

the fact that I can only eat spirits so I'm always looking for more-souls! (/Morsels) Your constipated and no longer making any raps to present that are bad, you don't have 'shit'

coming out to be honest,

If you want to discuss choices for who's the greatest rapper, I know who's face is the highest up so I can shed some light on the topic! (/top-pick)

there's young Carnivorous mammals knocking cattle over and the young Boy Scouts wanna stop them from winning,

So you can reward the kids for their service or help hurting the cattle, engage in the Cub's cow tipping

(/Cub Scout tipping!)

I saw your looking for a hot girl to advise your money and work your keyboard, is that right?

Here's one woman for those reasons: Financial type!

(/fine-and-she'l type)

I was stupid trying to get people to vote for Adam,My Horrible political campaign I just mentioned out of nowhere: that was ran dumb


I pee 34 ounces every time while trying hard for a dictatorship, it's a 1 liter per-piss (/1 leader Purpose!)

silent cat with no oyster necklace, purr-less (/pearl-less) Strange weird town, you run it and you hate mobile phones and had a motive to get rid of it, you also wanted the music bands to play only one type of sound maker I despise but those are my feelings you don't give a shit,

Some nerve you have. . You got the (/audacity) odd ass city to get on board and vote: "Exile a phone instrument" (/xylophone instrument)

I bought your aquarium for freshwater fish, I'm so glad but only one kind so far to surface, So for now I'l say thank you for the Purchase (/perch's),

I'm here with everyone else lost at sea, no parents with this group of poor-kids, And I'm not sure if they can't swim or can't breathe in the water so I wil ask al of them: "do you need gil s or fins?" (/Orphans)

Your meticulously counting everything trying to lose weight without weight watchers, You commit arson on automobiles as your workout so every time you do you say: "Another car burnt" (/carb burnt)

Time for a surprise secret road trip to big casinos, you prefer me to tel you where though, and admit I'm bad at being specific? You win. . I say Vague is (/Vegas) definitely the way to go!


Politicians are al slimy gritty dirty people that we have no choice but to fol ow, You stay positive preaching you can give these dirty people the stuff to cleanse al folks, Your products won't get them clean, no matter how much you promise your sel ing False hope!

(/False soap!)

I already know my pen is evil but here's what's next,

I'm in progress of trying to make it good and study telekinesis so for now I can't make my pen Righteous yet (/write just yet)!


I’m very boring and I’m always in motion because there’s not one interesting spot (/one inch a resting spot)


What if only the highest church authorities can get in heaven despite our beliefs though?

we can reach to try to unlock heavens door al we want, but It's only so high our keys can go (/so hierarchies can go)

I'm far from perfect, my fears are the same as your fears, I don't wanna switch. . 'Y' 'F' around and get 'four years' ?

(/why eff around and get four years)

besides you I got another enemy in my pocket, everyone knows to keep my enemies close so here's the prospect,

My knife ain't my friend, but I concentrate and watch as it wants to give you hickeys, my foe kisses on your neck! (/Focus's on your neck)

Wel the same knife I just used I'l slime with lube for easing (/freezing) it into your organs like hypothermia!


i’l leave em’ brainless

Like i got a fuckin steel, i got a steel blade and i’l wipe off the blood, clean it so i could show thats its ‘stainless’ (/stain less)


why not change my whole identity & live a life where people cherish us,

Instead of Adam Stark I could relax and be chil -layin' low in South America (/Chilean low in South America)

My body of work is a landscape of astounding greatness,

Even if you put my life's achievements on paper, col ect boulders & become a landscaper, stil won't be in your favor Cuz Xerox (/cuz ur rocks) couldn't copy my foundation!


I don’t make it easy for nosy people tryin’ to copy my flavor. . even the spiciest stuff! (/spies see it's tough)

Here’s some secrets, imma rookie career ender sometimes,

I’l tel a bitch rapper ahead of time, I’m quick to ruin Another's-surprise! (/another's uprise) Haters sleep on my bars, pay attention you don’t even have-to-blink, You weren’t on point. . my insults woke you up. .that’s what the distracted-think (/the diss track did. .think!)

In other words if you aint listening then your life aint meant for shit Don’t love us then hate later, don’t do what your foolish pride-says, Don’t switch from homie to hater, then if you’d stop bein’ with my-friends, I’d hate the animal you'd become. . a lion (/lyin') faggot lookin for guidance (/'guy' dens) Shoutout to a divine human being, a god amongst men my producer Maurice the Moose, He furthers our rap careers with so many beats to choose,

His music is so powerful and loud when it’s released miles away in the booth, That you’l think theres a crowd of loud cows, al you'l hear is the moo's! (/the moose) 8/22/2014

I'l be a senior citizen or an antique stopwatch, that's an old timer! (/old person/stopwatch) you see what the top names are doing, they're who you wanna be, that makes you Aspire (/a spyer)!

you want the ho's? I'l teach you since you ain't gettin'-it, (getting ho's and understanding) get money then label your body parts to let her know where the interest-is,

pointed at my arm and said "So she'l tax it", point at my pants and said: "Social-security-it"

(/so-she'l -suck-here-idiot)

I'm surprised they heard how far my aim was, can't jump-my-fence, only one got your ear after al the guns-i-lent (/after-al , the gun's silent) tried to size me up, too bad I attack better,

My kitchen must be big you can't believe my counter measures! (/countermeasures) Your angry side rises showing through-the-eyes,

Keep that bitch locked down or you'l see the continual (/cunt in you'l ) rise!

you must of failed SexEd if you don't know where I'm 'coming' from!


you got hurt yet you hate seeing violence-though,

once the spotlight is on your dumbass turn the other cheek and look away, you don't get it I-suppose (/eyes oppose)

The top dogs off the chain! Or should I say he's unleashed, My fam dreams of moving off this level, you could witness us-leep (/asleep) I coach the game but I'm stil fast to take shots at these pricks, even my best player can get hit if he don't watch his mouth, watch Adam bench-a-king quick (/been chucking quick)

I always win but haters conspire to make my abundance drop, but soon become unwil ing even with their fake fortune, they notice their reluctance (/real luck tends) to stop!

those ratchets you clash-with now caused scorching-pain,

let's play a game before you take another step towards-the-grave, stop saying you'l survive your dumbass was never good at seeing signs. .not to make you more-enraged,

but I have to ask this before-we-play,

how do you expect to go Forwards (/4 words) when it's forsure-A.I.D.S.? (/for charades)

I'm very scientific with my internal teachings, I'm not a priest but at the Last moment of Recognition there's Funeral (/few-neural) readings to sing is slang for a snitch, with the wire ringing,

You have 'high points' and 'low' ones, you don't 'sound' like a snitch but I heard you In-choir (/inquire) singing!

I'm smart I belong with the top scholars, besides raise views what could ya do for me?

If I failed to hang, that would be a breaking news (/noose) story. .


um whether I'm assisting God or swearing to him, the masses I can Assure (/usher) them!

The new art of war I made for real men needing tests,

witness my intel igent combat techniques against foes; you copy?. then you'l get to sieging,-yes (/see-genius)

even your hometown rejects you, and that's where you stay-shunned (/stationed) whether you wanna witness me suffering, or toast to celebrate my campaign, after al your broke ass's threats remember one thing, you'l never bring the Champagne!



No justice it's rubbish if something's wrong you just-nod, why Clap for a corrupt cop if he tries to hold up-laws (/applause) in a rap battle I get personal,

bars remind you of backyard basebal , 'hits' close to home!


if your in an ambulance on life support I'd risk getting pul ed over just to 'cut-you-off'


thought I was gonna marry the rap game for al of the splendid-pay, but after the apocalypse I decided to disengage (/dis engage) no longer in existence is there any electricity gasoline or any automatic firearms-left,

mostly medieval clothing gear weapons & horses people try-&-'harness'


My first name is Adam, i wil take my apple back so your throats-gone, its not a thrift store when the last thing you see is a boat-pond! (/pawned!) in other words you drowned-dead

Literal Triple Meanings


Extremely morbidly fat body is making him die without his knowledge, but that’s not al of it!

While he’s stuck miles underneath me, his eyes look up to see the mountain’s edge and visual y fol ow it,

I drop a heavy Dumbbel that can’t possibly miss him. . so for the causes of death how are we cal ing it?

he the victim would look up while pointing at the dumbbel then literal y say: “Anticipation. . the

‘wait’ is kil ing me!”

(/weight) is kil ing me!

In this case ‘Wait’ (/weight) has THREE meanings LITERALLY!


Rip the vocal cords off the larynx to make him fuckin’ speechless!

So mister victim listen up I’l give you a big clue, you know some sort of hint, You can’t speak and I took you off the map, is there any more to it?

My machine that can save you is missing the plug, that’s also unfortunate, So your throat, this location and the machine have the same thing in common. . there’s no coordinate!

(/cord in it!)

(/Chord in it!)


if justice was a class, and you were a student in the field being graded,

and actual field work with real criminal takedowns was integrated, and you wanted to get your first feel for what its like, find your first perpetrator and aim your stun gun to subdue them successful y,

3 people looking back at this, one pointing at the criminal, one pointing at the injury on the criminal, one pointing at you, best believe

they wil al say:

you got tased for justice!

(/you got taste for justice!)

(/you got Aced for justice!)

triple meaning, to serve each of it's functions!


Thinking about my run on sentences, people being so close and crammed together here, and it being so slow and total y unbearable, this line’s pacing (/spacing) is terrible! (literal triple meaning) 5/01/2018

I’m lost when I watch TV anymore,

It’s scorching hot and sunny now, and I’m listening to this lady saying it’s cold and windy of sorts, Meteorologist who’s untruthful, now how would i classify to people what to be listening for, I’m thinking: . . Here Fal s: . .weather reports!

(/Fal ’s weather reports!)

(/false weather reports!)

Speaking of weather, time for me to be the leader I wil proudly proclaim!

The atmosphere has to appear foggy and wet, Al ow me to explain, I wil start my leadership in our darkest hour so the sky needs to be Cloudy to rain!


(/to reign!)

I too am a man of many talents al ow me to demonstrate,

I’m expecting company for whom I’m cooking but in a twist of fate, I lost track of time, and accidental y broke al of my platters, but I didn’t give up faith!

I’m a broken dish repairer, and a cook, I won’t be ready on time but I can stil Fix a plate!

(Broken Platter/cook)

(/fix up late!)

I did get arrested, but I acquired reasonable doubt to help my case first, Not one authority figure saw my suspicious tattoo! Or the place where I washed my hands, This ink eluded investigators!

(/this sink eluded investigators!)

(/this included investigators!)


I'l dive in front of the fucking. . the fucking area that's in front of the device that's showing everything

on it,

and then I'm also going to give

you a coupon to pay for a new monitor thing that you should buy show everybody that you bought it, and then flaunt it,

and then also take a picture of that entire scene and that'l be the background of your new monitor product, and that could be a ‘screen saver’ (/screensaver) 1/28/2017

Awhile ago you'd view Adam as an unemployed lazy peasant who would never blow your mind as Earthlings,

I'm the ruler of the commercial business now so imagine if you saw that Adam, working (/Adam were king)

(/that ad i'm working!)

You Saw a woman who needed a change, gave her advice and more in hopes that she'd use-it, You saw her on one side, one angle, ugly legs with obtuse curves, your a smart surgeon and a physical trainer advisor with a chance to prove it,

Plus She has a bad buildup of ear wax, you solved al of those problems with good measure when she was given Acute tip

(/a q tip)

(/a cute hip!)

What are you up to with your cab company you run, greedy evil agenda your gas is hurting people perusing,

So extra fuel money levied for the cars purposely offensively coming down hard on people on what A-Taxis using

(/a tax-he's using)

(/attacks-he's using!)


people in al walks of life come and join our bomb-unit,

Theres lots of tools in prison, formed groups get together and write raps to be heard, now have you ever seen a conduit! (/conduit(2)) (/con-do-it?) . .triple entendre’ a conduit it a tool, another definition of a conduit is an organization that acts as a channel for the transmission of something, and a con is slang for a convict, ‘conduit’ and ‘con do it’ sounds the same.) 5/16/2014

I gotta diss the referees, they don't wish to see-me-win,

Attention ignorant critics, your al juiced up, mixed with enjoying being salty, you Al of (/olive) (/al -of) martini's ingredients!

there's alotta snake bitches that infiltrate our force-fields, your a snake i put under the water now sharks have warm-meals, I'l record a short film about it when the funds-wil -land, for the other snakes it's educational, people won't understand, not kidding it's made forreals (/for eels)

(/4 reels)


I could've been minutes away from serving a long prison sentence, livin' with a skinny cel mate, al i'd lift is a smal dumbbel , that's "Heavy time with a light wait,"(/lightweight)

(/light weight)

Literal Quadruple Meanings


invest in a great planet despite its hardship for humans, avoid the outside or you'l drop, The Ewoks' say it's out of this world. . people. . Endor's the spot!

(/endures the spot!)

(/indoor's the spot!)

(/endorse the spot!) (Quadruple entendre', Endor is a planet from Star Wars occupied by Ewoks whom kil ed humans in battle, 'the spot' is a phrase that means that place is cool; indoors is safer because the outdoor areas is where the battles took place with the most deaths; I said to invest in the planet in other words: 'Endorse' the spot; since it's hard for humans to survive here they would have to endure it; 'Endor's' 'Endures' 'Indoors' & 'Endorse' al sound the same if pronounced a certain way making this a 4-meaning metaphor in one line.)

Literal Quintuple Meanings


My friend my age always stays way high over the shore by these pil ars I'm at and he's a stabber, So for your safety listen to my answer while you look in my specific direction and location, the problem: . .a Peer's hazard

(/appears hazard)

(/up here's hazard)

(/a Pier's hazard)

(/a pierce hazard!)


I wrote stories about the greatest rappers looking on my map's icons to travel the never ending cliff with my GS cars to roam with the best-men,

I can show you the Legends

(/ledge-ends) (legends = icons on maps, famous people, cliffs, story, GS Legend vehicle; quintuple entendre' or 5 meanings in one line)

Literal Septuple Meanings


I have your col ection of rye bread, your rice, your letter 'i' writing practice sheets, your ice, your Ryse video game disc, your Rise 2014 DVD, and your paying attention to me during this matter,I'm throwing al of these things and your looking around in al directions, I made your i's scatter (/made your ice scatter)

(/made your rice scatter)

(/made your Rise scatter)

(/made your rye's scatter)

(/made your Ryse scatter)

(/made your eyes scatter)

Image 1

Image 2

Image 3

Image 4

Image 5

Image 6

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